eas RARE aE aay a. eee te Lee Se glare: “Not what we “QUEEN ALICE OF ENGLAND” THE UNCROWNED MRS, KEPPEL | “The News” Classified Ads. EEAUTIFUL LEADER OF SOCIETY IN THE DAYS OF KING ED- WARD VII, BANNED FROM COURT OF ENGLAND, STILL WIELDS WOMAN'S SCEPTRE OVER PRINCES. The recent news from St. Mor-;to as “Queen Alice of England.’ itz that Mrs. George Keppel is} Although the crown princess is planning an invasion of London} with her husband it is said that society with a view to occupying) all guest lists of royal entertain- Eg A ea a td re Fs Ht ro | sas Ee et ere se BE ce ce es asain the position of leader as| ments pass through the hands of in the days of King Edward, is| Mrs. Keppel, and she is in effect strengthened. It is now reported that she has attached the German) perial heir apparent. crown prince to her train of ad-| Assisted by Mrs. Asquith. mirers, and has become the ab- Not onty this, but Mrs. Asquith, solute arbiter of fashion at the wife of the British Premier, who |}has been there for some time, is Mrs. Keppel, it is said, holds|said to have become Mrs, Kep- daily court at the Palace Hotel,|/pel’s fast friend, and to have where she is familiarly referred) promised to assist in furthering winter: resort. the court chamberlain to the im- | FOR ISLANDS Special Trip Made by S. S. Prince John with F. S. Greene and Costly Plant for Development of Mineral Prospects. | Specially chartered for the trip jthe Prince John last night pulled WANTED: We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections Five and Six. Submit your listings. Lot 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance 12 and\l8 months. Look this up. PATTULLO & RADFORD For Sale Second Avenue Telephone 83 ut for the Queen Charlotte j Islands with a cargo of heavy idrilling plant and other mine developing machinery on board, the propert yof the syndicate represented by Mr. F. 8. Green, |whose enterprise on the islands | was recently noted in The News. | Mes Green himself accompanied the shipment of plant and will superintend the erection of it on | the claims controlled by his com- KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies HARDWARE Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE ** '“ese0"°" te mt ms rt ee nlp le cp ers es re a ns Pe es Fs rs rs BE x— | baba TT? LYNCH BROS. te ——-¢ . Largest Stock { { : General Merchandise - l in Northern B. C. dodked TTT Lowest Prices Heme me ee ~ Sh me tt ee eee ee cee cee ele The Best Procurable. Absolutely pure 4) | pany. Evidence of activity in de- jvelopment o nthe islands this | Spring and summer is now in- creasingly apparent. | LOCAL JOTTINGS. | F-F-Foolish F-F-Fellows. Michael Harry | Woods today spot each for frolicking over fre- quently where flowed the frothy | flagon. | i ceaschalaasies | ‘Tickets for grand concert to be held next Monday night in the Methodist Church, 6th ave., at 8 | o'clock, can be secured at all drug stores of the city. it Dwyer and | Forgery Case Postponed. | The Nick Rocovich forgery case |} Was postponed this morning at | the instance of the defendant. It ;comes up again tomorrow. Best room in town at the Savoy. Chelohsin Arrives. The Chelohsin arrived at Prince |}Rupert at 7:30 this morning. | Among the passengers were J. | Onions, Dr. Fairbairn, Mrs, Con- stant, Mrs. Rooney, Messrs. Knowles, Barry, Ross, Dobson, Kendall, McLeod, Blow, Ferrier, and twelve in the second class. | Leaving Vancouver the vessel had berth taken, bring- number of cannery |nearly every jing up a hands. her ambition to become again a power in the British court. Mrs. Keppel will go to Berlin at the close of the winter season, which, taken in connection with her | friendship for the crown prince and Mrs. Asquith, lends further color to the rumor that she is playing a high political game in order to further her ultimate so- cial triumphs. Got Back at Americans. Before the arrival of the im- perial visitors, Mrs, Keppel was snubbed by Americans, who only remembered that she was not received at the English ;}courtL when King George came to the throne, but she became friends with Mrs. John Ward, \.ughter of the American ambas- sador, Whitelaw Reid, who was stopping at the same hotel. As soon as she came into power she several] | WANTED—Partner in good forked out a five| | | put those who snubbed he in the | background. Since then she has dictated everything, even to the| style of dancing at the hotel, | ordering that the | trot,’ then being intro-| several summiarily “turkey duced by barred, Mrs. Keppel has | England eighteen months, spend- jing half of that time at Ceylon } in the residence of Sir Thomas | Lipton, which he loaned to her after King Edward's death. She returned to Europe via Japan and} has been much in Dresden, where j her daughter is completing her | education, Americans, be been out of —IN THE— Nechaco Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000 00 Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on Valley FARM LANDS VANCOUVER, B.C, ST THE DAILY NEWS. wish but what we want. "---Merrick. _The News Way —-) et me ee ee ~~(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== -THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES”’ { For Rent es Or eg Pt Ys Pt FOR RENT—4é-room house, 640 8th ave. Apply Phone 313. FOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; well heated and lighted. J, H. ROGERS, Phone 116. mere eer ee Insurance eat cio OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class ot Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co HERE—? et de et —THE- Westholme Lumber Co. LIMITED COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 { Wanted 1 i ec iil omwerenomcscis WANTED—A rooming house in good lo- cation, to rent or lease Good tenant Apply to John Dybhavn. 319 3rd ave. COOK (good) wanted at once Essington, Port Essington. BARBER wanted; 65 per cent. minion Baths. WANTED—A genera! servant. Apply Mrs. Palmer, 720 4th ave. east. ieee ae 209. EXPERIENCED chartered accountant, at parent employed large trust company, fancouver, dsires locate Prince Rupert. Can anyone use him? Box 5, Daily News. 54-5t Apply Ho.el 54-6t Apply Do- uw SMALL furnished house wanted, two or three rooms; moderate rent. Apply XYZ, News Office. 54-3t WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. concern by smart business man. Apply box 10, Daily News. 54-2 WANTED—Position by young man in grocery or hardware business; 7 years’ experience; best of references given. Ad- dress A, Daily News. 5t WANTED — ReStaurant outfit, especially range, also bedding and cheap furniture for about ten rooms, P. O. box 105. Q-tr + { Business Chances rs et et ere eee MARRY—The Ideal Intrcduction Club leads to happiness. Strictly private, high class and reliable. Best in the West. Address é Cc, Wilson, box 1776, Vaneouver, B, C, 24 ts ms eee erste ree Miscellaneous $ermesrmermed emer meres J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru- ..pert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt. and for pre-emption or _ purchase. Nursery stock for sale, Phone 305. P. O Box 993. 4t TAKE NOTICE. That all outstanding accounts due the lately dissolved firm of Ching, Now Co, are payable to Yuen Now, Kwong Sun Chong Store, 909 Third avenue. 4t Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. Take notice that the partnership here- tofore subsisting between Thomas Stewart and the undersigned, known as the Hays Cove Fish Market. carrying on business on Sixth avenue, at the City of Prince Rupert, is hereby dissolved as from the first day of February, 1912. And take notice that I will not be re- sponsible for any debts incurred by Thomas Stewart in relation to said part- nership after the said first day of Feb- ruary, 1912. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th day of Februcry, 1912. JOHN JOHNCOX, By His Solicitor, Lewis W. Patmore. TO HAVE ATHLETIC GROUNDS SOON Continued from Page 1.) Scheme Takes Shape. The Mayor and Aldermen led the applause which followed this splendid speech, and it was dis- length, The City En- gineer was requested to state what there was avail- able and other points. He stated that he had a contour map for every part of it that could be used, It would be wise to con- sider what part was available and how best be accommodated all who might wish to use it for sports before giving out any at all. There was about twenty- five acres, of which two were taken by the. reservoir, four needed for the militia grounds, so there would be ample for ath- lelie grounds and little corners left for parking. It was then decided that the whole Couneil, the City Engineer and the representatives of ath- letic clubs already formed should view the ground at an early date, the tennis ground to be looked into at the same time. It Dawned on Her. (Dallas News.) The teacher had the letters c-a-t on the blackboard and was trying to teach litthe Pansy Peev- ish to pronounce the word, but Pansy couldn't come it. “Think,” said teacher, “what is it that has some whiskers and comes up on the porch late at night when it is cold and begs to come into the house. “Oh, IT know!'” exclaimed little Pansy, a great light dawning, “it's papa!” cussed at acreage FOR SALE SECTION 1. Lots 23 and 24, Block 8, Section 1, §15,- 000. 4 cash, balance very easy terms. Lot 31, Block 16, $8,500. $4,000 cash, 6, 12 and 48 months, House and barn; rent $100 per month. Lots 9 and 10, Block 11, $15,000, 1-3 cash, 5, 12 and 18 months. Lots 3 and 4, Block 8, $10,000. 1-3 cash, 9 and 15 months, SECTION 2. Several good lots in this section cheap. sEeoTi iN 6. Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, $2,100. $1,000 cash, 6 and 12 months. ee Lot 30, Block 22, $2,600. Want one offer for terms. 7-room house and cabin. Lot 8, Block 25, with two %8-room houses, $2,600. $1,000 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, Lots 9 and 10, Block 45, $800. 6, 12 and 18 months. Lot 24, Block 28, $900. $450 cash, 6 and 12 months, Lot 9, Block 40, with 3-reom house and barn, $950. $300 cash, balance 1 and| 2 years. This is @ snap. } Lot 7, Block 29, $500, #350 cash, 6 and| 12 months, | SECTION 6. | Lots 8 and 9, Block 36, $2,800. $1,400) cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. | Lots 13 and 14, Block 25, $3,000. §1,000/| cash, 6 months. | SECTION 7. Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 21, $3,450. i-4 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. ot 6, Block 15, $900. $450 cash, 6 and} 12 months. Lots 18 and 19, Block 37, $1,500. $1,000) cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, j SECTION 8. | Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, $500. $250 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, } Lot 3, Block 10, $450, $225 cash, 1 and 2 years. Double corner, lots 19 and 20, Bloc 2750. $375 cash, % and i2 mo Lot 6, Block 11, $350. $175 cas. 1¥ months, FOR RENT. 3-room house, 7th avenue, near Fulton; $20 per month. 3-room house, 4th avenue, near McBride; $15 per month. Cabins Close In. Business Lots in New Hazelton. Lots in Fort George, right at the G. T. P, townsite, Lots in Masset, ne 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Wetas- kiwin; one 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Cowley, To trade both for Prince Rupert property. List your property with us—we have the buyers. information Free. $400 cash, Th. COLLART Bole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. Bcx 805 225 6th &t. Phone 381 HOTEL for SALE Lot with 24 furnished room Hotel, in good location, Sec. 1, for sale at a bargain price. JOHN DYBHAYN 319 3rd Ave We Offer For Sale The Following Property Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, on Eleventh street. Two lots, Block 8, Section 1, First Ave. One lot, Block 31, Section 1, with build ings, Fraser street. Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth Ave. Two lots, Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave. One lot, Block 18, Section 5, Borden St., with house, Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth ave., with double corner. Two lots, Block 5, Section 6, Fourth Ave, Two lots, Block 18, Section 6, Sixth ave, Two lots, Block 16, Section 6, Sixth Ave Ofe lot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave, One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Elghth Ave. Continental Trust Co. Second Ave. LIMITED Real Estate Insurance Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Regular Shipments of FRESH EGGS Received at Frizzell’s Meat Market Direct from the Ranch RE PERMITS FOR AND ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS. Extract from Bylaw No, 10, Clause 4: ‘The erection or alteration of any building shall not be commenced in the City of Prince Rupert until a such erection or alteration shall first be obtained from the Inspector by the owner or his agent, and no such owner or agent shall proceed with such erection or altera tion until said permit has been obtained.” ; Penalty. Extract from Clause 169; “Any person found pullty of an infrac ‘lon of the bylaw shall be Mable to a fine not exceeding $100.00” Application form and permits for build- ings and alterations may be obtained from onice of City Engineer. ermit for|“Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 a.m. 160 Acres Crown Granted Porcher Island Lots 25 and 26, Block 23, Sec. 7 Splendidly Situated 2 Lots, Block 4, Section 8 100 ft. from Conrad St. Magnificent Hotel Site 2 Large Lots, Port Simpson Frank A. Ellis Auctioneer, Appraiser and Property Salesman 2nd St.. Phone 44, Near Hays’ Bldg. — ———— REAL ESTATE Mere mention of it brings to your mind the idea of Security. It is the basis of all wealth; the foundation of all values. The man who owns real estate OWns something tangible; something that cannot be cornered and its price forced down, Real estate in Prince Ru- pert is particularly desir- able. It grows more valu- able as the years pass Those owning Prince Rupert property are not only earn- ing a good rate of interest, but the principle itself is growing as the property be- comes more valuable. I have some of the best “buys” to be found in the city. See these: Lot 39, Block 5, Section 4, $2,500. Lots 1 to 5, Block 41, Sec- tion 8. $3,500 the 5 lots. A snap. GEORGE LEEK Prince Rupert, B. C. Investigate cur 8 per cent. Real Estate Mortgages. Exclusive Offerings icin REAL ESTATE Lot 4, Block 27, Section 1, §2,500. Lots 54 and 52, Block 16, Section 1, $31,000 pair. Good terms, Lots 23 and 24, Block 23, $30,000 pair. Terms. Lot 30, Block 16, Section 1, $3,000. Half cash, Lot 5, Block 28, Section 1,§ 2,800, Half cash. Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Section 5, $2,100 pair. Half cash. Balance in one and two years, Lots 21 and 22, Block 11, Section 5, $4,000 pair, $1,500 cash, bal. in 6, 12 and 18 months, Lot 11, Block 32, Section 5, $1,000. Terms. Lots 4 and 5, Block 27, Section 6, $2,800 palr. $1,300 cash, Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Section 6, $3,850 pair, Lot 20, Block 13, Section 6, $2,500. Kear 30 feet of Lots 13 and i4, Block 5, Section 6, with six-room house, with bath, 62,500. Easy terms, Lots 19 and 20, Block 34, Section 7, $650 each, $250 cash. Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, $600. Lot 13, Block 6, Section 7, $600. cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 40 and 41, Block 6, Section 7, $1,100 pair. Section 1, Quarter Lot 3, Block 21, Section 7, $525. Lots 4 and 2, Block 26, Section 7, $900 pair. Easy terms. Lots 8 and 9, Block 20, Section 8, $750 pair. Half cash, Lakelse and Kitsumkalum farm lands in large and small blocks, Stock in the Prince Rupert Building & Invesunent Company, Ltd., at $10.00 per share. Call at our ofmMece for prospectus and statement of earnings for the past year. —INSURANCE— McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE UNION S.S. COMPANY OF B.C., Lte The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin” — AND— “Camosun” Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: “Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two Phone 116 A. E. OAKLEY, Building Inspector.| J. H. ROGERS, Agent fine passenger steamers = Q ~ a2 Opri One lot, block 5 cash, ba One lot, biock 1 cash, bal One lot, bi cash, bal Three jots, t % cash Two lots % cash, One lot, b k ¢ cash, bal One lot, block cash, bal. ¢ One lot, bilo cash, bal One lot, block cash, bal Two lots, bi cash, bal One lot, block cash, bal Two lots, | k % cash, bal One lot, t r cash, bal. ca Two lots, biock $50 cash, ba #1 Two lots, block 1 $75 cash, bal. ¢ Two lots, block 1 $75 cash, bal. #1 One lot, block 4 cash, bal. 815 per IN RUS ‘ «ne is a Goo GENTLEMEN Wey re y A ASK UNCLE Jeppy % NY FOR 8A Restaurant on Se Farm land at Lak ave FOR RENT Store, corner § street Store, corner street Seceniah H. Phon ey 1 Sevag 1 avenue and tug Kuck li e 317 The Insura P Contractors Policies W P.S.-H PHONE 301 Phone 150 Employer . Mack Realty & Insurame nice Peoph re meray PONY EXPRES SYSTEMATIC MERCHAN Baggage, Storage an igs or Mot Seventh Ave. and Fu Grand Workingm Free Labor Bure Phone 178 GEO. BRODER LINDSAY’ G. T. P. Trar Orders promptly OFFICE —H. B. Ro eat ana g Agen Te Pome Hotel. an’s Home iu in Connection v 1US, Proprietor, CARTAGE aa STORAGE nsfer Agents hone —— _ SONS OF Meets 2nd a p. m,, in a Norwegians NORWAY eT A SPECIALT! Dressmaking and Cleaning Repairing s00 HOPE 533 8th Ave ———— OD Prince Rupert No. Meets in th Every Tuesd Al] members city are red the A, DU W,G General House AT I Lodge, LOO 63 son Bioes ay Evening (be sted to ve" UGLAS, 4.9 BARRIE, 8e wrist Big Furniture Stor and Ave. and 6 Entrance ADVERTISE NEW and Ave IN THE i & Pressing Work Dom Ii