Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides mm High 7:40 ajn. 18J) ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Char-lotto , . 20:00 ft. 15.4 ft Islands Fresh to strong east Low a ,. , 0:42 am 8.0 ft. winds, cool with some light rain or 13:50 p.m. 90 ft part sleet. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVIII.. No. 295. "PRINCE RUPERT, B.C TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS Finns S ink Big Russian Warship CANAlVS SAFER in. ft first Contingent's Am K, Id Country it Ilevealed-From Halifax DecembeiU I Are Welcomed $tnt of Enthusiasm During Ad Tent on Britain's Shore Great Reception . OTTAWA, Dec. 19: Thi Dominion government through the Bureau of Public Information, late jf terday announced the safe ar rival of the first contingent of the first Canadian division for overseas service In England. Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill. First Lord of Admiralty, had made a slml-ur announcement from London in sn Empire radio speech. I The point of embarkation. It U, now revealed, was Halifax and the oiling date was December 10. The Canadians landed in England Sunday and Monday after a seven-j LONDON. Dec. 19 That Oermany ir voyage on which they were already concedes her defeat in the guarded by naval and air forces. wr U'seen by some observers In Luxury liners were used as trans- the action of scuttling the pocket port! battleship Admiral Oraf Spee rath- A. BrltUh destroyers came out to er lnan IUbmlt to internment. Unmeet the transports on nearlng the der international law. Oermany nritith ihnrt. thf Canadians lined t.. u .,ui., , ... u f deck did the British, and cheers were ewhanged. Planea soar-. ed overneaa. Yrh4 The popular 4songs of the Can- . ... ... ukii uifu 1.11 js -v.. mim w.v . frtr .. th ..... Pririrh ........ Canadians. . .w. n. ..! ... IMMI KfW " " ' w enitr and.One.oia. Jun. llJtaiilUh,Unr.odahe ft1.... ... destruction .. of the Qsnts All Here' for .it iii- er? ' It . the Canadians. Ood Bless alty Wlnston Churchill and the we among the cries of Br?- tUn prfM were reornu, of ch m greeting the Canadtaai. on Among those on hand to welcome ei the Canadian were Rt. Hon. An-f 'honv Eden. Secretary for the Dom inifmv Hon. T A Crerar. Canadian mmivter of mines and resources, and Hon Vincent Massey. Canad ian Hleh Commissioner "We knowj this not jnerely a glorious adventure' but a iob that has Rot to be done.! declared General A O. L McNaugh-j ton, Canadian commandcr-ln-chlef. 12 PLANES SHOTDOWN LONDON, Dec 19 iCP) British filers, raiding Oerman North Sea coastal bases, suffered some losses but Oerman reports of the action re described as grossly exaggerated both as to casualties and planes engaged. Twelve Oerman Meascrschmldt bombers were shot down, according to BrltUh Intimation, while seven BrltUh planes are unaccounted for. Waves of Oerman planes came ftit I J .1.. . . u . nIII.Vi eHlna vu MJ UliVC Ult II1C UliUUl o.iip. which were looking for German warships but sighted none. The exaggerated claim referred to was that thirty-four BrltUh planes were brought down. Not nearly this number of BrltUh planes participated ln the raid. Patrols Clash On West Front Sharp Engagements by Reconnolt erlng Unltsr-French Take Some Prisoners PARIS, Dec. 19: (CP) Ther were sharp clashes of reconnoiter Ing patrols ln the Vosges Mountains on the Western Front Monday. The French took some prisoners. Military dispatches today disclosed that a French patrol carried out a darlrjg daylight raid several miles Into Oermany, defeating a Nail detachment- and carrying off four officers'. ' DISGUISED ; IN RAIDS German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf 8pee Sailed Under False I Colors . 4- BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 19. Inter-. viewed ' by newspapermen here. Capt. Hans Langdorff of the scuttled Oerman pocket battleship Graf Spee said that almost always during her two months of marauding on. the high seas hts vessel was KUlsed. Once she was made to look like the British cruiser Renown by the addition of a dummy stack and the changing of superstructure. ; KNOWS SHE IS BEATEN: Scuttling of of Graf Graf Spee Spee Taken Taken As Concession by Germany of Defeat ,hlp back ttom lntcrnment ln the1C?,ML sS't'JLrf CP-The United States Coast- tvfni of vlctory. 0ra, Spee 1 . r,J , T juard announces that the Oer- was destroyed on the personal order," ., n Put i Into tti UnU of chancellor Adolf Hitler in "1? .inwuui auwi a . , ,ted States waters near Port Ever- .compromise Deiween a possioie stij - -u. .,.. .,.u n.i.i.'w CUai uaiuc iu imi uiihiii ... . .. . 'warships and Internment. The Bri Oraf ami 8 g pee by scuttling as suicide." First Lord of the Admlr I j TODAY'S STOCKS ' iCuuru It, U JuUfetuu tu. Vancouver Big Missouri. .13. Bralornc. 11.00. Cariboo Quartz. 2.10. ' Dentonla, .01 Vj. Falrvlew, .01H. Oold Belt. .21. . Hedley Mascot. .41. Mlnto, .01 ii. Noble Five. JOl. Pacific Nickel, .13. Pend Oreille, 2.15. Pioneer. 2.20. Premier. 1.35. Privateer, .90. Reno, .53. Relief Arlington, .lOJi. j Salmon Oold, .02 Vi-Sheep Creek, 1.18. ; Oils A. P. Con., .16. Calmont, .37. C. Si K, 2.10. Home. 2.70. Pacalta, .05. Royal Canadian, MYt-Okalta, 1.20. Mecru'ry. .06. Prairie Royalties, .181i. Toronto Aldermac, .37. Bcattle, 1.03. Central Pat., 2.32. Con. Smelters, 47.25. East Malartlc. 3.85. Fernland, .02 H. Francoeur, .41. Oods Lake, .60. Hardrock, 1.25. Int. Nickel, 45.00. Kerr AddUon, 2.27. Little Long Lac, 2.09. McLcod Cockshutt. 2.21. MadscnRed Lake, .49-McKenzle Red Lake, 1.29. Moneta, .88. Woranda, 77.00. Pickle. Crow. 4.15. Preston East Dome, 2.20. San Antonio, 2.35. Sherrltt Oordon, 1.15. Stadacona, .11. Uchl, .78. Bouscadlllac, .03Vi. Mosher, .09. Oklcnd, .12. Dominion Bridge, 40.00. ; V Chinese Junk . Founders At ' Ocean Falls OCEAN FALLS, Dec. 19: (CP i Bad luck still doss Capt. John Anderson and the Chinese Junk Tal-Peng which. after a nectlc voyage across the Pacific Ocean. as wreck- ed on the coast of Prince Royjl IsJsnd when carried noth by a storm while at- 'ennUn to satl from the West Coast of Vancouver 11- and to Seattle Th- Tal-PenT was b?lnr re-ial-d here fol- lowing salvage when she sank in he harbnr. Now work o raisin?, and reconditioning - vessel is proceeding. is cphm INTO PORT German Tanker Takes ReTuge From British Cruiser In Florida Port uuj., 'uc' Florida, apparently to M" ,,. . cape ttrHUH uruisrt cruiser sr'RED CROSS IS FORMED K. T. Kenney M. I. A. Is Named President of Branch at Terrace TERRACE Dec. 19 -A Red Cross Society has been organized in Ter-i race and a charter applied for. onj arrival of which work will be com- menced in real earnest. The offl cers are as follows: President, E. T. Kenney M.L-A. Vice-presidents, Mrs. Oeorge Dov er and M. Dubcau. Secretary, Mrs. Stanley Mills. I Treasurer. Rev. C. A. Hlnchllffe.' j: Bulletins MRS. KIPLING DIES LONDON Mrs. Rudyard Kipling, widow of the famous author and poet, died today at her home In Susses. She was approaching her seventy-fourth birthday. Born In Vermont, United States, she married Kipling in 1892. They had three children, only one of whom, a daughter, survives. TRIANGLE KILLING KAMSASK, Sask. William Sav-Inkoff, 22, is dead, and .Mary De-mlass, 17, Is critically wounded with a small bore rifle shot. Royal Canadian Mounted Police are seeking Wasyl Resanoff whom police say Miss Deciass named as assailant. CANADIAN ARRESTED TORONTO Ernest Kehler alias Haas, aged 21, amateur boxer of Winnipeg, was arrested last night and Is held by New York police with a warrant charging him with the murder on December 6 in Brooklyn of Walter Engelbert, secretary of the German consulate at New York. It is stated that Kehler admitted beating Engeibert to death. KELOH'NA HOLD-UP KELOWNA An armed bandit held up the tobacco shop of George, Boyle here yesterday, escaping wlih JG00. SENDING IN ARMY Plf K " Russia rinai ji iccui uvic iun Recruits To Subdue Finland-Air Bombardments Resumed RAID INTO RUSSIA HELSINGFORS, Dec. 19: (CPJ The Finnish Air Force is reported officially to have carried the war into enemy territory, striking at Russian units on both side of the country. 8TOCKII0LM. Dec. 19: Stockholm newspapers report Russia rushing 200.000 well trained troops to re; lace recruits whose attacks ayainst Finland have been repulsed. The reported retnforce-nen! have caused grave concern n Sweden. The Russians have resumed their bombing attacks by air on Finlaisd. War pbnes dropped their mUslLa on the suburbs of Vllpuri Monday, one of the Russian bombers being shot down. All was ouler v !:Mtn Tors tpvrday but today warplanes put in an appear- dav dro-viln ' e even bombr on suburban fields Outside the capl-but doing no darna-e. Seven plane approached from the north to avo'd mt'-alrcraft un b't two and possibly four were shot down. Air raid signs U were sounded and two minute? later the ali clear signal wa ?lven. Stores were thrnneed with Christmas ahoppers who took to air raid shelters. Heavy Russian attacks on the Karelian Isthmus were repulsed. . . at least twenty-slxtanks being des-... troyedV?- - i? ' ?- Three jiundml Husstan soldiers were annihilated tn the vicinity of Petsamo to the north when they walked into a Finnish trao. Inclement weather kept a vast number of Soviet planes grounded ht land force drove In , over eighty miles within central Finland, according to. a Red Army communique Monday. t Twenty-One Nazi Planes Are Destroyed1' LONDON. Dec. 19: CP The British state that twenty-one Oerman planes were destroyed over British land or coastal waters during October and November ln I fifty-one engagements, : i ELECTIONS ON MONDAY Liberal Government Won Two Que- bee Contests but Lost in Saskatchewan OTTAWA. Dec. 19: (CP) The Liberal government won two Quebec seats In federal byelectlons yesterday but lost one contest In Saskatchewan. The Quebec seats were St. James and Jacques Cartler ln Montreal. In the seat of Saskatoon Rev. W. O. Brown, United Reform candidate, defeated N. B. Halg, the official Liberal. - . All three seats were formerly held by Liberals. RLINDMAN'S BLACKOUT I CROYDON, Eng., Dec. 19: (CP) j A blind man summoned for showing j a light during a blackout was ex-j cused, but warned to make arrange- ments whereby a neighbor would i Inform him when his house showed lights. ATTACK ON Major Naval Victory SMAIl FRY. in l T l I Z riuni( immu u Vessels Now Victims of German Planes LONDON. Dec. 19: (CP) Seven small BrltUh fUhlng vesseU were sunk yesterday. The BrltUh trawler Cumpagnus wa one of the ves- stls sunk with one man killed In the oerman airplane attacks on LONDON, December 19: (CP) A Reuters dispatch fishing nu m the North sea, without confirmation, 7)m Helsingfors tonight reported, wejun trlZ&r on ttet the Russian 23,250-ton battleship Oktiabrskayarev-stnkinR a mine tn ?h North sea.-olutra (October Revolution) had been sunk by Finnish seven members of h crew being coastal batteries. If correct, it would represent a major unaccounted for ad tHieved lost. navaj victor' for the Finns over the Soviet invaders. Today's Losses .- The British re-orUKi today that o"V9t obr.M had bombed and mn'h'n-'nnnl two more fUhlng r.iri.'. riiiKiiis uuc aiiu kuiuig thr" of the crew of the other. I The trawler Active was sunk with two of the crew missing. Capt David Sutherland reoorted the Active sunk by an aerial torpedo fired by on of several Oerman war-planes raiding shipping off the coast. : The trawler Etutia was dam-aiM. Four other small ships were attacked. I CRUISERS UtMllWJUU --a. - Ieipslf And At Least One Cruiser Are Damaged, British Communique Says LONDON. Dec. 19: (CP)- -The Admiralty reports that the 6,000-1 ton Oerman cruUer Lelosle andire ordered to take at least one heavy cruiser" were! damaged by BrltUh torpedoes on December 13. "At least one of the ships might well have fal'd to reach port," a communique said. The torpedo attack was carried out by the submarine T Imon. the same one which sighted the Oerman line; Bremen but chase to let her go rather than break International law by attacking without warning. The Salmon had a narrow es cape. Such major battleshins as Scharnhorst and Gneisau were among the German flotilla which she raided. TYT IT It War News i 4 PROSECUTE LETTER WRITERS HALIFAX Four women and one man are charged with attempting to communicate to persons in United States "information likely to prejudice the safety of the state and also the efficient prosecution of the war," It is announced. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police terms the presecutlons as "csemtilary cases" as a warning against indiscreet letter writing. PILING OVER SIIETLANDS LQNpON A German war plane is reported to have flown north of the Shetland Islands. British fighters pursuing it and driving it off. ON MAGINOT LINE PARIS Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain today Visited the Maginot Line and the headquarters of General Gamelin, Allied commander-in-chief. BRITISH SHIP SUNK LONDON Sinking of the British steamship City of Kobe, a vessel of 4373 ton, Is disclosed. Sill IS.KepOltea I Quay In Helsingfors Dispatch Shore Halteries Arc Said to Lattleship Named ;TnPI k I lVI, SOLO IS EPOCHAL Fifteen Per Cent or Would-Be Pi-! lots Found Not Good Enough After Earlier Tests WITH THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE AT A TRAINING BASE, Dec. 19: CP' As the war progres-Ife? R-CA F. pilots probably will participate in dramatic air adven 'tnrM In Fnmruk anH rtt t n Pin. th ;tUland pride the young fliers iteU hm thej solo as nUSPflU nuoi puicers aunngi.... h. t n TVi7n c ff i-nunT fart irl!in qm' TT , " .these days at a score of airports scallcreu vuwua. v 'ew)Amercan Fon1 weeics aner tne start or tneir eignt eck elementary Instruction they,on tne th.atre and jj. a piane up alone. It generally takes eight to 12 hour dual instruction for the PJ. O.'s. known ln the force as "Young Pins." to be competent enough to try to solo. "It did not prove quite as fear some a task as I had thought, said one young recruit who has Just ..nmnlalft Vtim Initial (Mlnlnop PASSING OF COLUMNIST lleywood Broun, President Of American Newspaper Guild, Is Dead NEW YORK, Dec. 19: (CP) Heywood Broun, aged 51, noted American newspaper columnUt and president of the American 'Newspaper Guild, died here of pneumonia. Born in Brooklyn, Broun was a graduate of Harvard and started newspaper wort as a reporter . on the Nw Yorfc TrJbune wnkh ne had s!nce Wentlfle(L ln American "Ex Peautionary Force in. the First .wth Genera, Pershlnfr and ih6 s." He was a con tributor to magazines with articles Broun j,ctjTe aj a 5 n rollMes and hU principal hobby was polf. TO HELP FINLAND own war with Oermany. !Motorship Einar Beyer Is Ashore Vevel Runs Up On Green Island In Wrangeil Narrows While Bound Here The well known Alaska motor ship Einar Beyer, bound from Today's Exchange United States funds Buying, spot, 10 percent premium: selling, spot, 11 percent premium. Sterling funds Buying, spo $4.43; selling, spot, $4,47. fc.vsuiis.vtvu 4110 ..taw... fa. a.&....(v. j "There U nobody, to worry you if j von do slip or skid the plane a AUics Will Give All Assistance trifle on the turns. Many of the. possible Without Weakening boy. will tell pou, though, that -Their Own War when they are up In the blue alone 'or the first time they can sUll hear! the instructor talking to them. . pARIS p M. "After cruising around the air-Ucd Supteme War Council is report the landing is made with he ted havc dec,dcd to lve all minimum of bounce and then the.moral and materIal aid pble -tS student U required to repeat the CT, ., cerformance to prove it was no ac cident. He can then write or wire home, 'well, folks, I'm a filer.' And, sure enough as soon as the message has gone, the instructor will ap proacn ana remaric, "now you can concentrate on learning to fly.' " After the solo, the pupil devotes much of his flying time to Improving hU turns, landings, learns forced landings and cross-wind take-offs. NOT ALL SUCCEED After 20 hours In the air, he Is about 15 Der cent of the P.P.O.'s'Juneau to Prlnce Rupert with a "wash out" and are told they are!carS ot frozen fUh. is ashore .at not good enough for the R.OA.F. Green Island ln Wrangeil Nar-But the ones who pass the test go!rows' according to word reaching on to complete their elementary heIe yest"day afternoon. The training before leaving for more Tessel Piled uP'n Saturday rjcar advanced work at Camp Borden and' the toP of a h,8n tlde ana ruJls Trenton, Ont., air stations. I completely dry at low water. The When he Is not Hying the P.P.O.Ivessel ,s be,n "Entered of her attends lectures on theory of flight.carg0 but stm there 13 some d,f" englnes. navigation and practUes "culty lr effecting salvage. The the morse code for he must pass Unlted states coastguard, cutter written examinations as well as Cyane 13 amonS vessels standing tests In actual rlvm. ,by- He Is Instructed ln acrobatics. loops, slow rolls, inverted flying and half-flick rolU. These form the principal agenda on the elementary flying course. While progressing to the 50-hour check, the recruit takes Instrument flying Instruction, makes blind flights under (Continued on Page Tico) Have Disposed of 23,256-Ton October Revolution 1t -i . I t