PACE TWO . Clearance SALE Broken Lines to be Cleared Out at Greatly Reduced Prices in Every Department of the Store, Now is i our Opportunity for a. Jteal Bargain Ladies' broken lines in pumps and straps, in leather and suedes. j-Clearanee :v. . . Men's broken lines in calf Oxfords, C1 I C high grades. Clearance 0 te"D Misses and Childs calf Oxfonls o- q- Real values t?AD Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. munch rdpert - BRinsn colcmbia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION Ui Monday. November 27. EDITORIALS CONGRATULATIONS The congratulations and thanks of the community are due in F A Afa.r'oltum AMntrt nt j J ers ahdthe public We would like, on behalf of the public to thank Mr. MacCallum. WHAT HE SAW IN RUSSIA Colonel George Drew, who visited Russia this year, SKi? v;Symf STi! his imPsions in Toronto Saturday Night. In the latest number he says: The truth IS fnnf iUava n-A 4 i .... 'AMERICANS Canadiens Toronto Detroit Chicaeo Boston Rangers Americans 4 5 4 .4 2 1 1 He French-Canadian uuiluih un Lne ramna on thmt . wofking;or this community as well as for the people who' te the wiiureeeive tne benefits from the contributions, ' BUhP F- 7HT. brn 7 vi.v,iuunuimi 'Ml. 'Mr. JMacCaIlim iiacLailUm lr has hni aroar)v alrvanv . n,iMil mihMfUr tU al'nI i t: Xtl rt tfnlM ywUrday,. from a 1 1 1 0 2 4 0 F 21 22 V 15 10 10 11 to A 14 7 17 29 13 11 19 Twenty -Five Years Ago Russia VV VT r equalities than in -fi i ? ny .th,er country m the World today. In Wr vre Winston CLuP-wn. First me ciues. and rjartuninMv in tVia ,. t ,.1.. ,Ln.H nt ih. Admiral . iu . 1 . , al luuiili v. 1 saw T 1 it n " -- ' squalor, hunger and depravity such as I had not believed cvcu " Brimh Nary W3 existed anvwhere in th n:.i. . ; , minority, the people liferaliy live ' Theirphif ul SndworxJ eTehn thG of flothesas veu ! The Peasan 8 and K,H most of the manual IhM Ml make Gi C,t,,es w,ear smocks and shapeless breech S,!lS?y 0f sack,nS r such other material as fhc ninn n tions. . 1 ' ""I'roveti modern condi-i sutionery 12 to 14 h p Frazil tWarin& .cori?it!Sns in Russia with those in " me the say pnr t0 revolution, Colonel Drew 'The simple and terrible truth is that the Russia A. Robertson, Massett. PERSONAL v 'cm- snoret'ie. in Jl'uS on to say that '1 spc of the increarl FOR SALE datinn fni flJ l 'V,? nly lncreased living accommo- turnlnS tools, motor. Phone Red dwelliVs caoable of h S unsanitary apartment erand. mone o m. 1277. When Rmt ni.i: "l. WU PP'e. This is at a time Dtgby Is'and. Mrs. M ltrP, homes hnmi. and J 1 uuul uul,l-,re than an three three mi million on new n- Phone phone 482. 482. 7 engine, $500.00. (281) FOR SALE Three-piece chester- neid suite, browh mohair, end table, seamless Akmlnsier rug, 9x9, trl-lrght lamp, Simmons bed, deep sleep air-filled mattress, Slumber King spring, bureau, walnut finish, and other house hold effects. Phone Oreen 339. , 277) WORK WANTED ingenious propaganda can diseuise the rtteM LL reliable oin wants work, store morale ol such extremes hefu-n tU 'r.lC'lJn i Dr housework. Phone Blue 801. er and the extravagance of the 'Ka; l"e 1 Colonel Drpw Ihpn f,aa tL vr:" ' Iexperienced journalist who has until now. been an apologist fo - the Russian system and who now feayg in part: ' A measure of industrialization and of agrarian col- lives: the workers kvo nsi i;i,U. : ut...... ' . to man and can .hoose ttt&KTffi of Wol-k; they cannot Organ ze, strike or protest in nni- "The htlmart and ec6riomic waste has been colossal more, probably, than atty'ttation has ever known in twenty years of its history; atil the enslavement of the proletariat and peasantry, which, no longer have even the right of movement fronvone part of the same district to another is without parallel in the records of mankind." ' woman work, Apply Dally News. f277' desires (278) CIVIL SERVICE .EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks an houhced. Open to all. Appllca tions to reach Ottawa by Novem bef 30th, 1W9, Our adtlce has' helped hundreds obtain Civil Ber-vice positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Ftee Booklet ort k-eoiteAt. Ik n n Schools Ltd., Winnipeg, . bldest in r. u VBnaua. rtp a gen U, " BOARD "AN O KOOM ' H ----- - . . ...-vvuiiuii, "mum i mien anu ineir en- ergetic band of helpers in the recent Red Cross campaign. I sir wiifrw orembr Uurier r: ion las the generally, me wnoie community Wished to SUb- speaker at a recruiting meeting . in ------ twu me ijcuuic were uiaci to naw tnp " uru "Vhkui VHIi. countrymen DuVemet returned THE DAILY NEWS WIN FIRST I Taronto Mtple Leaf Suffered In-UUI Defeat of Seatbn In .National Hockey Leatue NEW YORK. Nov 2T: CPi Sew York Americans Knrrd Iheir first tictory of the season in the National Hockey Lnftgue last niglr and the Toronto Kfapie Leafs suf rered their first defeat. ucicai. The iqc Am "I! FURNISHED Eoom or Room and I SPORT CHAT ; Although he lost them all. four maicnn gw cnampion Henry coi-ton played for the Red Cross In England netted the ctganizatlon over tlfloS $M50. K. Goodvear. who has three times for Cambridge Unlver slty against Oxford, has been elect etl rants In of th rimhrb1 tfnt Am- erks won I to 1 orer the Leafs in Vers,t Association football club. a grwllin? OTerUm contest. Ed-' T" die Wiseman nettinv th winnirr With the government demand ma Ratnrrfav niaVit tv..i. that 10 Der cent nf their land he nrtrnlt Red Wln at Montreal six to four. t being the first de test for the Canadiens. , Week-end vstr wen. a filbws SATURDAY Detroit 6 Oinodi-n 4. Americans 3 Toronto 4. SUNDAY Toronto 1. Americans 2 lover-timet. Ranker 2. JVt-ii 2 -nrer-tlme) ChioAro 4 rtrot 2. The lepi standing: W D L professional Tich" dead. Due to the accidental discharge of p faulty Rim In the hsnd, of Dan McDonald, William Wilwn 17 was &hot In the foot yesterday moram n the neighborhood of Metlakatia Wilson In hospital but his injuries are not serious. It's the curna.ath rr(Ut 0f a.t vertlslng trjat count. . r j California Wins jOver Stanford In !FootbalI Classic SAN FRANCISCO. Not. 27. In an Amfrtan football classic at San FraneiSCO Sltttrdjir nftoi-nvin tTni. played Jyerslty of California defeated Stan- lord by a score of 33 to 14. The game was played at Stanfr.-d stad ium at Palo Alto. TODAY'S WEATHER t. & t - - .i.lMim( tv.ti. u . 1 i Prin. t.tft n i i . uic .-iiJic i-rais naa come Up irom "" cususu uwk uirrurm u(jru auiiujik, easienji behnd to defeat the Americans may send their stable to Eire, where nd. thirty-three miles per hour: wut mj wiirc iiiirr I13TUlg ttllOWTU 'mttJ jMwiuiuaiwuc urai uiipiuuu-j ...v. v., 'tailing; lem - the Amerirans tn ret th first twn toc 100. years. Irature. : rtsibmty. ten mile: counters. The Maple Leafs are still ' ra rough. in first place, the Montreal Ca- Edward Charles Freeman. "8. fa-1 Triple Island Raining, south raj nadiens havin droopd the lead mous groundsman of Kent cricket wlnd- 3 mile per hour: YWblllty. by loslns Situtlay nl-ht to th fields and uncle of th former Kent t,n miles: sea rough. . i m t -a . t . I M mi T tla k J rx. Freeman, Is, "ngara Iand Drtele. south wet wind. 35 mile per hoar; barometer. 29 M: trmnrra.tnre si- Dick Burton ofi&il. Bwllsh ooen!Wbtt,13r' 15 leolf chamnKn. Wnrf T H. Pnitnn rough. sea moderate to' ! met A. L Bently and his brother If.' Dd Tr Point Raining, calm: game for: the Red Cross In ito-bHHT. 20 mites: moderate swell i . . . .. I Dull Bull tr.l in . keth November 19 The cdptaln. A. B. Sella rs. and two.,n:i3 Harbor Orereast. smithMi i wki ai mHes per hour: baro- Badmlnton has suffered much In' TreieT- 30 15 dr: temDeratur". England since the Urt f the var. 4g: tMr eight mile, light Many of the courts were In drill p I halls now, used by the army. Squash Aim tJaT Driale. solheat 10 courts, little good for the needs of WMKJ- 13 miles per hour:- bat- p'Mars, remain popular. ,m-er. 302; temperature. 4: light fli J"- a! To the numbers of British sports- '"-an Cloudy, southeast wind men enlisted In the services mayi 15 m,,f haur barometer 3050 .... . . ... ...... . a u'. j j l W(jri rliusJa i w auura we wixxe raster el tne ;""" csum-ny wina. 2 Yorkshire Countv crikt tm i'"n miles 'per hour: barometer others are gunners in the same v-nver Cloudv. easterly unit. nd, twn miles per hour: baro- 'meter. 305a Mmn- th racehorse that car- Prinre Oeorge aear. calm Jocker Steve Donouhue to win fBmeter. 3057. b third Derbt in 1925. k dead at 1 Vewmarket. Manna was In the Barnstead Manor Stud. The Brltiih half-mil rniio .vt. ivii ojwlft: his champlorrTDorr Jackaon. and the to British eham-rfon. Clifford Jackson. nave enlisted a deapatch riders GRIDIRON OHMOUR LCS ANOELES. CaMf.. Nov. Dorothy Doerr. pretty 27 18- year-old sister of the Dottmn tiH Sox's inf (elder Bobby Doerr. stars ni. .-...:."'.: ... ... pn a Los Angeles girls1 football visit to Endako .".rr . lv."irau C,UD naVteam Five feet ix mches 111 ith . f"irnrT'sin it riLriM i.. wii ill . - . - and rraser Lake on ecclesiastical ve-r Fnrlv rlTr.h. , . J r-. J. "nd v, hav'n j cic-i rru a maicn Fraser Lake, the work al- ready ...... commenced. , ' "Mil U!lUti. Russians muted Turks In huh'- Fntry HfTf cf the Kinrs hors- irr rar Err-rum twkinr B 000 es0r(iJr"th. Judlca and Helios uri'oters and 16 rn-s. Admiralty 7"'" the rte Newmarket races ; called two Brill!, merchant heP well entries to the meet in in xhins slum sunk sunk bv bv Oermn oermrn submarine submarine SPECIAL . . . Free - 39c Forhans Gum Massager With Large Tube of Forhans Tooth Paste 78c Value For Only CHRISTMAS CARDS A Urge and Varied AssortmentSee Our Selection Now Ormes Lid. Th. lietai, stora Phobe,. k 0ei. Uaikf from 8 ajn. till )0 p.m. Sundays ,and Holiday, from l2 r.oon till t p. sh nlays Tbis adTfcrtlimnt is not publlibfd or displayed tj Uie Llroor Control Hoard or by tbc Go?ernfntit of DriUtb Coluaibl a n n imi i d uvaiu. juw in Ave. west. (277) a ii Why Pay Big Prices For Furniture? Wo Arc In A Iilion l fiiye Vu ioa ' Sec Us First '""' oner icai KeguiarSlO At Chairs Of various makes. From 54.95 Card Tables-All kinds. Kach . . . . . n. 95C Kleclric Lamps From 95c 95c Kitchen RanKcs-SliKhtly OOff nn usetl, from ... D.()0 Apiece Sauless Chwlcrid-Utert mlor design, value $200. Q4A en iri Kaay terms 01o4.D(J B. C. Furniture Co, Phone IlLICK 221 (Next Door t It. C. Clothlmj THIRD ill ii i Stone'i SPECIALS WHAT TO GIVE HIM ??? IMPORTED ENGLISH Rabhor Lounge ROBES W ool - Challis Lined $25.00 William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Miliflf it OCEAN FILLS m4 POWELL RIVER Steamer leate Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.rn. Train leave Prince Rupert for the Eait Monday, Wednesday, Frltfuy, 6 p.m Steamer for Keichiknti and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For ore, efc, caff or irrlM it m ftfa It'fi i interesting to knoW when reading the Daily NJ ibat the people of the whole district are doin the