1 id 10 0 10 SPXLL IT BACKWARDS r fAnd you trt lh word MILK", point out EUi , Uie FiofOrtt Cow. ".AM that's Juit what KUM lapuft, Utth, whole Bulk with nil the cream left in, powdered by removing the . ! 1 . LI.L. . ! . 1 . IU ww wain ------ " w wnn "lui MPKI Deftlaf " U't Bordn'i U't GOT to fc good" - T"T OUT TREND HERE iMT. DDI I - ,lnd ltal Lncuaiicrd , Berl White's -and 'sum you have n Uutant lupply of cream v oaitcur. bed whole milk, I can't recommend anything better for baby, home or camp " KLM B week Butter has gone up 3c wholesale and the retail price U being moved ud 2c Lodav Sugar Is unchanged at $5.80 per hundrded wholesale although there will undoubtedly he .Meats are unchanged and It is even suggested there may be a seasonal drop. E?C prices are up three cents Wast Prince Ruper. for the-week, av- noi been affected so no rationing measures have as !v by the adiance In yei been Imposed here. v since the eommenw-j ' war . -hi morning showed! William Motfalt of the local dry I, H nrivaiuri II 4(1 alrWV aljiff anlfarf lut nlaht nn thp ;.. uidsi both whole-'Prince Rupert for a trip to. Vancour u.i aunng we past ver - . I r.vwv-.-. w -j, SHOWBOAT KKTl'KX ENOAOBMRNT Skippered by Tom Carlwrltht Group of Clever Entertainers TEN VAUDEVILLE ACTS rwntiNG Rett While, late of Capitol and IC.K.O. Theatres, NoveJty Concert VlollnUt Irink Merrvfleld, CornUh Wlxard, magician. Lawrence Eldland, Vancouver Premier ArcordlonUt. Art Waldon, Vancouver's Versatile SasophonUt. Timmr Hunt. The One-Man .Hand. Wun l.ung. The- Chinese Comic Show Host Swing Hand. MOOSE HALL, FRIDAY, 8 p.m. ,v i. liIiiii r.l!..il r.lt ASl) DAS'LT '0. to 2 MacKenzie's Furniture lipolu r 4 rrUln JloJ T .art 45c L5c (ttiin lioJ -Hat. rxtend k) :-.ev rtutne 715 leather IMIIons Eaeh Cushion 95c 50c 15c I -3271 lllltl) AVENDE V if.i. ri i w n . . j -a ui..un .n rhlldren. to how onlr 15c Student 25c rANWANSSW.'ASV.VW'AW.W.V.V.V.V.'.V.W.V.V.VASN. :aooooooooouooooow.uoowoooooooo.oooooooooooo SPECIALS 9 A Free Tin of Woodbury's After Shave Talc With a Tube of Woodbury's Shaving Cream Both for 35C A Tube of Woodbury's Tooth Taste And a Generous Size of Woodhury's Tooth Powder Both for .25c t Cakes JerRcnVTransparcnt Toilet Soap OJJC HJIL't llIUl I 3 CaKes.fiardonln San and n. Bottle-of . " avv i eritime For Ormes Pioneer Dm?? The ltek.il store Phone- t)irt! lUilyjilrom 8 ajn., till 10 p.m. 11 noon t,M Z pJn' Sundays and Holidays 'rom at . . till II M M 1 i tooooooooooooooooooooooooooiooooooooooooooooooaoo J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank llldx. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN-DAIRY ,PHONKt TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuuxtaa-e. D. JotonaUm . Co.) Vancouver Big .Missouri, J2. il'. Bralorne49.25. CarlbOQ,Quartz, U7. , Denlonla, ..02. Falnrlew,.J)3. Odd i Belt. '.20. Hedley Mascot, v36. Mlnto, .01. Noble f Five, h04. PaIIIcNlckel,U4. Pend(Drlelle,JX40. Pioneer ,12.10. Premier, L25. Privateer, 90. Reeves .McDonald, iAO. Reno. 130. Relief Arlington. ilOii. Salmon. Gold, ..05. Sheep. Creek 1X3. itiils A.P Con., 115.1,4. Calmont, a34. Freehold, iWJi. Home,'2.20. Royal Canadian. jl8. '., Okalia.t95. Mercury,A09. Pralrle-Royaltles, U9, tToxubIo Alderaac. 50. BealUe. 1X0, -, Central ""Pat.a2.20. Con. 8meltersAM.25.- East Malartic 2.16. . -v . Francoeur, .28. Oods Lake. .40. Hardrock. 5, Int. Nickel. 55JX). Kerr Addison, 1.70. Little Long Lac. 2.45. McLeod Cockshutt,"1.70. Madsm RedLake, 7. McKenzle Red Lake, $1.10. Moneta. -78. Noranda. 75.50. Pickle Crow.. 405. Preston E. Dome, 1.25. San Antonio. 17. Sherritt Gordon. 1.60. Stadacona. 35. Uchl. M. i3ouKac,'.'lac. JD3Va-Mosher Oklend. .07. Oklend. .06' 2 Smelters Qold. J02 Duninliin Bridge. 3650. Adveiltnf a ,nrtment I'hone 557 VEAL FILLET OF VEAL Per lb. LEGS of VEAL AIM I ?if!SisvJffili5i5s?? JONES FAMILY MEAT MARKET Phone 957 SATHIttlAY'SPKCIALS Fltr.SH JilLLtll UULKLKY VALLEV BABY BELF SIRLOIN TIP Per lb. SIRLOIN STEAK (Per lb. ROAST OFF THE ROUND- Perlb. RUMP ROAST tPerJb. . RIB ROAST i Per lb. SHOULDER ROAST 4 lbs. SHORT RIBS- Per lb. 25c 25c ROLLED SHOULDER VEAL2C Per lb. LAMB LEOS of LAMB- '25C' Per lb. SHOULDERS of LAMB- 4 5C ,Per lb ' PORK I BROOKFIELD 'B' GRADE eggs Per doz. AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb. ROASTING CHICKEN- Per lb. . BOILING CHICKEN 5 Ppr lb. . i LEGS of PORK- 25C Per lb. I SHOULDER of PORK- '20C Per-lb. ... -w SUNNYBROOK BUTTER- '-YVUm purchase of meat, only '30c :25c'- 35c! Per lb. j tMlSSLYUKl 'Dressmaker Ladies' ,and Children's Alterations ModejaK Price Phone. nUEKN880 j ILGjfclNEWS ROTES For. prompt .'and courteous ser-, Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and! lePhone 13 Taxi tUHome Cooking. Mrs. M. Homesiaa.t !-- A l.ht I J. H. tMacey Hurajuuuv OF VERCHERES .By Lucien Sagnon Vrcheres c-o Vercheres. P. Quebec. Women 'Of 'Legion .Plan To Be iRusy :Strtuum Day Ahead rThMWini ttr Will lVork In Aid' Of .Red Crtxs Preraratlons for strenuous days ahead durine the coming winter: r the summer vacation -season. .hx- ilOC ranaements for the fall bazaar. NOTICE Coromendnreptember llrR. " Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiiarv Guitar for the Ves- s' tern lAcademy will be In the " Prince Rupert Hotel KINDERGARTEN Children Ages 4 to 6 Inexpensive-iValuable ComnieixJiic September 11th Auspices of THE JAPANESE MISSION Phone BLUE 997 MUSIC Vcnetia Feero AT.CM. i Teacher of t PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUEC33 - DANCING Hodgson Dancing- Academy Classes Commenclnr Sent. V Speclallzlng-irBallet, Mexican, J Tap. Baby-work studio 121 2nd Ava. Blue 898 H7-FHAS1RK (210)1 ithe Prince Rupert lor aOrip tot . I Vancouver. I Mxs Ronaldjwne ana oaugruer, .Have Beauty i Parlor, 332 7th 'Ave.! East Phone Oreen .VK.lor your.appomi-raents. ,214 Vancouver. J CPJt. steamer' frlnecss Adelaide.! Capt.Wllllam .Hughes. Is due In, 'port at:-3:30 this afternoon from. the soutn ana wuj sau ai iv pjn. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Announcements All advertisements in this column Willie .charged.for. a' full month i25v-a- word. Oilo ason 80t under way last nignt when the Women's Auxiliary-to, the J Catholic Tea, Mrs. O Canadian Legion held 4ts flrst September 14. lOL regular monthly meeting following Balagno's Eagles Bridge September 20. mix were completed, and lt.was deckled Queen.Mary Tea Mrs.' Llneham's DUC to hold a number pf bridge drives. September 21. . Proceeds wiu go o,-neo un-.vs uu 10 A C and when necessary. The meeting was (well .attended :25c ,Sli00 and the president. ;Mrs. 7 Robert Murray, was lalhe chair.. Refreshments were served. s- Presbyterian Tea, Mrs.-Spencer's. ' September 26. ' Hospital -Bazaar, 'October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic. Baaaar October. 11. 12. Presbytelan Bazaar, Nov. 2. Country Fair November 24. B C- RED CROSS REVIVING .Branch Into Activity - ipatriclaare. leaving -on this evenl At ine joint can me cnair- your hair rdone at i Bob's jnR-g trajn for a vacation trip to man of the publicity committee I Ta l-i Sua Vo s?r Inn Vv .hi 4--i A r t "t a fflsntrVSF. land the chairman of the jnember- lhln committee the executive cf Pinpwra ATi'UN'rinMt rrhlldren 'the laeal branch of the Canadian k rccwiricroA nnni in Plann . RaH Orn. xfifirletv met yesterday " - . - - - , iiua; v&mv- . sJohn Nlcholw,sQn-ofiCoi. Jci,, at jing Edward and Bor- afternoon. In the absence f Mrs. Mrs. J. W.Nlcholls, .salledaby the.. , t g-jjj ,t studU, of r. L. Mcintosh, first vice-president. PrlnceJtupertiast jilgbttO; resume his studlesaat .'ShawBlgan jLake. vinnuvrr i Inland, after iSoendlne ! the. summerxacallonatiJblsshome here. . Owintr to theiLaboriDayi holiday, the regular. monthly-meeting of the . m4 . wh.ww.o ------ - - - 1 local .lodge. M. iiccaiiery. wo.. iu eaeraitjwc irs. w. t. uiuson uk uic uwu. classes ooen Monday Sept. 11 iTuKlon 25c, per lesson. Therewill be .no .further registration after this date. mrce.wasWtponed lromvMondayClty on the Princess Adelaide this . .r: . t J afternoon from Victoria to assume llUwlllL the Ilrst full gathering of -m-nder Prince t'chber,slnc.the-summer va YcTvi. Ceroiftee7s cation season. . ' , , , ,, .i .wi. V S4C tuvi;Mia otivwj -Jt named- u u "P61- i .Joaenh rF. Pearce.of Vancouver. fl district.audltoru)tilhe.JkIoose Lodge; if left tWAHnpdav. Wednesday.atrnoon afternoon b bv r the the s j Prince George and other .Interior points. rThey held .hearings here today and win leave lor vancouveri v . . iXon the Princess Adelaide tonight.. Letter "Bpx MOST RECOGNIZING it -. : 11 -z ,...v s r A A lt rf f . VercheresAug . OthilWO. 1 Wirl ITiTll PTQ , Drinra Punart TVillv N Ltd. I e . kaf I . . , -. - Prince RuperU B.C. '1 . Dear Sir: A We would Jiejnost, recoznlzlng to V- From The Waterfront you for, -our. kindness Jn sending to , w Putr Nori us .2 copies- of your Dally JMw n . McLean and other oIflcers for a wide over .Canadian Press and.crew membrs of the steamer, exhibition lhat ,wUl -t,iCe oeorge. which has been laid here et , elsewhere. A prompt forthe m the focal drJ answer would deserve you all xui dock last night on the Prince best thanks. s Rupert for their homes In Vancou- . Truly .Yours yfIT After the reading of the .lattcc part of the King's recent speech to the Einlpre. and a short prayer (2111 ito God for guidance the meeting' ,-. .j discussed present conditions and it Mainr a p Rntitipr m.c Rovallwas unanimously decided to send Canadian ArtUlery.. arrived, In .the) Mrs. J. B. Olbson, Mrs. C. C. Mills and Mrs W. H. Tobey. Mrs. J. P. Cade and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh were out of town When In 1927 the late J. R. Sey PAoC THHEA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW .BBaaBEiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl . BBBBBBBBB J .Yav'll likaOld Kntukyt flavour antf yau'll Uka tha nar wtproor,paar that aM nat ,tkk ta Uia Up. BATTLE OF WARSAW m RAGING (N . , FOle. tlEIH .IJKC JJIU IM'U nottiicauon oi uie meeting w ir.cr - - n-if,n.Miii provincial headquarters of the Ca-! ,nVadelDd7h,Sr"Ud Tank-Led Thrusts nadlan Red Cross Society askins, for wartime Instructions on rc-j a ceipt of which a public meeting WARSAW, Sept. 8: CT')-fBattIe will be called. To the district off i-; fcr Warsaw rased 36 miles, north cers commanding the military, and 0j nere Thursday with the 'Poles naval units, to the City Commls- fiohtlna like lions and holdingiback J.,H.,PilUbur-. member of the with the hope that by co-operation Ied thrusts. -MeanwhllotheiGer- - w ta compensation Board, the work may be co-ordinated and maM claimetl a Xourteen-mUead- Princes? Louise on his return south -" , . Ar,n "u , . energy coruerved and to thress.i Tance hac-.traiehtened ontUMr ft'a3 Z. ?tw.reP.f.MUler:;ilne ty-cne milevnofth kaiVV ISll U1SIV1CU wa,a, - a h - ----- - 1 r I aW O. SllUiliOa itiJUiV""! wv-va ihe north he also visited -Alaska fight's train, having travelled Bryant .Mrs .William Crulckshank. ,poinis. uunng nis siay m uie cuy. north Irom Vancouver via Quesnel, Daria haH 9 mtlnff, with Ihp .... of the capital. Dally advertising jn News is sure to bring suits. I the Dally dally ire- owratarv nf the-Red Cross Society, tlon should an emergency, arise. It it.A Drtno Pnriort 9nH nrt-!inl7- was felt at the time that Prince MUtilU IMIVV a. w j-v- a w o Ved a branch of the Canadian Red Rupert was already over organized . . a A. ( ..ak..Ut.M r V A Cross In this city wltn tne iai ior peace ume acunucs. vi George Rorie as president, it was twenty-eight members or tne ex-understood that this branch would ecuUve appointed In 1927 nine He dormant but be ready to fun- now reside In the city. SWANA OLAFSON A.T.03L Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, iEtc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 813 USED FURNITURE 4 Reconditioned Range g.DU COO Eft A real buy -lIcGlary'KitcJien Range Jr v28.50 2 Reconditioned (Chesterf ields Tap estry arid velour. SXM llli From " at V W V afHHl 12 oz. .95 25 oz. $1.80 10 oz. S2.65 J This advertisement Is not published or dlsoiayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MUSIC Miss Ni Lawrence Teacher of Violin Theory Classes Commencing SepUl PHONE 580 1 Drcsser-With large mirror S9.00 2 Washing Machines From S35.00to 47.50 7-Piece Dining Room CIO CA Suite-Square table V Remington .and .Underwood Typewriters-In excellent condition. 30.00 ; From, up j ifiHONE'BLACK 324 NEXT DOOR TO B. C. CLOTHIERS 3rd. Ave1 . 7 si