PAGE F0U5 ff. : ii .1 Mr and Mrs. David Sou and daughter, who have been on a vacation trip south returned to the city or. the Catala last night from Vancouver, StrlckUlrtmfrc;. I IMPROVED FORMULA ALKALINE SWEETENS THE STOMACH Hotel Arrivals Prinre Rupert ' R. Bartlett, L. Nordland and J. I. Know. BUlnor; J 'Ef. Agar and 1 Charles Agar. Terrace; W. C. Stev-I -as, H. W. Edwardson Jr. and Thomas Anderson, Vancouver. Ratal Frank Perry. William J. Mat- ewv J P Rock. B. L. Kindle and C Marr. Frederick Point; William Virean and W. Tribe. Victoria: L. N Kelson. Barrett Rock; J. Coasen, Blllmor: W. Johnson. Osland; R. W Kunns, Charles Point; Peter Plishka. Exstew: W. C Higgins andiing north. Advertising ts an ujr-sunent. Praises Buddy's Miifart fcr GRIPPY COUGHS AND COLDS Read what Mr. H. Hugh, LinU Bra D'Or, N.S.. Kai i ur about Buckky'i Mixture: "Some telu ago I had grippe and rai too tick to get up or tale anything but cold watrr. I tried leTrral rrraedin without any bnt&u At Lut I tried Buckley'i Mixture and after a few dote could eat tomething and continued to improve every day. I cannot' praise your Mixture too much." We hare thousands of similar unsolicited testimonials on file, telling how quickly Buckley's Mixture VP the cough, softens phlegm, eases breathing, clears the head, helps nd sufferers of coughs and colds. Don't experiment. Buy Buckley's. OVER 10 MILLION BOTTLES SOLDI ' avJLssm A -4 mmm asssssm. Christmas Cards That Are Really Personal Now is the time to' order your Christmas cardsif vou want them reaUy personal. Place your order early and hare yoar own name Imprinted on your Christmas message. We offer a wide assortment of attractively illustrated greetings, expressing your sentiment in cleverly written and rinrere messages. Order today for that personal touch. Gift Wrapping, Tags and Seals Fancy Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pen Sett 141 DIBB PRINTING CO. I ITUMSaM ssst Besner Block, Third Street CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Transatlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Wav Porta SS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct 85. "PRINCESS LOUISE" October 27th SS. -PRINCESS NORAH" November ?th, 16thv27th mmer excursion rare Vancouver jand Return Tickets on sale Nov. Ut. 1839 to Feb. 28th 1940 Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 $36-00 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COTES. General Agent Prince Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT 9 ft Aft Fiom Port Simpson, $33.75 vOO.UU '( (Reduced Rate-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate point1!.) Children (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1333 to Fcbrary 29th, 1310 Good to return up to March 31st 1940 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:50 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK JSKINNER) Third Ave. Phone SSI If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Jack Stevens, who his been In Vancouver for the past year, returned to the city on the Garden Saturday morning. He expects to be here for several weeks on in surance business. R. J. German. time. DANCE IS ENJOYABLE The dance staged by Bobby Reid's Orchestra in the Oddfellows' Hall Friday night was enjoyable affair It was in progress from 10 am un til 2 am. and all present had a good Miss Ketchum Becomes Bride Pretty Wedding At First United Church Manse Saturday Evening a quiet wedding, but one of much local Interest, took place on Saturday evening at the United jChurch manse. Rev. J. C. Jackson officiating, when Mildred Grace. aaugnter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G ' a. n.ew:num, was married to John toward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Wide, of Cardiff. Wales. Glv en m marriage by her father, the wide was charmingly attired In snort navy blue velvet costume irunmed with gold, with off-the-face hat to match, and carried a beautiful bouquet of mauve and yellow chrysanthemums. Sh was attended by her sister. Miss Clara-bell Ketchum, who wore a most becoming wine-colored vith gold trimming and hair orna ment, she wore a corsai of m. i carnations. Fred Radcliffe attended the groom. A reception at tho tump f ,. bride's parents followed th mar. rlage. Some forty to fifty guesti were received by Mrs. Claude a .Ketchum, wearln? a navy blue j crepe costume with hat to match (and corsage of rose carnations. I The bride and groom received the I congratulations of friends tinder ja wedding bell with pink and white otxorauons. The table, covered with a beautiful lace cloth, was centred with a three-tier vMin, cake and graceful with rose and white carnations. Mrs. James Krlkevsky and Mrs. William Brass inoured and serviteurs were Mrs L. Wide, Mrs. W. Roberts and the Misses Frances Yager and Olive van Previous to the serving of refreshments, Meth Davis sang the ever-popular bridal sone "o Pre. Lw Me" with miirh f.Miwf, m.. . fcv.,g). anc toast to the bride was proposed by William Brass and renller! t suitably by Fred Radcliffe. Many beautiful and useful wedding gifts were on display, testlfvlni? tn h popularity of the bride who has lived In Prince Rupert since her babyhood, attending the local schools. Following the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wide are residing on Eleventh Avenue for the winter, nro. ceedlng to Dawson in the spring where they will take up permanent residence. Five thnumd Rupert nr.l hf nillT Npw, If v to lt thom knnw what vrr NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zart lll Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bo 1 196 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous Phono 13 Taxi. tf. The Canadian Red Cress Society contributed $10,000 tor the relief r; the unfortunate victim of the Alhenla disaster. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Murray and family of Stewart, who have been in Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last night return Bowling afternoons and evening's Max's Alleys, tf. The "gals- will like the new elastic top chiffon hose at Fashion Footwear. Nice for Xmas too. tf, Henry Smiley, local barrister, re turned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip to Vancouver. Thomas Anderson, manager of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant. which la about to ooen for th handling of herring, arrived In the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver. C. IL Kennedv nf th a n U'li Hams Machinery Co- which Is dls i mantling the old plant of the Gran transferred as Dy co- al Anyox. was a passenger -l . . flhmrrl tha f,tVi ..ti. i- for ioc ... the mo ConsoU tiricn vjcraiur UMISOU- usi jugui going ; dated Mining Si Smelting Co. from throuh from Vancouver to the for- night on the Catala forSiewart af ter spending a few days here as the guest of his brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon German. mer smelter town. With him was a crew consistlBg of M. Jones. W. J. Read, M. Green. H. a Wagner and Robert Kerr. Most people ads. Do you? ma trw classified Christian Liberty Should Be War Aim Says Local Pastor ''If we win this war, and I think we will, will we hav fh hk-- for which we say we are fighting m we JOnrei QOrl In rair tory as we did after the last war? asked Rev. H. G. Funston In his morning sermon at rirt p.,v. terlan Church yesterday. The sub- iccr. was "CMrUtiin TJhr- Christian libertv Mr. rnit a. fined as a stab vhm r.ti,- onnciples had such a hrJri iu-. other considerations wrre of sec ondary importance. Unless Christian beliefs were emhrarerf thr. would still be the bondage of ter ror ana sin. The challene tn rviritii,n v. Ulevervwould be greaUr than ever, declared the pastor. Possibly the grey field uniforms were not tho worst enemy the wwld was facing waay were not ungodliness and llsreeard of Christian nrlnelnles even worse. BOB'S Beauty Parlor Nest to Q. ii S, Grocery Phone 318 Bob Ritchie Announcements All advertisements in this column win be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge November 29. St. Andrews Dance, Nov. 30. Catholic Tea, November 30'. Mrs. Hanklnson's Varden's Entertainment Dec. 1. United Bazaar December 7. Lutheran cember 9. Circle bazaar. Dc- Hlgh School Plays, Dec. 13. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Dec. 14, Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. Canadian Legion Chrbifmn December 23. OUR CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENT OF CHOCOLATES Boxed by Lowney, Patterson, Moirs and Oanongs have arrived Each Box Is Attractively Pack-ed and Priced Moderately Low Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress n (Central Hotel) Edward known as Ten Ton Smith known local salmon fisherman and longshoreman, died yesterday about noon at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he bad been a patient for the past two weeks. The funeral will take olaee Wednesday morning from the Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation. Born tn Ireland slxtr-one rears ago, deceased was a sailor In his earlier days and came around Car Horn to the Pacific Coast He had been a resident of Prince Rurvrt for twenty-nine years. Deceased was unmarried but is! survived by relatives In Ireland. j Devil's Chest j Is Opened At Army Meeting Before a crowd which oaeked the Salvation Army Citadel last night "The Devils Tool Chest" was opened. After the opening exercises of the service the key to the chest The Morning AfierTaking Carters Little LiverPills I! I YOU DON'T DOUSE YOUR WATCH IN WATER Not as a habit. However if such a thing should happen we have a watch that can take it. This watch is scientifically cased to exclude moisture even if submerged in water. Priced at $21.50 1 mm at mrm a wTh ar" f TriC STORE WITH THE CLOCK JOHN BEGG This adrertUement Is aot published or displayed Ly the Liquor Control Board or b the Vtojtnmn of British Columbia WB Ten Ton Smyth Dies On Sunday Well Known Local Salmon Fisherman and Longshoreman Passes Away Smyth, possibly better was produced and opened In full family rendered seven: otc view of the audience. The various during Use emmc tools of the Evil One wer taken nJOC closed wi;h f.n- from the box b the MUm Dolly HttpUm Chrur M tii Smith. Ruth Jones and Cta Pierce, also William Hlldebrand. These four young people each spoke Sartour. i. uricy m eacn oi me tooia. r,r ,he r,.. TRAINS CaDtaln Ivan lislser hrouvril lh ... . ... . closing message of the rr uT. Ta W" well ing for his subject. Commandments. Mr. and Mrs Clutsts Two From the rt Tuesdays Thurstia, A. T. Jones and! Saturdajs ii f p mmmmmmmmmmmm)mmmmmmmmmmf SELECT XMAS BOOKS 1? 'nVi 1 lnldlnf the Ult kck. r.tifs. on all book. See oar wonderfal rante f ChUrren IVkwnUtr Wi nl kelUr value than ever Majlc Paint nck-Colortn books lkU9t 5 In I Activity BswMother Ooo, Story Books, Book Pi 8 AttracUve .wis. Each Alter Rook, Etbtl Morton Series. Campfire OlrU. HUM. B- Tit Whitman FavorltewLarge sUe. Popeye. Tanun! Walt D ' Ta Sawyer. King Arthur. Heidi. Swtsa ramflt RoMnr. Rob n- son Crusoe and others. Eaeh , . TV Golden Treasure Books Ofxord Arsnuab for Boys Oirf or Vounger ToU. Each ilM sd $L Nelwn Triumph Series Nebon Battntrre book, 1 :V Wlisrd of Oi-New movie edition MU Little Dots Annual i H Fairvland Annual Chums.. (H Girls' (Boys') Own 'Z". 1 .. $1M Utile Big Books New series just In. Each L . & Owlnr t the variety of title., number of.each U nearily limited. Choose jour special books now. We will be f lid U bW them for you. oMiaSmm MacK enzie s Furniture CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT LAST nCALTVncST MATTRESS All sizes ?S!,.nr?ifKlmnESS -Covtrtd ,n V Tweed WM SLU.MBEIl KING SPRING $11- No Advance In l'rlfe-Known Every PUfe-Built for Sleep Call sfnd See Them Phone 775 Keep your fuel cost down to minimum this Winter by us nf h tested roal that (lves you more heat and lew waste. We're P lallsts In plcklnc coal that (Ives the most heat for the monrj. We'll gladly help you pick a grade that will burn efficiently your furnace, kitchen range or heater, give you more hca' na save you money. Jut phone 116 vt 117. Albert and McCaffery Ltd