r. .1 2 .- PAOE TWO F mpacs T!iis is the last word in summer shoes for men, boys, youths and children. Guaranteed longer wear and priced From . $1.25 10 $2.50 Sole Agents JACK and JILL SHOES PENMAN'S HOSIERY AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DA LV NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - UUITISII CGLUMU1A Published Every Arternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F, PULLEN - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per "word, per insertion . Local readers, per line, per Insertion - . News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday, June 30, 1939. VANCOUVER ISLAND'S PLAINT OV1 t5 ' Prince Rupert people will quite understand the plea of the neonle of Vancouver Island in asking for highways jii.!i. v. -nkn.,f 4-1,. tVio treatment drive only twelve miles. Surely we have a better plea even than Tofino. sue. JAPAN'S ATTITUDE "It becomes increasingly difficult to regard Japan's tactics at Tientsin fn any other light than as the opening manoeuvre in a broad campaign to drive the western powers out of China," says the New York Times. "It is true that in its present phrase this campaign is directed solely against the British. But that is merely because Japanese opinion has been better schooled during recent months in anti-British sentiment than in any other propaganda arvl because it is unnecessary to bring in other countries at this time. British interests in China are immensely larger than thme of other western powers. "Certainly the methods which the Japanese are uwV are not those of a nation which is seeking to narrow the area of disagreement and to settle immediate points at is- The original Japanese demand served on tne iritisn f Tientsin was for the surrender of four Chinese who had taken refuge in the British concession after being accused by tbe Japanese of terrorism. But as their -willingness to arbitrate soon as the British showed this question the 'Japanese raised their terms. They next demanded that the British 'cease hoarding Chinese cur- rency in Tientsin' and 'discontinue nrotecting anti-Japan-' ese and Communistic elements.' Then as if in fear that thu British government might accept these terms as a new; basis of discussion, Japanese spokesmen again lifted theirl price and demanded 'British co-operation of a 'new order') in the East.' These are the tactics of a government seek-' ing to pick a quarrel rather than avoid one. "The 'new order' that Japan wants is a China exclusively dominated by the Japanese themselves. A surrender to the Japanese at Tientsin, particularly a surrender coming after Munich, whould seem certain to do great damage to Britain's position in India." is homes and prescribed for jnany CllSLritL WHICH I eiJUII CD llUUUI, LIU CC UlUUVll uinmip vi -., ,i mum .uiij.. highway to Terrace, a road to the top of the mountain and been aned, counties Jives some more roads on the Queen Charlottes, including a ved and clinic held in district road connecting Massett with the south end of Graham never before viiited by a doctor. Island, only about forty miles or so. e Jnc)Iudes two t" a,ad ',, J ,. , f. , ,. . the truck drivers are medlral stu- When ve think of the great distances to be coveret: dentf vvp rpmpmhpr that a naltrv little twelve miles is all PrinCI Tlw caravan's case record shows ftfk DAILY tOCWB NOTED ILLUSTRATOR AND PROSPECTIVE BRIDE Q JJg McCtuIUnu . relay. nu.a magazine ;ius.r.itr. una vi:..nlu Moore, whose engagement was announced recently, are shown at Palm Beach, where they are vacationing. Miss Moore was formerly model for Barclay PORTABLE HOSPITAL Medical Caravan Aiwj 30,000 Alberta Children; Saves Many Lives CALGARY, June ,30: CP Alberta's medical caravan, carrying doctors and nurses to remote com opening up new territory. There is a settlement at ioiinoimunlt,es hag tarled its summer where the neonle claim thev are forgotten. All they need 'campaign of visits. Baseball Standings National League W. Cincinnati 38 St. Louis - 34 New York 2i Chicago .....r-'. 34 Brooklyn- t 29 PttUbur 'j. 27 Boston :. ..J. 25 Philadelphia 18 is a piece of road from Sproat Lake, 35 miles in length, to; officially known at the Alberta " connect with the highway to Victoria iJrKS Another plaint is that Vancouver Island has 12,IKMJ equipment and a large passenger otevtiand. J. square miles ol territory yet there is no road from end to car for the staff of nine member -tros. ... .,r. end or all the way across it. Roads so that tourists ma , under direction oi ur. j. w. unoge. n . c , ..t'.i. j; i. .- i. : All V,Q -of i'c chief surgeon. Philadelphia in niai, iuc use- tu visa tnose uisincus uicj Its . u n n. 1 11 . i i. 1 !! J . .. .. paUents are school children Washington 1W million QOliarS lUBl LO OUllU SUUJC lOaua. nAr 1ft cac at nap Minnr iwvr There are possibly a doaen or more districts in Rr! ations are performed, the operaUng tish Columbia where thev would like a few million dollar: room being set up in community Aa Tn nlrlltinn rhprp is PrinpG Runcr. halls or isolated farm . C IJCilVlCV 1 UUUk) ill - 1 1 . ... . . ... v,;iliri Ml 1' rlloi.c 11 fnr ft Louis Baseball Scores Rupert has had completed since the city was established 852 minor operator nrfored d ln thirty years ago. in 0 otner community can compare "r"-, , this in the small amount of work done in the district dose- ly adjoining it. If there is another city or large commun of tne country decv-the ha-k-ity like ours with so little highway serving it, we should tsne of the community." Dr. Bridce HUp rn knnw where it is. Peonle who came here in 1909 told Floora Bailey, a reporter who u, uroUfi; fViivfr vopvo fnr a hiorVivmv nnrl nnw Inpv can spent a day with the clini: nave nauiu jvuiu J t ' J " -i League . ...0 22 23 .33 30 25 25 19 L. 22 26 28 30 29 31 35 39 13 24 29 30 30 38 41 43 Pc .794 .5TO 332 .524 300 .397 379 300 American League New York 1-7. Washington 2-0 St. Louis 9-5. Chicago 3-7. Philadelphia 8, Boston G. National League Boston 8, New York 2. Philadelphia jat Brooklyn, post- Chicago 7. St. Louis 6. CURRICULUM RKVISKI) DREDERICTON. June 30: CP We A new curriculum for grades one EXECUTIVE CoroirittMs Appointed by President Lakle for Coining Year TaIUw Inf Installation Yesterday afternoon W. L. Coates gave a brief review of the aracraplishmcati of the past year at the regular wwJdy luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club and Vr railed upon Dr. W. T. Kertla to Install the new officers. He thanked all those who bad helped v make the year a xucceu awl es "'-xl'y the eretary and treasur fT T A McWaters and Alex Me Rae. for their splendid support. D. Ktrgln spote pf the past year 4ie of which the cJub might well voud. Jle congratulated Peter I .Vie hit cJelian a president and imnrexsed him with the Im- ort:mee of the office. The other Mr"rs and members of the excretive he aim spoke to, urging that as bey had to carry out mart of the i'!ne of the cJub during their term of office, they lve this their best efforts. It was the duty of Pr -Jdent lakle to give a lead the club, a president and the dub would dc- A. McLean. W. McDonald, B, E rer.d upon him to carry on accord- Kennedy, J. W. Corte. II. S. Crom-lng to the club traditions. Dr. C. W. R. Bharp, O. 11. Layton, B H. Hanklnson and R. O. Hopkins Kobalayakawa, R. Douglas, T A were new to the executive and they Wood, C. P. Rlel, S. O. Knot tad would bring new enthusiasm to C. H. Erlckson. D. J. Bartlett. C thlr duties. Alex McRae. treasur- J- Le. R O. Wallace and Mrs. L e and Bert McWaters, secretary Wordland, Vancouver; W. C. Cara-had done so well In the past that van. II. M. Olsen and W. Lain, the club had re-elected them. clty; D. E, Maxwell, Port Clements. Mr Lakle, In taking the' chalr.lN- Perry. Naden Harbor; R. D. said he realized the honor that had Thomas, Blllmor; Mrs. A. L. Rich-n done him. He thanked the'ardson and Mrs. Sybil deBucy. members for choosing so good an TleU; A. Robertson. Massett; El-executive and said he hoped alli'riede Hoffman. Terrace; R OeU-rHd New WestmlnsU-r; N. J. Nel co-operate to make the com- r. ine year a successful one. He then'wn; Wainwrlght; Louise Miner 633 rsad tht list of committees which 3peers. Sask ; 67 'ie had "v,'?n as follows: 351 List of Committees j .531 Alms and Objects Peter Lakle, W. L. Coates. T. A. McWaters. A .485 ' "... R O Hopkins. Dr. C. 1' .417 Hanklnson and C. V. 5W .316 Club Service J. W. WfehoU Oforge C. Mitchell. Alex O. Rix. Vocation Service J. J. Llttlo, .t 1 --nrlv AUx 1rKtn i Community Service W. T. Ker-gln, W. L. Coates, W. P. Armour. International Service L. W. Ker-ln, Lee M. Oordon. W. E. Drake. Program A. C. Small, S. C. Thomson, James Bryant, Oeorfc Fianklln. Boys' Work .Committee R. M Wlnslow. N. M. Carter. P. H. Lin-, te Fellowship andAttendance Com mlttee Oeorge Bryant, J. B. Olb ' ton, T. Troticr. Public Relations Harry F. Pul-len. J H. Thompson, j Classification 3. D. Johnston, H. W 'rd. R. Vander filuys. Civic Centre R. O. Hoi)klns, W. C Fulton. R. C. 8t. Clair. Bulletln-N. M. Carter. Dental Clinic John Dybhavn, W. J. Alder. Miss E. D. Priestly PRECEDENT refer many cae to ths dletrict to six will be -made effective ln SUSSEX, N. B., June 30: (CP)- doctor. Hov eyer, as a rule we work the next academic year by the For the first time in this town's in districts that are far beyond tbe New Brunswick Board, of Educa- history a mayor presided over reach of any doctor. Almost 90 tion. High School entrance ex- ouncll meeting wearing the may- per cent of the cases we handle are amlnatlons will be abolished and -"s chain of office after the em Indigents. The country doctor physical education will be lnclud blem was presented to him at a could not afford to touch thorn, cd in the new curriculum. June meeting of the council. Oordon Mackenzie Stewart: Mr. and Mrs. L R. Lav on: T. R Layton and Anne C Layton, Philadelphia; James A -.ampbell.Telkwa: R. Knight. Win nloeg; Thomas W. Mavnc. S ory; Mrs. Barrett, Barret LaK r. E. Eby and A. Orant, 8m: thers. Royal Chong Yee, Sunnystde; J. C Morrison, Massett; Hubert Sn bloom. Vancouver; O. Humphrey Victoria; W. Chapman. C.N.R.; r Harry. O. A. Lay ion and S. Pear son, city. Central F. MaddUbtn kod 1 R ' Vancouver; NeU A moth and Ivan Mahood, city; L. Oarfln. C-NJt . Peirtn. Prince George; Mr ar,'. 5rs S A. Cheeaeman. Haytport Daniels. Winnipeg. Knox O. J. Mclntyre, Skldegate: Jn Brown. Bcsiall: Mr. an Mrs L Anderson. Porcher Island. Oeor; Prerott. Prince George. Savoy Adela A. Haugland, Terrace. 11 Ness. J. Cameron, W. Leake and family, city: Paul B. Sprinklei Port AlUe; lorn Jone. Toruvi Mike Bt en and O. P Murph Ecstall Mine; Mr and Mrs. T. Stanley. Kltwanga: John NeUson Terrace; L. A. Hunter. Irlnr' RuperL LARGE ILDCKS TIONISH. P. E I . June 30: CP Large flocks of brant have been 'een In this North shore district Flocks of more than 100 birds have been reported. UDL CONDON DRY coraf l" Ue f Vtt!!HC. i.-rb a,u r0p-l!iftU.cT" ISM "l,l"1!Vnc Cr rTTJim'i Miiilrto 1.00 2.00 2.7S vkWH m Si;Pp 1.10 2.15 " 3 rrMmW, ' J?M I I I 1 U-39-9 This adver tliement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia wmrnm UlLBEY London Dry j: Pill 25-oz. 10-oz. uin This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of DrltUh Columbia. Hotel Arrivals Print Rupert Mr. and Mrs. D Ederuhaw and to child, A. Oguenlno and C. Larson C. V. Evltt was formerly city; M. R. North. A. J. Claydoi, ' new teachers J TRURO. N 8 June 30 I Closing exercises of thn N itla Normal College here graduates receive diploma fp Specials THIS WEKK ONLY Satin Finish "61" Quick Drying Floor Varnish $1.29 Cellutone Wall-Kinish 99c "61" Quick Dryinjj Knamel 29c VM KAIEN HARDWARE CO. HOLIDAYS Try SANCAN RIVKU HOLIDAY CAM I' This Vr Sltuned on the Flnet Ilearh In Canada Apply to MRS, DUNN, .Mawelt, Queen Charlotte Iilandt, for Pull Particulars Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 MISS VUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Trice rhone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST.