'iL.o I iff ew Sidewalks , ... t . I IM i . i i or nil iimc m lulrriur Ton June JO:-Extensive ; jetton has baaa f )rr this Mtsmet t CROPS LOOK VERY GOOD probabtr be eon- bam per harvest for thii year. Tbe!u(ul souvenir of the Islands to year poapeeu for a good crop of Um- t home wnn mm. , ( plank aktewalk othv seed and ht u more im- The money raised i. to be spent) d on Mate Street porunt a fair price far the seed ln beauttfytng the grounds of tb?; Kmc Stmt In nave bees several iank'aMewlk taken d wtth wek and -! of the Iowa wa -mrat of calehrai .-. 'he dn nui- to De very good ante This procedure was begun last year and found to be very effective and will probably be a regatar procedim each year from on by the Liquor vertKement i. noi published or displayed local cemetery both by hiring med to cut the encroaching brush and) Binds." SHE KNITS BETWEEN SESSIONS OF RACING AGAINST DEATH jtfE STAMP OF QUALITY District -News Ladies' Rug Club Honored Before At Charlotte Is Leaving: Islands n r i liaising runas I'srrarU KuUl Evening Fw And Mrs. fielder j k m Kit 1'AJUU ' I v OIIFW rWARLOTTE CITY. Jlin QUEEN CHARLOTTE. June M: Unlt chuich udle- Uh year a group of local ladle Ajd brfd a aocial evening to honor -im4 a dub and namud it "The aild Mrs William Selder be-rUtg-Btr" The member, r,ie;i fjJ. Uwy wt for ymir ta tbe a to 1ntr wwl fort- jrouu-m loUftor to late charge gnUy durta Uw wrcanw month , f (fM, fwd UlMe tor Uie Ur,ited - ttftoear bunet and jmreh i: . Several flue example. .,., -athri rth Mrl ofigJcuu' diwfcfn hive bee oou- Ibis aprtfig a fuM-tJied wool af-liaa. or td-throv. wai knitted i-y these versatile wemm and raf-..ad fa a mwthy cauae atid by f nd yo'iiir.- wa greatly please lrt4 and ther are nearly fin- itb tht amateur raovic. shorn. fcy. Dr. McCoy. Hie feature picture Jaek and the BeansUik," de-lighted all. Later in the evening a presenta an lo be a were art. n was bonor a made in square of variegated or- tJate totem ange and Due ana put ukvhoct tion wai made in the guests of native-car! . black' pole, seven inehev htah Km K f Kiev Mm the vice- with atrip, of plain brown. Toj rfeat presentation HolUrv Valley LooUnj forward d te scalloped and in each absence of Miss Velroa Flr, oi uie piain pac wi balrn preident. An address was. embroidered spray of flowers done . a bv Mm Rl&.en in which (in reai Irish linen thread Mrs E rt v&s' expressed at the to-frWnHBR. Jk s: crops in lamed for her beautiful parturp of mlnlster and his Ue Bonder Valley have never I needle-work, put the afghan tc- mnA -.m - ( TK-ret aidewaft tookd bettar at this Oaae of the' tether and added the dainty fin- tended to tof future, j wn wsa retrotty yr than they do at present. Fre-ji touches. selder repUed suitably, ..tractor James Bo- shors of rain, together! The gratifyinK sum of sixty-four lhanung dies for their cilti short stretah s wttfa loU of Minshtr have broufht j dollars was raised by the ladles and exnjing a cordial lnvtta-J adway froa Ualn the bay crop alone, in an anastnt and the winning ticket was held tlon t- lt them at Ymlf. inane of iw im Ushkm and fee grain cross also, by a young man wno as uoraung Mifshn-Jtnls were servedUnd & m.m. has ,: Block It i. more b, don, eatmnely well althotshlat Altford Bay construction camp. leasant enlng t0 a rlSe neUcS . .Hmarit Ia uw. . i i ... .. j -.ill vam rnnrfH tl hp VprV nleaaed . ... .. . . ... ..j'mOVed IntO IllS line new DUUQiUg UKU) UOUDAV KEW WATEHFOHD. N. S Junei 1 iiKsBl.s.sB13i:aL.I - - jJBi.IIIIIIIh iSssllKRMMinttH Mrs. Roy Bccles who is racing against men drivers at Brooklands. popular aainjblle and motorcycle race track near London, offers a study ii contrasts, as .she knits while a mechanic checks her car la practice she lapped the track at more than a W-miles-an-bour dip in her Eccles special q. c. cm . ....... - uwr in gruuif iuu m ib " - rinse Wltn U1C Sin KU15 OI UIE UJU a , . . , . j ,.i., nsund up. If r. farmer, are all verf bopefol of a-t having such a beautiful and J B1(?8SAd e Tnati.f I UVUK VilkK a sv vm'v - J ishlng touches are being put on to It and, when It is completed, it will be one of the most imposing build ings in town. TERRACE Q. W. Cripps, provincial assessor,; has been a visitor to Terrace dur ing the past few days no routine business. The Terrace Branch of the Can adian Legion held Its monthly meeting on Wednesday. During the business session the principal sub- by having crosses of uniform size (30: (CP 'Councillor Angus GlUis I Provincial Constable and Mrs. T. Abject to be discussed was the annual made for each crave Members of this club are Mes-dames Beaven. Chasteney. Christ-ensen. H1U. Jollffe. Munro. Olsen. R')brt- Site and Turner reported at a council meeting that! Stewart have 25 school children had called aV Queen Queen Charic Charlotte Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . I Stewart has 1 taken up residence in and will De an an- his house to thank Mayor Maise dition to the younger married set. for an extra holiday granted cur-' Mrs. Stewart was formerly Miss Ella lag the royal visit to the province.! steen of Prince Rupert Constable succeeaea consume (L. i, olsen who has been tb'Harelton. Mrs. H. Fairbalrn and daughter! MJss Velma Fairbalrn have recent-1 llyretarned from a six weeks visit . to the south. They met Miss Evelyn Fairbalrn In Vancouver and Vel-; The - Prince Charles this week had on board a patient from the A. P. Allison Logging Company Cum-shewa. Inlet. Dr. McColl met the boat atSkidegate and the sick man .was moved to the Skidegate Inlet Hospital. i Walter Fair was recently called from the fishing grounds at North Island owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Fair whom he took yesterday to the hospital at Queen Charlotte City. Game Plentiful Queea Charlotte islands This Year : Recent arrivals from Queen Charlotte Islands say that deer are very plentiful on the Islands. L. Dyson, on one trip between Port Clements and Tlell, saw 79 deer. Pheasants and grouse are also to be seen everywhere between Port Clements and Qaeen Charlotte City, particularly around Lawn.HUL It's the cumulative effect of ad-ytrtlslng.that counts. picnic. Some wanted this event to- be held at Lakelse Lake again while others voted for Johnson Lake, an equally delightful spot on the way I to Kalum Lake. Among visitors at the meeting was Major Buckley who gave a very interesting first-1 hand story of the Royal visit to; Vancouver, 1 MASSETT ma also visited relatives in Victor- w N ciegerich ia. They saw Their Majesties while d4ughter mtJ Moasm in the. south and hold the general Montan4 arrived two weeks ago opinion that the Royal Couple In . r, ,n) iii srnd ,ml lite far exceed in charm their two veeks with their son ,piciureo scares. daughter at Cape Bald, Tlell 1 - . . , . . , Mr. Geigerich was Government three-year-old daughter Heather, fifteen Telegraph operator yean of Dr.jand Mrs D. R. T. McCoU en- Maasett at clemtoUi a. tertalaed seventeen young friends m,, r,tv .l5 at a fcirthday tea on Tuesday. A f tat hack to the Islands since huge birthday cake was the centre Qe left oi interest, xnere were many jove-tr ciffe for the young hostess, some having oome all the way from J Miss Beth Budge celebrated her ' twelfth birthday by entertaining a group of fourteen young friends at a picnic and swimming party. The young people crossed to Robertson Island 'by boat and there made a bonfire and enjoyed swimming and games. A much-enjoyed picnic lunch, was served and the party Masted until seven p.m. Arthur Dunn has purchased Dr Dunn's house at Sangan River near Massett and the Dunns are living in a tent lor the summer In the winter they will move lntc their Massett home. Mr. Archibald of Victoria arrivpi at Massett to spend a month z Sangan River. Mrs. Munro, wife of the chief engineer of the steamer Prince George, arrived "Jit Port Clements on the Pince Charles this week ind Is spending a brief holiday at TltU. Eleven Indian children who have been at CoauUeetza Institute returned on the Prince Charles thli week to their homes at Massett and Skidegate. Mrs. James Martin of Massett irrived home on the Prince Charles Wednesday after a three months' visit in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rennle of Port Clements moved into theii flne new bungalow last Saturday. Mrs. Charles Pillar and baby son arrived at Port Clements Wednesday from Murrayrltle to spend the next two months the guest of Mrs. PUlar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rennle. Mr. Pillar has been teaching at MurrayvUle I Advertising is aa nmstmenL CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS ami CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C E. BLACK I. BETTEK VISION SAINT JOHN, N. June 30: (CP) Saint John traffic officers will have white rubber coats and caps added to their wardrobe for rainy nights, so they may be seen more easily by motorists. Phones 18 fc 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents-nave you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You receive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable lor gifts. Why not start, now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion IX TUX M'fSEME COIKT OF KKITISII rOLOJBIA IS PKOttlTE In thr MatUr of the Efttate of Look TAKE NOTICE cbat by prdr at tht Supreme Court a British Columbia Letters Praba&e of tbe Estate oi Louis Scbletolg, deceaced. Jate of Prince Rupert. B. C . bo dhed At Prince Rupert fiinaiilil on or about the 3rd day rl February 1939 were granted to Alois Ohneacrg and Kara T. Arnold ot Prince Rupert aforesaid, tbe Executon named in. the -wlU of tbe aald deceased. AU persons having claims against tie raid Estate are required to furnish the came In wrttt&s. properly Termed, to the undersigned wttliln one month Cram the date of cbla Notice, other-vise the Estate will be distributed pursuant to the saw Will wttbout regard to any such efat&ns. All persons Indebted to the said Estate are hereby K quired to pay the amount of their indebtedness to the undersigned forth with. DATED at Prtnre Rupert. B. C. this 22nd day of June 1938 ALOIS CHXESORO and NORA E. ARNOLD Box 593. Prlnee Rupert B. C. IS THE KITKl'.ME COI KT OF UKITISI1 rOLVMRIA IV TKOIiATE tn the Matter of the Administration Act And In the Matter of the Estate of Johanne Mlen Hundtjunmer. Otherwise l"non As John Mlsuo lUmmer, Uereaited. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl Honor. W. E. Fisher, the 16th day o: June. A. D. 1939. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Johannes NUsen Hundhammer. otherwise known as John NUson Hammer, dceased. and ail partkes having etedma against tho said estate are hereby required to furnish name, properly verified to me on or before the 21at day of July. A. D. 1939. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their tndiibtodness to me forthwith. DATED June 19th. A. D. 1939. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IS THE fUTUEME roi RT OF tUtlTISH COLIMIUA la the Matter of Frederick IVUItara Heard, I-eaed - And In the Matter of the "AdavlnUtratloo Act- TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H's Houour Judge W E. Fisher dated the 23nd day of June 1939 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Frederick William Beard, deceased, late of the Village of Terrace. Br It tail Columbia, and all persons having claims against the mM. Eiate are hereby required to furnish same to me properly verified on or farCore the 31st Uy of July 193ft and aU persotis Indebted to the said Estate ana required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me fortliwrtti NORMAN A. 'WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B3 DATED the 26th day of June 1989. J