THE DAILY NEWS. “Not what we wish but what we want. ”__-Merrick. ~~ The. News is W ay is a Good | Wa, WINDSOR HOTEL CASE UP. _——— a BS CHARGE AGAINST WM. WRIGHT; “The News” Classified mee 4 aN CITY SOLICITOR PETERS SAYS HE MEANS TO PROVE STATU-. New Electrically Operated me ASK UNCLE Jeppy TORY OFFENSE AND ASK FOR CANCELLATION OF THIS | =e Cent A ord For Each sertion= chinery to Be Added to Equip-. LICE NSE—OTHER HOTELS TO BE INVESTIGATED. ein > Prince Rupert Planing | Se ee THDBRE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE—? 8, Ltd. “That William Wright did un-| (City Solicitor Peters reads the si cite —— 7 lawfully allow a prostitute named|act differently, arguing that the BSS caaarenermarmnermearmnarmsrmernmee piaieae ati a ane Saar the Marcelle to occupy a room, to-| statutory offense must be proved] - scaricare a tee Prvrsht sien a4 - Satine ae 93 ; mr j —THE | cash. be wit, room No. 23, in the Windsor|against accused before the Li- CONSERVATIVES { For Rent 1 enlarged with new electric driven| one i a ok 4 Hotel for the purpose of carrying} canse Commissioners can act. i W th Ime Lumber Co |machinery into a fully equipped| cash,’ bal. « on her trade. So reads the) «1 am going to prove the statu- UNITED---NITT ee ee es 0 */ sash and door factory with double| 2M, Job Diock 14, 5 amended charge against William FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave LIMITED its present staff, Sate ote, bs 9, Wright this morning. k 7, se The| tory offense,” he said, ‘and ask stile Apply Phone 313. % cash’ 1 i corny : ‘ — . 4 1, ba 1, 2 an amendment was made by Mr.| for the cancellation of this li-| (Continued from Page 1. -|FOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; well heated c. O A L pire ch tag hace ally A in ree : Pet | allowed by the defense. | cense and lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116 city electric power and will be in} % cash aLers and aiiowe > defense. ° Sidipdiciiinipihaniiltadiihiaastadianiani o onememems | i Hee acou at, oe ‘Patmore en “This is not any speemibitic| B tl ; | BRIGHT front room vacant. Alder block $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered | position to handle very greately | One, tot, pblock ‘ ror accuse 4 we eh~ 2 : S ut not without some discus- 56-31 increased business in house! o eae “ed ¢ ¥ , tg ove ) re ‘ 7 > ‘ 19 . ‘ : S S€/One lot, block 238, s . tered ‘6 plea ‘of not gullty. eee ae rb one man, jsion. Considerable high feeling eee Lumber and Mouldings building materials,’ said Mr,| ©82, bal. ¢5 ry three mate Magistrate Carss showed a dis-| added the City Solicitor. “The| was exhibited at the acts of the] Gordon Bain mans in i t fone oe oak 7 ion, $4 . - rrde t 4 ané r rec . : = ‘, ion ¢ a position this morning to refer| whole of these men are going to|yiq officers—-Fred Ritchie, Insurance All Kinds of Building Supplies Par nanaging Girector,| cash, bal. 6, 12’ and 18 mo, *!% the whole matter to the Board of|have their methods investigated} Gjarke and H. H. MeKinnon ki} { Inds of Building p to Phe Daily News today. The | One lot, biock Aarn é . 0 B i . es pe ee ts os ss rs re me firm’s business has been running | ie cash, bal, ¢ ees per agp ter ae a a a ee Uae peer ae latter was the secretary, but had | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just First Avenue Phone 166 actively throughout the winter | cash, bale vestigation of the charge. He ar-| businesses. : ito leave for Porcher Island and] settlements. We write every known class of | ee land swith the openin f 1 One lot, block 1¢ gued that this is in terms of the| The Wright case is adjourned] himself appointed Ed. Clarke to| 1**%et The Mack Realty and Insurance Ce. | ™ * t t Sealine spring eee) d Municipal Clauses Act. | until tomorrow. act as secretary. Then the books|*™ emma FOR S A I E Lect ‘aie e Fak pg eer hwo lots, block 9 of the g disappeared, t Wanted | ' ee rare ert One lot, block 9, ssociation associatior making this expansion necessary.| ~ cash, ‘bal. easy ae ea ana Neate and it was suggested that they SECTION 14. basin ated his 92nd birthday the other : orp e ; .1 Two lots, bic . i ‘ ts es ss st rs Os Che firm will specialize in this| ?We ots, block 49, section g ; TORIE 7 B I ] lday. He is still in good health got into the hands of Fred Ritchie | Lots 23 and 24, Block 8, Section 1, $15,-| 1, AP chieatel 4 f aah ieee $50 cash, bal. $i5 per mone’ | ‘ re ¥] > TANTE ouse ood lo-| 000. % Cash, balance very easy terms. ass : 38 Sas Two lots 0,. sectior | ; forward to the |@"d were taken below with him.| WANTED-—A rooming house in good 1 lock. 16, $8,800. °$4,000. cash, 3 ib Gabe Bot 40, section 8, $315 exg and is looking | cation, to rent or lease. Good tenant.|Lot 31 door st : ‘ ass t ; T i ; , ec Mas ation, to eas j00€ ant , oy supplies, plate glass and alt a $15 per mo, 7 This betrayal of the assoc la- | Apply to Jenn Dybhavn. 319 3rd ave.| ©, 12 and 18 months. House and barn; Pi mee : , BW J0ts, block 16, section s Debi. T (TT A WA summer to renew his walks from ; d ) : ng v ine of ’ stu le ' 5, ‘ 28 p rase ‘ aa rent $100 per month. interior finishing materials as 75 cas ‘ ; : each A (his home in Kensington. His |'ton was bitterly resented by sev~| coox (good Wanted at once. Apply Hotel) Lots 9 $1818 dis 0 main 3) well as the other classes‘of ma One tot, Bi = 40, ct ‘ “Tr speakers ¢ « "As ss ; ssi B46 rash, 5, an no! R . SSCs ad , ock Section & v5 eral peakers and a_ resolution Essington, Port £ssington 54-6t cash, 5 ‘ch ionehn cash, bal. 13 per m $375; thy | great pastime is to be read aloud ots 3 and 4, Block 8, $10,000. +| terial suppliec - |to by a companion. For was unanimously carried that the| younG man wants room for services.| 9 and 15 months, | terial supplied ‘hitherto: —_——_ some veasident ¢ secretar ie Box 25, Daily News 56-31 i “We : : * Of , FOR GALE. Split in House on Manitoba Boun-| time now he has been quite blind, | President and secretary be em- % y 5 oak acid a salad ibllig! 2 ‘ _ ee yer eabine a an even dary Question, an Amendment powered to take legal = steps/Ww ANTED—A general servant. Apply mane, SECTION 65. wo! departine nt in charge Of} farm jand at Lakelse, only $95 per a against the McBride returning} 52imer 720 4th ave. east. ‘Pelepione! Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, $2,100. $1,000) Mr. A. F. Knight, whose reputa- Declaring Proposed Settlement } a es ‘ FOR RENT. 9 p 5,000 Facts About Canada. lofficer, Ed. Clarke, and against cash, 6 and 12 months. ‘ /ERIENCE ered -accounte Lot 30, Block 22, $2,600. Want one offer|tion for turning out first rate). 7 oo to Be Unfair and Unjust. The 1912 edition of that popu-| | BXPERIENCED chartered accountant, ti" ro: terms. 7-room house and. cabin. work is well known in the city.| orteegorme” Second avenue and serag |} tne secretary, H. H. MeKinnon present employed large trust company mee Pane ta ne j rlet | ’ . rm conrwen aiiad | locate *P risen oak Lot 8, Block 25, with two 3-room ; (Special to Daily News | lar and indispé nsibie booklet, | for the recovery of the books. mt Sweha Poa ; eg: Saeed hat houses, $2,600. $1,000 cash, 6, 12 and) 1 am leaving for the south on Fri- te Second avenue and sy , . any ? 4 “5,000 Facts About Canada,” : ‘ ; . of : ews. er 64-5t 18 months. ‘ . y : v0 Hitaeen atnenh 4stn tise Fact ou é t As to Dr. Clayton, one of the New 54-5t | ots 9 and 10, Block 45, $800, $400 cash, Gay morning in connection with bate on the Manitoba boundary compiled by Frank Yeigh, the| charges was that as chairman of| SMALL furnished house wanted, two or| 12 and 18 months. int emule sh the new development contem- I widely known writer and iecturer,| (he Light and Water committee three rooms; moderate rent. Apply XYZ, aut oe aera 28, $900. $450 cash, 6 aL plated.” . question. yesterday Sir W ilfrid) and author of “Through thal ifithavoity dhowhadioit ofthe: light even Untoe S4-3t | ot 9, Block 40, with 3-room house and eremi ° ugler Lit Laurier ‘mentioned the séparate! yoart of Canada,” is now out and| icin the ‘Co ative Git vA WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. Saye eaters er RECN +4 See hs ees SS ’ schoo! question, but did not dis-} ee Po SAOTSOTVERVO ANIM cams Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. Lot 7, Block 29, $500, $250 cash, 6 and Phone 317 (078 i al replete with new matter, in-| cause the secretary, Ed. Clarke, 12 ‘months cuss it. e moved an amend-| ciuding an outline map of Can-| pad neglected to pay the light | VANTED—A good sewer Apply Mrs SECTION 6. ae ee I a ment that the terms were unfair : beer oF pé ome Gebhardt Weste nhaver block, Sixth 8 and 9, Block 36, $2,800 $1,400 avtiuet { Fiv peanal tise *;ada, a calendar and the new cen-|} pj), it then being known that sirast ant “dencia svenue 56-41 i oh sie tain Be chai, wyust, ete, ‘ive fFrencn PONT aise ourear ar Por tL and 14, Block 25, $3,000. $1,000 : ' ¢ eattiak hited and votel for us figures. In compact f rm is} Clarke had funds in hand to meet} WANTED — Restaurant outft, especially aah 'd anontina Lot Bik 10, S¢ 3ec te Sec ad_ Ave , with Phone 150 : ‘ ane found a wealth of facts and fig-| jis indebtedness range, also bedding and cheap furniture SECTION 7. ; is 000 7. } 31,900 . ' for about ten rooms ), Dox 105 8 and 9, Block 21, $3,450. 1-4 an . >a revels F “al | 5 prove a revelation of our natural] jate hour and were harmonious SIR JCHN TENNIEL fi . g ni idebtedne . . ts 7 an 27 5 v the amendment because in the , : I J P. 0. b ots 7, and 9, Block 21, 450, - eh , ' , ’ , Th | p ures of the Dominion that will| The proceedings lasted to a tr edetiek. (19 chad aa rencn Ole sy terms : e nsurance COpie government biil no provision was ” Block 15, $900. $450 cash, 6 and ts 17 and 18, Bik. § , , Fifth Ave., : i,0 joo terms ; t » mr separe >» scno s Wy owe ms me ms et ee 2 mk mnths . none y ‘ . ‘ a f . a es for 5 ite sch . in’ NeW! resources and growth. The mass] aii the way throuzh. There was / 7 i848 and -¢9, BlGcK 87, ($1,600.. 1§1,000| Onn soveee on ee eed ete 05 Shee ae ee et eh eet vas|of information, gathered with in-| some talk of a Prince Rupert Business Chances ( S SGEOTION 8. Be, EUONS: On | TEOBS) -Cppereeaay ies a defeated by thirty-eight majority. finite pains, «should de ‘in ‘the]. pavididate, but none :will be “an { 3 and 4, Block 15, $500, $250 cash, vee ee ceen ood hotel site; pirectd } 5 ’ ‘ ns ee ae , 12 and 18 months. hob : 9 Se . sans aha late Glass hands of every intelligent Can-| nounced until after the conven 3, Block 10, $450. $225 cash, 1 and| +S 16 and 17, Bik. 2 oi een Eeoployer | : \ . ., ° ) view; best apartment site in city; $5,250 ‘ ‘ ¢ I i sale and : MARRY The Ideal Introduction Club leads 2 years 4 C (is adian, and the wide sale and pop-| tion. to happiness. Strictly private, high class | Double corner, lots 19 and 20, Block 16,|, Pasy terms. a eres . 5 ularity of the publication is} sere and reliable. Best in the West. Address ; $375 cash, 6 and 12 months eraahiehee: bal. 891 per mouth! “splen Policie e Famous Cartoonist Celebrated His easily understood Copie may ioe C. Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. ¢ -}L i? (6, Block 11, $350. $175 cash, 6 and did .viaw.ot water as 5 y AC es o | 10) 5. * ‘ , % 4 j 7 c ) | ¥ Lots 3 and 4, Bik. 6, Sec. 7, $1,200, Easy M k R al ‘& h Re ee be had for 25 cents from the I atters b, dhe Editor ph cossibicvaveshrascreiepandsckanscasons OU eipuabh raadia. 19th. case Patten) | Ms ach ne ico asagsit te ty surance Sir John Tenniel, the famous} Canadian Facts Publishing Com- biome / i | $20 per month. ae E ) an ' 2 7, $1,200, : mera | vie ae ‘ . j-room house, 4th avenue, near McBride; . . a lle > S$ ouses and Rentals cartoonist, who was on the staff| pany, 667 ‘“padina avenue, To-| Editor Daily News Miscellaneous L $15: per seenahy ‘ | 1 ; 7, $600. Very easy uses ar Gi tite et ee aae oe Ce ; : | Cabins Close tn. | ree Sectio ¢ se of “Punch” for fifty years, cele-| ronto. it Dear Sir: On looking over. the | bree meer eee eth | Business Lets :in }itew sdlazeiton. |! iy dose yma Nn 8 at very Smal] | cme — 4 | | Lots in Fort George, right at the G, T. P.| p eolumns of your valuable> paper! J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru- | townsite PHONE 301 70 wi } F .. pert. Locator and timber cruiser; govt. Lots in Masset. jof the 23rd February, 1912, I saw] ‘land for pre-emption or purchase.| ne 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Wetas- H. F. McRae & Co. PONY EX PRES Nursery stock for sale Phone 305. kiwin, one 160-acre farm in Alberta, a letter headed “‘Warning to Can- : P.O Be 993. t ar CC By. e r P ce « c DELIVER? mana WAN T E D : adians,” and signed James Wor- | ee a Rupert property. pope: opaaaags oor $15 Second Avenue —— e ee et er rs Pe rs ol List your property with us—we bins! ES Haggage, Storage and Forwarding Agwa fe am. I would like to state that} j |the buyers. = SS ——— Kigs or Motor Cer day or nig neither the letter nor the senti-|$ Transfer and Cartage information Free. ew. Pent We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections ments expressed therein ema-| | 5 f we Beet eg | i —_—— 7 ——— Five and Six. submit your listings. nated from me As the writer} | Th. COLLART | Sole Agent | bears the same surname as my-| SMART business man desires partnership | Lot 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance | : “| or interest in good concern. Apply box | Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. | d H t \, For Sale 12 and 18 months. Look this up. | self, and as I ie an ¢ ome i, Daily News 56-tf | Bcx 805 225 6th 8t. Phone 381 oe ee —_— ee ran 0 e of abor, it might be inferred| | | | YORE arene Workingman’s Home . Free Labor Bureau in Connect aaa to was written by myself My | That all outstanding accounts due the HOTE f S E 7 » I nee ¢ rontr te latel dissol fir of s r No 10 | % Telephone 83 experience as a contractor for a| lately disse ved firm of Ching, Now : Co. | ‘ or Al 4 Phone 178 Ist Av % it GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor, great number of years in Can-| Chong Store, 909 Third avenue that the ridiculous letter referred} Lot with 24 furnished room Hotel, in good location, Sec. 1, for sale my namesake's, as I have always | a x meet A ilwa | Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. at a bargain price. found Canadian workmen smart, ake notice that th t t ’ aT an | Tut | tofore. subsisting between Thomas stewart | JOHN DYBHAVN 319 3rd Ave | 160 Acres Crown Granted 9 CARTAGE a business like and C1y and have }and the undersigned, known as the Hays Porcher Island STORAGE never had violenc offered to me] Cove Fish Market, carrying on business on thal | Sixth avenue, at the City of Prince Rupert, | Lots 25 and 26, Block 23, Sec. | by workmen on any work I jis hereby dissolved as from the first aey | . * a ioe ey pe fer Agents | have carrie ‘d through. " Adeanee Etanibe that I will not be re- W Off F r Sale | Splendidly Situated G. T. P Transter'ng } I the rer ytly filles 3 aes r Thomas Stewart in relation to said part | Deders promot on Canadians generally by James|nership after the said first day of Feb-| 100 ft. from Conrad St. OFFICE , | truly, BENJAMIN WORAM | “The erection or alteration of an | Two eo ne Section 6, ee si 5 cas a . } building shall not be commenced in the} Two lots, Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave, Fe tet ee ee re rs ta tl es et rs ts Ps Ps rs Pt } Davis & Worar Contractors, | City of Prince Rupert until a permit for] One lot, Block 13, Section 5, Borden St., CG. } such erection or alteration shall first be with house, } obtained from the Inspector by the owner] Two lots, Block 4, Section 6, Fifth ave oF his agent, and no such owner or agent with double corner shall proceed with such erection or altera two lots, Block 6, Section 6, Fourth Ave, NOTICE TO MARINERS } tien until said permit has been obtained,”’| pwo lots, Block 18, Section 6, Sixth ave. Penalty. two lots, Block 16, Section 6, Sixth Ave ee er er emacs Haysport, B bs) |} “Any person found guilty of an infrac-| One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Eighth Ave. On Georgia Point the steam} tion of the bylaw shall be Mable to @ fine ' f . not exceeding $100,00” Te |} fog horn formerly f f { P wry nerly maintained at Application form and permits for butld- Mere mention of it ierinna tt this stalion has been re placed by | ings and alterations may be obtained from to your mind the idea of soo HOPE . j | oflice of City Engineer. . per a diaphone, operated with air,| st A. E. OAKLE C t tal T t C Security ss ) Prinoe MUP ‘ZB. Sec y. 533 8th Avenue compressed by an oil engine. The | Building ‘ingpector. on nen rus 0. It is the basis of all ; diaphone will give one blast of 5| ——— eae Second Ave. LIMITED | ae , een wealth; the foundation of all PAINTING TENDERS. Real Estate insurance | iY , undation of al enders will be received by the under Suiety Deposit Boxes for Rent values as I | thus: Blast 5 second, silent in-| signed up to 5 p.m. Mareh 11th, for the The man who owns real | | | | | | | | | Extract from Clause 169: Ohe lot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth Ave, | | peiecsente } | seconds’ duration every minutes, terval 55 second ast 5 see |} painting, inside and outside, of the new second, blast 5 seconds, | City Hall. Specifications at office of J. W. estate owns something silent interval 55 seconds. Potter, architect tangible something that 56 “% . North Skeena Passage, Inver-| «; Hy. saveepted OF GER eeeeee neer mAPOR sannet be cornered 1 its _ aad he eT buoy re a 'S ' BRNBRTSA Ci bier UNION 0.9, COMPANY OF B. C, Lid rine ieee dake. tee Prince Rupert Lodge, LOO! Real estale in Prince Ru- No. 63 Dixon Entrance, Queen C - ‘he new ste enger Ste . ce, Queen har 1 stee] Passenger Steamers pert is particularly desir- é ‘ we eee Langara lighthouse | ¢) f B . és e 99 able. It grows more valu- Meets in the Helgerse™ Bion The Best 5 5 ry r ee nee ee comin | p en or usiness Chelohsin able as the years pass. Every Tuesday avert tbe a f = on, i operatio — Bs . a ae jer du risa. tise saremenaal.o CiRDal Those owning Prince Rupert 4J]] members of the re ° ° : : ihaietniiaptianaesseiiaanion J. B. ROBERTSON -AND property are not only earn- eity are requested visi P Ocur able. i Bee | Horseshoeing & General Blacksmithing ing a good rate of interest, : the lodge Best meal in town at Ravor: | but the principle itself is Corner of 7th St and 8rd Ave. 66 99 oe i amosun growing as the property be- A. DOUGL fe Ww. G os comes more valuable. Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver I haye some of the best to be found in the Skeena'Valley. ‘Nechaco Vall Light and Power — ely. See t pushin’ eena Valley echaco Valley ; ; “Chelohsin” - we rere eek FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District F A RM elohsin Wednesdays at 9 p.m. | Lot 39, Block 5, Section General House Fur . ; For all coming soon. Estimates rf Camosun a? - Satur $ | 1, 2,500. mt IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS- given for wiring and fitting for §| day at 10 a.m. | Lots 1 to 5, Block 41, Sec- AT THI Carefully selected Lands. at :Ressonable Prices and.on LANDS Socirit! aan, power, bells, phones |A rriving at Vancouver Friday evening tion 8. $3,500 the 5 lots. A Big Furniture Stor nds at and Monday morning, respec ely 8 easy terms. Stock of lamp shades and gen 5 es Peeeney — g d Ave. and ane n NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited WLR, LOVE {Seton secu sha tuetwal| GEORGE LEEK |) “tnirnos nt _ PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000 00 VANCOUVER, B.C m oFulion Bi" and’ Std Ave. : oie » ©. Box hone 41 : ———— : | Investigate our 8 per cent. a IN THE oi Yahalaté ‘Macimses ADVERTISE 3), H. ROGERS, Agent Biase 16. Real Estate Mortgages. NEWS