ouT OF WORK TODAY? rry The News’ Want Ad 4 se! ade. Cheiohsin. . .. . lory candidates have just lit on the fence Oppo- vention recently held at van-| Peck and Lee Baker. vest scoring yet in the season's Crescents Vaso Quills Tunes ma te a ll 8 gr s couver returned on the George! viker & Walla’ eee Auditorium by 20 to 17, the keen- | will be cup deciding contests, the < a Se renee “ware of the bandstand sidewalk—prominent citizen has this morning, and bring glowing| : oe cee ‘ vie it ’| series. Peon rle, are eG most important in the series. ere . . ‘tL lead him to the long drop laccounts of the work accom-| °° ?°" ': cents ealeulated they had i eir ——_—__—— : arr - “traw hat weather,” say the Rianne by today's boat, Heenan: They 7 eo eet Choicest liquors and cigars—|iwn way, but the Teddies are a Fresh eggs, 3 doz, #41,10. Stalk- Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, “ parasols for the girls.’ | gin, R, Naden, A. M, Manson| Savoy. inarvelously resilient bunch and\er & Wells, it Phone 4,