t -1; j a s r n fAnr ttvo Stock Ends Sale Onyx Broken Lines Special Don't miss UUs opportunity to buy the finest shoes made In Canada at this exceptjgnny low price. Reg. $8-50. Stock End Sale S4-85 Its Wowen's Pumps, Straps. Sandals and Ji Regular to oooooooooooooooo THE DAILY NEWS. ENGLISH POLITICS S2.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home pf Good Shqes rnjNCE nypERT - pritisii Columbia published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert " ' ' ' Daify Yiews. Limited, Third" Avenue H. F. PtILLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by cat rier.'y early period, paid in advance $5.00 'paid Iri'ddvanVe, perweek :...l..?..:..:-.!...: '.li $ald in advance, per month .50 ;y mau vo au parts ot unusn woiumoia, me imii&n empire . ana "" 'United States, yearly period, paid In advance !...1...."7...."....V. By mall" to all other countries, per year .., ' Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 - Kiwis' bepartment Telephone '..T.'..7- - 85 Aieinber of Audit Bureau of Circulations .fDAJLY EDITION 3.001 9.00 If war does riot intervene, it seems likelv that there - CHAMBERLAINS TONE ,. Pnne, Minister Chambprlain seems tp be taking a more firm' stand'jh rqgard to possible agVessiop"ip Pur-ope pi: Africa. Tjijs tbhe is appre.pia.ted here flnn eyidehtlv also in Britain. PussyfpQting jqps rjpt sem tp py-wHefe under present conditions. t is usually misunder- " ' ' " : . STICKING TOGETjlEIJ In all matters of public policy there are bound to be (lifferentes.' There can never lie unjtv of opinion' on everM-imm and'QpUher can there 'be unify pf'qction.'". Those, wnphsf've h'plped to devplpp democratic opinion are well mvarp'pf these differences. All that can be expected .is to develbn a strong preponderating opinion that will carry siicK policies as-will be best for tjie cpuntry or com'tnunity.' Because the majority of hepple support spmethng jlpes. p'pt'necqssitnly mean that it is right, -Jj; is sp easy t6 s;yay , a mulfitudd. Many people make up their minds th At spine-' thing is right and then try to prove it afterwards. Sonne1 a ipfluncpd py ppjjtips. oths qy religion, others qtraiq b'y 'clas's-conEcioilsness. To some peopld labor fs ajyay3 ritrht, to others capital is always right. To some people Liberalism is always right and to others Conservatism is always right. That is what makes it difficult for a com munity to act as a unit. J NEW YORK. Jan. 30: (CP) -Boston Druins extended their mar 5ln of leadership in the National Hockey Lea'gue to eight' points las; night by defeating the New York Americans 3 'to 2 In a tightly con-'ested eame. The eague standing to date: W D L F A Pis . Chicago Monday, Jaiiuary 30. 1939. fjaadiens .21 1 7 .16 .14 12 to 3 8 7 10 5 14 5 16 5 16 Another American Skiing is 82 74 76 72 60 56 7 6 18 62 99 20 itions be a general election soon m Britain and we find that M fl 1 TT there is a gi'eat deal of interest taken in this election in OiY uOOQ ncie Prince Runert and neichborhood. Speakinp: generally those 'who' favor labor representation here seem to think 'fllSftf Nmb' Ascended ihat the Chamberlain government will be defeated and Se,.d Mount will be succeeded by a Labor government, possibly with About twenty members of the ,the support of the Liberals, if there are any Liberals left Mouqlt pidheld ski Club, a num- in fVlo novf Parliament TViJo trnwrnmpnt mnv linvp n ber Of S'Dns1' bf Norwav Ski Clu'o 'foreign policy more like that of Anthony Eden which will -51. a Bo0d ma"y spectft win be a second 'Vthn ti'k'Jt.i A.iL u ,i:Io ,t iprs and hikers were up up the moun- night .when .K"TT it ,. la Tiu&p tu uine tunaenae iiuim tnc uitwi-ui uuuuns aim jajn ye'3terday ...1,.U ...ill U 4- f,rrV.f fn rlnmAnvnnir in nnif noi-f AT . . . ' .1 . . .. . . .. Will Dfi tournament was held yesterday afternoon,' aj; the Canadian National J. TITE DAILY XT.W3 Monday lx stt THEIR LEAD Smoke Eaters INCREASED lBeat Antw?rP Boston Pruins Defeat Americans- toronio "(lets Best of Detroit ANTWERP. Jan. 30: CP Trail Smoke Eaters added another! to their growing siring of victories At Detroit the Red Wings and I TorC n ft Toronto Maple Leafs played a two y C J-UUiO 1 aliVO all draw. On Saturday the Maple . . " 1 Leafs shut out the Red Wings 6 D0llt VJcllentO to 0, three goals being scored In the first period. In the third game scheduled for World's Champion Says Two Ton last night, Montreal Canadlens TW Won't I' "(tUng Mim blanked the Black Hawks one to pames'cheduled for tomorrow t"1- night' are :Ww York Americans at -amplcn. speaking of Tony Oal-Boston " and Chicaeci with New e't of Oran.?e. New .Tertey. aald: yor!p Rangers. Week - end scores: Hi I A 2. National Saturday Detroit, Q; Toronto, 6. Sunday Thronto, 2; DStVoft, 2 (overtime Canadlens, 1: Chicago, 0. n, 3; New York Americans .IJoston .... .Rangers Americans Toronto '' Detroit you. we League nt Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Portland. 2; Spokane, 2 lover time). 82 130 98 112 Seal Cove Centre Opened; Larger Crowd Expected AWJiitii wm ucieduj vu ugin iyt uunyatj ii miji. jhi. ui w naye Deeji excellent ana tne ,, " .' . ofrlxtcen the World. Also they Will try to re-estabnsh the League weather was very fine. sons eara and over nlF'Nnf iriris. That, in a Peneral wav. -seems to be the view There are now four buildines used : r : ARE TIED ! ! FOR LEAP' Defeated Belgium Team Last Jflghl ma EmpreM and firojto i,v Dead-By Score of 7 to Nothing ock af opof tlfy iJowllnr 25 23 Qunderson Total . . ' Printers Zieman .... i Vance iWeat Samuelson Paul I Total I Asemlssen the afternoon under the direction , WaS chaIman badminton V League Old Empress nnd Oroto are now tliuf rr !fir1irhln hf the CUv' CIccone 172 Ourvtch - 155 Klnlr 154 174 833 134 ...168 -144 ...177 u.157 ..:2 F Cornadlna 189 McMeekln'...- 171 Riirv IRA 16 6 12 111 112 33 ,fA' t 17 19 ittui aaia w Total 8J8 The league standing to " " . W Old Empress 8 Grotto ': 8 Royal 6 Printers 2 140 181 H4 178 106 80? 2 165 136 He U a great fighter If he can hit J ...;..i84 171 ti Tf If m'a meet aa ha Imt nnlns f n . . 131 201 192 119 135 162 152 760 Grotto 12 3 3 Til Pi J Hockey otandiiiffs how m 38 41 49 35 78 .35 Portland 63 27 Seattle 83 25 Vancouver 72 21 Spokane W D L P 21 6 5 110 A Pts 67 48 132 159 172 191 171 823 4 4 6 10 r on their European tour by defeat- .7:,. ;.v u-A ing a -Belgium team here toW From 7 to nothmg 4&uW Royal HoUl 2 to 1 while . Tm2rin n ttinrtlriV 3 in 0 over ' Held'' ''"" " as skl bases the two cluD houses, ciUfc th rome thirty members winner of the theatre tickets were rr.;i-m, , , ,. . n . ni 1 i- wr. ana Mrs. Aiex Aiucneirs caDi x Thpse who believe m Prime Minister Chamber am and a ,arge cabin bulu last year ,and his administration see the return of the Chamberlain by j. l. Biain. government although possibly not quite strong as at present. They point to recent be-elections to show that, ry 1 , Svh'lje therp may have been slight local irritation in some; Badminton 1 OUrney ' ' " ' ' 'quarters with' a falling off of government support, any defectjpns wquld not be sufficient to defeat Chamber- flayed YesterdaV lain. It 'is exfiected bv them' that, vvhen a irerieral election " J campaign'is launched the government will Tie', able tp shpw , M A,torI sented and that it would be a squrjce pf strengtli tq the country tq aslc fqr Chamberlain's' return with an increased hiajority. : f In tle mpantime anythjng may happen. If therq hflvdd ,be' war th'Q Gqvernment wqud remain in power, at ariytraie for'a time. If war is avpiqed, it' will strengthen the National government. If the government is returned, we .believe :hVVill be i ' largely because of 'the weakness of 'the opposition 'Tfjey seem o efficient leaders and .Isp, apk cqhesipn. and Jack (libson Due to a misunderstanding, only nine turned up for the opening of he branch of the local physical education and recreational centre at Seal Cove last Tuesday. Then? class tomorrow expected there a larger turn-out, of per- .;artlclpatng in the event. The tournament was run off In two panels with Mts Vhry Astori and Ja:k Gibson winning in one section and Mrs. William Blich and Oecrge Ferguson. In the other. In the final play off. which was keenly contested, the matches going to. three sets. Miss Astori and Mr. Gibson emerged the victors. Refreshments were served during Gamma Stays On Tod In Boiling .M)h in Second Place and Beta Third in Hhh School Girls' League In the High School Olrls' Bowlln? League on Saturday. Oamma agalr defeated Aloha with a score of 21K to 2091. Beta's score was 1670. The Helen Leslie of Oamma with 196. drev Wntkinson of Alpha with 168 and Nancye pawes of Beta with 162. The league standing In the sec-end half so far Is at follows: aamma-8321. Alpt.5 7875. Beta-6672. INSPECTS COLLIERIES PLAc AY. ri:.' Jah."3Q! TDt robrri(iinK to rough, Gci Smith llmthtrt Cough Drop (or toothing relief. (BUtk or Menthol.) Only 10, n SAIITH BRQS. COUGH. DROPS 1 Printers. Hljh average scorer fot Having on ooarq one me iarg-Uh evntn was Nets Qunderson 61 est: "cargoes of frozen fish ever moV- Old Empress with 191. Individual scoring was lows: lloyal Hotel 1 .. Donald - -182 Todd 168 . - Zarelll 148 nil at thlcago. The Canadlens are PHICAGO, Jan. 30: CP-Jlere ' echriebe 175 still In the cellar three polnU be- Saturday following hi fight last g lh 17j few' the Black Hawks. Wednesday with John Henry Lew1. . ... .w..:''i.'Ji5W . 4 Inn. Tnl nnrM'i wwWa Aoa Beavywelghi wu'Alalil . ' ' " Y". Old Empress I as Whiffle The Yterfron,, 111 here unloading a goodly portion be- 158! fore aolUng at 7 a.m. In cbiltlnua- liil 170i Returning to service after hav. s'lng been off he run (or the past 1 j month' undergoing arinual 'over- i ' i y m -MIT IMS led out or Alaska. Nonniana ijan CLEAJ well 't'VJ'' TeiJ 1.1. 'a.iiIImi rVi ttumur North Coait arrived n port 'a J:45 Sat urday night and spent the nigni apartments . . Phnna R.J KUlCfcAl.t- tvn air p ft v tM.tlon of her voyage to Settle. 4V tfrT ' " . ,7 r-7 - -v at Mamett. Queen c lands. Apply E P nc 140 haul at Vanaouyer, Union steamer, rpn SALE 1933 " 135' Catala, Capt Ernest Sheppard. ar-f ta'bte model Radi a 1561 rived in port at 8 o'clock last evw- J gn. Guaranteed u 155! ing from the south ahd sailed at pone Red 787 or . 19910 pm. for Stewart and Anyox; ?IA.ii.tinlka tH1l rl,in Hrj Inmrir. t ' ' 181 I 162 C. P. R steamer Princess Norah ' 15J Capt. William Palmef. arrived tn 158 port at 2:40 this afternoon froin 129 Skagway and other northern" 1 152 tea 183 iM tii date L PU CP) pinners or un.ila. tvent of Miss Owen PalrWer. Sam Jurmaln "To learn "'u,t hat they have In the coal flelcjs iert that we haven't ana wnav we nave inai incy nave rt'f," James Dickson, 'chief' lnspeo If you wish to sw. .methlnz- tor of British C6lumbla mines. vLs Recreation Association Badminton Try a Classified, ited Cape Breton collieries. II Timely Recipes SAUtON LOAF H cup milk ' 1 capVUge fUJ. itTcSke II 3 (abteipooni parsley Pour lw mjlk on the) aott bread ctumbs, mix well and, let stand a few tyfnutes. add tHi'MMV91- en ejgg. the cheese. t mmon and. Jim wsl:' it u hi v(ic mixture in a puuerea baking d(sh irecUnular' or 9ali. Plifce the hard-cobktd egg's lfi the 0d Vi'9'nia Fine Cut it he.e, bringing new ... convenience, .... W new -,ir solhfaclion. r.ll, ' new enjoyment lo foll-our-owrjeri..' Ii an extra fine cut tobacco with long, silky threads of mild Virginia jeaf (hat lie snug and tidy In the paper (mpit imokers prefer Vogue or . Chantecler papers) hot roll quickly anc( eaiily jnlo evenly-filled cigarettej. Thf new cigarette tobacco ji different and it comes In a different packaqe ' V -i.-. . - 'trtr i I a pocket-iting( seal-tight pouch that keeps the tobacco fresh and in top condition to the very last shred. Tje handy pouch of Old Virginia fine Cut carries the signature "D. Ritchie i Co.", the hall-matk of genuine Old VifSinia. mi tat centre, end to end, and add the" rest pf the salmon Cook n a mode rate oven 50 minutes Uhmold a'rid 'serve .hot or cold, ' trapper: Don't be foolish and fell your furs at the watertronl. Fetch your stuff up town to Gold-bloom's and get the buyers together to bid on them. In that way you will make 30 Per Cent MORE for Yourself Goldblooip The Old Reliable FOR SALE- 5 tube 0,11 5--- i l"tlS Radio ,,Mt M937 rr d with new butter rotary sewin? rru Phdne 678', Apply . 11 points and will sail at 4 pjn. fqt ,- Vancouver I LOST , 1 rtr flru..a,,H 1 tank truck Leave C .WANTED- Experle.::i j like hour work 1 . i Uon. Phone 573, WANTEtl WANTED- Pair pc't man Shepherds, Fk or write Daily Ner HELP WANltD DENTAL Nunws Expt nrceaaarv. must hav? ai cation High Schoc mrrclali, pleading pr" capable and etflrir n i n mpnifl v with full deUlLs ar : B. C HEX Bowling Alley EWB 1 1 AM II H M C'lM sa une nowi For Rreratlom rhent Phones 18 & 81 IM). FOU SKKVICE And SATISFACTION Iry Mussallem's n (i. UVVIIUIII f - .- .'4. .- . . W Diiric iiu ian iii i- Cents" i . f.. . sjuaijiy rocrncs i rr'ujts and yejetal) THF .SEAL ' QlLUni mm? 1 rk i.r sn' -. .. fif)LD, SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyf PNK SEAL Fipost Pink Salmo? PaUed by the only jJ'J canning company wltn the reair round pajw" Prince Rupert