lat entry impieieiy lensive For Strategic Reasons," Declare Defenders Of invaded hand LONDON, September 8: (CI1) The Polish embassy stated tonight thai me i,crman ciaim Nazi troops entering Warsaw was compictciy However, Report Is Falsehood icm ix! cntnmlKr R: if!Pi The German sunreme nrT-and claimed today that a German army unit i !.trA Wamtiw nl fi.15 R.m. The announcement 3 t ; ;,t U 4 . - ii nrtTinrvl trnnnii (nrpMimablv armored I Ej UitlW bhiivivu "VTV "I " : . -1 formation.. It was lurtner staiea mai troops nau; ! Tspid' a.ead. reaching Na-1 w. f nules soutnwest oi lataa rst'Ui 7f Strite tic Reasons" iftrT Sept. 8 CP- A i rst ' station today broad -a tr-.: --nement saytng that Kh tiTcy will yet start Its I derlared that "the : it'f ' j for strategic res- ILL BAN HOARDING TO CHANGE NEUTRALITY Romrrrtt ravort Selling Munitions to Any Nations Which Can ray For Them WASlirNOTON. DC. Sept 8: CP t -President Franklin D. Roo&e-1 1 ve It Is understood to favor a change In the neutrality laws by which' United States could sell munitions to all naUona which can pay for them. This country b$-plnrtR ex rmttlft for Thoe Storing trnsion of credits for ordinary bus-! i fM Than Reasilred ; inw transactions to countries even . TATA, Brpf 8 CP -AnU- i , have bee" been decreed decreed - -'until per Sr Liberal Drops Mfer i reasonable ' c: b? f ined up to $5000 or cp '3 two years IraprU- Af tlT I tc Ut Windsor Have Duties Csrrr Out Imoortant Work. Skulls of Which Are Not Announced PDON Seat I: (CP)- The ' ot Windsor who returned to kfid toda? from France, ac- Wed b? fhe Duchess, will tanar'a-t rfiiH lrr hli roun- K'he mar nature of which are at war. Out Of Fight Itetd In Calgary West By-Lleftlon Is So Far Left To Conservative CALGARY. September 8; (CP- N. J. Edwards, Liberal candidate. yesterday announced hu wun- drawal from the caigary wesv eral by - election necessitated through the resignation of former Premier R. B. Bennett, Tne w thus far Is left to the uonservauvei candidate. Col G. D. L. Kungston September 18 Is nomination any, and the election will be September 25. Navy Is Quickly Sweeping Seas Of German Craft; After Submarines T rmnnvr e?..i l c fPTMThP Rritish NaVV is ,:ji . t ti r . Liiminir nnrl hMS uiy clearing the seas 01 an ut-rnuui diiiii"k en fltrcrrooo...,. tn i.rino- an pnd to the submarine pace which, in the early days of this war as in the last, ods of detection and destruction, however, it is an- t4 that it win not be ions: - - - ,re tht -boat will have been11T D I lted s a fsrtor of anv lm VVhPat fTlCeS h--v- mi aiiacK jcsieroay oy uesiroyers on a laying submarine "wSrSS Are Mountmg P. " is believed. Iu less .han fifty-four German rut vessels hsve taken refuge P'8!0. BDftltl TT,r. or In am,v. HtC 1 1 I 1.1 N. . Mpvlor. .11 il mm uiucr cuunvnes c lnnrn i i . : ar as me useiui- ' Ul thi, n . .!. ptrneej for the rest of the Ar, w tn1H . ... i B weM M al the bot S. wean. inn "titti5aaiices are lv i """tton with the li, North 8ca ftnd othpr K Isles 6 " Ir0m the Further Sharp Advances In Futures On Winnipeg luamci Late War News MOSCOW Soviet Kussla was tonight rushing raw materials to the western Iront where there appeared a possibility of German) establishing a border with Russia, AUCKLAND The New Zealand 1 I J 1 J J 1 I . t government nil ucviuru m i Will Yet Be Started, Present Retreat . is Only! i , Bpecm military force for ser vice . within andi beyqrul tne DominloV'VoluntemilTbe WA SUING TO N President ItooseTrlt has proclaimed a limited "national emergency" to safeguard neutrality and strengthen national defence. VANCOUVER The British freighter Royal Sceptre, torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic yesterday, was bound for Vancouver and was due here nest month. LONDON In a statement directed to the rolish people last night, rrime Minister Neville Chamberlain said: "We will fight to the end for Toland. We are watching the struggle of a heroic people to defend their land. They can be assured of victory In the end." The Prime Minister remarks were Interpreted to mean that he expected a long war. LONDON' Pilots and crews of , the Iloyal Air Torre planes whkh raided Kiel Canal and disabled ' tw German battlelps.havere-U turned In fine fettle. They were J successful In eluding heavy antl- aircraft fire- LONDON Prime .Minister Neville Chamberlain stated in Parliament that the country would be kept fully Informed of all war news either good or bad. lie was speaking in answer to criticism of censorship OTTAWA The Social Credit Group In Parliament urges conscription of finances. Industry and manpower of Canada during the war. Premier Aberhart Offers To Assist Profiteer Fight EDMONTON. Sept. 8. Premier William Aberhart yesterday sent a message to Ottawa offering to ffrntf with the federal gov ernment In price regulation to pro ject consumers from promeenng. .11. ..icrDMiwi thp settlne un of a i i - - provincial price spreads Doara. mx. Aberhart lelt mat nour prices risen already out of proportion with wheat and that sugar was also go ing up too sharply ATTACKED CONSTABLE Two Japanese of Port Eslngton Are Charged with Obstructing it shlkltanL Port Esslngton Jap- n nw and his son are under ar rest on charges of obstructing a police officer In the execution of his lawful duties as an outcome of an Incident at 1:30 yesterday morning Thp nfflrpr. BC- "7 'V;;: h,n Kt of 10c for wneat anu w. ' M( and barley.. manded unm.nw wru... terday to have deterted Into Hungary' Others fled intotthe forests. War Veterans On Guard Duty Weather Forecast 'omoi 'row 5 Tides 10:02 Jn. 17.1 ft, Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte V 22:05 pm 102 It. Island Moderate southerly 3:29 aJO. 5.7 tt. winds, shifting to southeast, part 15 36 p.m. 8.5 It. cloudy and cool with showers. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.7FMDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1938. PRICE: S CENT3 arso Is Entered, Germans Claim Jish Say, DESERTING 'MORE SHIPS 0nThe Western Front"- NAZI ARMYi TORPEDOED MAJOR BATTLE SEEMS Slovakians Have Llltle Stomach British Vessels Pukkastan And For Fighting on Behalf of Retent Tiger Are Latest E-Boat 1liUr t ' icum j BRATISLAVA. Septi 8: CP-i A message received at New- tan ilM' -Runt Alii well" The m. Belgian - -O " steamer jeanjadcj Tlfty Are Pressed Intoyervice To unaccounted for. The Manaar was Assist Provincial Police At bound from London for Calcutta. Nelson having left London September 1 The Portuguese steamer Mars ' NEL80N. S"t)tember 8r 'CP -- picked up survivors and landed FUty members of the Canadian them at usDon looay. Lsrion here have been called upon The steamer Oranto was to assist the provincial police in pedoed and sunk yesterday. tne special guard duty In this district was given warning and the crew during the war emergency. of thirty-three escaped. Canada On Defensive, - Says King WILL BE NO CONSCRIITION BY HIS GOVERNMENT, CANADIAN PREMIER SAYS WILL SEND SUPPLIES AND MONEY MANION NOT SATISFIED OTTAWA, September 8: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, in the House of Commons today, repeated his assertion of last March that the government does not believe conscription is necessary in Canada and "no such measure will be introduced by the present Canada's armed co-operation with Great Britain and France for the present will be in defence of the Atlantic coast and Newfoundland, the Prime Minister said. Other co-operation would be in supplies and financial assistance. Conferences with the allies would be neccs-ary "before any intelligent and definite decision could be made as to Canada's action (in other theatres) even in the immediate future," Mr. Mackenzie King said. DR. MANION CRITICAL Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, Conservative leader, declared Canada is actually at war and he called upon the government "to declare openly and clearly our position." He did not think the speech from the Throne was sufficiently clear that Canada was at war on the side of Great Britain. Dr. Manion had previously told the House that war against Germany was for the preservation of human liberty. He assured the government of full support of official opposition in cooperation with Russia." Telford Chairman Voluntary Civil Protection Body VANCOUVER. September 8: (CP) v,. nniirp nrpount. was In connection with the organlz WINNIPEG. Sept J.- Wheat to the of aUon o voluntary emergency brl- pwtca .v . - - - japanese w searcn ior uwuui mTZl SteSSS2.t when they allegedly attacked him at 8U4C. -"ovrm"" . yesterday kicklni: The officer was Con-83c. December 821 ic and May a ,by kicking 85 vesteraa before SUpendlary Magls- were 2Uc to 21c. to IBClll"l); ajjdrew Thompson In provln-trading nuetwltont dally price "fZSuly new clal police court vuu and wa, re- ' -j ..-ill UfHncf1flV. gades o In British Columbia for civil lATTACK ON i ninru CHIP yuiui una Submarine Said to Have Menaced Vessel Carrying Ambassador-Depth Charges T nyrnnw cnt R- (CP) DeDth 4-lS 1 S 11 , fc-'v LJ . I and Industrial protection durlns ,Ytt.rHM- n ihev convoved the - C J MitaiMH w the war, there was a mectng here, Dutch steamer Batavla bringing Sir yesterday of mayors, reeves, and , Neville Henderson, iormer amut-nffuiaw nf rrntres affMted. sador to Germany, home. A sub- Mayor J. Lyle Telford was namrt marine tried to attack the Batavla.! chairman pro tern. it Is said. IMPENDING AS ALLIED FORCES MOVE AHEAD Hungarian soldiers fhave little casUe-on-Tyne. England, toaay . . . , . . . D stomach for the warfipon which Ir0m captain J. stone Thompson Are Now Approaching Main beigfried Line Make rro Adoix Hitler has laurned them. of Brttlsn jtcamsaip Pukkas- gress Into Saar High Commands m Loniercnce TVir Three hundred hunriml were upro tt'iVM-ted reported TM- yes ' PA IMS Spntpmhpr Rr (CP) -A maior battle on the A fc'vti v w , reported to New York having saved Vestern front is believed to be impending. German rein-tortf-iour frorn the torpedoed iorcements continue to be moved up as the French and British steamer Regent Tijer. , . , - . n ..,-f tn Forty-two members of Uie crew onusn, aireauy ntu ui .""r", . 1 j T of the OriViAil ftfcCttUICl wuuii, cauuj bvrtiu&u wiv w,vft-1' . . . 1 1 t A n rrA i fn Ka hftlrlTlff t Vl rfa attacked without notice and sunk bv a German submarine, are still TWO SHIPS BLOWN UP Explosions Off Scandinavian Coast COPENlLG EN, September 8: crew of the German steamer Hel-fried Bismark were killed when an explosion sank the ship south of Cresound between SJael-land Island and Sweden. Earlier an unidentified steam- er.. believed to be German, was f rv-n-h nrmimt on the een- blown up off the Danish Island J . j. . camDalen. of Aeroe. DUTCH SHIP HITS MINE Netherlands .Minesweeper 11V Vi LXiX 1 V-sJLJ i IN CANADA sired effect of relieving the pressure on Poland. The French and German forces. Infantry, backed' by strong artillery and aircraft suDoort. are active I along a ninety-mile line converging on thi rich industrial area of the tor- German Vessels Come To Grief In Saar and have successfully passed through the machine-gun Infested forest of Bienwald. An Intense 'ar-' Ullery duel in a twelve mile area is developing near Saarbrukken. Several ranges of pillboxes have been siezed and highways and railway lines are under fire. Major General Ironsides, second-in-command of all British forces, wa In consultation yesterday with Marshal Gamelin, commander-ln- ' On one side of the western war front Is France's Maglnot Line, once called the "greatest man-made defences .In ,thvrldOn the other Is Germany's "Siegfried .Line." the "Western Wall" the ''M'-,1t r Ctimt thnf VHlmr Vio. nut , , All V. U,nh LilU. .ALU. .MO ju, up to oppose them. France started her famous for- n- Hi 1 owu a.Hi .iiv By Explosion Today , .. . f nz.oOO.OOO.OOO AMSTERDAM. Sept. 8: CP)--A Netherlands minesweeper has been she spent on defences In the postwar years went into the Maglnot i .mi.... . i i i i .n . . j-iioac. rimers vaai uiujcvt, uiujr mu uiFdDieu u a years vears old. has eaten millions of killed twenty-nine men. inrnrnara.Liii 21 biiuiiar auuu mnd. introduced. The fund raised $50.-000,000 by voluntary subscripUon. An emergency defence appropriation of $800,000 is to be presented in connection with active service of navy, militia and air force. Scholarships Are Suspended -v,-,. H hv two destroy-i v.. Winners of Hhodes Awards Will Not illicit. icnarges VO were WV1V ujru Mv. J - - I . OTTAWA. Sept. 8: (CP) On ac count of the war, Rhodes scholarships, awarded this year, have been cancelled marks, still Is eating them. Each nation believes its line excels the thers. The Maglnot Line has Its under ground "earthscrapers, fortifica tions many iioors aeep; scores 01 miles on connecting tunnels; thou sands of machine-gun nests; long . . i 1 in 1 w.. War range guns covering vital poslttons PoslUon of This Dominion underground hang- To Be Enunciated Later . Jog lQm I o nmant r tVia f nrt I f lrQ Hnn S iTl OTAWA. Sept. 8: .CP-JThere a?-Is no change in the poslUon of Canada," anounced Prime Minister ltQm Mackenzie King j es-;Buit2erland wmiam Lyon afcout 2Q0 mUcs; formal statement m , terday In a is a secret. connection with the opening of the minlstry war time session of Parliament . A today: -We of the poslUon formal statement succeeded eIfe cUng locai advan of Canada will De issuea auet ac-, . . .rnnrf.nrt. ,mnrn-. tlon has been taken by ParUamentln notlceaW the conditio, our Premier King was to.address the , advancc at certaln House at the resumed session today , GermanJ5 Um Lmij Das 22i. when It was expected more detail- m .bunkers.. Irom simplest coned and foi "Canada In plans policies struction to neaT iIortlflcatlons, relation to the war would be reveal-, a I theaseht. ,cd- . , "Whole mountains were moved, for- "There have been few. f anyj chopped d0TO.-a German mU. more serious hours In the history of . I Canada." said the Speech from the 'w f Qpfn , Throne. tne have been protected, but The government gave notice ofj. mmes w bpen strewn Judie. introducing a biU to Incorporate the L From Netherlands t3 'Canadian Patriotic Fund At the . SwiUerlandi hls "waU of steel" is 194 emergency war session a bill c HiUer declared aUer an InspecUon tour last year. COTTON TO GT. BRITAIN Barter Deal With United States Still Holds Good, Washington Announces WASHINGTON, D.C.. Sept. 'f. (CP Six hundred thousand bales of cotton from the United States will become available to Great Britain at once under a barter deal by which it was arranged that United States should get rubber. This was announced yesterday. Mi it ail 1 i