out OF WORK TODAY? NEXT MAILS ~ ‘try’ The News’ Want Ad. For so Camosun saturday, 0 a.m, ae | Way. Princess Beatrice. . ead; a.m. ° ee eGISLATIVE Aces | g | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist oe Legislative ‘ s = OL. Ill, NO. 58 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRipay, MArcH 8, 1912. Price Five Cents iy HOUTH PO {MUNDSEN REACHED SOUTH POLE piscoverer is the Same Intrepid Mariner Who Navigated North-. West Passage of the Arctic, and Used the Same Vessel, | nen are explosio Collierie C., Mave » dead as a 1 1 at , and more the SEVEN MEN KILLED 1 | Entombed by Explosion in t Merritt Coal Mines. MPecial to Daily News Merritt, B, hs esult Diamond re = seven of the Val entombed AS AT LENGTH BEEN - WINDSOR HO s TEL CASE U P TODAY Evidence for the Prosecution Heard This Morning in Charge Against Wm. Wright---Red-Light Woman Registered There ° ® with little hope of being reached. . * , the Fram---Nothing Heard of Captain Scott Phe .onve-in, which is of an ‘ex- But Proprietor Reported Her Under Care of Physician ; Special to Daily News. rhis evidently means that he(|—@————————— * Thos eee, ev tae va gaa ia aa ha at gate ~ | In the police court this morn- Chief Vickers sent him back to : id March 8.—Positive| remained three days in the viein TAYLOR NOMINATED ce : tl TWO YUKON JUDGES ling the case of William Wright,| find out who “M. Renee” was. He ord has been received here that] ity of the pole, probably for the} rt a | 12a ces |manager of the Windsor Hotel,|asked William Wright, who told i . Amundsen, the Norwe-| Purpose of taking accurate ob-| Minister of Public Works to:Stand| Opening yervices continued Dugas and Craig Retired on Full charged with harboring in his{him plainly that it was Marcelle. F _ heached the South] servations as to its position, Again for Revelstoke. ;Mareh 10th in the new Methodist | Pay for Life. hotel a woman of easy virtue} There was a house keeper at r I December sath imat cael c einige | Church. Rey. G. H. Raley will | — |named Marcelle Rene, was heard.}the Windsor Hotel up to about a there until the 47th.} Captain Amundsen is the in- Special to Daily News. | Preach at 44 a.m Rey. Dr. J. HH.) Special to Daily News. | Police Commission Chairman} month ago named Daisy Adams. hi ibsolutely ‘no word of trepid maritier who discovered Revelstoke, March 8. —.Hon. White will preach at 7:30. The Ottawa, March 8.—-The govern- | Newton and Commissioner Bul-|]She had formerly kept a place on : Scott, the British €X-land actualls navigated the ereat|*Thoinas Taylor miiuiatanut pub. | cuoir will eee special anthems. | ménit will rélivaxtwo-ofithe three | !ock-Webster were present. Comox avenue, Marcelle was the : md reports that he had) Northwest Passage, and it was in| lic works, has been unanimously| Hvervoncainvited. l Yukon judges on full pay for life. Kvidence was given by an Ori-|¢nly other redlight woman wit- scovered the pole are UNCON=|ihe same steamer, the Fram,| h mf tha .C aie | ——— These are Mr. Justice Dugas and| ental named Won Yung that a] hess had ever seen enter the eeaoiai!s eonalniatadl stom: Yokel pastors 7 1e Conservatives o | Many new things in spring dry |Mr. Justice Craig, One judge|woman of the restricted district| indsor Hotel. ; North’ Pole .adventike. that ‘hal the riding to again contest this) goods have’ arrived at Wal-| will be sufficient. as only four | rented a house of his on Comox Cross-examined by L. W. Pat- stiana, March 8.—Two lo-|has now reached and returnet!| Constituency for the legislature. | lace’s. 3t Henkin are now practicing there. | Avenue. The woman left there, ely wvisnone ae nt anon that today received|from the discovery of the ‘South | |The rent beeame overdue. Won] William W right had notified the es i p rl Gast : nd shiecored | iYung traeed the woman to room police on February 20th that a om) eee Sore zl er be q ant as a ne ine }23 in the Windsor Hotel and|redlight girl had registered at t - utente fain. hs de in the Aioth of win E E recognized her there while try-| the Windsor. ; 1914 rhe despatehes| ter, and with Indian guides he ing to reeover his rent. Mr. Patmore: ‘“‘Have you ever fobart. Tasmi: ade his wa to Dawson over Constable Cargill stated that} 5°°” anything disorderly about Hobart Oats : : ee eae | : ; _,,| the Windsor, Hotel with regard to Amundsen arrived] practically the same trail as the : . jhe had consulted the W indsor'| | ostitutes?” doen ee nennne eee icnetne bat ght! Number Left Meeting of Non-Progressive Conservatives Ligatt | Hote) sresteter sn Felted hed i Tt was for some time on exhibition] . : Renee” had registered for room ith SE Tk Des | wae stop seanse. tip Night, Free and Independent---Twenty-Six Delegates. lea, Hite had nothgene tocinleceunnlt | ibe Gece oan orca endid N THE NIGHT = SUNNY RUPERT PATRICK’S DAY Entertainment Planned Montreal This was speech by J. stated that Victoria conscieh- We are gravely informed in;dature of Mr. Manson big headlines, before the cam-!moved in a clever paign is opened and even before} Charles Halsey, and was seconded IN SUNSHINE a nominating convention has met,|by J. H. Hilditeh, who tha Whole District Is Unani-|on a recent trip to mous for the Return of the For there discovered how mer Member of the District.’’| tiously Mr. Publication Issues Pic- Manson worked in the to Convention are Elected motion ‘carried, how- Mr. Macdonald again protested and said he would leave the and others who were supporting Dr. Clayton would do likewise. H. H. Clarke against Mr. Phe fail evel meeting hoped said he held proxies TRIPLE ALLIANCE ARBITRATION TREATIES RATIFIED BY SENATE |PRESIDENT TAFT’S FORERUNNER OF UNIVERSAL PEACE SO - c : ‘his is given as a truthful res e erests he riding while at-| Manson and should vote in the : Celebrate the Anniversary of ture Number of Prince Rupert| |! Cs imaa teen ceoane yo eee au ee a ee a oa MODIFIED THAT IT MUST or eninge gi BACK TO ; ol e mee £0 e Conserva-|} ten g e legisle "e, Sf ‘ ay. er , re f pene Oe eee ee ee ge er held MeIntyre Hall last The «motion: was declared car-| Mr. Macedon ild a number then left | te ee ~ Lives eid ll we "€ é as t t { as eciare sar- I ". Macdone t Yr 3 BIit iil natal oomempal mo Ge Kept in Mind Coming. est Views of Our Sunlit City.| ''’ , e : night to which only the sup-/ried unaimously, to which J. F.} the meeting, after which the mo-| «(Special to Daily News. | orters ‘Bride are sd.” acdoné stre us] »bjected,| tion was carrie | V3 _Stn | RE SERIES yn J iy, Mareh 18th, in the Many ofethe most recently] Porters of McbBr id are invited.’’| Macdonald strenuously objected, | | m1 was carric d. | .Washington, March 8.—Str ip-| SPLENDID PICTU s satiate Th fs hotograph f Prince Ru-| But it was well known all over}as those in the negative had not rhe ballot showed the popular ped of the clause which it was ee Ree estholme ‘ ken photographs o ( : ; a f { f : eA at ee pictur of| town this morning that even the} been given a chance to vote. The! standing of the delegates as fol-} | 1imed was an evasion of the |New Picturé Drama to Be Shown ration of 8s i pert v 1 some ) er } es } kk ‘ i ‘ : aad lake cia | id along the Grand ‘Trunk|® ipporters of McBride are wos negative was then put and Mr.! lows: rate constitutional treaty making | at the Westhoime Tonight. Ty n will R ly appear in the| fully split up in their suppert| Maecdonald and_ others voted G. W. Kerr, 131; W. E. Fisher, power of the Senate, and with] re ter e occasio Il} Paeitic vilwi appes | . " . , . ntert yueing nts} Februar\ unber of Sunshine,|0f Manson, and that from this so} against it, 128; J. G. Scott, 4127; Frank E.| many other limitations inserted,}; ’ . nees to Be Enhanced by Pres-| Lebanon, Indiana, last night lt —— “ yOu oe the pst bordel Repartm« ah a *nce of Popular Musicians. is known that five are dead and}Funeral of Capt. W. H. Noel at T Canadian Pacific Will Build Line at \Wallace’s. at sips tha aah }more, it is believed, are buried} Port Essington Was Solemn from Prairies to Coast in Order Mr. Jack Mitchell of the ” ne ent calculated to} der the wreckage The num-| and Impressive Scene—Many | | to Relieve Congested Freight Pantcrium Pioneer Cleaners.| saters, Stewart & Mobley, has T6- { { to st |} red, many seriously, is| Attended Obsequies. STILL LEADER and Grain Shipments. Phone 4. turned from an eee trip eee aT Reet a - j}abroad. He visited his old home aa is in Prince Rupert] Over Seven’) Che funeral of the late Cap Special to Daily News, For row boats and launches|in Aberdeen, On the return he BY OY EC ae Ba RUFUS POPE TO RUN tain W. H. Noel of the Dominion Winnipeg, March 8,-Mr. Bury,| telephone 320 green. Davis~boat| stopped in New York, Chicago and ( i eorviees 0 (BU jsnag boat Cygnet, who was! Veteran Statesman Declares Def-| vy icv president of the Ganadian| house Moose Jaw. ‘Lo ieee Report from Calgary Regarding | drowned off Digby Island on Pri initely That as Long as Health) Pacific Railway, announced yes- furnish music at Forthcoming Quebec Contest. day last, took place on Monday Permits He Will Remain at jermday to a depulation headed by fulure Mr. are afternoon = at Port Nssington, Head of Party Premier Roblin that the company | | il as a_ pianis pee ta | nC The body was conveyed ‘ Will build another line from the] . 99 ae Canadian Press Despatch re Ms 1G. RORY “WAS OONVOYER | a Th di l M S B k allen y, Maret It is re-jfrom Prinee Rupert on Sunday by| — Qjtawa, March 4.—The parlia-| prairies to the Pagifie coast in| e Pendulum ust wing ac and Mr, Water we a p a : Ou San will} the launch Mary I and laid in St. ile niavas: thaceoane Oraer WO relieve the present con-| - = | rity with the drums] that Mults ope OF WMS : j ; : Be " . Dron, | Hentary resta int avas e scene finoight ane ‘. le | ‘ ° “ : ie at riding |John’s Episcopal Chureh, where gestion of freight and to provide 2 T bl has become a favorite} run for Co mon i Ney pS eer a Nata orevious to the| Saturday ey sofa tapgoDan-=| 0 tigi fonueain shipments, He i abiol tory O e onvention lances in Prince Ru-}| when M been : : 5 a willjinterment by the Rey, W. F,/ quet give the Liberal mem-} said the company has sixty mil-| Mr. King’s direetion ci aire mf Re e pas to enter}| Rushbrook The people turned} bers and senators in honor of|jions of dollars for the proposed | sae Anett ida shortly go to igehk ; alt dances are likely 1OL jperial House of Commons,|out in a body to pay their last} poy George P. Graham, who was! work and would have started im of “a ‘ re attractive than} the Imperit tribute and respect by following} sful in the South| mediately but for the impover- Che speculators, with the connivance of the government, .jthe remains to the grave. The} Pape ay 5A ae ae ished state of the labor market} somelimes get their land for a dollar and a drink, and some- Me) Attention! Dr, Large of Indian band on their own initia-| Renfrew by won Mi Tom and the seareity of materials, but} times for a Urink without the dollar Mr. John Oliver, nt the niehtt St.] Port Simpson will speak to men live turned out and pendered ap-j Lowe, whi ed Mr. Gra-) construction would only be de- | In these two planks we have tried to exhaust the general society at hame in}only at men’s mass meeting next propriate music, leading off with} ham’s favo md a number Of} jayed a short time. | principles with regard to land and timber, and we have tried to England Hall, at 8|Sunday afternoon at 3 o’elock in the “Dead March.” The pall} Liberal wor from the county avoid condemning the government for anything they have done \' Scots lads and lasses}the Methodist) Church Subject, | carers were Messrs, J. Adams,} were pres eluding Dr, Con For saie—-Soda fountain and{/$ which may have been valuable to the country, Mr. BG. ited ‘Men Wanted uo me. at H. Berryman, A. G,-Harris, F.|nolly, presid« of the Renfrew) qj appurtenances. C. H. Orme, tf Wade, K. C. oF Invig, H, Morris and A, Noble. Liberal Association Sir Wilfrid Be EN ; “ ‘We have a MeBride-Bowser hyphenated government in The deceased was well and|Laurier presided and proposed On “Old Reliabie.’”’ this provinee, but there is a growing feeling that we should | favorably known on the Skeena,|the toast to M Lowe, while the The following were among the have a better balanced legislalure, Mr. W..A., MacDonald, - PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO }where he had spent upward of|toast to Mr. Graham was pro- passengers who arrived on the “The tide has turned and the pendulum has swung just ‘ roing , ' or |iwenty years, part of that time as| posed by M kK, M, MacDonald. | Qamosun early this morning: as far as it is possible, and il is going to swing the other ee leapte oO e Chieftain. ¢ for ‘he final toast was to the Lib-| Moseley, R Trinity, Mr way.’’——The Hon, William Templeman, ( | captain of th thieftain, and for I'l ee a rDty, ) “401 up! The Gust Ho the past five years on the Gygnet.| eral chief was proposed Dy | SACrann A Matheson, J. D. “The one strong thing in my mind in this election is to » sto s ouse, ’ . ti , , . ¢ “ane far 2 . ( a, “ { leabl traw hat His affable and genial disposition| Dr. Michael Clark of Red Deer, | Joss s Se Rak ‘ Me seek to make a public man feel there is a evenemirs anenieinn i Fong fone! ‘he very last saleable s i ‘ : P ? : : } Tis “ior ost G € ys ‘Mey , ‘that there ie neod for opposition.” Mr. alph Smith. won him a large number of|who declared that with Laur | Eliott, A. H Lindsay, M and that ther '© Weather for down trodden Tories. friends, he taking an interest in!|as leader. the Liberals would win | Doubles (A. MeN a “Mr. MeBride has been dissipating the natural wealth of Che dog that tried to vote against Manson last night is a everything that tended for the! when the next appeal Wwas magle | Hennessey, J Bra Mr the provinee, and if we haye only one plank in our platform ; 7419 Ailey, Mr Aan, ¢ , ; ; were welfare of the community, besides|to the country, Sir Wilfrid! wariin, Me i$ we will defeat him. Mr, Angus McKinnon. Dead game sports just started with Gouneil for Acropolis being an office bearer of the|Laurier in his reply made a prac- . | “Mr. MeBride has asked us to make a fight in this contest H church for many years. lically definite statement that so} New = spring aixlon 48 nae with our feet shackled and our hands tied behind our backs. Prince Rupert real estate advertisement found nailed to He leaves a widow, a father,/Jong as his health remained good| wash waists. At Wallace's, ¢ ig It is not a fair fight,’—-Mr. Duncan Ross. ert ‘et estt ‘ i er sc 3 u s ' BS ON Oe aie ee Cee aren a —— | “Outh Pole Gaptain J, EF. Noel of Vietoria,|and he was wanted he would con-| ; wr ; two brothers, Walter Noel, Hazel-|tinue at the head of the party. | Best room in town at Savoy. |