rridajf. Mafefl H. 1BS9. fiAS I'KQTECTION ON PERAMKULATOltS The imminent threat of war that hangs like Damocles' sword over the countries of Europe, has its effect on the new perambulators exhibited at a public health exhibition in Horticultural Kail. London. Eng. A nurse, wearing a gas mask, attends a gas prif pram. The apparatus on top of the hoop pumps oxygen into the carriage MUCH SNOW United Church IS FALLING'Tea And Sa,e Winter Unierlng Itojd In llad ways. Also At Terrace In Interior ...... . . Condition .Successful Affair yesterday at Home j of Mrs. V. T. Krrein KMITHERS. March 24: Winter certainly lingering in the bp ri upring in the Bulkley Valley. The Ladles' Aid of First United Church held tea and sale of home The past four days has seen an a almost uninterrupted fall of heavy' cooking yesterday afternoon at the v sn.w. some ten Inches havlngjhc-me of Mrs. W. T. Kergin. The been added to the already. heavraalr. was well attended and proved f for this winter. Country roads to be a great uccess. 1 Smlthers streeU are in a ter-l The rooms were beautifully dec-i , condition of slush and travel. n.ted with red and yellow tulips. is exceedingly difficult. .PPl IrU- P" carnations and Automobiles on local streets flndjJ""0 daffodils, difficult nettlne nut of the Receiving the guests were Mrs. udie of the road to the side of 1. S. Irvin. president of the Lad-j irects to park and even pass- les Aid. Mrs. J. C. Jackson, wife of each other to not easy for. the pastor, and Mrs . W. T. Kergin. i , m In chaw of the tea room were; Trees have been broken and el- Mrs. Andrew Thompson. Mrs. F. M. t 'fir wires have suffered from,Davli. Mrs. M. F. Nkkerson and '.be weight of the snow which Is Mrs. J. Claverlng. continuing, sometime lightly, Pouring were Mrs. R. O. Large i A wratllmM heavily. Mrs. II. T Lock. Mrs. Arthur Sutton A number of robins which ar- and Miss D. Sharp. .cd here Wednesday from thej Servlleurs were Mrs. R. O. Mae-r re sunny climate of the south 'aulay. Mrs. O Oerman. Mrs. O. C. i -p busy looking around for a Young and Mr Merrill Sellews. to alight without being in Cashier was Mrs D. Santerbane. a : now bank I The home cooking table was In Ttio train from Prince Rupert charge of Mra. J KHkevsky and -terday was more than ten hours Mrs. O V Wilkinson. ,a.e i Opening the door was little Miss If a sudden thaw should hit the Francis Webber there will be a serious dls- j'.ion of transportation ot an OsrnpUons as there is an Im-nrn-o amount of snow to go off the rrround and the hills and there I likely to be washouU and drs tfl block railways and high British Trade Delegation On Moscow Visit TERRACE, March 24: The downfall of snow which began on M0SC0W. March 24. The Brl-Monday continued until Thurs- tuh lrade delegation reached here aay -mere have been intervals oi yMtcrday and was royally enter-sleet and rain By Thursday mornf talned th last night and today ng the depth measured 20 Inches Mng devoted wholly to entertaln-of new snow. Men are removing mfnt and siBht-seelng. It is plan-debris from the sidewalks. ned t0 gf t d0wn to business tomor- Canadlan Legion Hall collapsed row ' under the great weight of snow, on Wednesday The hall Included the Terrace munlcioal office, the ofr present, the municipal office Is be-flcc of O. T. Sundal. two sample ing carried on at the Dominion rooms and, on the first floor, a Telegraphs on Front Street, large assembly room. The ground The Legion bulldlns was the floor was not much' damaged and largest Hall In Terrace No one was it may be possible to rehabilitate In or near the building when It the several offices there For the collapsed. noooooooaoodOOQQOooc-oooqooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2 2 8 COMMODORE CAFE Newly Renovated. New Staff. Improved Services. J. N. Klllas, manager; has Just returned from Vancouver with the best starr ohtalnahle. New Cooks, New Everything, Up to the Minute Special Hluc Ribbon Roof, Especially Imported for This Cafe Nothing, Here Hut tho Hcsi. Try Our Special . Sundhy Dinners THE (TARARET Si? Tea, Has been converted Into an up to date dining room with special provision for afternoon tcai Cards provided free. Ladles may meet their friends In this room, without obllcatlon. Make it Downtown. Headquarters, who came with him from Massett. will return to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John tonight. Clearing line of zippers for $1.19 at Fashion Footwear tf. J- Cook, first, aid organizer for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters at Winnipeg-sailed last night by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver after spending a couple of days in the city. Varden's Concert, Lutheran Church. Sunday at 8 pjn. Silver collection. 71 t John Dybhavn Is sailing tonight on the Princess Norah for Vancouver to attend meetings next Monday and Tuesday of the Pa I eific sub'executlve of the Fisheries Pesflereh Board of .Canada. Dr Meal M: CarJeri director of ttie Prince Ruwrt Fisheries Experimental Station, left earlier In th week for Vancouver to attend the ame meeting. Announcements All advertisements In thi col inin will be charged for a full month at 25c a word Gingham March 24. Dance, Moose Hall High School Spring Play March Ut 25. Hill 60 Tea March 25. Women of Moose Dance, March 28. Bridge and Rebekah tea, Crystal March 29. Eagle's Brldg" April 5: Lutheran Tea April 6. "Queen Mary' Easter Monday. Legion Royal visit dance April 10. April 19. Tea Mrs. Parkin's bridge and I Prince Rupert- Operatic Society presents "The Mikado" April 12, 13 Capitol Theatre. ' Women Presbyterian Easter Sale. April 20. C. N. R. A. Hall. April. 21. of Moose Spring Sale Annual Ball, Moose ORANGE Spring Sale, Metropole Hall. May 17. rniNCE iturEUT to victoria CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS I March 24, Conversazione, Legion Hall. March 28, Bridge. Ladies of the Moose. Moose Hall. March 31. Dance, The 'Eagles, Eagles' Hall. April 10, Bridge, Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary. April 20, Amateur Night, Moose Hall. , May 5, Grand Dance, Moose Hall. Try 4 Dally, News want-ad. Crj'stal Confectionery Now Open OPPOSITE Olt.MRS Coffee, Light and Fruit Lunches Special Chancfi' on fttg of' Chocolates. Dox, ooooaoooooooaooooaoooooaDOooooeicicididoooiJOCiootioooooeooa sss--h-b-k-w-ii-w-bT.'vw-w,v,i .' T7TE DAILT NEWS' 9k LOCAL NEWS NOTES , ManinitheMooa , ll i ' Tony Christian' sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a busl new trip to' Vancouver. Olngham Dance. Moose Hall, TD morrow night at 10. Snappy music. Everybody welcome. tf. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd -Jones will Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair sailed sail next Monday afternoon on thei last nighty on the Prince Rupert for Prince Louise for Vancouver to a trip to-Vancouver, talc up residence, Mr. Lloyd-Jones j having been transferred to the! E. E. Ore, formerly district Kerrisdale branch of the Dank of Montreal In that city. Albert Llndseth returned to the city on last night's-train after hav forester here, more recently district forester at Prince George and how Identified with headquarters staff at Victoria, arrived In the city on lost night's train in the ingspentthe winter visiting in Nor- course of an official tour through way. lie crossed' on the steamer Ilergenfjord from Oslo to New. York. Edward Pongs, who Is leaving to resume residence in his native land of Germany, will sail tonight on the Cardena far Vancouver. Mrs. Pongs. the district He was accompanied in from Burns Lake by Ri C. St. Olair. district f raster. Hill 60 I.OD.E. Tea Legion Rooms tomorrow. 70) ggjLIHgJ for common ordinary sore throat Mi. and Mr.v c B. Morrison are returning to their home at Massett this evening after a brief visit in th eeity. Mail Schedule For me East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 5 pm: From the East , Tuesday. Thursciay and , Saturday 11:00 pjn. For Vancouver Tnesdaj 12:30 noon Thurnday 10 pjn. Friday 9:30 pjr March 6, 18 apd 27 5 pjii. From Vancouver Sunday , . 4 pm Wednesday 10:30 ajn. , Friday 4 pm March 2. 12 and 23 ajn. For Anyox and Stewart sunaay i p.m. Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyox and Stewart Tuesrtav . 11:30 ajr' Thursday 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sundav o.ni TORTURE In A Mint For oukrk rWwf fran l! htkiaf of mu. Ucfcb (talk athVu'i :ooLnk. nita 4 U tkla. tnpuoat, imlj Ot. !' tin mlic. tttw-l liquid D. a D. Pf!tSCRIPTION. In tmV-t tU. moU tbt tirtuud Ai. Uw, iiMtl,M u4 mla-ha 4rin lut. itcf th umi IiUm Iwklnf l UbIIj. A ii tral Utl. M dnif lUrM. m tt ixw7Uck. AfotaaaPREJCJUPTIOK. It Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block. Phone 234 AVLVVVWV !5 i is DRESSMAKING Tatlorln Kim UYEDE Phone Blue 916. 203 3rd Ave. .Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Ueintzman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Toning; with Mesonoscp,,, Phone lllue 389 212 4th 8t For those who feel they need a change of climate, it's pleasant to feel that spring is here and there is a possibility of it being followed' by summer; It- looks as lf Prince Rupert was becoming' sports conscious onee more, Judging by the way basketball is going lately. 'x All that Is needed Is plenty of pep, pluck, punch and poise and the thing is done. Possibly we shall have a newborn baseball league this year if this sort of thing keeps up. A little Singer applied in the right spot might easily put it over. We like the idea of the boys enjoying some good clean sport much better than popping at Germans but r rather think they'll do -that too If they are badly needed. Baseball pitching should be good training for bomb throwing. i and Remodelling V "Madame, your confounded has torn my trousers!" dog "Naughty, naughty Fido! I mim punish him severely. I shall take his pink ribbon cway from hlin for a whole week." ' Mistress to aDplicant: "Have yoti any references?" "Yes. madam, heaps of them" "Why did you not bring some of them with you?" "wen, maaam, me ixuin jsj they're like me photygraphs ; none of them do me Justice." ! Otto Youn savs that. If aietone is introduced Into the blood of a warm blooded animal. It may be changed to a cold-blooded animal. Possibly that is how they make' bank managers. Mr. Youns suggests the possibility of suspended animation through lowering of temperature with con-quent revival. This suggests the I possibility of solving seasonal m- nloyment by putting to sleep unse engaged In it at any time when it J not In operation. The whole ot the memberr of the Morgan camp or the Kelley losing camp mlht be put to sleeD from November to March, "allowinfc'luit orie to go south and line uo orders for the spring. Jake suggests there would be no need of nuttln Prince Rupert people to .leeo becaure, he says, the reason Is obvious. Now what did he mean? I resent that. He might be referring to me. What will Hitler and Mussolini do when they have conquered the whole world? Like Alexander they I will probably weep at the futility of it all. Timely Recipes COD. AND CHEESE AU GRAT1N 3 cups cooked Canada cod 2. oup grated Canadian cheese i cup buttered bread crumbs 2 cups hot milk 3 tablespoons-butter 3 tablespoons, flour Seasonings Prepare a white sauce with butter flour; milk and cheese and season. Place half the cod or any other , kind of white-fleshed fish may be used instead in a buttered oven dtehj cover with half of the sheese and the rest of the sauce. Cover with the bread crumbs, brown In the. oven. CRR. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the- East- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pji "floi eminent Liquor Act" (Section 37) Ntlrf- of- .jpll-aIlon for Consent To Transfer: lleer Licence Notk la hereby given tht on U 10tn 1t of April next, Um under-signed1 Intend applr to the Liquor Oontra Board' f ooneent to trxister , : - r i OX Br Ltcenre No. 4423. Issued to- re- .i vvvvvvvw.-ww.vvwi !ect of premtoeB being part of t buUdlng known u Savoy Hatel, cltute at Pratier Street, upon, tbe- land de-Hcrlbed u Lota No. 13 and 14. Block 33, Section 1. Map B23. Prince Rupert Uuvd, ReyHtrattoa Olatrlct. in the Prov ince of British. Columbia, from Alexander. June, Brudbomoie- to Carl Wil liam Zarelll of: Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the-transferee. Efcted at- Prlrtc Rupert, B- C. thU Bth day o! March 1939. CARL WtLUAM ZARXLU Applicant and Transferee. Steamship Sailings ss. Cardena 10:30 pjn. March 6, 16 and 27 ss. Princess Norah 5 pjn. From Vancouver. Sunday ss Catala pjn. Wed. Ss. Pr. George . 10;3O ajn. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .4 pjn. ss Cardena pjn. March 2, 12 and 23 ss. Princess Norah ajn. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala . 8 pjn Wednesday Ss. Prince George 4 pjn. From Stewart1 and'Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ..11:30" ajn. Thursday Ss. Prince George 8 pin. For Naos River and. Part Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls George 11:15 pjn. Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 10 pjn. From Ocean Falls-Wed. Ss. Pr. George .... 10:30 ajn. , , Friday ss. Pr. Adelaide .... 4 pjn. ss. Cardena pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands j ' March 10 and 24 ss. Prince John 10 30 pjn. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure remains low north nf th Qnun For Vancouvei ' m,4ri,f. t.i... j Tuesday-CataU 1:30 pw,hl,h southwest of Vancouver Is- Thursday-Ss. Prince j Iand. u.,athr ha. n. Oeorge I:15 Pro . settled throuffhont. Rritith rinr- Prlftav fit Prln AfiplaM 10 n m '. bia with showers on the coasti and light snowfalls in the northerni districts-. Prince Rupert and Queen Char-totte Islands Frestt southeast to southwest winds, cloudy and cool with sleet or light snow. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Moderate to fresh south to southwest winds, cloudy and mild i with occasional rain. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy ' j G. Engstrom. A. Rosang and) Mr. and Mrs. Nolten. city. Royal : O. Vlck. C. Helland, W. H. Jones and T. M. Waterlund, city; P. S. Dannhauer andj F. J. Hipp, Copper River; Oscar Olander and William Prusj, Terrace; A. V. Bossons and W. A. Arnold, Vancouver. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn.iFrom Queen Charlotte Islands Thursday Ss. Prince March 8 and 22 ss. Prince John -v, a.m. For Alaska-March 2, 12 and '23 ss. Princess Norah. .... vrT pjn. from Alaska-March 6, 16 and 27 ss. Princess Norah ajn. From Skeena River Frldayss. Cardena . p.m. TWO HUGH QUALITY SCOTCH WHISKIES This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government of British Columbia 1 Now On Display 0 1 Smiles'n Chuckles Easter a NOVELTIES Prices From 5c to $2 We will gladly reserve any item till Easter Symphony Easter Cards An Excellent Selection 5c and 10c Ormes Ltd. The Rexall S.tore Phones: 81 & 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 7 p.m. till 9 p-m. 1 ciKiowaooecoaoooocHWiCH3owoooiwoa s