— ouT OF WORK TODAY? The News’ Way. Try — Want Ad. borer Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist NEXT MAILS For South helohsin. . Wednesday, 11 p.m. » George... Friday, 8 a.m. VOL. Ill, NO. 5h ve Li brary TRAINS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., LD UP BY TUESDAY, a MARCH 5, 1912. ¢ COAL STRI PRICE Five CENTS E IN BRITAIN fs Several Million Dollars Lost by, fo | AGAINST UNION OF CHURCHES " a | - dollars in such work In Chi- 4 a ial — eae a | . ° . . . ien Tsin, March 5.—The fires} sonal cago they had spent fifty millions ouncil and Representatives of Tennis and Athletic Association public aaa’ and in five vonw,| that were started Sunday by the| WHILE PASTORS OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS VOICED ON . . . ° x Bi i e years : : . 10 per cent. of the crime of that| @U@tineers of the Chinese army| ONE PLATFORM THE SPIRIT OF ONE GREAT CHURCH to Visit Acropolis Hill and Decide on Laying Out of Ground ney had spiee Aatininuted ean at| did $6,000,000 damage and the} MAYOR NEWTON ALONE SOUNDED A DISCORD. ; ee me . 2 of the healthy amusement : af..| 088 by looting is estimated at ae V. M LEOD’ S SPEECH ENTHUSED ALDERMEN | forded by these public parks jeven a larger sum. Further celebration of the Arthur Allison gave a summary E C Fe RR Ce opening of the new Methodist|0f the church's position with Every Citizen Favors. ) | emphas ; Church last night took the form | Crt a amaeetene | we the proposed He believed the Mayor and Al- STR IKE WOES ‘Men's : be , }dermen and every citizen in every \ of a banquet served in the chureh |), mi ‘a ‘A deus bouil'de ae aoe Demonstrated Necessity of Public Park fc for City, Citing Chicago Which Had Spent (oo Oe On Foul halls in the basement at which all! sre, = aals y a > ae ank as avor of such ; ' . st recorded service on Prince Twenty Millions in Recreation Grounds and in Five Years Had |movement here; in favor of the IN BRITAIN the visiting pastors and the mem-| Rupert townsite long ago in a Eliminated Forty Per Cent. of That City’s Crime | city ae a small grant of bers of the Ladies’ Aid of the | sow storm when he preached ae ts money that would be well supple- oe ‘ while stormstaid to a few Indi by Providing Healthful Recreation : : church and congregation were ndians mented by the generosity of the| Trains Have Stopped Running and present with friends. Afterward a their camp fire. Rey. F. and most import-| th club was incorporated. |Mr. McLeod eloquently word-pic-| citizens. The grant should not One Factory After Another Is in the church itself addresses . Kerr and Rey. W. M. McLeod at the Council | Mr. Fulton said ineorporation| fured the park scheme He sug- be for three years, but these! Closing Down—No Hope of were given by pastors of almost sited their congratulations with as in regard to the} would cost a good deal of money,| gested a quarter mile track with} parks should be given to the| Strike Being Settled. every denomination in Rupert,| ®*P"ess!ons of the growing spirit of city recreation| but they had many responsible| sports carried on the central) people in perpetuity under her Sec | su and the speeches were varied| 0! Church union, and Mrs, Ensign opolis Hill. The}men connected with the club,| field It would inelud i base- : anagement of Pe city. It meant} Special to Daily Rows. with organ music, choral and solo | Hummil of the Salvation Army / up on the reading| which simply asked the city for|ball diamond, space for football the building up of a sound man-| London, March 5.—There is no singing. The new building il-|®@V° @ short congratulatory ad- ns, one from the!|some written permission from;and other games, and there} ood our young men, many Of! pay of hope today that the coal/luminated with electric rhig| dress also. : day é Ne t electric lights ODN ry coe. aee ae, eronee eee cS ee a: eeenuele biker ’ ; S Tar t eH ae strike will be settled in the very|!ooks exceedingly well and all| Mayor Newton for the city Lhe Oa tee erednee ge a pm: er oe oe Shearer } i i! 2 . a . vi ‘cca near future. There has been no those who spoke referred to it spoke in terms of admiration for rts and games, | oe eae eld n of the watch the lairs rf stl t * y bere |violence, the men being in good|@a8 a distinet credit to the city of the new building, but struck the Rey. Warren, H. Alderman tgomery said if|sports Ave ne grounds ready for el ny ‘ ‘ itt . > ape! Prinee R or only dissentient note on the b- c a4 }tiumor so far, believing they are rinee upert. ) ~ € ole on the su he sponsor. The|the city did not want the ground In Pi uy ha i or of July de ae ue bound to win. But the national Rey. Dr. White contributed the|Ject of church union heard dur- irried some three|for three years the tennis club], ing _n represen p see some athletic) industrial life is suffering, One| first address, mentioning among|ing the eveaing. If Rupert were es from people| might as w have it He moved 1 rv class. and for th core proken ind he expected factory after another is closing|/ congratulatory remarks that he|lto be a small city, he argued, then Both gentle-|that a committee be appointed to) hye ! 1 f th such ce : u , the sports wn. Trains are running infre-| was one of the six men who built}union of the churches might state their|/lay out the ground with the City I Is were an absolu eces * quently and one railroad in York-| the first humble Methodist church} work. But if it is to be a great lebate was general,| Engineer. i sit In G iny the Pe ee eee ——|shire has suspended service en-| here. He was followed by Bishop] city then he thinks numerous de- having some- Alderman Kerr said they had ilities had’ sper millions of Continued on Page 4. | tirely. Du Vernet, who as pioneer of re-|10m-nations will better serve the the subject and| already agreed to have the arm- | ligion in Rupert was able to tell| city’s reigicus needs than one r deep interest|ory and drill grounds there and} the .story of the early church| great united church body. there was ample ground for base- buildings on the reserve, of which Mr. William Manson referred Tennis Club Applies. _ball, football and other sports. | his own is now the sole survivor.}{o the finances of the church, m of the tennis! After me further discussion the it was also the pioneer chyrch| mentioning that some $4,000 has an acre of land for} motion thi it the request of the a there. The Bishop struck the] yet to be raised, and Rey. Charles is the first consid-| petitioners be granted, moved by jnote of church union from the| Sing spoke in terms of high com- n said the club!/Alderman Montgomery, carried. City Engineer Decides to Make hoica Creek the Source of Supply snsiican standpoint with evident] pliment to the builders, especially ra hundred mem- Later on the was brought f Ci Thi S H C k sympathy, suggesting the rich] Contractor Emil Kauffman, whose elieved fifty more| forward the eloquent petition of| or ity Is Dummer, Mays Lree Being Inadequate contribution to religious worship] skill in supervision, he said, had obtained. They|Kev. Warren H. McLeod, with} md - bie’ Sree a os . which will come to the united| resulted not only in rushed work of the ground for|three hundred names attached, | ae ire, Light ane ater;ftor the last two years Sin OR {water in the reservoir from be-|«hurch when the Anglicans are|but also in good work. The id would erect a/for athletic grounds and people’s| committee of the City Couneil at ntinuous pumping — will be | coming stagnant. merged with the other denomina-| powerful address of the Rev. Dr. ind spend about) playground i jlast night’s meeting brought eae : Alderman Montgomery did not)tions, all contributing to one|Chown is reported elsewhere in | Pastor-Athlete’s were | down an important report from 2 Hays Creek pumping plant | believe sufficient water could be| great church of God, this issue. Morrissey asked if Asked to address the Council, : 1 gasoline imp and a capac- > . ! ithe City Engineer upon the city E ; ,,| pumped from those Morse Creek} - - — - _ _ } ‘ f 250 galions per minute will bye | wate r supply for the summer and ovide sufficient for domestic| !Umes- Besides the water in| | recommended its | se and is valueless for fire pro Morse Creek did not smeil good RE ’ rhe re rt savs the snow lay rhe Morse Creek pump-| !? him, ‘ep at { ist g plant is of steam power with Alderman Clayton said the mou s and|a ipa 750 gallons per edical officer had analyzed the . serve f water that | ind w provide sufficient iter and found it good. ite ie § me! Me ‘poses d give a In reply to a question from Al- INESS 188 PLACES INCL \ A “ Ph s year the st s not more|suiflicient p pressure. man BullockWebster the City ALL IMPORTANT BUS - es i UDING BANKS WERE PREV. OR. CHOWN PRESENTS A PLANK TO WM. MANSON FOR than five he p, so that the He. the nded an estimate| Engineer said the cost of divert- BARRICADED AND WINDOWS BOARDED—FIFTY WOMEN THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION EUT SCATHINGLY SCORES ming tl our dependence/of the cos to the time when/|ing would be small, from $25 to ARRESTED IN PARLIAMENT SQUARE LAST NIGHT. METHODS OF THE MACHINE POLITICIAN. w be almost entirely on rain-| the Acroy ‘servoir can be! $50 He added that Morse Creek | : oie = AUER PES. ast Sarat a : —__| fall, On account of the insuffi-| used and w of all the cir-| water was shown’ by analysis to} Special to Daily News.) : 1 might say to you, Mr. Pheit ‘pneany - Way pm oe ciency of storage capacity, when| cumstances ised that all the} be as good as that of Hayes] Lone ere oe Weates Cha rman, that if your party ee eye it: of the ene the rain stops, the gravity supply} pumping sh be done by the! Creek, and that practically it was} @”! business places, inoue cs THE WEATHER. wants strength in this com- born Out of ve gp . 8 stops, with the exception of the| Morse ( ant. The water| the same water. = ee have ea orcas ‘ng contest, you cannot get people coming into ve Have | half million gallons in the moun-| now _ flo nto Hays Creek Finding himself in a minority,| 20@rded up or protected by iron pees na n e Co ian|._ oe ee ‘ e ee : F " S ; . 7% se sae ceca ciate a | For twenty-four hours ending 5 t better than by appealing {the material for the Corinthian |(. i) reservoir. It is very evident ted into Morse| Alderman Montgomery withdrew) Shutters because of the sot?) = aan "e; ne sae ry re to the people on the lines of brass | upbuild the Canadian that unless the rainfall should |( ] add to the daily} his opposition and the report of the militant suffragettes, who)@. M., Mareh 9: ; OF aie ee an advanced system of hu- nat These people must have | be more frequent than it has been| sup, would “keen the| was aan are again on the rampage. Phe | max. temp., 50.0; min. temp., nitarian prison legisla- ght schools to develop them | |women were last night parading] 30.0. tior You cannot get a bet- You expect these people to aaerit lin all directions and there were a} mere erat er tt ee ter plank than that for your vote without ducation, Dr. number of clashes with the police| PRETTY INSTALLATION Platform,” Chown went 01 and thus they and.,a number of unprotected| — words Rev. Dr.| become the prey of the machine [: R J: J: / I KE | Ss FOR PIC ] UR f: S/ LOW windows broken. | New Methodist Church Illumina- politician, so reacting o the T Os ore sathering| tion Attracts Special Attention. ght direetly ad-| politician, react { t Eee rhe most important gathering) ti a p in? 4 I stead of the good of the 0 es agettes was arlia- —_ ; M \\ am Manson at| harm instea f th ; : ed A fifteen cent admission tick: Majestic Theatre will be given free by The Daily News f the suffragettes was in Parlia s | eremo f the|country. Hundreds of young men é a Dy na : eh he a oi gee . . Ge ment Square, which proved rather Many persons haye remarked mony oO i : 1 ; ndash nok to every person placing a wan i “ 1 our advertising department for tomorrow's ee aa A Tavnn had ; reh halls after the | mar h uy 7 ' it atl t is. nor}$ @Md subsequent issues. One ¢; a word he cost of a want advt. Minimum rate 45 cents, 3|% "#s¢o as | pi a oa OeY)on the pretty electric light flx- “evade " rs a Wh nit nae up To secure free ticket want advts. mus led in to the office with spot cash payment for of iat a a? svete alam tures and tasteful illumination was ferve a| W iat las COs t e sertio1 ager oO pu agown every 6 e Sa m fi 4 : e nha ae ee oie to the polling booth and take that ASOT , at disturbance, That there were hen in th new Meth dist anak sinbtiaad than | lot paper in my hand I romans ne eemanreree "\ several such attempts is shown|Church. As creators of this lat- : ’ : r as nt o the sacrament ané = |by the fact that fifty of the] est electrical installation in t Fight crime it as next | re ee ee | Scriptures the holiest ee on DEPOSIT FOR WATER | lwomen were marched off to the| Prince Rupert, the Parkin Ward te ‘ h. The ballot is a Ghristian ints. Co. on Second avenue comes in ne er al ler art o F Je | . on sec é oe ee ae institution We never sh vuld | e Ald. Morrissey Claims It Is Unjust «: eacuabal’ thin mesting S| rac dnacisaeatic Lcd, ‘ md a ten ‘acne g | hi ive had it without the prine iples | to Poor Men. large body of students visited the a sesslay <2 sto he rca ; lof liberty whieh Jesus ( shrist| suffragette headquarters and : ere ‘ads ne crime than you} | } Lads and lasses frae the yreached, | Morrissey at the] stormed it with rocks, smashing | : cea , ‘elang 0 when you come out| Prea ; : Re Biheather come alang and meet ten)’ dimnneen oa Dr. Chown touched also on the ——. edanc last night strong- _—_—_— every window in sight, Their ef-|;(hogither at the St. Andrew's So- you are today ” social evil and the redemption of] adneunkess Himself Open for ob he charge of $12 Pullman Falis Thirty Feet Into foris were heartily cheered by a] cigitys “at hame” in the Sons of cation of the ineom-|arunkards by the municipally) fomination This Morning—| coplication for, Saskatchewan River with Seven jarge throng of spectators. England Hall, on Friday night, | to make him an| deriving revenue from their fines! @ongervatives Talk of 7. v.|'0 0° Pale Hap piicanon "Passengers Aboard—Dr. Spar- aa March. 8th. t dan eat : oda and from the license fees | Rhys of Stewart as a Favorite.) ’"'' was Le It was ex- ling Critically Injured. WILL Go TO COURT s Cale Sale 35.4.5 VE BO: Siaever ‘ | | plained th lis was a deposit Dias ee ility e Ss , | en | | Site for Labor Hall. ry Hays Tits. Cneeery Indoor Baseball. | “yes, I am certainly ready to|?! vO tn edit of the owner. Special to Daily News. |La Trace's Claim Against City on) i, motion of *Alderman | bn dae eee ee ee : : } The Aldern ontended this was} Saskatoon, March 5,—-The Can-| Beach Place Contract. ; ; i a lieve,” he said, that} Crescents vs. reddy Bears, &\) run for the provincial house if eae eli the poor man and] adian Northern Railway bridge| Douglas the Council decided last da understands the}Auditorium, March a oie ‘ssion nominated,” said Dr, W. B. Clay- ne wanted that part of the Water! cotie sod tant stake aa eee ae Cantieokak ile aehne wiius iad night that a plebeseite would have coming into] called at 8:15 sharp Admission i ‘ x 2 * fs uy He was told he | na ; ne ‘ * : : va | ’ ™ have to be taken ‘before granting , : -the game, 2t| tem this morning, confirming) bylaw chang¢ a ©} nipeg MPlyer was passing over it.|/)orore the Couneil last night tah a binlldinan fama yY in these immigrants.}| 25c, Skating after the gé . tian won int: tient neon going nid ae fos introduce an| All the cars got safely over ex-| ¥ Pat. is acaba . ee 95 a Maine a 18 ’ lpels e to his ele nt >- “t 1S § ut x Co sil. _—_—== around concerning him lately. amending bylaw to do so, j cept the rear sleeper, which went PerALD t permitied + oe nae ne oe | Conservatives of the old guard! . down thirty feet into the Sas-|c@use Be was no ARETE ese E eonra. | : 7 i : : anki ine , IIpox in Fernie. j while talking firtinly of Manson as Tennis Meeting Tonight. | katehewa nRiver with seven pas-|curry out the contract for the .,, Smalipo » teccainael PRINCE RU MINUTES AGO | their desirable candidate are now All members of last year’s|cengers aboard. All were badly planking of Beach place. The aa NU oe rn senna cut hans PERT TWENTY | mentioning T, Vaughan Rhys of|tennis club are requested to meet linjured, and Dr, Sparling of Sas-) cost was to have been $762, The Two rane ae heen reported ’ | Stewart with growing confidence.| tonight in Patmore's office at 9|,atoon eritically injured. The) Mayor reported that Mr. La Trace 5 al . seas rene r Progressives are vigorously | o'clock Bi ess urgent 1 ntire span went down. demanded $500 and had been of- / s - berts sunshine record still making, |} working for the overthrow of the I’, W, KERR, Pres. ree meer iered 25 per cent, of the amount, An nee peailes. Wire a Cee fold regime and hope to make W. 0, FULTON, Sec. | A Scotch Evening. rhis he had declined and it was| 2 Professor were mn We ney eoment of straw hats coming by Camosu 0 their principles stiek in the teeth - | Mr. J. H, Kelly has been ap-|)j,.y proposed that the Council Methodist Chur n W ednesday lhe latest out—Doe Clayton of the ring methods they are \n organ recital will be given| pointed to speak for Scotland at pay the amount offered into court, OVORING, March Gta, al 8 o'clock, 00 SOF , mnanfully resisting, by Profess Serle in the new the Presbyterian Club tomerrow| hoe action of the Mayor was sus- nee . anne eee we scene—G, T. P. reserve near the Inn. — mewn Methodist hureh Wednesday] night, and an able address is @8~) j, ined. | VOOR BLS < BIBt ean : } , hie Premier Going to Ireland. evening, Marcl: 6th, at 8 o’clock.| sured. All interested in the }program of music, 2t Sa ssives pickling a lemon for Fred Bitoni Dublin, March 5.—-Premier As-} Dorf’t miss this rare treat. Local|‘land of brown heath and shagey | sale tiie aa Kis 3 BP . —_—_— —— " : ‘eMaster is-looking for an uptown office. quith will come here at Easter to| vocalists will also assist in the} wood” will enjoy this event. A| For sale Soda fountain and Pantorium. Pioneer Cleaners, D address a home rule meeting, | program of music. 2t | go od program is being arranged. | jall appurtenances. ©, H, Orme, tf Phone 4. ‘