V sr- JACK & JILL SPECIAL As sole agents for this famous line of misses and children's footwear we are pleased to announce that we have roceived permis-- sfon to give 10' i discount on this nationally controlled line for 6 days only. Have Your Children Titled With Our X-Itay Fitting System and Avoid Mistakes ooooooooocoooooa Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - RRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Aftemon, Except 8unday. by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yeany period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week -r - Paid in advance, per month - By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and VALUELESS PETITIONS Thp Ottau'fl Journal urtres Premier Kintr to "nut BEATEN ALL FOUR GAMES Yet Loral Basketballers Feel They Tut Up Good Competition Against Strong Opponents Although unable to win a single one of the lour game which they played during their tour to Ketchikan and New Metlakatla. the local Standard Oil basketball team. . ed In a score of 40 to 24 aealnst Prince Rupert New Metlakatla was clearly the LC liCl VCaiil III UJC UAkUtua; united States, yearly penoa, paia in aavanee e,,.r nfr which there DAILY EDITION ZONING THE CITY BOWLING SCHEDULE away his fears of Fascism," and Dr. Manion his "wearin- l"; ess" over those "leadership" ballots that "a young publish- 21 Swi ?i er in Toronto is inducing people to send to Members of TS, rcx. Parliament." The Journal says: "Those leadership ballots, March 21-Annetus vs. Maple calling for nothing more than a pair of scissors to cut Leafs. Rex. vs. Merchantettes, something out of young Mr. McCullagh's newspaper, tell a" f8 slsters' Raneers only that there are people in the world who will put their 28Knox Hotel vs. Blue- names to anything, no matter how crazy, provided some- birds, Big sisters vs. Rangers, Rex body asKs them. ts. Maple Leafs, 'Merchantettes vs. ; "There are petitions, for example, let anybody get up a ""4 Rex vs Annettes petition to make it compulsory for everybody to dance the Merchantettes -vs. Maple Leafs, 'Lambeth Walk' and we venture to think that scores of Big sisters vs. Knox Hotel, Biue-thouKands would sign it. That is why every session, tre- birds vs. Rangers, rriendous bundles of petitions are dragged into the House (one member had 167,000 names on one petition alone) and laid solemnly on the table, with nobody paying the Flitrhtest attention to them, and the majority not even knowing what the blessed things are about. ENGLAND BEATS SCOTLAND LONDON, March 13: (CP) England defeated Scotland by a score "Sn vpVp tint at. the barricades vet. Mr. McCullatrh'a of 8 tp 3 ln amateur international 'ballots' are about as important as last year's unanimous K)CCer at Dulwlch Saturday ' decision that the weather was not what it used to-be, and will make about as much difference to what happens in Parliament as last year's grumbling about the weather mailt' 4 o the weather. ' in the United States all - few years ago they were talking about the mighty followings of Father Coughlin and n fpllnt" called Townsend. Coughlin. going strong on the radio, had a 'Social Justice Leairue' which was suppos LOST ed to have 20,000,000 followers. In the headlines, the thing LOST-Sum of money on 3rd Ave looked tremendous, but when Coutriin and Townsend got Badly needed. Reward. Finder together in the presidential election they found they , please leave at Daily News. ei couldn't elect a single candidate. They couldn't, in fact, LosT-set of keys m black case have elected a poundkeeper in Poughkeepsie. Finder please return to Daily "It is precisely that way-with this 'leadership' league." News, tr tut: nAn.T xnvs PLAY-OFFS UNDER WAY rriday Night's Came Between Se-' attle and Vancouver was Last of - Pacific Coast Schedule VANCOUVER. March IS: CP Friday nleht's game In which Vancouver defeated Settle by ft sco-e or 7 to 4 brought the Pacific Coast League's regular ptaylnf schedule which returned home at 6 o ciock t0 a cJose setting the The final standing HUlHC uiiu icu aii niv - "J NKfttMC suffered his Injury near the end of Vancouver the first half when he nad to De spoe taken out of the game. Stars of this game were Ranald Leaek and Blandov for New Metlakatla and Angus MacPhee and Bob Houston f;,r prince Rupert. 12 The locals were royally ed in New Metlakatla. the game Saturday night being followed by w 21 15 14 Detroit. 1; D 8 6 9 8 P Ml 1C8 130 144 Saturday Toronto, 5. far the tost night from the north, is satis- post-season play-offs, fled that it gave a reasonable ac- second place Seattle Settle count of itself against strong op- seSTiiawks are mteilrfct, 4he third-position. Except for Jimmy Cur- p-- Vancouver Lions In a setnl-rle. who had to come off the boat flfof wr1e5 tn determine which with crutches, the result of having sha) .meet the Portland liar karoo tuffered a severe ankle sprain. In therrta-ff rfntlB. The 8ei the final game at New Metlakatla Hawks took the first hum of the , Saturday night, the members of the figt two out it three game r1es team were an safe and sound. The siturdaj nhht by defeatta Van- last game at New Metlakatla result- couver 6 to 2. 177 IM 165 BOSTON IS 1 INVINCIBLE By mail to all other countries, per year 9 001 was a dance with music by the fal,nal League Leaders Down ADVERTISING RATES .Royal Alaskans Orchestra. Later ' Runners-l'p Detroit Beats Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . M there was a party at Johnny Mor-' Canadiens Local readers, per line, per insertion - ' -25 rlson's home until 4 o'clock Sunday News Department Telephone 86 imornlng when the Jedway left for J0' "h ": 'CP, Advertlsing and Circulation Telephone . 9 , home with the Prince Rupert team.. The seemingly invincible Boston Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Jon Saturday the locals were shown ' ,awy 01,1 on t0P ln tne Lr,ni th sriiuoii sAMn such 'Vltonal League standing, took Tth-ithe measure of the second Monday. March 13. 1939. Vaces as . .,- the country ,niM, church, t,,,N.h Fath- , : er Duncan's old home, the power Some people have been wondering why it was necs- i sary to divide the city into zones. Tne whole 'matter is very simple. The city has been trying to get some loan company to make loans in the city under the Dominion plant and sawmill There had also ,bcen a dance Friday night. Girls' Bowling tin t! c : t. 4. i.. winners or tne tneatre ucKe.i wnen a secuon oi me cuy is sew apai i ymyy were Rlta of Gamma dential with restrictions as to the class of building that ao3i Mlchl yamanaka of Beta with may be erected therein, it is found that it is more likely n and Betty Borland of Alpha . to remain residential and not be tainted by being inter- with 162. j Unnmr, v.nnca nryA cimiloi- IncHfii. League standing to date: I 7JV1 3U nihil dbUl l. v. . . . . v ........... ...wv.wv. tions. In such a district loan companies will make loans. There are other districts in Prince Rupert other than those chosen under the bylaw which are good residential districts but just a small portion is Pet apart for more expensive houses. Alpha. 20197. Gamma. 19650. Beta, 1C677 New York Hangers by the decisive seore of 4 to 2 at Madison Square Garden bun night. The Detroit Red Wings won 2 to .1 over the Montreal Canadiens antf'ent Into mth place ahead of the Ganadtena. ' Tomorrow night's play will be: Americana at Toronto- nanttn t government Scheme for increasing' the number OI Home Alpha's Winning Streak Is Broken Detreit and Chicago at BoaUm. owners in the various cities throughout the Dominion. ! Br Gamma The league irfaying schedule win imc duiuc atamaiitc tiiai. tuc iuuucj,maiitu v v.mi. lng rague on Saturday Alphas If any section of the city in which they hold mortgages inning streak was broken by, should deterioate, they would probably lose either' the'oamma with a score of 1941 to ' xchnU nr nart nf thpir mnnPV. "32- Beta's score was 1761. Week-end seres wore: Sunday American. 3; Chicago. 2. Boston, 4; Rangera, 2. Canadiens. 1; Detroit. 2. The league standing to date: Boston Rangers .... Americans Toroqto Detroit Canadians Chicago 34 .24 .17 17 16 14 12 W D L F 2 6 10 9 6 9 8 10 145 14 129 19 111 19 103 24 102 23 105 25 86 A Pts. C9 70 93 86 97 123 138 95 GROTTO IS MOVING UP Tobacconists Score Clean Sweep Victory In City Bowling League The Orotic added another three nolnu to its margin of leadership In the City Bowling league yes terday by wtnntng a elean sweep thiee names to all victory over the celter-dwelllng ' Printers. In the second fixture. Royal Hotel rolled Its three games, play of OW r. .... k.U AfVTm.A t A n l&tM UIIK1 iVT4H wwwaa . date Hlh average Merer was Staol 54 Jortn of Grotto with 104. 771 1 3 R. Fraoks 126 piace Royal Hotel TWd V. MontMMio Etnlth Lost score Total Grotto swnhrfln F. Oaraadtoia StmoncWoo A Wa Bury 113 TO fortn M Total . M Printers 0. Frank .139 Whlttnt - l Vance 123 Paul - 201 Total .06 The league standing tn Grotto Old 'Empress Royal Printers 174 171 172 .178 1 701 1 ,1 1J9 .138 U4 ...100 .791 1 2 17 ISO 146 .146 143 SIS 2 186 178 117 143 189 85S 2 170 168 102 117 181 718 date: 22 8 13 14 16 11 6 24 An American tournament to wUid up the season was held by the Canadian National Recreation Association Badminton dub yes terday afternoon and, d nolle th fine weather prevailing outdoors there was a good attendance, thirty players participating The tournament was run off In three panels, winners ln each be ing Thelma Davis and Roy Franks, Mary Astori and George Ferguson E. Cavalier and Jack Otbson. In the final play-off. Thelma Davis and Roy Franks emerged the victors. Refreshments were served by the ladles under the direction of Miss Edith Miller and presentation of orlzes were made to the winners of the four tournaments which were held during the past season. 44 LONDON. March 13: (CPtOnh , . . , 43 ert Battcrsby. 72-year old medics! 38 I student at University Colleee U due to sit for his first medical 32 1 professional examination ln June. )0 See how $nug ond smooth these silky threads of Old Virginia lie on the paper, rolling a cigarette that looks tight, thai smokes right, fhal tastes right. You'll like Old Virginia Fine Cut. And you'll like the seal-light pouch it's packod Jna veritable "ppckel humidor" that keeps the tobacco frith to the very last, "i " ! vl 160 1SS 143 153 639 3 260 1S3 166; lftO 201 833 164 113 119 134 167 C87 22 13 16 6 BADMINTON CONCLUDES Final Tournament of C. X. It. A. Club Season On Courts Ifc UiWM U tfcl kH l T Kor mr fait Mondsy. WtdnestUy and Friday From the East '4 8 n r4 5 Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday For Vancouver Tuesdaj ... Thursday Friday Mareh 6. 16 and '27 from Vancouver-Sunday Wednesday . .. ... . Friday March 2. 12 and 38 Thursday TRADE-IH Sal A1m Applies l Other Makes of Watches and Run All This Week JOHN BULGER LTD. Mail Schedule YOUR OLD WATCH FOR A NEW ITYLE S pjn. 1I-19 pm 12:30 noon For Anyoi and Stewart-Sunday Wednesday From Anyovand .Stewart' - n pro. 9:30 pjr au -' sm uimmivwv. ajn 7 p ro. 3 P-iQ- ELITE Beauty Parlor .Mrs. Sutherland Introducing the New Zotos Permanent 8 p.m. For Naa Rlvrr and fort KipJ 10:30 arn. ! - - Tuesday 11:30 a n rtui X By an amazing color change the guardian eye signals' the n Instant this exquisite jj anent U complete. This pre-ijj cislon timing assures longer " life, greater depth and far 1 2 lovelier curls. 8 ijjj Phone 493 for Appointments ,a U i .. MWHJtauawaBUsuKarcsu Sunday j, f ram Naa Ithrr and Nflfci Tii ef day jJ ar Qoeen Charlotte Mil. I Mareh 10 a 1 rl i. 'front )urm ChirMU 144.1 I Mareh 8 at-d rr Alaka March 3 12 From Alaska Mfrren s. is ji 5 pm.l If vm mir to r; lTr maari'led 4 pin. . 4 n.rn. w.v.v.w.v.v.v.v.v.'.vi Opening of New .V;Vt!l Servlre and Utjni Phone 13 Tax FAT MAMIE linn Pml Offi.-, Ul St W-SV.V.V.V.V.V.SW.V Fresh Inral Haw Aai Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DA'IM riiON'a J. H. BULGER Optometrist Kejtl B"iW TIIK CONSOLIDATED MINING & S.MKI COMPANY OF CANADA, LLMIThl' TUAIL WtlTISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Ihcmical! Fertilizer Ammonium I'hoiphatcs, Sulphate of Ammonia, .Superph0' phases. Complete Ferilllicrs Producers & Kcfiners of Tadannc Brand McUj (Sold. Silver. Electrolytic Lead. Zinc. Cadmium. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver FKl" ' T.S.8.-CATALA EVERY TUF.8- T.S.S. CARDKNA DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10;S0 p.m. I)u Vancouver, Thuri. a.ni. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, riease Purchase Tickets at Ottltt Further InformaUon Regarding Reservations and Tl(:rtU . ... - . . . . phone V" a. w. WKivsiAiM, rrince Rupert Agent, iinra . I 1 At V 11 m m i .. it ua i run (Vi'it tliit riiitili tf (tin iiUn1i 1tattinf am