Tomorrows Tides High L3W 9:17 a.m. 13.9 ft. 21:53 p.rn, 17.9 ft. 3:05 Z& ft. --- - - Vd XXVIII . Nt Anderson lllrmelf U Now Giving Evidence 1 73 ft - a size court yesterday af- lvA today before Mr. Jus-( and the Jury, witnesses, 'ay , at Spruce Creek - Mrs. r .h? man was pkked up by bcr and was found to be guerlte. ENGULFED BY SNOW - C wn related details or a , amp tragedy which re-1 Two Men Have .Narrow Escape In -)t death of Knute Olsen Stewart DUtrlct When Tractor Creek tn the Atlln dUtrlct and Sleigh are Engulfed by R of a murder charge i Avalanche J. mes gangster Anderson, nrvvuts of William u 'foremani John A. peter Oamula. Albert E. A f Evlndaen. Wilfrid Mc-W :er Chapman. Joseph Armstrong. Sam H. Lea-J Greenwood and Ru- n r. -on W. O. Fulton ap-Anderson with T. W. r wn prowcutor. The 'inning today and may ' mnrrow The Jury dur- rrfnts It being kept to- .p( !us:on. rnlng Mr. nrown brief-A 'he case for the crown, tat wrthe afternoon ofi STEWART, May 12: (CP) Rescuers late yesterday dog through five feet of wet snow to save the lives of Bert Tronann and Slg (irolto who had been buried when a troctor and loaded freight sleigh were struck by a snowlide between Rig Missouri i and Salmon Gold mines thirty ' miles north of Stewart, Roth men were given hospital rauae of death being con-imen camp up and suppiicd wa- of the brain. Accusea aa-,,.p nnH . tow.i for them to wash 1 1 avlng done the deed. Part a . a i i - t hi nMs ntmaT nun nv w 1 Ohen had. prior to New " brcn a frequent visitor at the :n rabln and played crlb-s hcre Then he was warned " " away as he was not wanted t he ( ailed twice after that and n cr.; or aslon hu crlbbage Doara burned by Anderson. Mr Jean Oleason. the chief wit- ,r m inn ratrt uin innt Aiir iivttu t r.:rurc Creek In the cabin with r :-rn and their two young chll-re It was a two-room cabin. r.-l nnrl four vears. were not the victim's face. In answer to questions witness said llu ma that Anderson Aiiuciovu p-vniv wemed all right Wt 1 AKniil Ihrna nVlnrlc Knut U . .. i.u -i.,d .ar -llh thp ...v " -- - -qi v.n " " - jne opaniau m fame In. He was under the ln" lovalLst forces, said he was a mln- Hume of liquor. lie nau u v . , vln- n lne n0USe ncai of rum with him and he asked for -imcthlng to eat. She gave him twD boiled eggs and some bread and buUer The man had been there a couple of times since he had been told to stay away. He came at any time morning, noon or night and he wanted to play crib. He spoke lth a Swedish accent and they sot so they could understand him. On the afternoon in question An- Qfron came home with Ous Jonn- fused asked Olscn to leave and to "akc his bottle with hlm because .- . - men in ont n enn fn onmn unn mm but he would not do so. Witness Breaks Down witness then described the scene which took nlace. She broke down hi doing so and was allowed the use of a chair while glvliiR the rest of her cvldonrp. Andprxnn strnncd accused with Axel Nelson. On the evcnlng in question he was sitting ln the cabin reading when he heard a loud noise and someone say-you ( oet out and stay out.' The voice came Irom the direction of Ander son's cabin. A little while later Anderson came ln. He made reference to the crib, board which had been burned. He left and returned, II . ' ine children sick. Johnson all right i.i . . were .... derson replied: "Oh, he's He's Just knocked out." They then went to where Olsen was and as he tnnir thp bodv he heard a raiue uhleh he nresumed was the death rattle. When they got the man to Nelson's cabin they tested him with a looking glass and he was dead. (Continued on Page luoj 5.5c The Prince Robert, flagship of a. ha rnilln Vaiional Steam ships Alaska fleet (aboj). will conver Tbelr Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. vlded with special roral suites which have been newly decorated and refurnished for the accom-modation of the King and Queen. In command will be Captain IL E. Nedden (Inset) who "fathered" the Prince Robert The ship was built in a Birkenhead, England, shipyard uider his personal supervision. Captain Nedden has been In the service of the Cani- f rom Victoria to Vancouver on ; dlan National Steamships for SO Mar It The ship has been pro- years. He Is a native ot England. HIS HOTEL JASPER TO WIPED OUT OPEN EARLY M. R. Caswell of Spruce Creek Had Popular Mountain Resort Looks Serious Loss by Fire Last Week Fine This Year M. R. Caswell. Spruce Creek hotel JASPER. May 12:-'Owlng to treatment at Die Missouri Thej nronrietor. who ts In the city as a the visit of Their Majesties, we suffered shock but were not In- wltneas at the Supreme Court As- will be opening Jasper Park Lodge Jured. Air pockets around the sUe, had the misfortune last week earlier this year and 'the whole engulfed equipment had per- to to have have hla hla hotel hotel at aV the the mining mining place place will will be be available available to to the the pub- milted tbem to breathe while wailing for hoars for rescue pun-camp near AJUtrr- -completely- des;- Uce-JromfcJune-3-TblawlU make trored by fire. It was 10:30 at'nlght the opening nearly two weeks .... II t L I. t--. nt a n1i . . . fin.ii, .ffN-tM h the ihat the flame broke out in me earner una yci and two children were t - of the plant ad-years and we will remain open "cc engine ' room power t. a hou where they llv-, "J" we hotel. sV rapid was the until September 15." declared Rob- .? r iurw of the afternoonl ' spread that the whole place was crt Sommervllle. manager of Jas- :-- ame Ih He was tn :oUt of the use and she begged soon a seething maw of nre. There per Park Lodge, here yesterdav a'rd condition and he QIwn to ,fave Anderson came , was n0 chance to save anything when discussing the summer ar- Ttethlnt to eat. This back and Mi oUcn thls was hU-and Mme 0f the guesU. already re- rangements. h m and about six o'clock home and t0 get out 01sen tncn had a narrow cscape. Mr. "While we fully appreciate the d Anderson, came In andjmade a fUlhy maric reflecting on and r,. Caswell got away only In openln? this year Is much earlier victor to leave. He re-iw,tnes8 Ander.vKi then told Olscn tne clothes they wore at the time, than usual, we have made ar-( so and. after ef forU to h. nu, hlm oul and nroceeded ..h th rrtnttaeratlon oc- rangemenU to offer a series ol i t.lll failed. An An." r.' . ' ... .... wuu.j v. .--- - - vrHriallif lin all lni.1ti1rat him to leave ru k Olaen with both fists he man outside In the to do so. He struct oisen wun nis curred on the first nignt mat u - - -..v. . left and with hla right fist Thennad warm enough not to have 'rorn the opening day until June witness took the children to the,a flre ,n the building. These rates even Include all the goU the guest wish to may other room and saw no more. Later Tnc hotd was a two-storey frame play. W feel sure this will assist she saw Olsen lying outside In thei8tructure containing dining room snow, hla face bruised. A couple of, and parlor on the ground floor u.uW. . and elaht Ruestrobms upsUlrs. Suat. , a.,!:?:8.,.". h!, vp hern .taken "ver In the history of the and! through Lodge wm the place look so fine- to rebuild after he is 1 128 to 50 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1939. Settlement Of Coal Strike Is Reached Today NEW YORK, May 12: CP Settlement was made today of the dispute between operators and JOIN IN WARNING Unmistakeahle Determination In Aatitude of Great Britain And France Over Danzig iMmN. May 12 (CP): France has joined with Great Britain in the unmUtakeable. r-ainlng. as issufd yesterday by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, that any aetlcn by Germany in retard to Danzig interfering with the rights or independence of Poland will mean war and that anv disregard of lh warnlnt mlht prove fatal for Germany. Premir Edouard Daladier of France late 1erdav backed up Orr' Britain by threatening to further incree France's armies "nlrs th totalitarian states rnt ' down, .the jnobilUatlon , of. th'lr fore. Roth Great Britain and France PTn-t ront'nued willintness to disnue bv peaceful mean n ther ritfatr that they are ready to meet force with force. YANKF.ES i IN LEAD New Yorkers Are Back on Top of American League as Result of Yesterday's Play , ST. LOUIS, May 12: CP New lT rawei to Van- " It will be at the opening this York Yankees returned to the lead-Mere. Mr. m iaswcu wlll m Eo su ... . . vaap Wp Vlflrl o crri rH j Kroob- 1 i, In Af-cVifn .ki rf th. tho Amprlrfln amrin t I.patnift pntni VPS vs. . . f . Ik, ntir. JV. IIV " v. M UIIU Ul 111 . V" t . v ........-- - -... iiit- i in i n i ur rn l n on n 11. vpxihhi.iv i riiiiiir:u viu Bulletins COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Lloyd Colin McKenzie, who was captured at Arrandale on Wednesday, was committed for trial at Anyox la?t night on a charge of robbery under arms of the company store at Anyox last week. He is expected to be brought here tonight aboard the police boat. TO HOLD REGATTA The Port Day committee of the Junior Chamber ot Commerce decided last night to hold a regatta for pleasure craft on July 20 instead of the Port Day along. th" lines of last ear."lt will be railed the Port ot Prince' Rupert' Reratta. In the evening there will be a dance. JAPANESE AGGRESSIVE QUEBEC ON MONDAY QUEBEC In spite of the delay occasioned yesterday by fog 330 miles off Cape Race, New-oundland, the liner Empress of Australia, bringing the King ana Queen to Canada, is expected to I arrive here on schedule at 9 couver lo aimusv i"" . . . . . " , . , , . , m , n !., o'clock uciovk .huiiuj; Monday morning. iiiuiiiiiis. v was not drunk Pultonment 'gress with the grounds and flower hitting hitting game game at at St. St. Louis. Louis. v The Tne, . J to tJeir crowxaminea " ;-,- often HAL U A f TRI IT 1AKK1VAL3 ARRIVALS beds- no We frosU come around Boston Red Sox. who had been oni niembers jr.u, eieraa, bers e twQ; Ntr.S biiS haye g & tQ nrlor to being banned from irom me he for j,.,.,u-j ... .u- White rv,it. Sox cv' sirens sirens of of , j t. u. i , j... j. .... . .IKiiitv. hfr . top. The Brooklyn Dodgers won y f- ---- , la tightly contested four to three vie-. i tory over Cincinnati Reds and the 1 two teams are now tied for the ' runner-up position. Yesterday's Big League Scores: American League New York 10, St. Louis 8. Boston 2, Chicago 3. Philadelphia 0, Cleveland 7. Washington 4, Detroit 2. National League Pittsburg 1, New York 4. Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 4. St. Louls-Philadelphla postponed on account of rain. Chicago 6, Boston 2. The Big League teams are moving to new stands today. Only three National League and two American - l ...... Sonny N., 1,800, Atlln, 6c and Joining the opposition in voting League names are scheduled today 5c. 'against the bill were the followln? as iouows. Bum, 8,000, Cold Storage, 6c and Liberal members: Hon. W. R. National League Philadelphia at 5c. I Motherwell, Melville, . Saskatche-, New Yorn; si. louis ai uincmnau; J. D. A., 2,000, Cold Storage, wan; William John Ward. Dauph-; Brooklyn at Boston. 6.1c and 5c. ln, Manitoba; Harry Raymond American League Cleveland at Bug, 4.000, Cold Storage, 6.1c Fleming, Humboldt, Saskatche-; Chicago; Detroit at St. Louis. and 5c. wan: John Angus MacMlllan, Mac-i Tomorrow ln the National League 141 Capitol TAXI Macey'a Coffee House PRICE: & CENTS ritis, i -Turk Agreement Is Closed ILLING AT Fishing Vessels . 11FMI I IT MINE CAMP re,uP,. NEAR ATLIN i p . ... . t-ii rl .... a - el 01 easier ouiiuj I X.AVIM If P1I11LII1E in .iiuiuri III Trial VANCOUVER, May 12: (CP)- One hundred fishing vessels will fonn a lane outside Vancouver Harbor as the steamer Princess Marguerite, carrying the King and Queen, steams away from Van- i -v ri. 1 couver for Victoria on May 29. ccused Un otand cp- command nt wm ?. ,n U( llilVVTaM MAI" I Alaska Fleet Flagship for Royal Tour r Another Important Link Is Forged In Chain To Eliminate Aggression workers which has resulted In a strike tie-up of the Ariachian is Provided- Dcf inite Long Range Military Co-Opcration collieries lor the past six weeks. . ., . . T-, . n Agreement has been reached aions Similag Agreement With France is Coming the lines of acceptance of the , " ,. . . - demand of th? United Mine work- LONDON, May 12: (CP) Another link was forged ers of America for a new contract in the European peace chain today when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced in the House oi Commons a mutual defence agreement with Turkey covering the Mediterranean. A definite long range military agree ment win re conciuaea Detween ine two countries. Meantime, in the event of an act of aggression leading to war In the Mediterranean area, the two (nations are prepared to co-operate effectively and lend each other all aid and assistance in their power. A similar agreement between France and Turkey will be announced shortly. BOATS IN COLLISION At Least One Fisherman Drowned and Thirty-Eight Missing After Impact on Atlantic Coast YARMOUTH, Nova Scotia. May Mi tCP) Nine seamen were rescued after the, UnitedStateJlJjJng vessels Edith C. RosencT'lsabeJle Parker collided head-on in a dense fog and sank midway between Bos ton and Yarmouth early yesterday morning. Thirty-eight men from SIH vr.lltl tanani.. naval . 00111 uua arc au uc - reported dead. There is be- forces occupied the international settlement of Kulanjsu at Amoy llieved to be a good chance of such and a Japanese spokesman warn- " " 1.1, the skiPPe" oi uuu being ed that "similar action" might be necessary respecting internation- "if; ' The nine survivors we brought al areas here. Kulangsu is six hundred miles southwest of here. ;hefre y e mfotor Aacit a j after rowing for eighty miles in dories before being rescued. They said that they had only a few minutes" after the collision to lower the boats. Royal Canadian Mounted Police and fisheries patrol vessels are continuing the search. The Edith C. Rose was from Gloucester and the Isabelle Park- The er from Boston. hen he came in that evening. Helchase of new furniture and equip-i ,"',Z' King and Queen, despite the fog, . . ,bccii ame wj ina&tf cxcencni pro- nrn. over oi. Jjouis diuj iu a mi- - j.-i. t tnnt 4t ncitil turn nrniinn drk house. He played crib more with her than with Anderson, sne naa told him she' did not want to play any more and Anderson had burn-the crib board. After Olscn asked for food and before she gave it to him he had asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital. He was in an argumentative mood. John Patrick Mcoemgoi, veteran American ready our distinguished guests decision to the Chicago Hazel Un 19,000, Royal, 7.2c andjnever before seen at the Lodge, at Chicago. , . I "Tnose who are looking for early In the National --"f"- League me tt. " t;C. . f i.l , .-irnrr II T urnnnp of the crew. Nearby the , av ' ' suumuv the convoy warships, I 1 JUt 1 T 1 1 HM.S. Southampton and Glas- AlT Iflail UQidLYGil . . . . 1 ,, IV.. . " row, couia De nearu auiiuugu mc P.ihpr 7000 Booth. 7c and 5.5c .holidays this year will find every- Louis Cardinals, although their Tessc,s start .May Not Be .Made Now Until . , - . .! . j a , . ... a nuil.J.l-Ula . - I.TTTDrrSS. 1UU4T iC UllUICN tT:i I per because of Canadian I rangements made, stated mana Fannie F., 8,500, Pacific, 6c and'ger Sommervllle. Bourgon, 8,000, Cold Storage, 6c , LI 11? 1 1U I TV and 5c. !1 1 Y Ju VJlAi 1 U Dickie Boy, 7,000. Atlln, 6c andj Eleanor II, 8,500, Cold Storage, Jt V UL 1 6.2c and 5c. ' Margallce, 4,000, Atlln, 6.6c and Prairie Members Vote Against 5c. . tiovcrnmcnt Un Issue of uheat R. K., 3,000, Atlln, 6.2c and 5c. price Guarantee M, I.. 2,500, Atlln, 6.2c and 5c Mac L., 2,500, Atlln, 6c and 5c. OTTAWA. May 12: (CP) By a Cape Spencer, 13,500, Cold Stor- majority of 78. the government age, 6.6c and 5c. bill setting the wheat price guar- Johanna, 17,500, Atlln, 6.6c and'antee at 70c per bushel was given savlnir he had hit Olsen twice and 5c. second reading by thp House of .i i ih snow. Hel Sea Ranger, 100, Booth, 6c and Commons yesterday. The vote was son olscn was still there and rum ... n .,.r,n. and seemed to be, 5c. ... uitv v m v"ow"T n me noor Dcswe nis cnair. n-i kl fl ,. ob o ttt ile was cool and sober. Witness suggested they get Olsen ln as It was coia. ah- HIV J fcV V W -. - -- " ... Mary R.. UfiW. Pacific, 7.1c and inmg to ineir aayamage at Jas scheduled game at .iiaipru o'fecd s,ow ti , August 1 Although Possibly July 1 siicru usi"s " - NEW YORK, May 12: (CP) five knots. Commencement of transAtlantlc air mall service, which was to MAY REACH AGREEMENT jhave started June 1, has been de- ' LONDON Although no official ferred until July 1 and may not statement was available, hopes start until August 1. appeared to be brighter still to- t ' day for some -sort of a mutual assistance and non-aggression EuCCtlOll agreement uruig icumcu utmnu Soviet Russia and Great Britain. Viscount Halifax. British Foreign l Secretary, and Ivan Maisky, Sov iet ambassador to Great Britain, niet again yesterday and were understood to have agreed upon general principles. Weather Forecast (Furnished thrvugb the courtesy of tht Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria and Prince Rupert. This for-ciit is comctled 'rom observations ta ken tt 3 a m. today and covers the SC i jjg Seems Likely Prospects Are That Vancouver Will Have To Vote Again To Fill Aldermanic Vacancy VANCOUVER. May 12: (CP) Another civic aldermanic by-election appears to be a certainty ts a result of the protest of Alfred Hurry, defeated C. C. P. candidate .in Wednesday's contest, at there having been insufficient ballots provided for all the voters. Mayor Lyle Telford stated yesterday that would not swear ln Former Tugwell, 3,000, Royal, 6Pc and kenzle, Saskatchewan, and Harry, Chicago will open at Pittsburg and ' Mayor George C. Miller as an al- 5c. Leader, Portage la Prairie. They, in the American. New York at Phil-! Prince Rupert Fresh northeast derman until the question of the Annabcllc, ,7,500, raclfic, 6.1c had insisted on a guarantee ot.adclphla and Boston at Washing-' to cast winds and moderately warm validity of his election had been and 5c. no less than 80c. I ton. jwlth showers. finally settled.