THE DAILY NEws, ee ee NOTICE a W. L. BARKER . | Public notice is hereby given that under} ~. AS STRIPES ARE USED IN SEASON’S STYLE. | the First Part of Chapter 79 of the Re-} Architect Vised Statutes of Canada, 1906, known as} | ‘The Companies Act,” letters patent have Alberts Block Second Ave, been issued under the Seal of the Secr¢ tary of State of Canada, bearing date the! ae ON icles ee j; i2th day of January, 1912, incorporating 7 PAE BVERE, Me te Mate unometneaeitn H, Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey pert, in the Province of British Columbia, WT CR AMO merchant; John Gilbert Beaty, broker; | * (e MUNRO & LAILEY Kichmond Wyllie Hart, barrister-at-law; George Merle Millet, student-at-law; Pearl | {Architects, stokes and Jessie Strachan, stenographers, and Winnifred Morgan, clerk, all six of} the City of Toronta, in the Province of | following purposes, viz: | VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE | Stork Building, Second Avenue, P ain arising Ontar for isis } lo hunt fer, kill and take whales, seais | Rheur ion, * Chronic 1 fist other marine 4 als of eve ri Shadi : Bronchitis, d. and 6 fh ‘he opeee of British Columble, wed meee so Sine STUART & STEWART ¢ Throat on ce where a { manufacture, cure fe a4 K | and Queen Charlotte Islands eres ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDIT ORS hache, J } the several products thereof and market} = ildi / can ee nd the me, and to act a8 general traders in) Tri-Weekly Train Service Prince Rupert a aes saaeg re Cold at th br ‘, | these products; (b) To acquire, purchase, rince Rupe Chest Slight Cuts, } un, hold, sell and rent fishing licenses for | wane free! | arte f eonrettiens nae m, } pound nets, traps, weirs, set nets, fish} ; euralgia Cramp, | wheels and other fixed appliances and purse | For all information apply to | »m Cold, Soreness of jets; drag seines and other seines and E. McM 0 Coll nets; drag seines and other seines and | A. E. McMaster, Gen. Avt. G. T. P. Wharf ALFRED CARSS, _C. _V. BENNETT, B.A. ‘ta d by using ; To acquire, hold, sell, lease, rent and dis- | Agency for all Atluntic Steamship Lines SP ae eel Ontario, ie best ONT 7 di fo pose of locations upon which to construc t| ae katchewan ae ELLIMAN'S accor ing Oe eeeEee berta and maintain pound nets, traps, weirs, set nets, fish wheels and other appliances, | Whether fixed or movable for catching or} — eluining fish; (d) To acquire, purchase, | catch, take, buy, hold, store, pack pré serve, sell, export, dispose of and distrib j ute fish of all kinds; and to engage in the} ate agation of salmon and other food} lishes; To carry on the business of warehous ‘ing and cold storage company in} 4ill its branches, and for that purpose (1) | | the information given in the Elliman R.E.P. booklet 96 iges, (illustra ted) which fs laced inside cartons with bottl » of Llliman’s price 1/1}, 2/9 & 4/ The RE. 2. booklet alsocontains other inform ition of such pr ctical value as to cause it to be in demand for First Aid and other purposes; also for its recis cs in res- pect of Sick Room rece CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Erc. | Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and | Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 | | p + A UE} STH aT Ue ae WM, S. HALL, L.D.8., D. D8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and | local anastheties administered for the painless ex: | traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices | Helgerson Block. Prince Rupert. ii-12 | to operate and maintain conveyances for transportation and cold storage by land or | iter of any and all products, goods or| manufactured articles; (2) to issue cer-| tificates and warrants negotiable or other-| s ) BC 5 i 2 s s | 2 . ise, tO, persons warehousing goods with) B.C, Coast service — Famous Prircess spe , 1 o, the company; (3) to raise, purchase, sell} ‘ | og ni Biltoes aren fo wi vv! ‘bulual Ars eh ain ind otherwise deal in eggs, butter, cheese | Line | | the Bath is tal, , é Ut aie and all other farm, field, orchard, garden | Alex.M.Manson B.a., W-.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D | ND 7» and dairy products; (4) to conduct abat- | Animals hud pwns hd tors or ‘slaughter houses, to slaughter all I rincess May WILLIAMS & MANSON ‘ ¢ kinds of animals and manufacture, pur | i ici «+ | chase, sell and otherwise deal in meats, | | Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Ailments may in many in- | fertilizer 8, fat, tallow and other substances | Saturday, March 2nd, at 9 a.m | Box 285 stances be relieved or cured - | jerived from ihe said animals and carry on . ; ‘ | ‘. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle rince Rupert, B.¢ the business of pork packing; (5) to es | by following the instructions tablist we t Baek ee (illustrated) or en in the | [A ities shops and Muntradly’ 10 Sarre Of ae Saat: | J. G. McNab - General Agent Elliman BE. F. A. Booklet for ness undertaking Which may be convVenient- | 64 pages, found enclosed in ROVAL | nan ANIMALS jly carried on with the above; (f) To take| = = : oe the wrappers of all bottles ima FA. Booklet ;over a certain contract bearing date the f ELLIMAN’S price UNIVERSAL for HUMAN USE |) 22¢ d January, 1912, made between Frank | a UN ett AGMAN URE Yi te ciee DA PERHANGING —_—_—_—__——_————— faund enclosed with bottles of ELLIMAN'S pal RD cae wate DOnaEMuntlta Seen WENES piiman 0000 ee THE NAME 1S ELLIMAN able places, such stations. factories, ware. | iD — houses, offices, buildings and works, and! i the necessary plant, engines, machinery OBTAINED OF ALL DRUGGISTS THROUGHOUT CANADA, ahthee that doth te oo Mekal vo ane HIGH CLASS to carry out the objects for which this } company is formed and as herein set forth, SIC N WORK aud to pay for same in whole or in part in fully paid-up shares of the company; h To build, own, lease, hire, purchase, . charter or otherwise acquire and operate OUR SPECIALTIES SAMUEL HARRISON V. F. G. GAMBLE Steumboats and sailing vessels for the} TARY PUBLIC) purposes of the company, and to build, equip and operate wharves, docks, ele vators and other works, buildings or ap SILVERSIDES BROS Pa pliances, and collect wharfage and storage e ‘a | P10. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG | GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 8rd Avenue Phone 203 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT e charges for the use of its wharves and 2x | JOHN DYBHAVN buildings and in connection therewith to! P.O, BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN carry passengers and freights and collect Real Estate — Loans efi crcetierttiet ths Qasets, otter PY picts’) Second Avenue, near McBride | and Insurance machinery, undertaking, business, good- | ‘ . will and ck in trade or services of any | 319 3rd Avenue Phone 884 mpany carrying on any trade} owaton this company is au- ury op, or similar o rindi ial thi re to or capable of being operated conjunction therewith, t rate and to SMITH & MALLETT pay for the same in cash r in shares, oa his company, THIRD AVE. | other securities of Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and ‘Real Estate and Stock Brokers p \PPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED den in cash and partly in stock, Wool is the material and black and white is the stripes of a THE IROQUOIS POOL ther securities of this company; mm a rehasé, le ase ol otherwise ac Sheet Metal Work | handsome street costume. The stripes in the suit run perpendicu- lo own aL 10. the shares, . Pm ar + are ¢ . » . ‘ , > » . ‘ . srs Othan SNCHETRE OP AheTToanttn Office: 8rd Ave. Workshop | larly and are also used horizontally, In the upper part of the coat English and American Billierds ‘ Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts ff} 2 7 ar { f or other corporation carrying on ! the stripes run around the body and they are put > Si > neas similar to that. of the com cos Oe ; ; Tarra fs I on in the same | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE, notwithstanding the provisions of style on the lower part of the overskirt. The petticoat is of black | 44 of the Said Act; (kK) To amal - ———— lve slack velvet is als se » edge of ’ r white revers | mn i; famate with any other company having velvet. Black ve Ivet ; ulso used on the edge of the big white revers }opjects similar to or identicalwith this and the white cuffs while a small black velvet collar finishes the | e~AacanAK | Company Ape aaction On DAraiy Per yt coat. One huge black velvet button fastens this garment and tiny | First A and pé rey aiie eoihane aL tn ope rate - Church Services - ones are upon the revers, cuffs and the horrizontal bands, Hotel Central ¢: and 7th Street ’ Prince Rupert - and - Stewart and carry on the business of such amal European and American plan, steam 5000 WATCHES 5000 GRAMOP.;ONES 5000 AUTO- HARPS gamated company; (1) To allot, issue heated, modern conveniences. Rates leliver as fully paid up shares, bonds or | $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 2 $ PP 2500 GIFTS FREE awe Sther securities of the company. tn payment FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ys : 4 sites, licenses, plant, machinery, serv Services every Sunday in the Peter Black : 5 Proprietor | ices, good-wWlil or other valuable considera Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and fi | SEND NO MONEY . ym a8 may be arranged or agreed upon 730p.m. Sunday School and } . ‘ by the directors of this company m) To x, Bible Class at 2.30 p. m. : eee eve eee Simply for selling two cent assorted elvier into any arrangement with author REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor ities, municipal, locak or otherwise, that i may seem conducive to the company’s ob - and = ona ace een > FREE Picture Postcards of famous Actresses, Latest Cinematograph Events, Screamingly F. | and Gold’ Movated Cards, Se, ax." Worth Lee ee Sn aatnerae eid PiRni aadetleed A catheron nas. ccm PAee ccee orto. Boe ' HAYNER BROS. ; We dive woe a’ Handsome Biesaht Tk Ghainan aria can taln cand’ toceaeeh cnn Seren TAN saat unas WHENEVER A MASTER OR OFFICER IS IN DANGER OF LOSING [§ UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS wocsius |'\ | Your ame knd address ung’ we send gements, rights, privileges and. con School 2.90. p,m. Baraca HIS CERTIFICATE THE GUUILD WILL DEFEND HIM Pavers) Direotove S\_\EAL| 700. $4 Sete. Sacnsscrtnsat of Cards and oar >; (h) To draw, make, execute, en REV. W_H. MeLEOD RA'B.D. Pastor —ALL G. T. P. OFFICERS JOIN. pee ae Phone tic: 8 “A latest catalogue containing over 500 beautiful fo) F reo Prizes. including Watches, Russian Fur Int, accept and Issue promis lls of exchange, bills of lad ee ee ee eee —— ———— Sets, Phonographs, Gramophones, : } | , THE . : : | Melodeons, usical Instruments, " and other negotiable and Tas ye CE METHORIST. CHURCH After being imposed upon for | Grand Trunk Pacitie steamers} : a are oe Roller Skates, Rifles, Dolis, Toys, nstruments rt) To lend E CENTRE ST, AND 2nd AVE. | | —— ee nema ne, Gentine Aion mers id ot ers pavane y ay REAP at, 2 many years and subjected to | signed a letter which expressed} arps, &c., &o, e trust y ea : by any Beaty me, |}that they were i favor of the : + 8 mtracts by any p.m, : ‘ i; g wy hare $ ih la 1 ere lM avor ¢ le ot Mt es ak al tao cake eae munherate any per REV. ¢ B.D PASTOR wheal thoy ponsider harshiang-ap formation of the guild Most of E. L FISHER and we will reward you according services rendered ors : : just comments and decisions, the Pe wi iiagci Aker ae ae to our catalogue. If you do not ng y Sssleung. 50 : | those in the employ of the C, P. R. Funeral Director and Embalmer c ’ the placing of any . ‘ ¢ icers P ‘itis : sell ingle card we will ane) al captains and officers of British] were agreed that the organization CHARGES REASONABLE remember you just the same. mpany’s capital or IT NEED NOT COST YOU pbs ~| Columbia have joined hands and | would be of the greatest benefit THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. ONE CENT OF YOUR otion, ¢ ation of] f connection with the above or calculated! (lecided that in the future they|/to the seafaring men, and the} OPEN DAY AND NIGHT OWN NONEY. WRITE the compar " busi- | directly or indirectly to enhance the value : tat ae ldv ac j and nee neat Hav BUGS -NOW Te ness; (q) To pay all or any costs, eharges | and render any of the company’s} Shall insist upon fair play’ in/masters and officers of the other} nr expenses preliminary or incidental to or perty and to do ail and) avery case. A few evenings ago}companies operating steamers| a veurred in connection with the promotion, | everything suitable and con organization, formation, establishment, | yenieni or 1 the AGCHIDDUAOIED) many seamen gathered in the of-/|and tugboats wrote to announce 8 ) d incorporation o e cK | any of the purposes or the attainme : E Leaner ee. ee ea heh ee éther | an} one ¢ | ff the objects herein| fices of James & Jarvis, Govern-| the at they were in on the new ©) O wise acquire, any patent, licenses, con- | enumerated cidental to the powers) ment street, Vancouver, at the| proposition. Captain Jarvis stat- sions and the like, conferring any ex-| herein named, or which shall a y tme ean : hi . clusive or non-exclusive, or limited right] appear to be « ive. Or. 8xD 1 ; oak call of Captain Jarvis, and agreed|ed that the membership of the ‘ 1 secret or other ormation | th« n ¢ ! company. | . is an ‘ to Use, or any secret or other informaHon | | Ny Or tle company to peear.| that the Merchant Service Guild] society was 45, which shows that as to any invention which may seem cap | Che t able of being used for any of the pur Y : Sie atin (he Dominion of Can-|of British Columbia be formed.|the guild is wanted by the mar- (The Place With a Future.) poses of the company, or 1e acquisition | dda anc i ame ’ ‘“ 9 GREENER Ss BRITISH EMPIRE” GUN of which may seem calculated directly or} Prince Kupert I ind Cold Storage com-| Others who were unable to at-|iners. The Victoria pilots, to- TEN ACRE TRACTS AND s the World's Best Gun—a Greener Hammerless— directly 30 Beees the Sompeuemina te | hutrtead’* tholsand dollars divided. int | tend owing to their ships being; gether with the Vancouver and TOWN LOTS ce within the reach of all sportsmen; it’s got all the { ) out of port, sent letters voicing| Nanaimo pilots, are glad to see Choice Farming Lande In the Lakelse respect of, or otherwise turn to account} 5,000 shares of hundred dollars each, }and the chief place of business of the said : features, hard hitting, far shooting, lasting wear, Sho DIODerty, TED Sea ab) CeCe a aae Sor| company to be at the Town of Prince iu. | their sentiments and stating that| that steps have been taken to and Kitsumkalum Valleys in Small lhere’s nothing better, into any Hee ta Garanare ton CO ae Na ot Sean anne ot they would abide with whatever} protect the seamen of British Co- and Large tis Prices That Joint adventure, reciprocal’ concession of | State of ada, st 7th day Of daniiary, |action the meeting took. lumbia. ee oe the St t EPSO) oO co | 12 ' 5 mm : Pri 63 earrying ‘én OF Sneaged in or about to Under-Secretary of State. There appears to be only one It was decided at the meeting P. POST & co. FICO . 5 6 6 rry on On enkaee in Boatthae ie mith oF _| body in the province which is op-| that only those in active service Terrace, B. C trans ctl I which ( 1 1 8 § 0 ? . , ‘i : ized to carry on or engage in, or any busi en owrie }posed to the organization of the} afloat would be enrolled as mem-| Catal ; ness cr transaction capable of being con - » PURCHASE NOTICES. lo ‘ ; io > Vana rap ie 1g The 1A . stalogue P6 Free Read Hy) COORG OO a ander aie pen LAND PUR guild, and that is the Vancouver] bers of th Rue. The fee far GC fit the company; and’ to lend money to, | __ — | Shipmasters’ Association. A pes-| captains was fixed at $25, for of- Ww, Ww. GREENER MONTREAL, P, Q. ‘guarantee the contracts of, or otherwise | I as) a : a “a é I xy | yee : Rote r the E issist any such person or company, and| gxeena Land District—District of Queen| Simistic letter stating that the} ficers at $15. An office of the or-| Bey ne Pee PRAYER HAT: he 2 take > a ft ae a st borne aot en “tb Take n binntthat ita, Madeenct of society in Vancouver was pro-| ganization is to be opened in ‘IMPERIAL MACRINE WORKS | securith of i r company, and tk ake notice tl ? 2 r la tee, or otherwis jeal with th sam ( or per ss >, 2 ¢ . | t : to promote any company or compante 5] to apply, for d vara to Jease.: 108 tO) j} meeting held recently the mem-!to be sent to every British cap- ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS hold, reissue, with or without guar-| victoria, B. C,, occupation broker, intends} gressing favorably and that at a} Vancouver, and applications are| | for the purpose of acquiring all or any of) Commencing at & post planted about/pers decided to have nothing] tain and officer who is engaged in|H. R. Loye, Prop., Prince Rupert the t Bi S $ y ® property and liabilities of the com-| three-quarters of a mile southwest from i! | , : . ! ae LILA L NP PD PALA. «LLB ALA LLP ALI | Ply, or for any otben purpose which may the Southwest corner of Lot 4548, Masset whatever to do with the new or-| active service in this province,|Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and seem directly or indirectly caleulated to; iniet, thence east forty chains, thence| ... pea a eo ah : Re 5 ’ rt a ak Satan ae in cine lank |beneflt the company; (u) To purchase,| south to the north boundary of Lot 1857,| fanization was received by Cap-| Within a very short time it is ex Prices Right. I ngine Ww ork | take on lease or in exchange, hire or other ; thence west one hundred chains, mor or! tain Jarvis. | pected that the present member- and General Repairing. 46 , Wise acquire, any personal property anc 2S thence north ninety chains, thence . 4 | - eee FROM HOME TO HOME.” lany rights or privileges which the’ com ae nae iisaoh thence along beach to Kvery master and officer of the} ship will have been doubled, Shop, Hays Cove. | pany may think necessary or convenient point of commencement, comtaining six | Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. for the purposes of its business, and in} hundred and forty acres (640), more or — - - particular any machinery, plant, stock in nad: ? : Phone Blue 259 } trade; V r struct, improye, main ALFRED M’GREGOR, °. ne ssa I E | E I Y | tain, work, mana carry out or control George Young, Agent, SSESSESIES SES ESS SHEESH eeeccee SESESSESS, Sse as6 HO SIUM any roads, Ways, tramways, branehes or { 5, 10 ie BEES onee £3 HRGRRE SER ERE : - P. O. Box 957 ated Noy, 15, 1 sidings on lands owned or SORsROUSC Dy Date NL 15 oryy) ‘ i the . company, oridges, reservoirs, water : Cd Sid. Sykes, Manager | courses, wharves, manufactories, ware a Use Our Mail Order Service eorgetown 7 é | houses, electric Works, shops, stores ¢ . he Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver, Bales y GIOBATID VORREL ROOD e which en Skeena Land Distr hes pisiriot of Queen | ss Excellent Cafe Moderate Prices }seem calculated directly or indirectly to ; Chariot isiands, es Sener aera — ° J fe é 8. |advance the company’s interests, and to Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of x i d t 1142 Pp contribute to, subsidize or otherwise assist Ssanich, A. a OCCUBABION Farmar, tninng? hed Save Money « Enjoy Quality Goods awml oO. e or take par » constructic rove- | tu apply for permiss ° ae : 5 ~ « Pender Street West ” ” Vancouver, B.C. a og Workin ThaneE ment, lowing described lands: hme 3 Hach mail and express that Gc ying o or co! ) sreot ) To Commencing at & post plante 4 od : 3 . Phone 8500. ont aatanoah Or ean A qaereats OW) Tol outheast corner, being elghty cha-ns south|(@% leaves Vancouver carries ship- L be ON eat ON eee oe ane ettapay cay tink nt | set inlet: thence Guat forty chales, thenos #} ments of goods from our big umber consideration as the comapny may think ft,] set Inlet; ene . | 3 articular for share ahe . or , , ¢hains, thence east fort, ren ny ; oe S [and in partchian ror havea debentures ROR Cen south elghty chains to "the 3) store to all points in British Co- Henry Birks & Sons r | ects al ther r | art 8 ar} point of commencement, containing three < : s : 4 . adie tierce Sie oambany; Mab To eons iundred and twenty acres (320), more or | Rg lumbia. No regrets follow pur Serge $3 Mouldings WAM AA, such means of making known the products | less. ARTHUR TREMAINE 3) 0chases made through this service. ; A , % oha aA articular by advertising in the " George Young, Agent. We handle all our British Colum- Jewellers and Silversmiths ’ : >i) press, by circulars, by purchase and ex- Dated Nov, 5, 10114, S Geo. E. Trorey When in 1 Vancouver You Should Stay at the | at Of WOFKS Of: ers Or interest, by Pub, Dec, 16, 1041, (33 bia Mail Orders through our Van- Minasinh Siusatar ; A large stock of dry finish- yublication o ooks 4 erlodicals uC ™ i AP ae 2, anu ; : ing lumber on hand, Boat nner ene P|) by granting prizes, rewards and donations; . " y » . . ra + ‘ i 4 $| (¥) "To sell, Tiprove, manage develen oe. Gkcena Land: DisteiotesDistrict of Qusen MME Coat store. Write for Our il- Vancouver + BC. ¥ lumber a specialty. Delivery 2 change, lease, dispose of, turn to aacount Charlotte Islands, e lustrated catalogue, it describes $1 made at short notice. >} or otherwise deal with all or any part of . otice that Willlam Moore, of P @) c , the pre operty and rights of the company; estan. B.C. occupation farmer, intends} €$$ our fine stock and instructs you A ‘ 3) z ro, fo al aot AY cot, the shove things to apply for permission to lease the fol- | 9% ; b eT oath! ave Our prices are as low as any. > Finest Cafe in B.C . » 9 F » day ©} 2 Princes, f , Contractors, trustees | jowing ‘described lands: how to buy. A card wi y ; ; ein B.C, European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 2) or otherwise, and either alone or ta con Commencing at & post planted at the | g& . P , Call on us before ordering. , Hot and CG rj Z| Junction with others; (aa) To procure the} southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset In-|@&3 address will bring it free to you ‘ and Cold Water in each room. Z/ company to be registered in any foreign! jet, thence east one hundred chains, thence | # ; : 2 Cc 2 | country and 9, denignate persons anerenn south sixty-four chains, bene® west to the 3) by return mail. Our lines of 4 rn © | aecording fo” the laws of such foreign} beach, thence along beach to poimt of | gm ; ‘ IRNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS 2° yuntry to represent the company and to Cont AD aariants containing six hundred and wedding presents command the OFFICE: , V B.C 3) aRnhay of any ‘Drooeha or sult; (l by and, Forty CORO). SONOhe rant ions. % attention of all. Write today. | . rer comp. of any ss : ) i . 5 ancouver, B.C. p| wenerally to carry on any business whic George Young, Agent, re EMPRESS THEATRE GLDG. vaw« 5) may seem to the company capable of be Dated Noy, 14, 1041, Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ing conventently or profitably carried on Pub, Dec, 15, 1911.