1 !VENTY r.:.- 1 AT DINNER Imtrd Group of Horticulturist ltn To Address My Professor ISutk 1 Y and helping to beau- J ' Durk said he saw evl vv.fie of garden con-Ti;re were many fine Pr.ire Rupert not en- ' and finding a perfect r .-kery with amon ti'me Interesting ber r newer types and abo large numbers prc.j Theo Collarfs garden ,'fJlWAV I I Mue 1 " nnt I igMgfe'gggw ...nnvr ....mrru ggw rMWfcfl ffl 1 1 1 W-MHH I W i I II Reckitt's BLUE Prevents Clothes Turning Yellow fl the newer polyantha roses which were very effecUve. Joe Naylor had won the prize last year for the bet lawn and if he had en- tered this year he would probabli have won. Walter Lonswtil had ou of the finest rockerle in the city. Sam Wickdal'a garden, although f not entered this year, was ex-j tremely attracUve. William Held I naa some very une uuci ,u:.. . I . 1 1 1.1 . m me garaen t wrti miu um sat down at the chlleetutally. Many gardens could r in honor of the vis- improved in this respect. The f the FJower Show at Boddie garden to wtiieh he hadr J re Cafe last evening to cjimb a long stair inspired Mr. I r F E Buck of the Buck to ouote ooetnr for it was. a bctier one. accomplished by an energetic corn- lived in the city, the mittre. i had many advantages On motion of Mrs. J. T Manriy. irn. they owed the city seconded by Charle Dalagno, a .r! public service. One TOte of thanks to the speaker was ' thry could repay this .carried by acclamaUon. i: art in the garden president 11 F Pullen made pub- mng the Hortlcul-nic recognition of the splendid co- operative work of the executive committee, mentioning particular.? Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton. Mrs. Carter. Mrs. Winslow. Secretary Fran!: Wame. CharU Balagno. Percy Miller and vice-president C. O competition and som J.Ham. Olof Hanson had donated r : ;:ht well have entered I the use of the hall, the provincial reference to se-1 government had sent them h hi visited and he i Judge each year and the city com- f a number of others mlssioner had made a small grant did not mention. H?;to provide isitlne nob Ynt's ro-oneratlve prizes. It was a fine movement in being built on the , It was evident that ' A" Offence For Any One To Uuy -d M.me wonderful Cf- Than Week's Supply - houl the season. James In ",tain "ing some of the splen- ; , " . September 1: .(ClM - h i v.-j v.. j invnnK. wun iuu llttU nic " . . . f a Jttle greenhouse, some- It was officially announced last nht that an order under defence a r r at mnn t .u. n.i rmmintinns made it an offencs rl tardens It was a creat nld for any one to buy more than a rardenrr V it' sudoIv of any kind of iooi Comment, Iiullvldually ilCONSERVE FOOD NOW it n pmnhaslzed that the order " had a fine lot of did not Imply a food snoriage. CANADIAN PACIFIC . Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts 88. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. HUNCB8 LOuTsE0"" ts. PRINCESS ALICE A"" 6th ifith omt, o- .v. Aus. 9th, 19th 88. PRiMppoa r.ttittWnJ i9fh. 23rd. Sept. 2nd Tickets and Reservations from U COATi'c r . . n.i.,..j Itunert. morning Is Rejected 1 By Fuehrer I PARIS. Sept 1 - of Windsor sent a last minute appeal for peace to Chancel- lor Adolf Hitler. He received D C as the guest of high above the rest of the coui.-J was an interested gath- well kept try ttnd wonderfully vw yfw vTTi P urdco lovers there to There was also the Balagno gar-. Vu I N H K S re from the vtotVjr den which was very attracUve but' II v r not disappointed nc had not time to tell of all he - - m The Cult of saw. , .hc visitor spoke of The speaker spoke of the fine f ie garden as a par. ork some of the horticultural so- Ivime Not only was eleties were doing. He sunHe rable in every way but that the local club organize a drtte x ash value. In many for better gardens in public places arden ld the house. uch M the C. N. R.. the city, and hrlped to relieve thr the provincial government and said r : nras and made life it was wonderful what could be IN I t. Windsor Plea Ii GARDENING Awards In Local Competition Announced Last Night Following are the rankers In garden competition of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society as announced last night: Class 1. open Frank Dlbb. 90;. T. Priest. 86. Class 2. strictly amateur, over, 25 feet Mrs. Hlllman. 81; Ray" Scherk. 82; .P. J. McCormick, 78. . F Warne. 73; T. Miller. 73. Class 3. under 25 feet J. R. Murray. 84; Mrs. Strachan. 80; T., Seattle. 77; E. N. Valentine, 76. Class 4, novice class W. Mof-fatt. 86; Len Crlpps. 74. Class 5. lawns over 25 feet T. Priest. 85; P. J. McCormick. 80. Class 6. under 25 feeU-W. Mof-fatt. 86; E. N. ValenUne, 80. It's the cumulative eflect of ad vertising that counts THE DAILY NljWB FOR WF GFT YELLOW OR FADED, RECKITT'S BLUE i'i i SAY " i ' IN THE RINSE I ON WASH DAY J" B. C. FURNITURE FRANCE LAYS BLAME 1 FOR PROVOKING WAR DIRECTLY ON REICH Invasion of Poland and Air Raiding Entirely Without Provocation Way Paved for Coins to Mutual Assistance PARIS, September 1: (CP) The French government in a statement broadcast to the nation, places the blame for the outbreak of hostilities on Germany. It declared thai Germany, without provocation on behalf of Poland, creased the frontier early this morning, at the same time bombing Polish cities. that the PolUh ambassador had called on the German Foreign Minuter. Joachim Ton Rlbbentrop, in Berlin yesterday, advising him that Poland had agreed to, direct negotiation. Shortly after, Oerman authorities tsued, a communique list ing demands and stating that Poland had rejected them. The French statement followed the official notification to France (and Oreat Britain as well by the Polish government, invoking rrench sources said terms of the mutual assistance . tieatles on the grounds of German German High Command Says it aggression. Thus is paved the way Advancing Deep Into Polish for France to come to the aid cf , Territory Poland. The rtatement followed a : . meeting of the cabinet late this. Invasion Goes On! Warsaw Raided Attempt to Destroy Bridies at Danzle Attack on Ammunition Depot Repulsed BERLIN, Sept. 1: (CP) The .my Hlxh Command Issued a communique at 8:15 a.m. Pacific Standard Time today saying that "the German army, which had ad- , vanred on Poland from East Prus- The Duke j ia, is "deep in Polish territory- no answer from Der Fuehrer. . 4 and that the German air force is "controlling Polish air." The communique said that advances of German troops and air force which started from Pom-crania. Silesia, also were well under way toward their objectives. The Germans reported advancing towards Neumark and Sucha from Maerisch - Ostrau. They crossed the Osla River near Tes-chen, heading for Katowice and Czenstowchowa in Upper Silesia, the communique said, adding that a battle was raging near Grudziacz. Official information said that German troops Chojnice at the narrowest point in the Corridor. The communique reported successful air raids on military objectives in a dozen cities. Polish Reports WARSAW, Sept. 1: (CP) Fourteen German war planes swooped over Warsaw this afternoon In the fiMt actual attack upon the city, precodinp the advance of three German armlts invading the country. The planes were apparently atteniting to destroy all bridges across the Vistula Fiver and cut off communica-t'or- with the roast and to the eat. The plmes. aoparently tried definitely for military obi "Special Liqueur The Finest Scotch. 3t?A'$ty o'jSmtf age. JohnDewar&Soits. D.8T.IURS., nmrlionsf. tERTH, tanmitt.S.J,t. 1 ScortAfa i Ohm I tOMm MtTltll t Mmt II tcttun. J 1U "'TF AIR BASES IN ALASKA 'f'nffi tsf Vavr Awards Hu?e -"Y - Y4VV Contracts For Kodiak Wand And Sitka YjfASniNGTON, D. C Sept. 1: (CPji-rThe United States Navy has awarded a contract estimated M S12.7J9.000 for the con-strucMon of air bases at Kodiak Island and Sitka, Alaska. Construction of the bases is part ol the government program for strengthening national defence. Officials say that planes operating out of Alaskan points will be able to help detect war effense or any advance on the United States via the Alaskan. Peninsula. TAKE OYER RAILWAYS LONDON, Sept. 1: CP The ministry of transport took over the railroads today. The House of dilving in three main sectors from I Commons apprlved a bill providing der. jectives and there was no sign of incendiary bombs. A government communique said that a large nsmber of women and children were killed when a refugee train was bombed at Kutno Station, seventy miles west of Warsaw. The first air raid occurred near Danzig at 5:40 a.m. It was announced that initial German attacks on Poland's Wes-terplatte ammunition depot in Danxig had been repulsed. German reports said the'cruls-er Schleswig-Hohteln was bombarding the depot. QO (A 2 3-piece Chesterfields In ?0UU tapestry and velour PHONE BLACK 324 3rd. NEXT DOOR TO B. C. CLOTHIERS VATICAN CITY. Sept. 1: 'CP' A sudden new peace move by Pope Pius appeared to te launched vesterday with the handing of- notes to rep- presentaives bf Italy, France, ' Germany." Poland and Great Britain. An Informed prelate raid it contained an appeal for peace. The Pontiff has ordered heads of his church In var- ious countries to bend every Bast Prussia In the strongest at- 500.000,000 to prosecute the war .,effort to preserving peace in tack from Pomerania against land for maintenance of public or- . extremity of the lnterna- 4! tional crisis. Such church heads who may be away from "their countries are ordered to return forthwith to. their posts. One of the 75 men who are In the city with the circus Is already in uniform with the local battery and several others will Join i! their present plans mature and they are accepted. The military forces have also beeri planning the conscripting of one of the circus power plants, according to the circus manager. 1BBB1 m ures. DE WAR'S OF THE WORLD TO GET THE BEST ... BE SURE TO SAY S4)i. 3.25 DE WAR'S -$4.85 ? FAR EAST PAQE FTVF For real values in new and reconditioned household goods, it will pay you to come and look over our large stock consisting of Kitchen Hanges, Dinettes, Bedroom Suites, Dining Uoom Suites Chesterfields, (lold Seal Gongoleums, Etc. Used Furniture 10 Walnut IW J- Complete at C Larf Dressers With large size mirrors, up Sl4.00,s"SS.V""rt"U 522,50 39.00 Ave Volunteer Committees To Be Organized In Province For Protection In War Hazards 1 VICTORIA, September 1 : (CP) Volunteer brigades for the protection of health, life and limb of civilian population against any hazards that might occur from direct or indirect enemy attack are being organized at vulnerable points in the province, Acting Premier John Hart said last night following consultation with representa- : I tlves of the Dominion Department Pope's Last Peace Plea ; of Health who have been sent to :he ccast for such a purpose. Vulnerable points listed are Victoria, Vancouver. New Westwinster, '-' Prince Rupert and Nanaimo. Other points will be Included if develop- ments demand precautionary meas- WAR TOO Major Hostilities Reported in Progress on Manchoukuo-Outer . Mongolian Frontier TOKYO, September 1: (CP) Domei Japanese News Agency reports a large scale land baUle between Japanese and Outer Mongolian forces on the Mar-choukuan-Outer Mongolian frontier. Domei said that Japanese artier lry and infantry were resisting ten thousand Mongols who it was aid had crossed the Khalka River with four hundred tanks and one hundred cannon. Outer Mongolia isunder Spy? let protection. J SILVER OFF NEW YORK, September 1: .CP) - The rxice of silver is still weak. fall!iVT off another c to 36 lie. T APTOINTMIMT This BdverUsement Is not published or dlspUytdby tht'CrtbComroKlloard or by th Government of British Columbia. is Ml am