'For ircal classy styles .and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45TO$5-50 F AlLY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. ifKINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA TODAY'S STOCKS (Coruy 8, D JhtiUn Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .1212. Bralorne, 1045. Cariboo, Quartz, 2.10. Dentonla, lioi2. Falrvlew, .02.. Gold .Belt, .27. HedleyiMascoi,i40 . Noble Five, .02'tt. Pacific Nickel, .13. Pend Oreille, 275." " Pioneer, 2.25. Premier, 1.42. Privateer, .e8. : Reno, .50. .Relief .Arlinuton, ,1234. Salmon Obid, .03. Sheep Creek, 1,13. 0ls A. , p. con.,. .20. Calmont, ,43. C.i&E.2.41. ;Home.:2,90, Pacalta, .OOVi Royal Can , .22'2. Okalla, 1.20. ' 1 - -Mercury, DO. ;, lPrarle"Royaltles,22. Toronto D. Published Every -Afternoon Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor EDITORIALS CKANBROOK ELECTION Very little interest seems to have been taken in the Cranbrook riding by-election Avhere a liberal was elected to take the place of the Liberal minister vho recently resigned to take a rnqre important position. The CiC.F. polled a fairly good vote, considering the circumstances. HoVever, the vote was undoubtedly satisfactory to the present government. ENEMY SHIP IN PACIFIC !Ehere is no reason ifor Prince Rupert people to get jittery because an enemy ship is reported to be in the cific. It is probably a long way from Prince .Rupert and veyv unlikely to make for this port unless the commander 'feels sure .he can navigate nast thp natural harn'prs rinss that it would be. difficult for the vessel to tret inside. Then -attain, what .would be the object of picking out Prince Rupert? I - w ul'l'ua ....... tsij .V . I i U.lO.l.ft.V against Canadian fish.entering the United States market. result b that 600 treatments ....v..,,,i;v,.c,M;qi.1Mnnu!K1)iii(iei wi is matie in rsorwav y and ; v Z7,l -has, to be, imported. , 44 6Cl?ool children. . - , . j ,Last Sunday Big Missouri poured .Aldermac, .46. .Beattle, 1.12. Central Pat., 2.33. Cpn. Smelters, 50.75. :East Malartic, 2.90. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake. .50. (Hardrock, 1.20 . Int. Nickel, 50.00. Kerr Addison, 1.90. Little Long Lac. 3D5. McLeod Cookhutt, 1.99. Madsen Red Lake, .42. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.23. Moneta, .95. Noranda, 79.00. Pickle Crow, 435. Preiton East Dome, 1.75. San Antonio, 1.70. Rherrltt Gordon, 1.38. .Stadacona, .41. Uchi. .91. Bouscadlllac, .04. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .10. 8me)ters.Gold, 012. ,DomInion Bridge, 43.50. I Most -people reab the classified' ads. Do you? a gold brick, Just part of the routine of gold mining. ;I visited the mil), whlch'Seems to be a marvel of engineering skill, 'built into a huge chamber hewed out of the rock beneath almost the centre of the mountain. It is so designed as to conserve labor and get the greatest (possible results from the operation, j Delpg low grade ore It must be I worked cheaply or It will not pay j to operate. An Interesting feature of the trip Underground Is to sud- denly emerge at the farther end of , the tunnel after about three-quarters of a mile underground tramp with a wonderful view over the Salmon River glacier. It Is one of j the most gorgeous scenes of a truly ' wonderful country. j The Big Missouri mlnlnn camp Ls j located almost at the top qf the mountains, nestling in a little flat, adjoining a lake. 'It seems' like an Ideal iot ;fdr a camp site but even as early as this week there was about eighteen Inches of snow on the ground and this wlll.accumulate as ihe season advances until the carnp Js almost burled "beneath a white, canopy. 'In the winter the men curl or AkI Atlrf. 'If zsmn nf fKtYi An n-n in a ,t w . va.vtlt viik .it a. '(game of chance, who . can 'blame T r THE,PAlljT rTBWl PAQE TWO PReople rOf Portland Ganal AGE OVERNMtN! .1 GUARANTIED "Vanity Maid" Have 'Problems Of Their Own With Which To Deal Alone FOOTWEAR By II. F. FUM.F.N Recent Visit to Stewart, Premier and Uiir Missouri is Quite Enlightening :as to Trend There It .is interesting to know what people are thipjjmg about 'in other .parts of this district as well as atIHwe Rupert. Naturally the wartnkes precedence atSteVart, ! as elsewhere, but next to that seems to be the possibility j of making Stewart a tourist centre. This the people there think they may do by enlisting the co-operation of the railway and stanvshlp companies supported by the. people of Prince' them? .The winter is long and Rupert. they work only eight hours a-day ' The outstanding feature of the! with eight to sleep and the other 1938 tourist season, according to! eight to do as they wish. I dozens of Stewart people, aas the 1 There are a'few families living. In I visit of the Mississippi State party comfortable houm but the major-jto that town. Most of them were lty of the men live In the bunk-taken to see the'Chlckamln Glacier houses. over which they enthused. After houses. There seems to be a $llea- they arrived home dozens of letters did spirit of camaraderie at thU were written to Stewart people camp, one man in particular who 'I mentioning that the outstanding had worked at various mines said feature of the whole trip from the he found better treatment of em- i southern state was the glacier they pioyees at Big Missouri tnan any- saw at Stewart. Not-only did they where he had been. , ?ee It but they were able with very At Stewart I was told that there little difficulty to climb on to It, had been more mlnlns men In the photograph It and photograph from country this year than ever before It. The result is that In many a but that there wa a dearth of parlor and hall In the south plctur- prospectors. It wa explained to es of this striking scenery Is being me by several people that it was shown with good effect by the vlsl- difficult for prospeetors to do anv- tor? who were there. 'h,n8 with their prospects under What the Stewart people Want Is present conditions and that, under for the steamship companies to so ne to protect the public, the arrange their schedules that vlsl- inspector was given very lltUe tors inav have time to make a dav- chan;e to make anything for hlm- I light trip to the. glacier. Just what self- a too much hedged time of day does not concern them!arou,m & laws- 1 am P"SnR this as long as lUs not five or six o'clock " fo" the consideration of leglsla- 2 in the morning. trs or others who may be Interest- Meiladin ., ... Iw. Lake , i ,ed, as the point or view of many Highway peOD,e , thU mlnln)? communlty. , Next to the utlliza ion of the There ,s one great (eature of th glacier feature, the Stewart people ln the mInlnR ca and are very keen to be able to get to)that u thelr hospitamy. t. msl Meziadln Lake. I was shown 5ome there for over a wefk and enjoyed cfjr wcaumuicuwicu inuTtesoi mis every minute of my visit route, its glacier and lake and indicate indicate streams ana iney most p. f r wonderful scenery. Doubtless this JlCaiTlSnin unilHlPS highway will be built ln the near future. ' Ponnlo nrhn Viovo ntvu kun Ir. VSnfOUVH Stewart cannot quite realize how fine the scenery Is from the town-1 site. The difficulty is that the mountains are so high that It Is .the -forts, and .thus nonf.! thP harhnv This ic vtMmalu Impossible to show photographs unlikely. Should the ship be reported .in this neighbor-! and bTuUfuiShey6 hW h,8h jjwuii inc imi uur ciiuaiite vuum umiuurueuiy oeminea SQ, uaraens m the Stewart twonslte. even after the early frosts, Indicate that there must have been some eood displays of flowers., As I left own I wore ln my buttonhole some larce blue r.lpmntlu flnwer., nlrlroH MANY .HUNDREDS OF PLANES I In the open on October 23. iwiiv in me j.u.n.iuiiw ui uic vi me neiiLraiuy; .The Mines law in theiUnited States will undoubtedlv be the delivervi .It Is not the intenUon to speak of many hundreds of war planes ;toGreat Britain by Am-Imucn f the mines as they are car-eiican firmf. The manufacture of these has been steadilvir'1.nE,Dn wllh the usual ot SfKir Wt.Wi,V 1)6 rdlthuon6 up. This will -be-a welcome addition to the thousand bein! Premier i w struck by the e- tunied out by the British 'factories, government and pri-i forts made by the company to cat- vate. er to the little community at the . i top Of the mountain. I visited the .hospital and there saw treatments mUT?tnTITl?n cmc mv. ,,,;.,,U , H1K -a.UJfc j0f artificial sunirht being given. . 'l.ho Amarmn fishermen have been .rather upset at'Aii the children attending the pub-V'jlnt'lhoy rotisidpr to be discHmination apninst thpm Hp. i lie school take thLs sunlkht treat- calWo.rhp '.United States. government has a heavv dutvon!"16"1 twIce each week and any oth- v come mto.CanadaigoodjpUys of flowers, At x wt neaner on this side, (mmrtimitv.tn Mih.in ...n.itinp Tuesday-Jatala Thursday ss. Prince I:30 p.m. Rupert 11:15 p.n. Friday Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. Ss Cardena 10.30 p.m. October 6. 17 and 27 i ss. Princess Louise 5 pjn. 3 STHR RVE A ipccUl quality old rye ol Tint flavor, thoroughly nutursd In osk, nOlllnmn l2,,i3 oz. Ml?2S5 oz. Country Soccer South A Charlton Athletic 8. GkMiUiend 1 Clapton 1, Anenal I. Crystal Palaee 3, Watford 3. Norwich 5, Wetthcm J: Tottenham 3. MlllwttU 0. Northeast Halifax 2. Darlington Hull City 2. Ilartlepoola 3. Leeds 3. Bradford City 0. Mlddlesbro 2. HtidfeftritM 2. Newcastle 9. York Cily 1. 3lidUnd Coventry 0. West Bromwlch 3 . Luton i. Leiectr 1 Walsall 1. Ulrmincham 1 Wolverhampton 7, Northampton SrutiUh West Albion 2. Ayr 1. Clyde 2, Celtic 0. Hamilton 5. Alrdrte 0. Kilmarnock 5. Dumbarton 0. Morton 3. Motherwell 3. Queen of South 1. Si. Mtrren t. Queens Park 4. Pwtkk Thtatle J. Ranters C. Third Lanark 0. West Chester 0, Minchestar United 4 Crewe 5. Tranmere Rovers 1. Liverpool 1. Port Vale 1. Manchester City 6. Wrexham 1 New Brighton 0. Everton I. Stoke 4. Stockport 2. Kat Midland Lincoln l. Banwley 3. Mansfield 4. Sheffield United 2. Notts Forest 1, DnnraMer 1 40 OZ. Kotherbao) 1. Chester field 1. Sheffield Wednesday I. Notts CHjr 1. Northwest Aceriofton 1, Oklham 2. Bartow 2. Blackburn 0. Blackpool 1. Bury I. Bolton 4. CarlWe 1. Preston 2, Burnley 1. Sotithport 3. Roeltdale 2. South AMershot I. Reading 1. MowrnamoHth 0. HrlgMen 1. Chelsea 8. Southampton 2. Portsmouth 3. Brentford 1. Queens Park 2. Putnam 2. Southwest Bristol liortts 2.'New port 3. Oarl(f 2. SvauM 2. ItHrtSUtli C DrUtoraty Q, SNwvtati X Torquay 0. Alloa 0, Aberdeen 3. AibroaUi 2. Gkt Fife 2. Dundee United 1. Kins Park 0. OanfvHnllne 2. Dundee 0. raiktrk 9. Cowdenbeath 0. Hibernteru 3. St Johmtene 3. Raith Rovers 1. Heart 5. St Hernarda 6 Stenbootemulr 2. A filly tent elasslfieo ad. often make you many dollar. TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY mil FOR RENT - Unfurnished 5-room Hat 733 5th Avenue W. tf fitl This adveftWmrnt i not pu1iliJeI or displayed by lhe Liquor i ! The Government ol llrilil Colutnl.ia SPORT CHAI I Bonelru foi )i ., WrtWtd. Wh : Wanderers lor i liLtytil dttr.i.k. apprnval ol tn r i ' WhU hrr .. inc. Hottsnd J. Van Fejigri. : world wtmmi:; ute. seven back stroke i J W 8.(1.0-trainer of N--has been apt leant -Major section of th 1. Hetuy Con- ; been eer i-recently, llr Utial tenWf bsjr mi a 1'-England Walter H;i antly answer-who raid ht- h slump this ' England's rr t erage of 83 s captain ha tons the ba: AdvertUinc ' t I Bit A V ' How quickly good news travels 1 Do you know i''si that "Prestone" antifreeze is now sellinp at its lowest price in Iiiitorv? 1 L ZT" ' k 3tiT73?7w M Now, more than ever, this guaranteed rust -clogging and Corroilon anti freeze; is the thrifty buy. No thanks to the special ingredients in money frittered sway in extra pints "Prestone" anti-frreze. Remember throughout the Winter. No risk of There is only ONU "Prestone" brand costly repair bills caused by freeze- anti-freeze. ups. No evaporation on mild days. Orcr 14,000 garages and terrice Guaranteed protection, too, against stations are ready to strre you now. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO. LIMITKD Halifax Montreal TORONTO Winnipeg Vaneouvei 1,1 k I l - 1