FA OF TOXQ TH2 DAILT , M. Gowans. superintendent of Winston Goss, member of the edl-' Mrs. Crystal Jennie Snow of Jan 'the Taku-Polarls Mining Co. at ' torlal staf I of the Ketchikan eau, after attending a DemocriUc Tulsequab. arrived In the dty on j Chronicle, was a caller at the Dally contention In Ketchikan, was a LOCAL NEWS NOTES the Princess Norah yesterday af-1 News of fire yesterday afternoon. He passenger aboard the Princess Nor-ternoon from the north and pro-! was here aboard the Princess Norah ah yesterday afternoon going ceeded by the evening train to going through to Seattle on a va- through for a visit to Seattle be- Moose Hall For prompt and courteous ser-i Bridge dance series. Toronto. 'cation trip. Tore returning to the Alaska the Cap!- Express Season's 233 Greetings rice Phone 13 Taxi. tf. tonight 8 sharp. THIRD AVENUE Eveto Piano At Violin At Barg $85 $5 Bulkley Valley Turkeys Direct From The Farm If you want a good Turkey from the Bulkley Valley place your order now. The supply is limited but the price It rirht. First Class Number 1 birds at 30c a pound. ; Bulkley Market ains In Vacuum Cleaner At Hall Stand with Mirror 11-tube Westing-hnse Radio Heater And up Standard Lamps At Christmas Cards That Are Really I'ersonal Now is the time to order your Christmas cards if you want them really personal. Place your order early and have your own name Imprinted on your Christmas message. We offer a wide assortment of attractively Illustrated greetings, expressing your sentiment in cleverly written and sincere messages. Order today for that personal touch. Gift Wrapping, Tags and Seals, Fancy posed Sta tionery, Fountain Pen Sets Phone I'it USED FURNITURE Combination Bookcase and Desk 3 drawers and 4 .shelves with glass doors Studio Lounge which can be made into one double or two single beds China Cabinet of Mission Oak Buffet At Round Oak Dining Table Kitchen Buffets $5, $6 $18.50 $12.50 $7.00 and $9 Princess Sewing Machine-Drop head CIO Rft style l Kitchen Ranees $18 $22 $25 and S35 $11 $18.50 $10 $5 $19.50 $5 S3 L $5 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block, Third Street f 4 -A " a W. J. Nelson, formerly of this city and now' located at Tulseouah a Canadian customs officer, was In the city aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Victoria where he will spend the onmtmas and New Year holiday season with Mrs. Nelson and fam ily. r . 1 . v. uaryuia, wno arrived in me cuy a few days ago from Cumshewa Inlet, where he has been in the service of the A. P. Aiiison Logging CO.. sailed on the Catla this afternoon for Vancouver, accompanied by his daughter. Mrs. Biornsen, with whom he was v siting here. C. D. Osborne. P. C. Leroux. Miss Vera Henry. Miss Elizabeth Stra-ehan and Miss Kathryn Mllligan, who have been conductlne vouth I. training schools at various points in me inienor during the past two or three month arrived la the city on Saturday night's train from Terrace and sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. Cherrlll B. Mc-Intyre. who were married at Stewart yesterday morning, the bride having been formerly Miss Grace Allen, well known In Prince Rupert, were aboard the Catala this morning going through on a honeymoon trip to Vancouver and Salvation Army ;Fund Is Growing But Not Very Fast No Radio Auction This Year u Don. atUns Should Be Made To Daily News, cr Direct CARD. OF THANKS RJCC. Christmas concert. Presby-j Yon will find the Xmas decora-, terlan Church, Wed. Dec. 20. 8 p-nLitiona you want at the Dollar1 No charge. Balloon Dane Friday turkey prizes. night, tf. Judge W. Ev Fisher left on last evening's train for a trip to Soil-thers to conduct a session of County Court. Ole Olsen, charged with drunk enness, is appearing before Magis trate McClymont in city poltee court this afternoon. Cliff Maddill sailed by the Prin cess Norah yesterday afternoon on his return to his naval duties at Esquimau after a visit here. To facilitate Christmas shopping stores will be open Thursday afternoon and evening and also Fri day and Saturday evenings. Retail Merchants Association. 276 W. H. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional superintendent, will leave on tomorrow evening's train for a trip over the line as far as Jasper Park on official duties. He wlH be back on Saturday. W. D. Gordon, superintendent of the river division rt the Vhlt Paa points further south. They will re-J and Yukon Route, and Mrs. Gordon turn to make their home In Stew- were passengers aboard the Prtn- 3rt I cess Norah yesterday afternoon go . l ing through from whltehorse to The fire department had a call Vancouver to spend the Christmas a.i last evening to the Com-."and New Year hoHdars. merclal Hotel I where there was a chimney fire which did no dam-l Miss. K. How and Miss L, age. On Friday last there were two.Schwzlft. fire alarms one at 9:15 Friday morning to a city tool shed on Fraser Street which from an overheated stovepipe, the omer at 5:15 pm. to a chimney season fire at the home of Leo Doiron.. 1028 Ninth Avenue East. Port Simpson school :eacbers, were passengers aboard thCatala this morning going throujh to Vancouver for the Christmas and New Year holiday Amos Sundstrom, manager of the Tongass Trading Co.. one of Ket. The Salvation Army fund U grow-1 T. W. Graham, son of Mr. and uife &iu.i as a Booa many peopie aits, cnanes uranam, arrived in tne ? were waltins for the radtn aurtlnn Icitv on the Prince Knrah vrtir. However the auction will not take I da v afternoon from Tulaeeuah place this year so those who are waiting for it are asked to hand In their donations either to the Dally ' News or the Salvation Army direct. , Previously acknowledged $37.00; spend the Christmas and New Year II" holiday season here. Mrs. Graham. i has been here for some time. K James Redpatn, port steward ofV Mrs. wimmg 2.00 the White Pass and Yukon Rout I c ' -W and Mrs. Redpath were passengers '' Mr?. Raynor l.00j aboard the Prlncevt Norah jester- A Friend . ... J5 ' dav afternoon going south from ! in His Name 3.00 Whltehorse to Vancouver for the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Oh behalf of the "Finnish Relief Ml Enid McKoc and Mis Mar- aummw, i3. i wish lon-jamesoi viciona arnvea m ine j toihankT-yau all In Princ? Rupert. 'ttts on gunday evening S vnn mnfrtmiTM t w h a v.AinuA . ,v m the S " reVes" -S;;! om the ,kuth tor spend Wchrlst-Mrs. Sven Skog for her aid 'in mas 311(1 New Year hllday season getlng these donations. I with Miss McKee"s sister, Mrs. Arn- MRS. C1IAS. JOllANSEN old Flatln, Fourth Avenue East. Store. day. Announcements AO advertisements tn this col una will be charged for a full month at iv. a wont Moose Christmas Tree. Dec. 21. tf Dr. H. O. Johnsen's office will bej idora Roller Skating Arena, Cor-elosed until the beginning of Jan-ner 2nd. Ave. and fith. St. After- uary. (295) noons and evenings. Open Satur tf. Appreciated and Inexpensive . . . Capitol The ire has special Xmas gilt tickets in gift envelopes for children (under twelve) and adults. Ask at box office. Phone 650. tf. . Mrs. J. E. PrtteheU. well known pioneer woman of Wrangett, was a passenger aboard Jhe Prioress Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. MerrtM Melntyre of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going through to Portland to resume his medical studies at the University of Oregon. Mrs. Stanley Wilson, formerly Miss Florence Smith of this city. is hi uniform In war service at Edinburgh. Scotland, where she now reside. She is doing clerical work with the Royal Air Force CHy Commtastener W. J. Alder will sit In his capacity as a city council Thursday morning to con-skier tenders for the Hays Creek and Morse Creek bridges, which close. tomorrow, and to deal with other business. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree. chikaiVs largest business establish-' Decembr 23' mcnts,was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Solem sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prin-tcts Norah for Vancouver. They will spend a month In the south. llso visiting Seattle and other! points. 28. SON. CnHstinaJi Tree December Norkap Christmas Tree. Dec 29 Eagles Bridge Jan 10. Just as Important as What to ? Give is Where to Select Your i uThtc;; Holiday Flowers j You wUl find in the display l windows of Miller s Florist Shop. 300 Third Avenue, a col orful arrnv of hlmmi planU. holly and holly wreaths ! fresh on every boat and Inside Will Ka n!A.tAl lU lan. sparkling stock of Can For these Christmas Items, make this store your head die?. Tobaccos, Fruit and Soft ? Drinks. quarters- fiace your order for ? cut flowers early. If -out of town, mall it. Florist Shop The Pick Of The Canadian Orchards At COPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET Cards Enclosed And Delivered At Your Pleasure Even On Christmas Morning An Added Personal Delivery Pleasurable Service At Copeland's 5 ! YES - GIVE APPLES 2 1 a ml m with The Oldeit Name In Scotch Haiti Ha.cj Control Board or Covered in tapestry mm TM v: -v. M.75 MTsus, luoea to somis n uonua ... This advertisement . IWMMtH. ri is not publUnea oi dlsnii.td h f. by the OovenmentTaritLb,cL?r Each Phne US MacKenzie's Furniture i Christmas Gift 21 END TABLES Each I ...... 12 PLIX-rp CIIAIKS $1.95 $12.50 You wouldn't burn five dollar bill. Why bum toil that lives io anything lr than 100 per cent roal heat value Our roil It carefully selected, clean-burning fuel, .periallv plrked for maximum heat and low ah content. Cwt uo more than ordinary toal. Phone 11C or 11? Albert and McCaffery Ltd WANTED Good Used Cars Our stock Is depleted and we are anxious to obUln a number of 0Pil JWv4wCAl!WT.U4 Jt . iW ld.?.al time fir you to trade In your car as partial payment on a new 1910 Ford or Mercury model- FA I It API'KAISALS L1UEUAL ALLOWANCES S. L Parker Limited Itemember -lt' Ford for 40" The Oldest Established Car Dealership In Prince Rupert SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wltiflf it iCEAR FALLS Mid POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Hupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Hupert for the Entt Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For far, etc.. call or trrlt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. PHONE Stt If you lose anything, advertise for it VMM