PACE FOUR DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment or the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, We will make to order, any design that jou prefer, In rings or any other piece of Jewelry. We have in stock rings from $1150 to $1200.00. Wr Invite Your Inspection FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist PLAN FOR MYSTERY IS MANAGER FUNNY ALSO Joint Proposal of Trades and Labor Council and Chamber of Com- ; Robert Montgomery and Rosa-merce Regarding Civic Und Russell are teamed up as Labor o o a t. fir.... a a g v a g g Administration i mystery comedy stars In "Fast and i i loose." tonight's feature offering Princp Rupert Trades and' on the screen of the Capitol! council, a lis regular nieatrr here. Montimmerv nlavj monthly meeting Thursday nlsht. gave its endorsation to a city manager plan, for Prince Rupert dealcr wnc- ln his Quest tor a .as outlined ,by a joint committee volume for one of hU' clients, be-ot thei Chamber of Commerce and j comes involved in a series of mys trie Trade and Labor Council, tlfylng crimes which be eventually ,ihe secretary being instructed to solves as an amateur detective, sign the plan on behalf of the! Miss Russell has the part of his council. 'equally madcap wife who only' Correspondence included letters complicates matters by her mlrth-from Olof Hanson, M. P. for ful meddling and her Incidental and the chief electoral officer. In1 capture by gangsters. Principal FREE A Beautiful Decorated Tumbler With Every Purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tin of DENTAL FIX POWDER Both for 50c FREE With Every Purchase of BRITEN TOOTH PASTE Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c Ormes Ltd. "JJm Pioneer Druqejists The Rexall Store Phones; 81 St 82 Open Daily Irom 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. WKKOOOaO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaCHaOtH3OOOOOOH3OOOWO UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, riease Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Trlncc Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Thone 568 Funeral Of Naas River Boy Held Bishop fi. A. Klx Officiated at Ob-equies This Afternoon for Wesley Joseph Russ The funeral of Wesley Joseph .Russ, young son of Mr. and Mrs. I Johnson Russ of Greenville, took 1 place at 1:30 this afternoon from the chapel of the I B. C. Undertakers to Palnriew Cemetery. RL Rev. O. A. Rlx, Bishop ,of Caledonia, officiated and Miss Lois Judge presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Lead Kindly Light" and "Jesus Loves Me." -Pallbearers were Wil-,11am Beynon. Edward Clifton. Slm-on Calder. Peter Calder. 11. Clifton and Anthony Calder. PUTMAN KIDNAPPLD BAKERS FI ELD. Oregon. May 13. Bound and gagged, Oeorge Putman, 52, Hollywood publisher and husband of the late Earhart. was found In an uncompleted house here today a few- hours after he had been kidnapped from his north. Hollywood home by two men. He was not Injured. ! Baseball Scores National League St. Louise 8, Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 5, Boston 7. Philadelphia 10, New York 6. American League Cleveland 3. Chicago 4. Detroit 0, St. Louis 1. Only games scheduled. KITSEGUKLA icguiu uj ausfiuce voung. suuwg aupui uuB juicb ic wicn oy on Monday the young people that all voters who are away from , Reginald Owen, in a character and the Ladies' Aid of the United home at the time of the Issuance' part: Ralph Morgan, as a million- church held a social and concert oi me eiecuan wm ana polling n aire uioiropnue wnose mansion is thejpiirsult bf gainful occupations the amphitheatre of the picture's will be entitled to vote. complexities; Etienne Oirardot, for the church. Refreshments were served and gifts were collected Enoueh monev tm raluH in m A local compensation case will whose yearnings for a rare volume all church debts and Kltsegukla be taken tothe Workmen's Com- cause all the trouble; Alan Dine-1 starts starts the the new new conference conference veai yeai pensatlon Board at Vancouver. It hart. Jo Ann Sayers and Joan being felt that certain complaints Marsh. regarding treatment of Injured; "Fast and Loose' Is a sequel to persons should he placed befoie "Fast Company" which proved a the Board. popular hit last year. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflfOOOOO OVSOOOOOOO OOCOOO0O0O0O0OOOO Special . . . g free oi obligations. On Wednesday mornlnz tht athleUc club left t0 Join ln tht field day sports at Klsplox. Two teams made the trip by truck the Red Wing Softball team and the Skeena Crossing football team 2 Last Friday night the Red Wing's 5 'Club put on a very Interesting o o g g o o 0 o 0 g 0 g o g g program In the McDames Hall. This was followed by refreshments and a dance unUl the early hours of the morning. Again on Saturday evening the young people had a sale of flowers, games, refreshments and a dance. The events were to raise fund; so that they could pay travelling expenses to the Kispiox field sports. Joe Wesley, his son Walter and wife, Edward and wife and the little grandchild made a business trip on Friday to Hazelton. Accompanying was Rev.. B. Black The whole party returned oh Saturday afternoon by train. On Sunday afternoon the Kltsegukla friends under the leadership fcof their pastor, Rev. Bishop Black, held a service for the sick in the Hazelton Hospital. Matthew Jones and his daughter Mrs. Fred Sampare, have been called to Kitwancool where Mr Jones' daughter is reported seriously 111. Farewell Parade For Children On Trip To Victoria Six children from the local schools selected as a result of the recent campaign will be seni on Friday night of next week aboard tha Princess Adelaide to Victoria to be present at the visit of King Oeorge and Queen Elizabeth. After all expenses in connection with the sending of the party have been defrfyed, the balance, If any, will go to the Milk Fund. Mrs, J. 8. Black will be the official chaper-one on the trip from Vancouver to Victoria, The Dartv will return home on the same steamer the week following. Providing the weather Is favor able, there will be a parade next fTioay nigrjt ln connection with the departure. The Boys' Band will take part in the parade. On Thursday afternoon group pictures of the group were taken. Tltt DAILY SZ1M Waterfront Whiffs Possibility of Tuna Fishing Off This Coast Many Canadian Boats in During Week New Trolling Boat In Possibilities of tuna fishing on a commercial basis off the British Columbia coast are to be investigated bv the lng of which Involves considerable employment on shore. If the fishery Is found to have commercial possibilities off British Columbia It might become of similar Importance here. An unusually large number of Canadian vessels, most of- them smaller craft, featured the halibut business at Prince Rupert during the past week. No less than forty three Canadian boats were ln with catches aggregating 400,800 pounds. During the same period nineteen American boats landed pounds at the port. Total landings for the week thus were 651.300 pounds. This brought the aggregate landings for the 1939 season to date up to 3.188.500 pounds as compared with 2.431.100 pounds at a corresponding date last year. Can Whiz, 8V and 6Vc; Rosarto. 8.500 pounds. Chase, &c and 6c; Ad-dington, San Juan. 4.000 pounds, 9c and 6c; AnUer. 15,500 pounds. San Juan, 9c and Bc. top bid for Canadian fish being 7.6c JlPit from Vancouver for use and 5c which the ArcUc I. received of Rvan and Stewart on the forU-for 14.000 pounds whlle the low- wis natlon eontructlon work at the 6c and 5c which was paid to a num- rntrance r tne harbor. Armour ber of vewU. For American flh Salva &' Po tug Pachena. the high price of the week was 8.5c 1lh Paul Armour In com- and 6c which the Onah and Zar- mand- "turned Thursday after- embo received for MlrhM nf 14 . noor Irom ancouver. The equip- RIINFLUENCE tion. Tuna fishing is a marine industry of major imnort ance off the California coast, large vessels being employed in me la&ing oi me iisn ine nanai 000 and 17W0 pounds respectively 'ment c0011 of vy machinery The American low was 7c and 55c wmcn WB unKXlaea ne wcai t la In port from the coast at April 15 this year, ac-lfnnt troiHn hri hih V9. k,.iiI: cording to a sUtement at Seattle. durinK the pMt w1nUr by ole amounted to some 700)00 pounds weU known trollrr 4nd boat buMrr whkh was a relatively small figure iThe new wlth and only about half of last year at 30 hn. Eauhorv nn i I a corresponding date last year.1 ! Average halibut prices on the coast Col. J. W. NkholU. crnrral man- i are said to be running somewhat ager of the Canadian FUh & Cokl!I higher this year than last. Four Area No. 2 boats marketed 41.000 pounds of halibut at Seattle on Thursday They were as fol Storage Co.. Is leaving Monday morning on the Princess Louise for ! a business trio to Ketchikan andj Juneau. He also plans to attend me iioury aisirici convention in ? lows: Chancellor. 11.000 pounds, Juneau next week. Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dinette Suite. Specially Priced For Quick Selling 1 Sets Only, 3-piecc Chesterfield Suite Reg. $135 to $165. Specially priced for quick gelling $103, $112, 120 5 Sets Only, 1-piecc Hedroom Suite Consisting of full size bed, chiffonier, vanity dresser and upholstered bench. 2C Special $0 7 Sets Only, G-piece Dinette Suite Consisting of Buffet, table and set of 1 chairs. Regular from $39.50 to $75,000. Specially priced for quick selling r $31, $62 and $67 THIRD AVENUE ELIO'S Phone GREEN 91C s ON YOUTHi Example of Elders I)lcuwd Uyi Rotary Speaker rians To En- ' tertain Delegates On Way To Juneau The Influence and example of their elden upon growing boy and girls was the appropriate sub-ect of Rer. Horace C. Burkholder. field secretary of reiltoui educa tlon for the United Church of Fisheries Research Board of Canada, the work along this Canada, nTi in addremlng the u SS&i Prlnc." line to be carried out from the Nanaimo Biological Sta- luncheon on Thurtday Mr nurk' holder's discourse, while brief, was Interesting and Impressive. The club also discussed plans for entertainment of upwards of two hundred delegates from Southern British Columbia. Wash Ington and Oregon who will be here next Tuesday afternoon 1 aboard the Alaska Steamship Co .'' C.PJI. steamer Prlnee&s Adelaide. I,tfamfr Aleutian on their way to Capt. William Hughes, arrived In dUtrlet convention at Juneau, port at 3:30 yesterday afternoon I SuhJfCt 10 wlh' conditions, from the south and sailed at 10 Djn.i11 Aleutian, which Is coming hers on her return to Vancouver. Delayed again by heavy freights for cannery points In preparation for the coming season. Union 250.800 teairer Cardena. Capt. John Bo den. arrived In port at 1:30 thU morning from the south, sailing a couple of hours later on her return to Vancouver and waypolnta. On her way back to Vancouver after a voyage as far north as Taku adlan landings this year have : ,Iarbor wiUl mining supplies for the reached a total of 1.476.600 pounds l oiar-mine. Frank Water-in comparison with 1.288,900 pounds' housc rKhter Chllllwaek. Capt. last year with American 1.711.900 " u AJ,rn- roaae a ontl e n pounds as against 1.142500 pounds. ,on Thursday. Prices remained at a fair although not hlch level durlne the week, the Bringing north a scow load of direct from Seattle, will arrive- a 2 o'clock In the afternoon, remaining unUl midnight. The afternoon will be spent largely In showing the delegate around the city, visiting various points of Interest, and In the evening there will be a dance at the Armory for the RotartaM and their wives. The body of Knute Olsen. who "J CobmiiY ... ' dropped dead on Third Avenue, " Wednesday atght shortly after ar- 8"uh ln rtvlng In the city from the prairies, council. City i was forwarded Utt evening to Dav- Alder on Thu:' Idson. 8aikatehewn. where Inter- Uitroductoi s . ment will be made. . . . vised rale b . It's the cumulative effect of advertising that counU In The paid the Exolorer and Esther for!drv dock and token out to Barrett ManV Fancy Turns 25OT0 and 7)00 pounds repectlvely Po,nt bv !J T0 Thoughts of . . . i John BAreman Cold storage halibut landings on.oona River with a fin fine new nv fnrtw- forty- CLOTHES Thai are New . . . Suits that Kparkle with Freshness and Originality THERE'S A GAY ARRAY Of HrUht New Fabrics (loom rd in England) and Mndrru Style Idea Awaiting your In spectlon. All Tailored to Meature And Keaionably I'rired at $25.00 $33.50 Watts & 506 UI be an morninc to r sdopt the b II K... Ill H I I HI I as I ITItHat Clliiiitt J kUM smtiuii ' ) Ittin At 7 l i i; ALSO M? . Jill A . . aporuiini jib fjrt Coming Mon Tr tj James latnr- tii oJ Ann nrridan la ANCOl mm niRTV rift? 1 i Sprinj r - rrrnrr r '-or-.V.ViVA VAVM I Nickerson Eirlutive Dealers W. K. Johntton & Ca ltd Tlllltl) AVENUE rt:MW W.V.,.VAW.VAVAr,,AVW.W,V.ViVAV' SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling al OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVU Stenmrr Icnvra Prince Rupert ever THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE OKEEN 390 AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For farei, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Av. ' DAY and SIGHT Phone 13 Taxi J PAT MAK'E