Tomorrows tides he l&it AAA Capitol High 0:48 ajn. 20.0 (t. TAXI 22:54 pin. 17.3 ft. 3:03 km. 93 ft. 1(5:3? m. 5.0 ft. Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vr ... xxvin no, 24. fp PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1939. price: 5 cents itler Looks For Long Peace" i r m mm w w hw lllVlUwl imi w v Here Would Involve Project It! V- For New Power Development Vntirelv contingent upon possible new industrial de- j ,". the work. J ... i ..... , .i. , be g studied program 1 includes' "X Woodworlh Lake dam.l t... cont -ft rt ti slvel ; e -and acre leet storage n cf ( fht tnouiand as at Xt." new dam would be lo- It would be capable j tix weeks emergency . .5 I ..w. WW' . i . I. t A (Via Ct... tikp power house -ould I U :bandoned and there be ( ' : a direct tunnel or ' m he new dam to a - I ' e which would be i " eastern end of 1. i Li' p.iT' , its instead of the1 r a' hlne would be used munuoui run off I ra Tlie Bnawai.ana-attnUe. k at present J 3 Falls River for em , . 1 pi H iiia nrnt M inn t., ji luU Banr.xk : t: -a now Ikiwlng mio Arrn 'a Lake Mahlon which w .i iske Into Wcad of innrtiTP PUSHING ON t:'; have pushed of Barcelona, ln their jf rcponca to dc wunui IT. nf Vi tVsknoh frnntlr ' coiaiers are said to nave ..1 form before food dls- -ri: which have hern bet un the insurgent occupation of t:.:r.a, The lob of maintaining -ji corps oi eigntecn tnousana 'Iff'.ng before the Insurgent ar urivin norinwara irom uar- "a. tragic hordes of refugees vtuaocl tile UUIUVI "int n hour after the first refugees ri1 IU. 11 a -1 n.,... - me una kiiu sitikc ooiur 11 is estimated J5.000 crossed frontier at Perplgnan. Five u ana French troops were sent the Spanish border for use In nun wiui MTIUS O' im 1 V- . a , . i I -'it vile IV1UKCCS. 1CII lllUJ9lilU ... T - cxnuiuii lire saiu vo 1' . ... .1 II mio r ranee w in mc umti U"ff in .Jl. II.. clrlni v.. .11 1 1 .. r v b rrr. i n w w nr.miiii.ii. sters, Loyalist officials are also - o.uui L)l 1UVU1131 IIUKUUlllCII 1. ' I- . niurii vu opain, evcxi a-. P'nt of, suns of French sol- plates. IN MISHAP Way To Weot Indies Is 57 Today 3& ' .BSSSSSjI Um .11 skl LslH mi I LOS ANOELES. Jan. 30: CPi Canadian destroyer Ottawa suffered a minor mishap Saturday i aa she entered Los Angeles Harhorl with three other destroyers enroute to training manoeuvres In the West Indies. A brUk wind nosed the vessel into the end of Pier 1 ln, the outer harbor, denting three PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WASHINGTON, D, C . Jan, 30: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States, celebrates his fifty-seventh birthday today On January 30. 1882 he was bom at Hyde Park, New York, the son of the late Jame Roosevelt and Mrs. Sarah Roose velt. He entered public life as a member of the New York State Senate In 1910 and was Assistant Secretary of the Navy from 1912 to 1920. He was nominated for Vice-President ln 1920 but was defeated. In 1928 he became Governor .of New York and has been President of the United States since March 4, 1933, IS BEATEN TO DEATH Mrs. Dulcie llanham, lcmria wo man, Is Victim of Blunt Instrument VICTORIA, Jan. 30: (CD Police with a blunt Instrument. The wo man's head was gashed and crush- T Tl. ... . . 1 -.. .v.. n ......... . 11 In Spain .. n) l rin net Piitinrt tlio rim-thorn ItfitmVi 1 t),. Pn hnvlntr Ktirvevs pari- Pi nut nt iho w.,, -. CANADIANS DEATH TOLL 'w-ii d Af i i 0.1 i A, nj 1 i vunu u liLn t iiiiv v rv.n r i i i 'British Government Not Overlook Ing Canadians Who are "Lost" nt time for a projected 5750,000 power extension un-iunter. withdrawn from the . ( Cecil Smith, wai given assurance by the BrltUh government that 200 other volunteers, who became detached from the main party at the French frontier, would not be overlooked. All of the misting Canadians have not vet been located In C. S. Ottawa Crathes Into the general confusion at the French Pier at Los Antelcs While On frontier SMELTERS HEAD DIES James John Warren Tasses Away In North Carolina At Ace Of Sixty-nine TORONTO. Jan. 30: 'CPi Jamw John Warren, president for thtrtj-seven years of the Consolidated Mlnln? it Smelting Co. largest firm of Its kind in the world, died last night In Southern Pines. North Carolina. Mr. Warren was 'also chairman of the board of dlr-lectora of the KetUe Valley Rail- I of the Toronto Trusts and Guarantee Co Ltd as well as a director at Canada Starch Co. Born ln Oshawa. Ontario. Janu or? 30, 1870. Mr. Warren hatr hin clvtv-nlne veers of &"i txlay He was a barrister and tng :..dtor and devoted most of his attention to commercial and corporation law. He made his horn Jin Toronto but frequently visited British Columbia and was widely .known In that province. He is sur- vived by his widow three daughters. two sons and iWILL MAKE MORE STOPS the trip across Canada this sum mer. the and Queen Thirty Thousand Person! Losej Lives In Chile More Quakes , SANTIAGO, Chill, Jan. 30: (CP) Latest estimates of last week's earthquake disaster iu Chili place the death toll from Ll .nfT nt ShnU'ntlanS Lake, it Vaa Stated this mnminir Ummrnt nervier ln thi RnanUh 25.000 to 20.000 including 20.000 - - -- - u.ii"h . o i . - ... J J Little, general manager Of the company, in 'civil war. left Liverpool on their re-' In the city of Chilian, run oi ine '. i,1 inmiiries The surveys " turn to Canada, their leader. E. population of the historic city be- I! 1 k S ' . . . - . 3 made at thU time bo that! fxr PTTI rvtrnn be readily available with- r:v . . . . i. . At in tne eveni pi uj - ii devciopment being; pro-r w.ih a! any time. There ,3 prospect of pro-' inc wiped out. The earthijuake Is declared to have been one of "Degree ll" intensity, these being of quite exceptional occurrence. New panic was reported among survivors of last week's, catastrophe after very strong new tremors last night in the same region. There is a serious shorlate of food, water and medical supplies but it was said this morning that no serious disease had, as yet, broken out. Every house in one town of 5.000 persons is reported destroyed. Eljht persons have been shot for looting damaged stores and profiteerine. One man was charted with charging too murh for digging graves, another with profiteering in coffins. ATTEMPT SALVAGE Partv Leaves Juneau lor Scene of 1 . -MjtorshlD Patterson i reck iacuc wnicn ne vas isrume-. . . a! in establishing He was manag- ..,. T, ,n ,rp, i. molorshiD Patterson was wrecked off Cape Fairweather outside of Sitka, a party left Juneau at the end of the week, with a view to .sal- would vagtn a 10 000 carg0 of nk1 uppites wncn me vestei was cauj- CORRUPTION OF JUDGE Senior Member of New York Circuit Court Charged With Receiving $500,000 Before Deciding Case NEW YORK. Jan. 30: (CP) Thomas E. Dewey. New Yorks "racket-busting" district attorney precipitated a sensation today with King and Queen Will Pause Briefly the laying of charges against Marat Various Canadian Centres in tin T. Manton. senior circuit court Course of Tour ! Judge, of accepting financial bene- . 1 fits asgregatlng $500,000 from per OTTAWA, Jan. 20: (CPt During sons before cases were decided In their favor ln his court The bene- War; Dtill Wants Lolomes ne Says Were Stolen From Reicn World Listens ssssssssVssssssssa ADOLF HI1LER BERLIN Jan. 30: CP With the world awaiting word as to how he intends to use the power he has won since he became the dictator of Germany six years ago. Chancellor Adolf Hitler mounted the rostrum of the new Reichstag today and made a two- hour speech, in the course of which he spoke on many matters of national and International significance. The city was gaily decorated with red. black and white swatiska flags to mark the Importance of the day. Hitler's career reached its zenith last year with the addiUon cl Austria and Sudetenland to the greater Reich. Some indication of what his next move abroad might be was expected. train mSSi?m vSh y of "loans'-filher dlrect Strnno- Man Of ElUabeth will make brief OirOHg lfidll VI of MjmUm waj Rn ap. inaiu a l a numocr oi wie mure ira- ,, . , n ir,j portant -nailer points to tte - see Their Majesties In person. The King and Queen will not leave the' ii'T' tinfT' A IlwT stations and the pause of the train l.l ftlKI I AclM VSIU ilU. XJm f , .V'V. IV 14 ,11111- utcs. The mayors of the cities and a few of the leading citizens may be i presented. Olfts will be confined j to community sifts of one bouquet It was announced yesterday that' His Majesty had expressed the de WITH ITALY Germany Awaited sire to meet personally some thirty-1 seven holders of the Victoria Cross! , . who are known to reside In Can- R?tfan- 30: word C,P today R,me from ada. These men are being request-i111 o in fnnrh u-.)h ihMr ini Chancellor Adolf Hitler that Ger- sald that Mrs. Dulcie Hanham.jmluta nr authorities through whom' many Juld back Italian demands whose body was found early Sat- menU Ior their presenU-up,0" r"" whfn the "me comes v . viuii r v - - club, had been beaten 10 oeain editor ;man of Premier Benito Mussolini, Boy Scouts Help , I expressed confidence that Great EDMONTON, Jan. 30: (CP) Boy Britain would .be on Italy's side Scouts ol Alberta arc being organ- All that Italy asked, said Gayda n r 1 , ! I , 1 ...... . . . , AAPfnln rtlltlAff'n n,Anf Tl.ttAln1. Mmnnvfr I A Wright negro carpenter, cnarg-;izea io cuny --v.o uhhiuii uu. Mn'ghlm with murder of the woman connection with the visit of the vital problems which do not - "v we weeK-end. nam inc , nas Decn issue a. one imu w i.s ----- . ln dl dlr- announced. The Alberta Boy Scouts' .had personal praise for Prime Mln ' . . . t 1 1 .11.. 1.1 l. tt.J I 1.4 AM T...I11. -.I. - I . Association nas we maiur. in hciihc ViiHiuucriaui, .lanu.j.on.-. - . w r m -, New York J orR Gani Ends Own Life WHITE PLAINS. New York, Jan. 30: (CP) George Wlneberg. who was known as the "strong arm" ot 1 . va tom J Hlnps rlntr. took his Anticipates .Mussolini's Editor- own life Sunday . with a bullet V W.AI-.n from) Mouthpiece As Word From - Dolice oincers gun. wuue ucuis held under protective custody, he jnatolied a revolver from a detec- j tlve and sent the bullet crashing 'through his brain. j I Alberta Town Ten Thousand Dollar Fire Ridicules Any Idea of Designs on America, China, Australia or Netherlands Warns Western Powers Against Interference Where Not Concerned BERLIN, January 30: (CP) War against Italy will tind Germany by Italy's side no matter what the motive, declared Chancellor Adolf Hitler in addressing the opening of the German Reichstag today on the sixth anniversary of his rise to power. He added, however, that he believed there would be a "long peace." Der Feuhrer gave no hint of Immediate future I expansionary plans of the Reich, If Bulletins BRITANNIA BEACH Walter Newberry, 31, was killed Saturday night under a spill of ore at the crusher station in Britannia mine. His companion, W. B. Bojce, escaped without serious injury. SLIDE AT GRAND COULEE GRAND L'Ut LEE A slide of two million yards of earth on the west shore of the Columbia River has endangered work on Grand Coulee dam. Efforts are being made to check the slide. M.r Demonstration In Vancouver Held To Japan For Making Arms i VANCOUVER. Jan. 30: (CP) -Three hundred- persons took part Saturday in a demonstration against shipment of scrap metal from here to Japan for use ln arms manufacture. Wpntlipr Fnrprat ' any. Hitler ridiculed anjr Idea of Germany being out to attack or divide North or South America, China, Australia or the Netherlands. The Chancellor warned western powers against interfering "In mat-Uers concerning us alone with the 'purpose of preventing natural and sensible solutions." ( He declared that Germany, ln establishing the right of self-determination in Austria and Czecho slovakia, had only defended Itself against attempts of interfering third parties. Hitler again attacked Bolshevism, hailed the success of the Spanish Insurgents. and paid tributes to ENir STRIKE ; Iain anf Edouard Daladier fora COLE.MAN Seven hundred in coal mines of tbe Alberta Crow's Nest Pass district may return to work as a result of a vole which is to be taken Wednesday on a settlement scheme. The strike has been on two weeks. at- sisting inibiving the Sudeten prob lem. Speaks of Colonies HiUer declared that the "robbery of German colonies" after the Great War had been "morally wrong and economically sheer madness. No people were bom to be "have nots" and none to be "haves." Great German colonial possessions, which the Reich had once acquired in peace through treaty and purchase, had been "stolen from us." "The pretext that these posses- Agalnst Shipment of Scrap Met3l dons are of no value anyhow should lusuiy meir reium wiuwuv auy trouble." ' The Chancellor concluded his address at 1 :20 Pacific Standard Time, RESIGNED HIS SEAT " Bennett Sails on Liner Montclare For Future Home in England General Sviioasis Pressure re- mains low on the Queen Charlotte HALIFAX, Jan. 30. Rt. Hon. R. , Islands and showers have been gen- B. Bennett, former Prime Minister eral on the coast while over the ln-Jof Canada, his farewells completed. I. . .... t . , i- i - I .... - . 1 1 V. . AM , V. tenor oi mis province ngni. snow-sauea oavuruay msuu v" faUs have occured. J Montclare for England where he Prince Rupert and Queen Char-j will make his future home in Sur-lotte Islands Fresh to strong north rey Hills. to northeast winds, cloudy andi in a final address ai a luncneon colder with light sleet or snow. West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh north to northeast winds. Partly cloudy and cold at night with light rain Qr sleet. WILL CARRY PASSSENGERSls in his honor aboard ship before he left. Mr. Bennett reiterated his exhortation for unity of Canada and solidarity in the British Common- j wealth of Nations. Mr. Bennett s voice crone as ne concluded: "Farewell and. If it be forever, still fare thee well-One of the former Prime Minis ters' last acts before departure took place in the office of a friend here wrote out his resignation as Mem- Air Travel Between Vancouver And ber of Parliament for Calgary West. ( Montreal To Commence On April ;Mr. Bennett first entered the House ' 1 Over TransCanada ! of Commons In 19tl. did not run In j 1917. returned to the House ln 1928 KINGSTON, Ont., Jan. 30: (CP)'and had represented Calgary West Speaking here at the week-end j continuously since then. 'The res-Hbn. Clarence D. Howe, minister (gnatlon was addressed to Speaksr pf Jtransport, announced that pas- p. f, Casgraln. senger carrj"lng service .would be! , Instituted between Montreal and D. C. Harris as a passenger Vancouver by TransCanada Air I aboard the Catala last evening go- I ... - . . 1 mr A GIBBONS Alberta, Jan. 30: (CD lines on April I. Betore tne enaitng 'inrougn irom Vancouver vo -Three stores were destroyed by, of the year. It was expected to ex-. Stewart where he Is to Join the staff fire on Saturday with a loss placed tend the service to the Martimc .of the branch of the Bank of Mont-at $10,000. 'Provinces. real.