THE DAILY NEWS. The Daily News EVERY DOGHAS. | . Chariotie Isiand , Take notice that Eilen Marion Young, ol Victoria, b. | yecupalion spuister, imvend The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. ns ! Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited ITE FR Wo apply for eruussiou iu purchas juituWwilg described jands ‘ad pak (Aves (Ayes 0 P* Pan 9 PX pon : tue DAILY AND WEEKLY xX wuwing described lane: pianted (2npen 219 : > wus — suulueast curber ¢ i 2, thence vs , Aes ee cone DISPLAY AOVE2PI3IN3—59 cents per inch. Contract rates The Unweitien Law in the ead SS thes Sud thet ae 2 1593, 4: a % ene A or - wy — . ey _ on application, Jsvuin ty beach, thence slung eden ie x , 59 PL arirg 5 aad For tenon an eet sentiom{| assed abd four (ive) acres, aure © se Arise Hodon fee YS Liu 7 a” Ne SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DAatLy, 50c/ for It—Dog Owners, Attention! |“! Jboted eed sd Der a “JX wese 74udé \e2 ey per month, or $5.00 per year, iv advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All} istadie ELLEN MARION og, Agent Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly) BESNER & BESNER, PropriETORS There was a case in the First Dated Nov. 15, ee. HEAD OFF | The New Knox Hotel is run on the Euro’ Division Court the other day in aT oO ICE | plan. First-class service. All the Latest ) the matter of one dog vs. one Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. | Improvements. sd BEDS 50e UT’ | ~ at. ft wasn't the dog's « it and «id dae bis | re coat. as e dog’s coat ¢ skeena Land Disirict—Distri BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES | FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER? wasn't his owner's. It belonged rake notice wing cl to the plaintiff, a very angry| vf Victoria, b. &., mvend to Opie ug } SS suWwil ue = ius ut pur & New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City gentleman, who elected to plead] scrwea tauds i lhe Cumluenciug at yUSe jianled ob SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. for himself, and it had a square} oo MSiue or Wiliiaus trees, where Ue u. i). Crupeace 7 ~ > : foo r so ss a o >} waibimal rauch ul Uk ane &NGLAND—The Ciougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, vanes Sav Hotel baie : : Missing out of the] asuuat vreuct vw uti (iv) “chia uare, é 0 3 ijum the «creek sure, Eelee yulu ¢ | s e vas U Clie, wee work Plaintiff said the coat was @] SY % is uence “west 40 cus _ w puis good one be “e > ww took alv i uecment, Colllmiuilg 120 Gores, Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars before the di 0 , ne notion to it he wanted seven MICHAS BEUANIS. RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT | Go jjars. Fred b. Cowell, Agent. Sl lt abies ee ae nancies iain te a alal * Dated Uct. 31, i¥ii1. —— But the Court said no. Pub. Dec. ®. ct of Coast, wichas Beganis, COU, ase Lie Susscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DaILy EDITION. axes WEDNESDAY, . MARCH Of ee te ee . | And because the heart of the spires District of Coast, Servian Labor Benefit Society judge was kindly inclined toward] skeena Land District Bs, wT ‘ ; ore a , ers al ’ hange 6. No. 195, S.S.S.S. }the man with the hiatus in his Take notice that 1, Joun Argiracls, car- AN UNJUSTIFIABLE ABUSE OF POWER. apparel he undertook to explain] emer, uf Viclufia, bb ln ol eee Meetings held every Ist and 8rd Sunday of the siete ; 21S periiissiol ww purciidse 1 vliuw ine month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall the w hy of his decision by enun NE ae i a post planted @ i que r : ‘ j . . . CuumMcucMig at & Pus aute vou i The Victoria Times does not believe that in Opposing andig VUKOVICH T. MAZLUM ;ciating the legal dictum that and vlle-Hali Uiiles Dutiliedst, irui ca . ‘ soho i “5 avery . : > ‘uivake of Lroul Miver, Ol tie West side exposing the deals of the McBride government with corporations Secretary P.O. Box991 _ President| @Very dog has one bite. | Lakeise Lake, aud avout live (9) Cbaius and thereby i ] tk l f British Columbia in fut ; The dog isn’t a morally re-| wack irom ihe Wateriront, thence soulu n¢ ereDy involivin 1e peopie oO ritis olumbpD e — = —_ : ,| 50 Chails, Wieuce West SU Chaids, tence & ee 5 eee eaes sponsible agent and can't be} ¢ sume ohnadeed Gh ase east. BU creed 1 | solceiuelt, CoLlalbng 040) obligations which will weigh heavily upon them, that it is weiting| p-2—e-e—+-* se ere hauled into court. Since this is} poms of come iuet ur iess. acits, re his first offense, his owner can’t 4UHN AKGIRACLIS. | itself down as an enemy of progress and prosperity. There is f : se, i i 4 Fred bk, Coweu, Agenl. j not the least doubt in our minds, nor in the mind_of any person} | FRED. STORK } | be held either, because said OWN-| paiea vet. 81, 1911. i who considers the facts impartially and discriminately that the —General Hardware— er had no warning that he had a) = Pub. Dec. @ —_—_—___—_——_ coat acquiring canine on his course of the plungers who are at present in power will in the not distant future involve serious consequences. Builders’ Hardware Ergo, every dog has one bite. Take notice tat 1, Samuel Belltees, ame garucuer, vl Vicluria, intend ww apply fui . : e * Take the conduct of the government in the manner of pro- Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Likewise and for the s Termsassea w purcaase te followWy Oe Saeco rt este Re eran skeena Land District—District of Coast, Nange 4. ‘lei : ey : . i a és ‘6 i i "easo as two. scrived iands: claiming dissolution and bringing on the election as an example Graniteware Tinware | reason. Ro Sh pesse-am has two vComMencing st & post planted on the of unbridled, unrestrained and unjustifiable abuse of power. worth side ol Willidius Creek, about ten . e a chaius back [rom tue Creek Dalia, “ud Nominations are to be held on the 12th of March, in less than a - AVENUE : TR HARGE ae unin! SOR aE Whe Us T. bagee e two weeks. There is not e candidate nominated in any con- Baht grote Mth fag er gr oT I th Wh SuULL U Clails, Ulelice Gast 40 Cihaills, i s the Time When stituency of the province. In some of the outlying constituencies wuence Buri 4 Clidills, Lielce West f-the impendi electic il tl i = df 2 —— — i ae Me p mo « 7 cement, Co ° news 0 7 2 ; , 2 , ; | auuing 100 acres, more ur tess. f | 7 3 E ing election will not be received for some time. | SAMUEL BRILTEES he Daily News Fred hk. Cowell, Agent Elections are usually supposed to be held for the purpose of obtaining an expression of public opinion. Elections as Little’s NEWS Agency wiiua and sblice Attack Two pan bene Appears each day a high public purpose behind governments and legislatures. | CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUIT pepurchuse tbe Colo wiug Culumencing @t @ post Uadllis > 1 ifull tie legislature of Briish Columbia has been reduced to. 1836 1911 Militia, aided by a force of police, Divas brought on by the McBride government are for the purpose of Hundred Strike Sympathizers circumventing public opinion. ~Usually, there is supposed to be| “*&&zines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper as They Are Walking Along) > fue notice that hasuiecu, Agu w of Muu- Street—One Woman Arrested. | ''**)) o°" 0 put Mabe ibe: tole wiie The McBride ideal has been tersely expressed by the Pre-| , COMMNENCIg mier himself: “The thing a aes st a iS y - Pre G.T.P. WHARF Lawrence, Mass., March 1.—] witness pust of the northwest 1 aia elf: 1e thi 1g 8% ge in, and after you are in to Wives and mothers suffered again|%%, Hauge 5, Coast district, stay in. In pursuance of this lofty purpose we see what the % ; : e today in the Lawrence textile] ie said | 4 | strike when Troop B of the State] tnence HOW FACTS GET T TED | charged 250 women and a score ~ nurinerty 3 “point Of Ccummuenceluens, Th St t t s WISTED IN POLITICS The Bank of of men who were quietly walking |‘ COUt#tt 40 acres, eee oN AGAEW e a emen POEL L OL O PEEL ELLE LEEPOLEELELE along Essex street. The charge Augustus W. Agbew, Agent. Dated February 1, 1¥12 One section of the Tory party in Canada decries the Liberal British North America ‘ame suddenly and without warn-| pub. Feb. 10. If you have a legitin govrnment for its bargain with the National Transcontinental ing. Railway and the Finance Minister of the Borden government FE Ueers. in Bestnces, Although the small army Off. :uce Kupert Land visu ee , ny kind to make to treats the terms as though they were a scandal. The ex-Finance} Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 oar aa one eC earut) ae ake notice thal 4, Lemuel Freer, vl s consistent, judicious u Ainister of British Columbia defends the deal of his government sistance, the cavalry pursued] ‘i runowng descrived iuuds ig columns of THE DAILY ACCA with the Canadian Northern Pacific and the Pacific Great seme of them as far as the com- ; ‘ ‘ so - ; : ‘ was | wore i a burliieriy recuivu irvu rm a ioney returns much ge Eastern by pointing to the Laurier bargain as a precedent. While| | mon, blocks away from the scene] seison coun ; ; : Tory papers denounce the bargain made by Laurier, Hon. Mr. | Money Earning lof the original charge. Several] Sst “weuce zu class suutu tu stivre sue, | t expenditure. |}wooen were knocked down and] vant LduenCeEduell, COUN 40 UCies, Bowser denounces Mr. Brewster, for criticizing a far worse deal | Money ' led 1 ti polioeeien, sch : j}trampled upon by policemen, O} « tess. > 7 2 . *) 2 ep > ; ic £ | made by the McBride government. Good logic from a TN used their. clubs freely on the aed ee sade point of view, but pitiable when analyzed by the public. Small weekly or monthly de- | pen. One policeman knocked ub. Ju. do. 1944. sits in a Savings Account soon | down a woman with a blackjack. ne skeena Land Disirict—District of Cassis e easons lake Dulice ual Clareuce bowen ~ | count up— Interest compounded : | , QUICK C WEALTH A DAN-E3|