HOLLAND FULLY MOBILIZED AND DETERMINED TO M VINT UN ITS NEUTRALITY Iprls 1st V NEW "ST TIMES Sl itfin ALL NEy i ivr The lint T.,ua Shirt Arrivals "Tarzan Three Year, find We play host to the man who wants a shirt that's individual. Oar ARROW and FORSYTH plain color and patterned shirts allow jou to pat forward a front that's original without being outlandish. Unmatched tailoring, guarantee for i perfect fit, exclusive collars, style leadership mean something to the man who wants to look well dressed as well as feel it, TO BE SURE . . . For the Largest and Finest Selection of . . . . . . Arrow and Forsyth Shirts Each 82.00 S1.55 " S2.50 Christmas Cards That Are Really Personal Now is the time to order your Christmas carxfe if you want them really personal Place your order early and haTe your own name Imprinted cn your Christmas measavs- We offer a wide assortment of attractively illustrated greet I n g s. expressing your sentiment m cleverly written and sincere merages- Order today for that personal touch. Gift Wrapping. Ta?s and Seals, Fancy Boied Stationery, Fo-mtain Pen Sets 2 for $3.00 $3.50 Visit the Men's Wear Mecca Of Prince Rupert Bryant Company Limited Thone 297 532, 3rd. Ave, W. One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks In Refrigerator P.O. Box C22 NONE UNDER 50 doing enough for their country.; SYDNEY. Australia. Dec 1: CP Archdeacon R. B. S. Hammond is To utilize the services of 'old forming an "Over 50 Auxiliary brigadiers- who feel they are not Legion." Wm DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block, Third Street Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch cn Toasted Sandwiches qi Hors d'oeuvre Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert (q jjd. BrlUsh; Columbia; J.H.BULGER Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk Optometrist . .. VALENTIN DAIRY ltTal Bank HIU. PUONK U7 In a speech broadcis: :c- --he nauon ::s oiues. Premie r Dirk X Oe Ocer. premier of Holland tr Ured that Howard mobllrzation stands af a guarantee to a .::gerrnta thai her ne utrality tn the present conflict will be maintained Referring to correal rumors that Germany was thrr-ening The Netberlan dr. the premier declared: -The government haa not the slightest reliable Information at hand which eoulc ihake lu belief in as Mrances received from both warring povera" Deaptte the assurances of Pretater De Oeer. the snail but well-equipped Dutch armjr u standing frtraly ready to fight if the reported massing of German troops on the puteh border eads to the taTaston of the Uny country. A regiment 1 shown. Upper Lift, on the march foe an unknown destination reeertly General Baron von Voorst Tot Voorst commander-in-chief. is shown. Upper Rtufci. Left, with an aide, as he toured part of Holland flooded def enc e sector after the dyke had been opened In several ptaeea to make use of HnUand s natural barrier to .itaaon. A gun crew o f the Dutch army U shown in action. Lower Left. wHe the machine gun crew. Lower Right, u typj?al J. the men who man t he borders of peaceful Holland MOOSE IN FIRST WIN Scored Clean Sweep Ktory Las Xljht Over Printers In Commercial Bawling Leafue Individual scoring: Long Smith Comadina Cameron Ounderson -Stiles . Handicap Tnt1 ..... Printers ,R. Franks iMonterano O. Franks McCallum 177 168 ..157 124 1M 18 .79? 1 13 195 134 ..122 Comad'na . ! W-.-rlW-an U thi :jj Savor Hotel 1 - Mi . . . mmlT 1K1 (Webb in '"rfVfc W.tVv.WVWWWMWVW i Morrl t w 1 T" .731 J Inioerial Oil 1 irdnMr 1S7 JHartwig4 107 Rush .. 122 MrHonf 1M 176 Hunrticap i Total .:. ... 749 158 133 ISA 133 157 Ifi 747 2 1M 171 124 123 1M 14 74S League Standing W . N. R. A. . . 7 Oyro Club s Angus Apartments ... 5 Printers, 3 Savoy Hotel 5 Canadian ScottUh . ...1 Imperial OH l Moose Lodge 3 2 10 n 157 1 811 2 1M 122 16S 121 130 41 732 First Contingent Of Australians 3 14S 173 165 181 10 813 3 m 181 142 142 11 14 751 X 11 117 141 'It 765 1w 133 11 15' 107 41 755 L Pis 2 7 4 4 3 l 8 5 3 Will Leave For Eurone. At Beein. nlng or Year And Take' Posi tions. At Front In Spring CANBERRA. Dec. I: CP The first contingent of Australian troops will leave for Europe at th- beginnlng of the year and will lake up poslUons at the 'front In the serine after further tralnlne lovtrseas, Prime Minister Menzles announces. RECEPTION TO BISHOP Kitwanra Welcomes Visit Rev. G. A. Rlx Of KU ing were made by Chief D, L. Wells. Chief O Moore. Chief R. Hanu. Chief R Lelt. Chief P. Benson. Chief A MfiDaaws of Ktt-zegukla. Chief Cha. Smith, rep-reaenuuve of the Church Army committee Chief C. Derrick. Chief 1. WUliama Bishop Rtx replied L tMtr words of welcome. H. Sinclair actlnt as Uoose Lodge broke into the onoay evening the Com- interpreter, as wen as being chair -winnlng column in the Commercial awnHy Hall at Kitwanga was the man of the gathering. 3owhng League for the first time of a reception party whkh The reception doted with a h- -v-n las, n h. by seonn vUsasers of KMwanga tendered orayer by Bsmip R4g and Uie a clean sweep three games to nil Re Q- A. Rix. Bishop of Cale- stogtog of the National Aaihem. neuy att rT-nteis in the sec- oam. Twang nere on am waj ond scheduled fixture tost night home to Prince Rupert from Win- Savoy Hotel won over Imperial Oil nlpeS- MONKS NOW CAPTAINS two games to one to Join Gyro The ChuTh Army Bind, under' Club and Angus Apartments for a the leadership of Edward Tali, EXETER Eng., Dev. 1: CP three-way tie for runner-up posi- Na- seN sHcettons through- Five monks of Buekfa Abbey tion. Montesano was high average out the program. DeHctous refresh- have hung up their btatk habits scorer for the evening wtth 1&3. ments were served by the Hdies for the duration of the war. Serv- of the Women's Auxiliary and the big as amy ehaptftias 0! the White cross Society. ft-r th front, ther wear uttl- Speeehes of wekme and greet- form and rank a captalaa. MEN'S . . . TRAVEL KITS .0 V t -smmmmuW aUHHHHHHHHHHUt B uuBauuuuuuarBauHBauuuuuuuuum 'P Otherwise Dresser Sets The make very appropriate Christmas presents. Some have ripper fastenings on leather cases and hold brush and comb. Some sell for M-W to and we have several whkh run a UUte higbei. We alto have some sets of military brushes which are tery good value at u 83.50. John Bulger Ltd. MacKenzie s Furniture 13 CEDAR CHESTS BeauUfully lined with Tenneaeee Cedar. Solid walnut exterior and air tight Insurance policy for $100 against moth for three years. They are made by Honderich and are only made of high quality. 25 00 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o CIIAMJCS VIEWS LOWDON. Dec. 1. CPi-Hki bro- A Son" With JOIIXNY ttmun MAUREEN O-Stu,; At Ml and ) U) WOUU) NEWS ins,, ML.MC and MlSICU COMING SAT 0M1 Ann Shr-tJaa la inaunapoli Swew Earmarks Expor For Motherland ."Sew Zealand Pa it, fI WELUNOT'S CP -aw 2r is now esnp. kpectfled it Pe f herr. elsewhe- . Th. talned .m th mcnt t ..1 pa.v, : SMOi. wUteh -v i f 'he ir. ( llr, :i.-t there wv.gid br xpwta- the 8-Tbe bill r Ties Is ml iott: same maon" i wb me asier we mntr Uftsnan smktet of 1L H. a. MOpal Oak dair, caused Donald EQU St, to change r- :hU view, on war. He toM a Coo- jvientlnus Objectors" Tribunal he Kews la sure v; ! wanted to offer his services suits X tx V Ks KNITTED WEAR Makes A Useful Gift SWEATERS- Nothlnr H 'Ume U sJ a a wlcuVe ih H The oceawi be worn are run- oss - ' lountlng-f J an44 tllbfT ed protetii tn -l See oor ranie of ttr4vN knits and fano. Priced From $3.95' $6.95 SOCKS New nattern. In 1 rwl uki arririnr lm"- ' Whether thev be plain or fancv cashmere, fancv bresn " nV ribbed, we hare 'em. 50c 10 $1.50 Watts & Nickerson trvrt'trt mvth rnn vrv .1 1 . 1 v. 1 id . - - 1 r. . . wwrrw I , FOR SALE 2 Winton Marine Deisel Engines 100 h.p. EACH Complete. Guaranteed in first class condition, used very little R 5H1 1: ir.d L'LJ l-.i it h ft M ' In- k r.l Keen ATLAS BOILER WORKS Ill