PAOK TWO Quality guaranteed SALADA TEA EDITORIAL News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday. May 12. 193! IF MONEY WAS DIVIDED? If all the incomes in Canada were evened up, how much would each person get?. This has been variously estimated, all depending upon the method of calculation Some mathemeticians say they would get one hundred dol lars a month while others who include all women in ih calculation estimate the division would give less than sev eftfy-five dollars for each person. Under any socialists scheme by which there would be anything like an equa? division of income, the average railwayman's income would be cut in half at least and so would the linotype ou erator, the electrician, in fact practically every trade or profession protected by a union. The man working on th right of way of the railway who is earning, say, seventy dollars a month and keeping a wife and family on it woulc' have his income more than doubled. The moment the question of socialization of income is considered, the ouestion of wages for housewives and allowances for upkeep of the family comes in. That would as a single and an allowance for each child. No school teacher would then get more than from seventy to on' hundred dollars a month unless married. The married teacher would get just twice as much, if his wife kep' house. In Russia there was an attempt at the beginning tr even the wages of all persons but the system was soon abandoned and todav officials and technicians live mo or less in luxury whi'e the rank and file continue to exist as thev have always don with jftst enough food and cloth mg to keep them alive or very close to the margin. No workable scheme of socialism has vet been pvolv ' Liy mi mm MM COLOUR wwuh or oua MM Ml Mil ON UHIU Ml. hi vrwv r i - m eh lm ar aO souvenin OF THEIR MAJESTIES' VISIT Md of serviceable, wtthtble hetdwood . . .win uit (ot yeri. bupply it limited. Send 13c lo covet pickinj end poiUje. RESTMORE MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. ADVERTISING DEPT.. 1000 PARKER STREET VANCOUVER. B.C. MacKenzie's Furniture Simmon's Itoyal Road to Itest There is Quality. Style and Value. Commemorate the Rbyal Visit by having a Simmon's Sprlnj. Filled Mattress. All sizes. Priced as low $18 SO Phone 775 Softball Entries Closing Tonight Gamma Defeats Alpha In High School Football New York Boston Chicago Cleveland St. Louis ' Washington Detroit Philadelphia 9 10 YOrk , 9 Pittsburg I Philadelphia 8 ' American lin L. 7 8 8 9 10 ll Pet. ,582 .250 .556 .500 .500 .450; .444 .421' 13 5 .722 Id 5 .607 ClusiHED FOR KENT : CLEAN, Well - furnished modern ! apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. FOR LEASE FOR LEASE The whole of" the twa upper floors 6f Alder filock; I 30 rooms. "urnlture for sale. Ap- ply W. J. Alder, City Hall. tt. WORK WANTED SCANDINAVIAN woman desires position cooking for small crew. Apply Dox 7, Dally News. (112) WANTED WANTED Girl for soda fountain and lunch. Dave's Confectionery 1 (114) I KILLFNO AT MINE CAMr (Continued F rom Pe Of) Artificial rttfrirattnn was altemfte4 but failed. (four Team Arc Already Entered When thy hMmd Olwn IwnW And .More Are Kxpectrd To He was eioHed wU) blood. AIKOTPWO lu Competition helped rub the bud)- to rerlve dr- culation. He aald he thought the Date for the closing of entries man was Just knocked out. Then for the Senior Softball League he remarked: "Many men have which it U Dronosed to operate in died for leas and more too." Two Princtf Rupert this summer has i hours later the" ifccWtf r1wrf 'from been extended from Wednesday Atlin. evening untH tonight. For teams Under eroMVxtMnluMfeii bjr Mr1, are already entered and it is ex- Pulton. McQetHgoi dented Jiavfn pected there may be one or twi told Ouroner H. F. Ohwsey that he more did not know a g d- thing" a65ut Che case AH Re dM was to help carry' the body to Nel-1 son's cabin and assist in the effort ' to restore respiration, lie had not lione out to Investigate when he I heard the shout Get out and stay ; out." Anderson miffht hare had some drinks but he did not appear to be drunk. He did not know On Wednesday evening In the whether accused had gnne to tele- Booth Memorial Utah School Inter- phone for the doctor and police. down the field and. from King's unagreed seriously. k t a a v. .w m.M snpfllv rvrnrtt s n iHvir f r tril UDL RYE WHISKIES 11 21 40 S.&ir ou ou ou Thoroughbred 1.00 1.80 2.75 U.O.L. (16-ot.) Sprul 3.35 2.10 3.25 Jmlrry (I6-01,) Op 1.50 2.25 3.50 U-3S-2 ... A L - . Juj HP V trunk iikt (ft rjpKfir VIRGINIA FINE CUT in the Vi lb tin 75 Alo lundy ptttig lOej ScI. Tight" pouch - lJc Th fame finer, cooler", nuld Virginia tkit cnddlej jr.: thr ppt o wiugly sad rolls a better cigarette r-c-y tir..- Ka iMArn L4 Ma- V U Ai'ft " . mm A Ant Ch 1 mmt ftlcAn'w K house football league the Junior JliU went to the Injured man and saw the man huddled on the side- asked CasueU . ". .. Gamma team defeated junior Al- are you not helpmgr Witness ad- to mltted that there had been pollti- ' "T i .l it 1 Cl 'Z A nha pna bv oy a a score score ui of mm- three goals bkhs wj .... . . . kdAubled under him and with blood rkwd . . Ih T door , (itiv of nitfc rn cai uiicussions in wrucn ne ana ac- Clever combination by King and cused had taken part. They might Pierce brought the Alpha forwards not have agreed but they had not arouna ana na rouunj iwvuj qu Johnson, partner ft! OBen. or . x ;: bad. The eyes were blackened and tohf of Mvit ln hw cabln wUh dent prryMrhw .,. ,. k. there was blood on the mouth. He n,h.T. dl1nkin- oisen left about ' ;was men joroea oy outers, arunciai thrff O.elock wllh a of rum on a" T.; however was ofWde and the goal was adjourned untH 10:30 ihtaj Jtion u tnec tne nuni and ut,r tUwi. fnl 1th And. u nmm,,, wal dtellowtd morning. I'' "d " t Anderson cabin where 'ft" - as cisaiiowea. uamm uamma now ow press- press s f(Jund fo bta wnrt u frl",," lf ed and Mah scored with a hard Mornlnr SeMion . . . . A MJ ouna OJSn uith 1in his nu bottle. f1 , d " drive, putting Gamma one up. In This morning wa, spent in hear-!thfn hsd . few drlnka " Ulkcd dW SSiSLiLJI a .tomage around the Gamma Ing crown witnesses, the Prosecu-ij"" SJSiJw .tSSI? X n6Ue ,W coh,prsltlon of SSV goal. Postuk rushed the ball through tlon having complied it, case at ?XrTi f V SdS thlt - An 0thfr- "e UM 0Uw to J t roi io ecuallze the score. From Lee's 1:15 pan. Accused U uklng the , . 'Jh AI t0 nd Andtron 10 SLHT" . corner cajj scorcu iur nipiia. iian autnu uiu miriiiwii. , 11 .a u ' ' 4-w he eoold aot m 'Und U foittwtoch luu I crfkl?"ld ny , Atnh., 3 ah Oeore KeLn of Sr the left When he met Andcown - " - -, inrer . . .. . . . mm or in im- ma 1. The second half was well contest- Alpha McDonald. Alexander. Dawes. Ciconne HoKby. B. Wong. Kinr Pierre PoMhIc Rby. life Referee 3 H. Wilkirswi Edmonton Wins I ed. The dictator countries are probablv closer to it than Ppvnlvpr Tiflp 1 any other. Onlv a dictator could possibly cut down the. 1 c high wages of the high wage groups and raise those ofL , ,, . , . ,, tM low wage -anc! destitute groups ami almost elimihaurs.X conLt P" the incomes of the big capitalists. I .. . . Thee ,wms to be an ida aboard that, by eliminating Montreal. May it: rcpi-Fe? the very big incomes, there would be enough money fo- lhe nfth year ,n weeeirton, an all to have plenty. Calculations have shown this to be in- ? SdVn MPnSre' correct Take the incomes of the few millionaires and TiSp' oivine them by twelve million and they do not amount to .constable m. r j. Eeaton captain- mUC ed the team and won the indl- Under anv scheme of socialization there would prob- Wual mpship. The Fred-ably be much more discontent than there is today. As f ricton m placfd , thing: are the grocer' clerks hope to Income grocers, the . workers in most lines of business hope to get cxecnitive; Racplll StaiifJinaQ DdS,eodU positions. Fverv man has a chance to better himself. Ur-1 OiailQingS ; der a socialization scheme no man would have much . .,7r ' Chance tn himalf Nallonal;ue - wvwva iL..a, The first step in any plan for a better division of the st. i)uis 10 wealth of the country would be the abolition of the bi Cincinnati 10 capitalists and the biir labor unions. The sbit wonM hovo Brooklyn 10 m . . 10 supervise everything and that means dictatorship Or, 7.zrn the whole, We are inclined to prefer to try to improve our 5? New jjreseni system ratner tnan set out on an unknown and un charted sea. said he had seen accused. Jam , "w n ine eon caom ne mi - - Sangater Ancieraoo. about seven! Rodo,Ph Andersen, miner. hlm ,f hf had (tone thU and An- """J ' ed with Gamma on the offensive, o'clock on the evening of Easter"""" " . tU ,, what u V u had 2T" 1 re,m might Ui b ii h.-. due . , Oomez soon added for Gamma the Sunday. April 9 The man td eome ." happened p- mean that the married man would get just twice as much Aloha defence and headed the before that he had heard a voire ; yl""nd M6- , , , A , tow of Anderwri cofljrrw to se e htm J 014,"nwrr Dall past MCIJOnaia, pulling uam- irum hip inrrciron ii nrmcnwn , --" w. .-.v- ,n m iwiiunn di wr nwo iif rrrln t I i. , i i nohin Mtinf. -riMt nj.t ,i. i int? the man drassed out bv Ander- I llid 111 U1C ICttU. VUV VilM OMI I ' V I.V - - 'iw-Hm. " ' " t jl w . u . v . . t i . . j I ciin tt'Tii ' Pi i. frtiV nlm hf lnm t.u wi . i- cww .w i M ' w reams: tui: c luusru ouiwae ana saw -v"' -i -" iuiq nini 01 wir mm una nr Gamma McAfee, Crerar. Grim- somethfng lytng: on th" groond Just .fn, J. Wong. Gomez. R. MclAch- outstae Anaersnn s cabin. Tnen he lean. Astoria. Hmtston. Jones. Mah. saw It was a man lying on the CansUck. around. jefcrsort admitted that he had. He Q Mth thra e had tt drlflk and attrtbuteble land doubled him up- arid kicked had tlrxfik ft emrole of Mowt had hlm In the face fr upper part of kr-ocked OUen out and he wat im-the bfidy. able tr e( rfs omth bak mrrlf R)rrnkl emY In th In praM-eyamtnatlftn bv Mr. Pwi- rlon to cause It nrwW fore th ' an4 fiffT cnt (!: When Anderon came tn he said Ve!v n carrn. said hc was lonkin ton witnr "dmtttwl thif ftt th mw ,w he had h d u f ht and had hit 01- J of the 6 nr of the caikhmtse r-onfuron H whhi have bNrn r. ven two A..k d if .he was when she h ardA dcrsrn say 'N'.wone elv who ld Utey could not This advertisement Is not published or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Bnt'Sh C 1 11 8 .579 . r a"d M" " Hanklnson 8 10 444! 8 10 Hi fat!ed Ias nUht orf (he Prince Ru- 7 13 J5oiPerl or a MP 1 Vancouver. Vic- 6 12 J33ftorla and Harrison Hot Springs. THE SEAL QUALITY fascist WJnvrt ,G0LD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll ui Prince Rupert ctu CAMPACS The Finest Summer Shoe For Style, Wear Arid Dependability. Buy Now While Sizes Complete Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoea flf hd brrn ll:f mi! 1 J It ' Ar)St " "tvH - its - '.Iks . n-y. P - W . m - ' M.1 'Ti ! J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoyal IM L Dlif 1IM CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Rest MRS. C. I- nw. COAL Grain Feed Scc and Fertilize PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and M