THE DAILY NEWS. | | Pain arising j ats “a * Chronic ra m vr Bronchitis, cn Throat —- Sprain, from Cold, Backache, | at the Bruises, Chest, Slight Cuts, Neuralgi Cramp, ed Od, Soreness of the Limbs after exercise, « best treated by using ELLIMAN’S according to the information given in the Elliman R.E.P. booklet 96 nages (illustrated) which j is niaced inside cartons with ttles of Dlliman’s price 1/1}, 2/9 & 4/ The i. EP. booklet alsocontains her information of such ractical value as to cause t to he in demand for First Aidand other purposes; also for its recipes ia res- pect of Sick Room ro- quisites. Llliman’s added to the Bath is bencfcial, Animals Ailments may in many ine stances be relieved or cured by following the instructions (illustrated) fm in the Elliman . A. Booklet 64 pages, Sah enclosed in the wrappers of all bottles of ELLIMAN'’S price -, 2/- & 3/6. n,Sons#Co,,Slough, England ri f i ROYAL for ANIMALS See the Elliman E.F.A.. Booklet UNIVERSAL for HUMAN USE See the Elliman R.E.P. Booklet found enclosed with bottles of ELLIMAN'S THE NAME |S ELLIMAN OBTAINED OF ALL DR UGGISTS THROUGHOUT CANADA HARRISON BLIC) SAMUEL TARY Pt PPROVED AGREEMEN’ Prince Rupert Vv. F. G. GAMBLE Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers I'S FOR SALE PURCHASED and Stewart $2500 GI Simply for sellin Picture P Latest Funny Comics, and Gold Mounted four and five cents, We give you a FRE RIFLES FREE you at once an assortr sell a single ONE CEN F 5000 GRAMOP:HONES RE E=: AUTO- ae SEND NO MONEY. cards of famous Actresses, Cinematograph Eventa, Hand- Cards, Handsome Present Ali you need do is to send your pame and address and we send latest ental “ue containing over 500 beautiful F ee Prizes. including Watches, Russian Fur Bee. Phono phs, Gramophones, Melodeons sical Instruments, Roller Skates, Rifles, Dolis, Toys, Cinematographs, Genuine Auto- Harps, &c., &c. We trust you for 26 days with cords, Sel) or use what you can cents each end we will reward you according to our catalogue remember you just the same IT NEED NOT COST YOU OWN MONEY. WRITE & ONCE—NOW TO >”: Ts Oe TE 5000 WATCHES Ones ' mee FTS FREE (7< two cent assorted Screamingly painted Views, Glazed c., &c. Worth at two cents each. al ment of Oards and our If you do not card we w T OF YOUR } Ontario GREENER’S “BRI Price .', $63 ( atalogue P6 Free W. W. GREENER TISH EMPIRE” GUN s the World's Best Gun—a Greener Hammerless— ce within the reach of all sportsmen; it’s got all the ‘ er features, hard hitting, far shooting, lasting wear. iothing better MONTREAL, P. Q. DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL Sid. Sykes, Manager Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. The t nest, Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West Phe YO enna ELYSIUM Prices Moderate Vancouver, B.C. yne 8500, IWS ANA ANAND uver You Should Stay at the CARLTON When _in_ Vancouver Finest Cate in B.C, Hot European and Cold CORNER CORDOVA Vancouve ; wan HOTEL Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Water in each room AND CAMBIE STREETS B.C NOTICE hotice is hereby Part of Chapter 79 of the Re Statutes of Canada, 1906, known as Companies Act,” letters patent have issued under the Seal of the Secre of State of Canada, bearing date the day of January, 1912, incorporating Frank Evans, of the Town of Prince Ru pert, in the Province of British Columbia merchant; John Gilbert Beaty, broker; Kichmond Wyllie Hart, barrister-at-law; George Merle Miller, student-at-law; Peari Stokes and Jesrie Strachan, stenographers, and Winnifred Morgan, clerk, ali s of the City of Toronto, in the Province vf! for the following purposes, viz 4) To hunt for, kill and take whales, seais and fish and other marine animals of every kind on the coast of British Columbia and elsewhere, and manufacture, cure and pack the several products thereof and market} same, and to act as general traders in products; (b) To acquire, purchase, | un, hold, sell and rent fishing licenses for | pound nets, traps, weirs, set nets, fish | Wheels and other xed appliances and Prand | Public the First vised rhe been tary ivth Lhese¢ nets; drag svines and other seines and movable applianzes for catching fish; (¢ To acquire, boid, rent and dis sell, lease, | pose of locations upon Which to construct} and maintain pound nets, traps, weirs, set! nets, fish wheels and other appliances, | whether fixed or movable for catching or} elaining fish; (da) To acquire, purchase, | catch, take, buy, hold, store, pack pre- | serve, sell, export, dispose of and distrib | ute fish of all kinds; and to engage in the! propagation of salmon and other food lishes; (e) To carry on the business of} warehousing and cold storage company * all its branches, and for that purp to operate and maintain conveyar transportation and cold storage by water Of any and all products, goods manufactured articles; (2) to issue cer- | eee rae and warrants negotiable or other | e or land or or} wi to persons warehousing goods with] the company; (3) to raise, purchase, sell sid otherwise deal in eggs, butter, cheese and all otber farm, field, orchard, garden} and dairy products; (4) to conduct abat- toirs or Slaughter houses, to slaughter all kinds Of animais and manufacture, pur- | base, sell and otherwise deal in tances | fertilizers, fat, tallow and other substances | ierived from the said animals and carry on} the business of pork packing; (5) to es tablish and maintain wholesale anc retail shops and generaily to carry on any busi- ness undertaking which may be convenient- ly carried on with the above; (f) To take over a certain contract bearing date the 2nd January, 1912, made between Frank Evans as vendor and C, H. C. Leggott as trustee for the company, and to issue paid-up shares in accordauce therewith; ¢) To erect, maintain and operate at suit- able places, such stations, factories, ware- houses, Offices, buildings and works, and the necessary plant, engines, machinery and fixtures and to do all or any of these things that seem to be needful to be done to carry out the objects for which this company is formed and as herein set forth, and to pay for same in whole or in part in fully paid-up shares of the company; h: To build, own, lease, hire, purchase, charter or otherwise acquire and operate Steamboats and sailing vessels for the rposes of the company, and to build, equip and operate wharves, docks, ele- vators and other works, buildings or ap- pliances, and collect wharfage and storage charges for the use of its wharves and} buildings and in connection therewith to| carry passengers and freights and collect charges therefor; (1) To acquire by lease, or otherwise the assets, property, plant, | machinery, undertaking, business, good will and ‘stock in trade or services of any| person or company Carrying on any trade; " bu siness which this company is au-| thor dt carry on, or similar o rindi- jeuial thereto or Capable of being operated in conjunction therewith, to operate and to} given that under; S.S. Prince George VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Maintains Bi-mont! er and Queen C} tte SEATTLE ce to Stewart Tri-Weekly Trai Service Prince Rupert to Van Arsdol For all informat apply to A. E. McMaster, Gen. Ay. G. TP. Wharf Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast service Line Princess May Saturday, March 2nd, at 9 a.m. For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle PAPERHANGING HIGH CLASS SIGN OUR SPECIALTIES SILVERSIDES BROS. P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN WORK | Famous Princess | PERFECT SHOULDERS A Beauty No Woman Should Neglect | Not one wontan in twenty, regret to say, is so fortunate as| to own shceulders that require no beautifying. There always some defect that needs to be rem- edied is There are two types of shoul- ders, either of them bewitchingly the of} past 25 which, is | be conceded, shoulder it should |pretiy. One }the woman universally is full and white, with a satiny skin. The second type is called the girlish shoulder, because it is seldom seen after the twenty-fifth year reached, It sparingly covered with flesh, yet not a bone In shape and color this is perfect. is 1s shows. shoulder Second Avenue, near McBride | SMITH & MALLETT |} which is done by rubbing | very, preferably at bedtime, lit rub it gently over the shoulders| well coated with] oil. ep until they are the nourishing he this next st emollient is to into MNassage the flesh, skin ro- the delicately with a tary movement of the fingertips. This plumpening massage should} be given every 24 hours, and should} very once extend over 20 minutes, I can- not promise rapid results, as flesh forms very slowly on the shoulders. Very plump shoulders are al- ways more of a beauty defect than shoulders that are frail to a fault. I should strongly advise those troubled in this way to declare war upon the fatty cells. Make if your aim to break them down. How is this accomplished? Simply by kneading the flesh heavily with the fingertips. Some authorities recommend massag- ing with a stringent wash, claim- ing that it belps to reduce the flesh, and I am printing formula | | | Says Mrs. Norris | | | Law-Butler Building | local anasthetics administered for the | W. L. BARKER } Architect | Alberts Block Second Ave. W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. | H. Gordon Munro STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Phone No. 280 P.O. Box 351 Prince Rupert ALFRED CARSS, Cc, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. Vv. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. DS. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and painless ex- traction of e Consultation free. Offices: Heigerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 Alex.M.Manson B.a.. W.E. Williams,B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG GEORGE LEEK. & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 3rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT JCHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 319 8rd Avenue Phone 384 THE IROQUOIS | | | | pay for the same in cash or in shares,| a | bonds or other securities of this company, | THIRD AVE. | partly in cash and partly in stock, , ; aati Steg Seti g bonds or other securities of this company; eae ‘ Seats a J) To purchasé, lease or otherwise ac- | Sheet Meta ork Ff to own and hold the shares, Soke 7, i i illi Bonds or other securities f any manufac: || Office:ird Ave, Workshop [| English and American Billiards 7 Oo sthe ‘ oratio Me ving *hone 17 2nc ve. bet. 7th and 8th Sts - wae é Seo attieast antler terrane of: the Sonnet Every woman should have sati Por: 3 3 a ; ; es | Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. pay, notwithstanding the provisions of very woman 8 1 ave satin] for an astringent that will just} section 44 of the said Act; (kK) To amal smooth shoulders, as rough-!] fill your needs. Oe erreritanee — gamate with any other company having : I Bee te Ma , ‘ | bjects similar to or identical with this skinned shoulders are abnormal.| Alum .............. 60 grains | @#A~ARjRAAHN ynppany, and to pay for same in shares,} er ve]] } © \ lr aia 1 sen | bonds or other securities, or partly in cash |Bear well in mind that your! Thick almond milk...1% ounces| Hotel Centr. ied Ade, and partly in shares, bonds or other se-| }shoulders will not be smooth as| Rose water .........6 ounces ae 7th Street a Cc ervices - curities of this company, and to operate} } he ‘tal or fy . les tk sy | | sud carry on the business of such amal-| | t 1@ petals OF a rose unless the Mix ingredients well and shake} Europecn and American plan, steam | gamated company; (1) To allot, issue and OS lare given a thorough scrubbing bef Bs | | heated, modern conveniences. Rates |} weliver as fully paid up shares, bonds or| FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | | before applying to the skin, | $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : : j other seeurities of the company in payment} night and morning with a com-| bteclieien Se | A | of sites, licenses, pliant, machinery, serv-| Services every Sunday in the . 5 ad Nothing could be uglier to my} Peter Black . : Proprietor ves, good-will or other valuable considera- | Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and plexion brush and quantities of} ; | lion’ as may be arranged or agreed upun| 190 p.m. Bu _, School and hot? lathére water, mind than the shoulder that is | by the directors of this company; (m) T« REV F Ww KERR onions ERE ; : lotted tt les While it is| sasha Jeter into any arrangement with author . MELE ’ ASTO After you know that the skin|Gotled with pimpies, Me 1 18} | may’ seem conducive to ‘th “Company's ‘ob- | ores is clean as clean can be spray the} "0l a neasy matter to rid oneself may see ‘ 0 atl) , ion » iron ian aarircien . care , , , ; ects or any of them, and to obtain from THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH shoulders well with scented, very} ©! these blotches, yet can hope | HAYNER BROS I suc orit ny in s vueges C z ‘Ee. NE y 8" > j any heh authority any right Drivulege MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH BT cold water This wil! prove stim-| ©’ entually to possess a smooth} ts and concessions which the company may Services every Sunday at 11 ‘ t ° I e & | UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS ink receipts toeip gee nae re, an ater ane 30 p.m. Banday ulating to the skin and help to| skin if you eat wisely and not too| Ritcduad se iesbens sacruss a ew ya Mea : ae chool 2 Rs aN araca : . angements, rights, privileges and con 3ible Class 2 make it soft and smooth. well. : sii Ce ae : | Sain ins D Te draw, make, execute, en | REV a oo E OD E a B. D. Pastor e r “2 ; ; . | art Ave. nope Oth. BE, Phone tie. o dorse, discount, accept and issue promis his beautifying treatment If you wish to hasten matters, wy notes, bills of exchange, bills of lad i Pane sve 2 tale . ‘ y | ng, Warrauls and other “megotiable and | METHODIST CHURCH cannot be considered complete|/and I suppose you do, you might) ie transferable instruments o oO Jend| CENTRE ST. AND 2nd AVE. until a rough towel is see-sawed|treat the obnoxious pimples ex-| —->> = = : j mey to ¢ tomers nd others having svery S&S i t ll ‘ ealings with the company and to guaran- | ) p.m. Sunday across the back and chest until) ternally, giving them a sulphur | aE eeeemeremmee e of ¢ p.m, ver noisture é 2@ as ‘ ver ir ‘ T | every bit of moisture has been| steam bath every third day. This h t I eu ZV 7 N( ; AS : ’ such per juneral -|] REV. C. R. SING, B.D Pastor beatae | ipeatiaent 16 camille Aaa, E. L. FISHER ye rendere i cu yr assisting to] . a. tered in Dihe placlug of Any | Yellow shoulders are abnormal,!| causing face as well as shoulder Funeral Director and Embalmer ple g ; , 7 ae shan A Ci . w the share mnpany’s capital oF =' banishing the saffron tints. What! pimples to take a speedy de- CHARGE REALONARLY any bonds Pao nae aes on s ip nthi me way | rtaie : THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. I ii r 90U he rmation, p sO We Ss ae) » sO e c ( yal e, be zs ‘* I ‘otld ore nization © inc SrDOraea of n connection he above or calculated mu qOnLrive : * :pa . OPEN DAY AND NiGHT | the ¢ rar or the ¢ juct of its busi lirectly or indire t) EROIOR -SUN0 WREO Se ee ee i eae eat "8 Pipe Sac eo 28 res es sn Te pay all ol rainy costs ohare s| and render pr t any of the company’s | | expenses preliminary or incidental to or perty or righ and to. do all and | » j incurred in connection with the promotion, | ¢verything nece ute ainitetinant | organization formation, establishment, | Yotient Or pro} r ine sccompns . | registration and incorporation of the com of any of the | 5es or the attainment 1C O | pany; (r) To appl , purchase or other-| Of any one ,of the objects herein Wise acquire, any patent, licenses, con-| enumerated or dental to the powers sions and the like, conferring any ex-| Herein name ich shall at ns oe clusive or non-exclusive, or limited right appear 10 — ive or Cra ts = j to use, or any secret or other information a prove r Dene Ae dR , \ oaeen see 1e oper 1e company to be cé [are tb ink Dised ‘ 4 foe t che oe 1 ; tl the Dominion of Can (The Placo With a Future.) able of ‘be s ( 0 ur- |poses of the company, or the acquisition| ada and ¢l-ey by the name of ‘The | TEN ‘RE TI BA ‘ lor which may seem calculated directly of nee J I ind Cold Storage Com TE} ACRE TRACTS AND indirectly to benefit the company, and to| Pauy, Lin & aa soca SE ne TOWN LOTS use, exerc develop or grant licenses in| !undred sOuSTS’ Givi - _ oa ; . rs hundred dollars each, | respect ¢ otherwise jurt to account) 5,000 ani one of tener atk tet Choice Farming Lands in the Lakeise the De ype ty, To Maher int: pareubranin. of company to be at the Town of Prince Ru and Kitsumkalum Valleys in Smali int te any arrangem« nt for sharing of|pert in the Province of British’ Columbia and Large Tracts at Prices That | profits, union of interests, co-operation, Date t Beer erreted of Are Right. int adventure, reciprocal concession or] State of ; vast oe eae lary, eee therwise with any persen or company ; oe mien | lcarrying on or engaged in or about 10 | i Secretary of State P. POST & CO. }earry on Or engage in any business or | ransaction which the company is author Terrace, B. Cc. }ized tw carry on or engage in, or any busi 3 cea ea | | }ness or transaction capable of being con LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. }O | ducted so as directly or indirectly to bene | } fit’ the wnpany; and to lend money to,} _~ proceed —- | } ; guarantee the contracts of, or otherwis¢ —— | such person or company, 40d} Skeena Land | ict-——District of Queen otherwise acquire shares and Charlotte Islands. IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS uritits of any such company, and to Take notice hat Alfred McGregor, of | bold, reissue, with or without guar Victoria, B. { upation broker, intends | an or otherwise deal with the same;]1to apply f permission to lease the fol- | | |} publication of books and periodicals, and t by granting prizes, rewards and donations; Cucumber juice ....... 2 ounces| boarding house by the Italian ns Rees Soe, eee (y) To sell, improve, manage, develop, ex-| Skeena Land District——District of Queen ei a ; ie aio -harged with running ec fj elive >| change, lease, dispose of, turn to account Charlotte Islands, White WAX ..cee eters 1 ounce Zarelli, hare | d gs a made at short notice, or otherwise anes wie all or any part of Take notice that William Moore, Of} Spermaceti .....++.++ 1 ounce booze joint,’ was the sensational the property and rights of the company; nich, B. ¢ occupation farmer, intends | . ’ ‘ . ‘ * y] ie) To do all or any of the above chines to apply for permission to lease the fol-|Almond Oil .......+4+- i ounces|evidence of Constable Hamblin in Our prices are as low as any. as principals, agents, Contractors, trustees] lowing described lands . ‘ . , . a . 2efer * n- bl or otherwise, and either gione or in’ osm |! Ree ecg at @ post planted et the| Results w il! come soon if you the polies court yeste rday morn Call on us before ordering, Junction Wah OMienet s0et To piocure the} southwest corner of Lot 1848, Masset In-} repeat treatment every night forjing. Constables Merritt, Adams company to be registered in any foreign] let, thence east one hundred chains, thence ; + i P . : coon . country and to designate persons therein south sixty-four chains, thence west to the|}a week or two, and Bailey also gave evidenes according to the laws of such foreigi *h, thence along beach to point of seein oe : i y , » country to represent the company and 10 pee Seen, containing six buntired and Employ massage if your shoul POIMAng sa doubttist Beings ab tie OFFICE: , eee am i ee ne and in ae ae the} forty (640) acres, more Of 1068. ne. } ders are noticeably bony.| place, The case was adjourned , company of an ocess or suit; (bb) And, WILLIA OOR >: naka ‘ aed bathed aie p | wenerally 4. or on apy business which George Young, Agent, | Straightway buy a big cake of}until today, when an interpreter EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. may seem ) 4e COmpany capable of be Datec Nov. 14, 1. (0c oy ¢ after arming|was secured, Pling conveniontly or profitably carrina cal parec,nov. ! ae }coeoa butter and after warming|was sé | Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. a Phe o =