THE DAILY NEWS. ——— = “Not what we wish but what we want.”---Merrick. The News Way is a Good Way 1hicphisteesticmcasireaheit atria a | PRINCERUPERTISNOW 90 }eseeeeeeessesse a ANOTHER BIG IN A VERY ORDERLY CONDITION; ““The News” Classified Ads. FISH PLANT Sgn’ { BES atest niacntanoes | Frank Rvand Succeeds in Forme| eK UNCLE Jey { { ct RUp REPORT OF CHIEF OF POLICE VICKERS TO THE BOARD OF) POLICE COMMISSIONERS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== 5) “w:,:"iinmepits Me %, Half a Million and Has Ob- A ANY anne sik Meh tie nee. tained Government Charter. ATIN The report of the chief of po-!prisonment and one paid the! a j ee lice for the month of February,| usual heavy fine. ee ener en e manta anita darnaelaetgl BE ee et eer ie eee te ee ee en ee ee ne ee 23 Frank Evans, the fish merchant of Third avenue, is to be heartily J made to the meeting of the police} Phere were four cases of gam-| : eerie er eres tulated, 1 . 38 “Ts , > av i : ; ongrt ilate ’ as long 1” One ) lo commissioners yesterday after-| ing, two of whom were convicted congratulated, Be tes long been | ian ners noon, age that from a Sa and appealed. BY GEORGE f For Rent t i eta and et among the} one tot » i » city is in a very orderly pom ; first to appreciate the enormous! cash, t point the ¢ ity na ry rd ry) The total amount of fines for ielicariieiiiaiNiC il iste, ussite te Westholme Lumber ; pprec t enorm u _ i a i condition. There were no crimes the.sasath. Was S687; the pay 10ll souk ial resources this city has in its fish| °" le wt Se ed ia ‘. ; e aS S021; > pay 0 RENT—-4-room house, 640 8th ave LIMITED aip a a a r en re of : S aioe aires to c iy hg lamounted to $783.2%. T ry CAME Apply Phone 313. indu vil \ sp b cers jen Three lots only twelve drunk and disorder- ; ’ in advertisement in another eco cast ; i The chief conc : s re t| . |FOR LEASE—MciIntyre Hal!; well heated A L ie the lies, all of whom were convicted. | The chief concludes his report and lighted, J. H ROGERS, Phone 116 umn, he has succeeded in obtain- we a with the statement that from aj; —— . for se - ow al . em | BRIG tro , er blo : } ed ing a charter from the feder: For selling liquor without a police standpoint the city is in a| Passenger List of the Graceful BRIGHT front room vacant. Alder block $8.50 Per Ton, Deliver cee aia Soaapales cae oe’) One tot license six cases were dealt with, ‘ g ‘ia : rT erly ¢ . | . TP. n Her First ; three being convicted, one dis- very orderly condition G. T. P. Flyer o | tear ener erm Lumber an ou Ings ialized at half a million dollars,) cash, ‘bal i j i tw 1 The werey Teip. £8 an Oil Burner. / the headquarters of which com-| 02 Jot |e es Rl tal atta , sah’ wilt beet —_——— Insurance : ' ‘03: li sud See i cash, ba illicit sale of liquor, says the re- An organ recital will be given Besides the list of first class $ a All Kinds of Building Supp les pany are to be in this city, One lot. bi s 1s » list o rs ass eo af rj > = i assor Serle i 7 se ee ‘ in , cash, bal Seco a ones Oty = Oy eee erie. in the: new passengers here appended, there Sanaa | First Avenue Phone 186 Tr Sts . Wells’ Two lots, bi though it seems to be almost im-| Methodist Church Wednesday | opnico Pato ca as , 5 9| OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just | ry Stalker «& ells’ butter,| o5t?"%:,! ible i ok ae torel I is ay j}arrived by the George some 521” gettioments. We write every known class of eee =|400e per Ib it One’ 16t. bi possible to convic 1¢ oreign evening, March 6th, at 8 o'clock. second class passengers, and the| Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co : cash, ‘bal. element. However, the enter ‘was Don’t miss this rare treat. Local} boat brought mail and freight, | eee | Fwo lots, | able to say that two of the resorts) \oajists will also assist in the|Following are the first class| { Wanted osc had been wiped out entirely: program of music. 2t travelers: SECTION 14. There were five cases of vag- Proctor, Mr. and Nye, Mr. i ere ommcommsrmmsrmmsrmes® |i ots 23 and 24, Block 8, Section 1, $15,- Pees es, Mrs. J. L. Jennings, Mr. i 000 % cash, balance very easy terms. rancy, three of which were Indian i ieenatuie are ee Oe i os ‘ ¢ 5 f 7 ia ai tterson, Mr. z a. Ee /ANTED—A rooming house in good 1l0-/Lot 31, Block 16, $8,500. $4,000 cash, fwo lots, b girls, who were ordered out of | Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Regan, Mr, cation, to rent or lease. ‘Good tenant 12 and 18 months. House and barn; $75 cash, | | | Tingiéy, Mr. Ross, D. Apply to John Dybhavn. 319 3rd ave rent $100 per month. | Two lots, b y » man leased on sus- . vate , : ; town, one man releas | THE WEATHER. | Mckewen, Mrs. Brandt, Mr. Lots 9 and 140, Block 11, $15,000. 1-3 NTR he pended sentence and one case be-| | Hecate, Mr. eset “aes COOK (good) wanted at once. Apply Hotel|~ cash, 5, 12 and 18 months, ee ant Bt ; . Lowe, C. L. Mrs. Alex. $s Or sir ? 54-61 ots ‘ " 2k j One ot, bi ing dismissed. Morris, Mr. Gillingham, Mr. ee a and 15 ‘hontna el cakere Received at ghee i ‘ a : Fortier, Mr. Mrs. N ‘ ants roo or service ; | ClVe Three cases of selling liquor! For twenty-four hours ending 5} ways. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, Mr. vpon 98 Dally” I a Naame 7 A ay SECTION 2. ig ; were deg rj ook ° ar 29.865: David H. Murphy, Mr. , ; . Several good lots in this section cheap. etree to Indians were Jealt with, all of| a. m., March 6: Bar., 865; Mooriduse, Cépt, Seater’ ir BARERA Winied; 66 per cent. Abply Do- SECTION 5. F . I M t M k t Restaurant the accused being Greeks. Two} max. temp., 52.0; min. temp.,| McDonald,’ Mr. Reynolds, Mr. minion Baths. tr | Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, $2,102. §1,000| YIZZell $ ea arke am an 2 . award te f i 30.0 | Ricketts, Mr. Naden, G. R. i cash, 6 and 12 montis. o° are now serving terms oO iIm- | 30.0, } Carpenter, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Wm. 8. WANTED—A general servant. Apply Mrs.| Lot 30, Bloc’ 22, $2,600. Want one offer Direct fr he R¢ } | Baker, L. L. Austen, Mr. Palmer, 720 4th ave. east. Telephone for terms. 7-room house and cabin. eC rom the anch Store = | Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Canterson, Mrs. 209. tr Lot 8, Block 25, with two $-room | stree | Grany, J. Miss houses, $2,600. $1,000 cash, 6, 12 and 41 store | Desart, Mr, Bowman, Mr, | EXPERIENCED chartered accountant, at 18 months. : ptroet Morrison, Mr. Shepard, Mr. present employed large trust company,| Lots 9 and 10, Block 45, $800. $400 cash, | oe La Fortune, J. Walker, Mr. Vancouver, dsires locate Prince Rupert 6, 12 and 18 months. | e Sutherland, Mr Green, Miss Can anyone use him? Box 5, Daltly| Lot 24, Block 28, $900. $450 cash, 6 and } e | Haugh, Mr. Aultmiller, L. News. 54-5t months. | . Hart, Mr. Aultmiller, F, t 9, Block 40, with 3-room house and Priestly, Mr. Glendem, Mr. SMALL furnished house wanted, two or arn, $950. q cash, balance 1 and eremiah H. Kugler, lit cash, ba Kegular Shipments of FOR RENT ti Cullen, Mr. Levin, Mr three rooms; moderate rent. Apply XYZ, 54-3t a} : : : palin at : Champion, Mr. Perkam, Mr News Office 54 $250 cash, 6 and We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections Wyman, Mr. Watson. Miss : Phone 317 Five and Six. Submit your listings. Gibsen, Mrs. Campbell, H WAN I—Ser 1 , s ke 3 & MeMillan, W. J. Robertson, Mr, AO re ey wei otber maids Kept. ots s and 9, Block 36, $9,800. $1,400 vis : : Takes Dae + ein : cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. | ; | Lot 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance Purvis, Mr. Lockhart, C. B | , : u For Sale Reed, Mr. Evans, Mr. LCCAN TEA” door” sewer ADly Mbe ts 13 and 14, Block 25, $3,000. $1,000 at am a SECTION 6. 12 and 18 months. Look this up. MacDonald, . Montieth, Mr cash months Green, Mr. Calhoun, Mr Gebhardt, We haver block, Sixth SECTION 7. Pegg, Mr, Demers, Mr street and Second venue 56-46 Lots 7 nd 9, Block 21 jest Me | Malice WANTED — Resturant outnt, expeciay| 4 fod ehheHY coon, o ana ~—=««Oevedd.. . The Insurance Peopk Second Avenue nee : ane ae | range, also bedding and cheap furniture | ; 5 nmate Mi 1 Mr. | for about ten rooms. P. O. box 108.|,'2 months. elephone 8 | Bennett, Mr, : ete : ’ . +. Ye. 20 +} Lots and 19, Block 37, $1,500. $1,000 Telep 3 Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. 9-tF | ash, 6, 12 and 18 months. Coates, H. Robinson, Capt, and SECTION 8. | Albert, M. Mrs, tre ermerermermermermmermee |i ots 3 and 4, Block 15, $500. $250 cash, 160 Acres Crown Granted | Williscroft, Mr. ; , 12 and 18 months. — : ——= — = | espe es Business Chances f/ ot’s, Block 10, $450, $225 cash, 1 and Porcher Island | ‘ ; ae 2 years oj eee eer eer srmarmmarmearmsremarmmarmes reermresB | AD organ recital will be given @rimcsreees ee @ | Double corner, lots 19 and 20, Block 16, Lots 25 and 26, Block 23, Sec. 7 Cithtvactore td by Professor Serle in the new | 5750 $375 cash, 6 and 12 months. : 1 : ituated Inlicies Vi : ; MARRY—The !deal Introduction Club leads | ot ¢ Splendidly Si Po ee | , Block 11, $350. $175 cash, 6 and : ty & Insurance Methodist Church Wednesday to happiness, Strictly private, high class | iv months, FOR RENT. 2 Lots, Block 4, Section 8 M ' , ack Real and reliable. Best in the West. Address | * jevening, March 6th, at 8 o'clock.) ["C "Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C,|3-foom house, 7th avenue, near Fulton; 100 ft. from Conrad St. | General Merchandise 2 z Largest Stock % Phone 150 5 } | | 3-room house, 4th avenue, near McBride; . s fYocalists will also assist in the | qawesninimemmermermermemermae| $15 per month, Magnificent Hotel Site P.S.-H | prozram of ain 9 Cabins Close In. 2 Large Lots, Port Simpson | program music. 2t Mi ll / Business Lots in New Hazelton. . iscellaneous j Lots in Fort George, right at the G. T. P. | townsite BEATRICE HAS WIRELESS te etree terrae | PHONE 301 bag Lots in Masset, e me 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Wetas- ' “wv c J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru-| kiwin; one 160-acre farm in Alberta, Frank A Ellis PONY EX PRESS |C. P. R. Passenger Boats All Have rere Locator and timber cruiser; govt.| near Cowley. To trade both for Prince ° j and for pre-emptiou or purchase Rupert property. : . | Wireless Now. Nursery stock for sale, Phone 305.| List your property with us—we have Auctioneer, Appraiser and Property Salesman Don't miss this rare treat. Local| [24 | 20 per month. SYSTEMATIC MEI 1 P. O Sox 993. 4t | the buyers. 2nd St., Phone 44, Near Hays’ Bldg..| Ba##*#e, Storage ar | Information Free. : k oi fs ses mers meters ese comsrmmermstyy | i Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. ee, : é v:40 OCIOCK last evening 1e | a :- - am t ee +++ Princess Beatrice arrived with a Transfer and Cartage Th. COLLART | big mé and some passengers for Sole Agent ae ee ee eerily lm cdormarmarmerarnes mermirmermermrmegs | PIE mail and some passengers for br Natural Reectrces- Security Oo. Ltd. H | | i Grand _ Hotel. Seventh Ave. and F Bh cece seme meee emermnsomsomns: { l l l l ! l l { | ! ! | . . le . . |Rupert. She left Vancouver with} syaptr pusiness man desires partnership | 8¢< 806 225 6th St. Phone 381 or interest in good concern Apply box | ecooorrrrre eoererrorre ja full complement of passengers ‘Dally News, 56-tf land freight and called at all way ‘HOTEL f S LE Mere mention of it brings Workingman’s Home nm : : A Oo your e ef f | a1 onnecth |ports. This is her first trip into TAKE NOTICE. or : wOMe Bune the idea of §/ — Free Labor Bureau in Coane ia | That all outstanding accounts due the} eer security, | Phone 178 ’ lately dissolved firm of Ching, Now Co Lot with 24 furnished room Hotel, in It is the basis of all GEO. BRODERI| are payable to Yuen Now, Kwong Sun 7 sec for sale Chong Store, 909 Third avenue es good i ee cecohee ale wealth; the foundation of all | | at a bargd rice, /}Rupert with her new _ wireless equipment, which is of the same power as the apparatus installed | values, aboard the other vessels of the Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. | JOHN DYBHAYN 319 3rd Ave The man who owns real 10-C ARTAGE and lane é sacilic eet. reneré Take notice the he p ership here *state oO ~ some £ f ae Canadian Pacifi nl Genera} tofore subsisting between Thomas Stewart et a mee LINDSAY 5 STORAGE | | Agent McNabb will hence-|and the undersigned, known as the Hays tangible; something that he pe, » { . er teis +s fi , | Cove Fish Market, carrying on business on ve oO » noarnere ant | forth be able to make a definit Sixth avenue, at the Cliy of Prince Rupert, We Offer For Sale cannot be cornered and its 3! G. T. P. Transfer Agents janswer to the usual telephone] is hereby dissolved as from the first day price forced down, Aiea | ‘ £ . of February, 1912. |} queries about the arrival of the|” And take notice that I will not be re Real estate in Prince Ru- Orders prompt . a satrice. sponsible for any debts incurred by| t , s ’ ‘ sir | Bi atrice utaN Uinthors tee KeaCe ie ale pene ‘The Following Proper y pert is particularly desir isan Among the passengers for Ru-|nership after the said frst day of Feb- able. It grows more valu able as the years’ pass. | Mats Mr sarker a sbrud 912. 7 } : ‘ince or | vostoae P. it Batting Nir and Mrs meee MON TOHN JOHNCOX, Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, on Eleventh hose owning Prince Rupert | Grossman, M, McArthur, Mr By His Solicitor, Lewis W. Patmore. street property are not only earn- SONS OF NORWAY | or re ~f ae ruary, 1912. ; pert were the following: Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th o- FY Roabeck, E, Murphy, J. . ede is Two lots, Block 8, Section ‘1, First Ave. sa te : M 4 12 eS 5: ; | Dick, J. H. Bennett, C. A. One lot, Bloek 31,’ Section 1, with build ing a good rate of interest, 5 | Lorensen, J. Hitt, Arthur RE PERMITS FOR AND ALTERATIONS TO ings, Fraser street but the principle itself is Holland, H. Dohrman, J. BUILDINGS I'wo lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth Ave . Goosen, W. ow Iwo lots, Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave, growing as the property be- . , > L > le ck 3, Sectlo Jorden St, l d ocul able. Extract from Bylaw No. 10, Clause 4;|29¢, 10+, Block 13, Section 6, Borden St comes more valuable. | with house, 5,000 Facts A “The erection or alteration of any Pee as ae) ti nue : : : 4 bout Canada. building shall not be commenced in the met So pio eae A Hopf, FEM Aye., | have some of the best The 1912 edition of that popu-| Clty of Prince Rupert until a permit for! pywo jots, 5, Section 6, Fourth Ave “buys” to be found in the oe P such erection or alteration shall first be o lots oO s 0 Sixth ave . lar and indispensible booklet, | obtained trom the Inspector by the owner | qo [Ot mention Gt-Minihy Ave city. See these: 5,000 “acts ‘Tanada.’’| OF his agent, and no such owner or agent] jie jot.’ 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave ac : F ee Fact \bout = Canada,"| shai proceed with such erection or altera-| One jot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave. Lot 39, Block 5, Section compiled by Frank Yeigh, the] tion until said permit las been obtained.” ’ : {, $2,500. Penalty. —— widely known writer and lecturer, Extract from Clause 169: Lots 1 to 5, Block 41, See- ki and Repairing and author of “Through the|,,, ABY Person found guilty of an infrac- tion 8. $3,500 the 5 lots. A Dressmaking § k Done Pressing Wor wer ; tion of the bylaw shall be Hable to a fine 9 | Heart of Canada,” is now out and| not exceeding $100.00” Continental Trust Co SHAR: are © Port atin , ; Application form and permits for bulld- ° S00 HOPE plete with new smatter, in-| ings and alterations may be obtained from Second Av LIMITED ' cluding an outline map of Can- office of City Engineer, eee econ e. GEORGE LEEK 33 8th Avenu f ada, a calendar and the new cen- "* Buullding Inspector. | R°*! Sarety, Deposit Boxes for ent "°* Prince Rupert, B. C een ’ . . | sus figures, In compact form is| ———-—-————__—___—- found a wealth of facts and fig-| PAINTING TENDERS. Investigate our 8 per cent. 3} ca . Tenders will be eived by the under- ‘ 7 ate ‘t\oages SOP . ures of the Dominion that will | signed up to 5 p. aie March 41th, for ‘the Real Estat Mot lgages. | \ rove a revelat » ¢ vf painting, inside and outside, of the new I evelation of our natural | City Hall, Specifications at office of J. W.| resources and growth. The mass} architect settee aa ES "= COAL FROM UL, MON 88 COAT OF UH Log hands of every intelligent Gan- adian, and the wide sale and pop- i ularity of the publication is Admiralty Sends Steamers to Nor-| J.HIRSCH&SONS easily understood. Copies mas Open for Business folk, Virginia, to Take Ooal to 66 Chelohsin PP LIMITED, |be had for 25 cents from the for Fleet—Famine| MONTREAL. Canadian Facts Publishing Gom- J. B. ROBERTSON Freight Rate Paid. pany, 667 Spadina avenue, To- A oh s isnn Alan D ronto, 1, |Horseshoeing & General Blacksmithing} (Canadian Press Despatch.) | Norfolk, Va March 6 The 66 N.Y | ” Corner of 7th St and 8rd Ave. ’ : | UGLAS British government has beg | ( m \ DOV nh See buying joni at thistden aka | a Osun W. G BARRIE, ¥ ee steamers have been char-|Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver —IN THE— Li h d P tered to Come here and take it to as follows: ‘ Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley 1g t an OWe?r 3) Gibraltar, where it is to be Boel. Hee Furnishing’ qitane ‘ 7 : ' livered to the British admiralty, | Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. | ral House u Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM Bor. all admin AA eailnstes <2) The: four’ steamora Son denocied {saneccs « felewdars at: 10 om, Gene vp THI IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— given for wiring and fitting for to take approximately 25,000 tons. | 7] te waar boul eee vie isi vee. meeeey Phat the British navy is in urgent | Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | Ri Furniture ° easy terms. Stock of lamp shades and gen jneed of this fue} would seem to | 894 Monday morning, respectively 8 ee on | enipenoe and Ave eral electrical supplies carried | be made apparent by the freight | ° ® d jrate which the government has| ' ' } y L W. R. LOVE | dartaka n i f None safer on the coast than these two | COMPAN 9 imite Electrical LOVE 2 hinn F Oe lo pay the steamers, fine passenger steamers | : PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000 00 VANCOUVER, B.C, Fulton 8t. and 3rd Ave. a ton, This is only : P. 0. Box 957 Phone 41 40 cents less than the ocean rate| The new steel Passenger Steamers Rock Every Tuesday Evening i Al] members of U city are red We the | | Meets in th | IN THE ec | ADVERTISE to Ban Francisco, \J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 NEW