1A0Z TOUR DIAMONDS Gems or Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Assortment uf the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT KINGS. WEDDING KINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, we will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12.50 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Landings This Year Still Outstripping 1938 Cape Beale Has Brought in Most Fish So Far This Year responsible for the increased landings, With the salmon season about to open, it Is expected a considerable number of these boats would be withdrawing from the halibut iishery. For the week ending yesterday naiiout landings at Prince Rupcit 70,000 pounds In two trips. Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1939 season up to and including yesterday had reached a total of 5,752,700 pounds as compared with 4,453,150 pounds at a corresponding date last year. Canadian landings for this season aggregate 2,554,900 pounds in comparison with 2.175.750 pounds last season whilp thn A,.: can total Is 3,197.700 pounds as, three trips, and Tongass third, against 2,376,400 pounds. The fact that so many additional smaller boats, nave been fishing for halibut this year both in the. Canadian and American fleets Is to large extent Seven Is the greatest number of catches to be landed by an Individual boat of the Canadian fleet. the little Tuewell havine mari' this number of trips for a total of 18,700 pounds. Completing four! trips have been the following boats: Congo. 7300 pounds; Dickie i Boy. 4,000 pounds: Essential, 30,-' 500 pounds; Gony, 46500 pounds;! Kaien, 43,000 pounds; Relief, 45.-500 pounds; Rose Spit. 49.500 counds: Skeena M., 25.500 pounds; m.v j , twi, c static UVC1 UVCiUgC ill a lOt- I al of 69200 pounds of which 310- SinaI- 65'0 Pounds; Toodie, 38,-000 wasfromCanadianvesselsan.il500 Punda: Thrasher. 18,600 382500 pounds from American 'Punds: Viking, 48,000 pounds. For Prices "ui.tif, during the, ui.wcc& week were were auuu. ahnnMtne Amecan fleet the Visitor has average and theft; was little fluc tuation. For Canadian fish the high price of fhe week was 6&c and 5c paid the Aiken for 14.0Q0 pounds and for American 7c and 5.5c which the Baltic rerp!vH fnr , 18,000 fr-vuuuo. pounds. Low iajw Canadian umiaaian price pncei landed the greatest number of catches four for a total of 23.000 rounds. American boats having 'anded three trips are as follows: Augusta, 56500 pounds; Betty, 46,-000: Explorer. 73500; Edsecumbe. 37.000: Eleanor, ' 30,000; 'Frisco. - 31.- was 6c and 5c which a number of '000: Galvton, 64.000; Judith, 28,- 1 i ... 1 Cftfl T n.nlnl A A C H A . ,IIJ Jl.l . n boats were paid while the lowest bid of the week for American fish was 7c and 5.5c which the National received for 20,000 pounds. SO far this spatnn tVio Beale. Capt. Edgar Arnet. as It, 7,000 was last year, has been the heaviest lander of halibut at Prine- Rupert for the 1939 season, having brought in 78.000 pounds ln two fins. Next was the Takla. Capt Protect 00: National. 33.000: Onah i7- 000; Oceanic, 50500: Pierce. 34 500: Rainier II, 26500; Star. 39- 0O0: Sherman, 64.000; Teddy J.. 43.500; Yukon. 75,000; Zarembo, NEW UNIT CHARLOTTETOWN, June 10; (CP) A new three-storey science V . . H .J 1 . . , 1 . . . . "unuing la ueilig consiruciea nere PhrU.Pnrlfvnlrt Chris ,((u,.nnn -Parkvold, with 76.000 j pounds for st Dunstan.s university. in wu mjja unu mira ine Joan W.'.II With 75.000 nniinrie In t, riltf n ARtictc ' I " . M J ... ,nu ....11. l..ASOAO trips. For the American fleet the! WOLFVILLE, N. S., June 10; irniif.,) n-..l . . ! (CP) Evlrlpnee nf fht fnrroainn b'c' aiiiuuiit oi nsn nas ueen; .i.v.voui6 brought In by the Yukon 75,000 pounds In two trips with the Ex- I' v "I lo I1UJ111 111 cuuuuwou, an exhlbltloin of paintincs bv children under 15 years was held plorer second, 73500 pounds ln at Acadia University here Your Home! Good Paint Is the only insurance that you can put on your home that will protect it from the weather elements. .If your home is not protected against dampness and heat, dry rot is the result, which takes a heavy toll in property each year. Drop in and let us tell you about B-ll "English Paint". It carries the manufacturer's written guarantee. For those who wish to mix their own paint and still have the high quality of IM! Knjlish you cannot buy anything finer or longer lasting than 70-30 Paslc White, Let us help you with your painting problems. GORDON'S HARDWARE aicimmi: street Phone -311 Australia Has These Real Live Teddy Bears Card Party And Dance At Anyox ANYOX, June 10. A very suc cessful card party and dance was THE DAILY NUTS Saturday, Junt in lSjJ "Cute" is a trite but altogther fitting word for this picture, showing a koala bear, native A ustralla "teddy bear." giving Junior a pick-a-back ride. Thou gh many of the tiny bears abounded in Australia years ag o. the government has been forced, lately, to prohibit their exportation In an effort to prevent their becoming exltlnct. Flavors Justice With Wit In C.B. OLACE BAY. N. S.. June 30 Anyox bociai ,iud. a gooa crown Judge" was directed at a tall man was ln attendance including six- with a twinkle in his eye on the teen visitors from Alice Arm. The Qiace Bav maclstrate'a bench, but DOINGS ABOUND (for prominence when thU bill wa OTTAWA HOUSE before tle House. When the Social I Credit party moved an amendment (Continued From rage Onc to the bill asking that at lean a ' " portion of the 766 millions to be is the uie of the national credit n;raUM !ree mtret but limit adjusting the mortgage burden and In providing facilities for refinanc amount a reducUon In the load which was assumed In many case years ago under more favorable circumstances than now prevail. The companies which become member (of the bank will be obliged to write ! off all arrears of interest with res pect to such mortgages In excess of two years. Secondly, the debtor will be relieved In cases where the mortgage debt exceeds eighty per cent of the value of the mortgaged property by the writing off of the excess over eighty oer cent. Thirdly, the debtor will be reliev ed of the adlustmen of the future rate of Interest on his mortgsge In the two classes just mentioned, the rate of Interest to be five per cent per annum and an adjustment In the length of the term of the mortgage. This bill Is far-reaching and will. - I believe', be generally welcomed (throughout the country. Wheat Situation I For days on end during May the 'House listened to speech after speech alter speech on the wheat situation. This came about by the introduction of four bills In connection with wheat, the most con tentious one being that dealing with the wheat bonus. Most of the speeches were made by the Opposition members to the bill guarantee ing 40c a bushel and limiting the guarantee to only one Individual grower of not more than 5.000 bushels. The arguments put up by the i Social Credit nfembcrs from Al-jberta and the C.C.P. from Saskatchewan were truly amazing and hall was appropriately decorated a. B. McOillivray is still dlspcns-1 sPectac,e 01 a Credit mem- ln red, white and blue. The wln-img hearty Justice from that same!bcr- who nad arued Yerv iners at bridge were: ladies' first, rostrum. ously for more bonus for the wheat Mrs. T. W. Falconer; consolation, as he heads towards his 8lsl farmers rising ln his place and ob-Mrs. W. F. Eve; men's first, W. P. birthday. "A. B." his Christian i JtlnK to a b00"8 b'n Pld to Selby; consolation. W. Rudland. names lie unused ln some dlm'tne Whennen on the Atlantic After supper, served by the com- registry office Is perhaps the old- coast when a bill Introduced by the mlttee. dancing took place with est active magistrate in the Dom-! Minister of Fisheries was being de-music supplied by Ward's Orch- mion. He has been on the bench batfd- All of which Is truly amai-estra. The dance ended at 2:30 45 yeargi and rareiy nag ne mlssed'lng and likewise confusing. a.m. with the singing of Ood a Hav in enurt in that tim. The measure Introduced bv Mr Save The King. 1 The vears have mellnwerf th Dunning to raise 750 million dol- TORY VOTE Mrs. Stan Savllle and child returned tothe city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a visit In Vancouver. sharp wit that often crackled ,ars y t a conversion loan like a whin across the ran al to meet maturing obligations was ' some unruly prisoner, but the opposed by practically all Social j legends of his judicial humor ar; Credit .members from Alberta who IP T ADrTD enough to bulge the covers on everv occasion when the meas-1 LAlVVlIiofa slzeablc tome- Nccr a gath- came before the House took erl"g ot Cape Brctoncrs Is at the l'me to air their theories on mone-n story-telling stage long befowitary reform. Conservatives 41 Did .. Bet er In it.- Pnnce , ncw A B It was rather Interesting to watch Edward Mand Th.s ear anecdotc. the moves of the Social Credit party ' Here'" a typlcal onf!' ,and lhe C,C-P- 8roUD who med niAmfyrrrrnwH 10 tnJ, ,t , I A pr"ner had just been found to be competing with each other CP-Declaratlon day digurcs re-Lul,ty of m , do,. vealed that more votes were cast lars and cogUj. ,A ui Ttl, ffte IAIIM ( ti rsa In 4U. Dl rm T?J BBBBBlBBBBlBBVBBBHSjBVBaillMBaaaaaBHBaaiHMBi w. vu. w..i i. t.i nmw tiu- pruoner reached behind him T 8e,nnC,r """'-Thaf, easy. I have It in my hip 1035 than In the 1939 elections while pocket " thle jrear assemblymen polled a' ...... and days jn jal,,. inurcaic. xne agBregaiesi Honor resumed. "Have you showed that the total Liberal vote that ln your hip pocket?" had fallen off from that of four! cats ku wiicii uiey wuil ail JU seau in the legislature and thelACPfl I lrrlTIPr I In This Year 1 Conservatives polled an increase of more than 2,000 to gain their three seats this year. Because of the Island's unique vot-, Shipbuilders and Iron and Brass Engineers Castings L'lectric and Acetylene Welding Specialist,, on Sawmill and Mining .Machinery All Types of Oas Engines Repaired, and Overhauled got jAged Gardener On Digby Island Is ing system it was impossible to as- Qf-fll Tllr1Vinrr certaln how many electors had, 1111 "1VI1IIJ marked ballots in the elections. In , this province It was possible for one ' 0scar Anderson, aged truck gar- man and his wife to have cnxt aoidencr and beah comber, one of the. votes apiece if the man owned real coIortul nurc hereabouts. Is still estate of a certain established value BOlnR stron on hu Place alnslde in each of the 15 ridings in the,the beacn of D18by Wand J"t be-provlnce. Both he and his wlfe,yond tne marl"e station. Despite could deposit ballots for a coun-lthe lateness of the season, his po-cillor and an assemblyman ln each,tato' rnubarb a',d berry patches are dUtrlct. An elector who owned no flourlsh!ng and he Iooks tm a real estate could vote for the as-lcrop' Anderson wa attracted to:the semblyman only ln hU home dU-,'81301 twenty-n'ne years ago when he trlet worked on the construction of the Total vote for councillors in the'marlnc statlon and nas llved thcre province was 29,616 as compared cver slncc- ' with 39.423 ln the 1935 contest. Butl - awemblymen polled 46.518 against nniMrT nnnrnm the 46,199 figures of 1935. PRINCE RUPERT Liberals polled 15,779 against 13,-' , .nv TrfX7' 837 for councillors. Four years UK I lJUUlV. ago the Liberal margin was greater,. iir nrjmv A r r the count being 17,626 to 12,807. AINU OHIP Y ARD ine Liberal vote fell off and the. Conservatives gained also in the voting for assemblymen. This year it was 24,585 for the Liberals and! 01 n"o l..il.A n . ' "i""" wi hht iuiiservuuves as compared with 26,730 and 19,403. HOLIDAYS Try SANGAN KIVKK HOLIDAY CAMI Situaied on the Flneit Kes- Beach in Canada Apply to MRS. DUNN, Matsett, Queen Charlotte Islands, for Full Particulars COAL Grain Feed Seeds 1 and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 Phones 18 L ID WR 11 P.O. Box 575 mussauem s Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re-celve dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion ing the lame of such amount to 200 I one could not help but come to the,,?n en "J free ' 'rnnKlntlnn that If V itniiMntu nUmbef CP-Ifs close on half a centuivlhad a tr b" Mme held on Saturday evening by the smcc the first "Good Morning, 'arBlntnu against the measure and of course the government would still have been made. million dollars, the c.cv. group ing mortgages in me imure. me,,, moV(j a ,U0.amdment bill offers to the farmer mortgage wy vmt witling that the govern-dtbtor and the home mortgage ment imM m mlajoii dollars free debtor below J7.000 In principal' . ,nUni-, .w-k aum Lo be used this year tor certain classes of pub-lir works but were unwilling to go as far as the Social Cred Iters 300 million When the matter oame to be voted on the sub-amendment of the C.C.F wa de fen ted on division The CC.F.. apparently, were not willing that a recorded vote be tak en on this Later on In the day the; amendment offered by the Social Credit group was voted on and defeated 137 to 13 the err. and Conservative' vatliiK with the government and against the Social Credit party amendment. War Veteran " Mwnee Since the nmend-'ent 'o the War -h Veteran's Allowance Act have gonc' into effect in April 1 of last year 7,717 M-aervteemen have been tak en off the relief rolls. Under the act as It now stands the moment AST TI.MI.-i c TONW-nT1 2 Show, 7:00 and J;tr 1U the Talk of the TT In Glorious Trchnicol,,,' MIKADO With D'Oylf (.arte rU,m London Svmphon- Or ihc.U At 7:31 and S is, Alto Cartoon - Scenic ,j. Coming Mon.. 1n7 Wei CHARLES LAt.!(ilUO.'' (a -ii 1 1. m;.i iif ' -; - They're Bushed Uwy suffer son physical disability. T ArVirn be It due to war service or to any HI ill lLd. 1 00 oilier circumstances whatsoever. which precludes them from fellow-1 ing their ordinary employment. Hut They Have Another 7ftB r, they become a charge on the Dom- loneliness of IlinUtUndi Intan government and receive $20 If single and (40 a month If mar-j rted. The total now receiving war CAPETOWN. June i ? t veteran's allowance number 30.010 ted farmers of !,. This year the amount for war vet- Sm,th Wart Afrir,, erans allowance is $7,100,000 as "nub balmtaMas. compared with only some tifi&a.- nn ,n Canada , 000 some three or four years ago. cording to form" 11 The minuter estimated that some WatU. wboe dw.r 500 ex-servicemen are being added In the orld every month to the numbers of Uie sw o the t i : r those receiving war veteran's aUow- MM many of the f e anee Under the new hospital ar-''1" people for w rangemenu whereby non-pension- "Ilutn balmtneai ers with meritorious service are glv- common. Affected : hosoiui treatment th tnLai feat toe condition h : r of applications since Jan- P""l nd somev:; uary of this year amounted to 14111 The bishop d of which number some 1.760 have torn while travelh: received frae hospitalisation After sleep as anon ax Uf July 1 of this year the Appeal Court farm, because He . Later the House witnessed the 1U lsied AH final appeaU will keep him talk win wen oe aaiuated through the he arrive Canadian Pension Commission The visit to Partaraent of Their: Majesties, the Klag and QufnJI rounded oat a seaston of historical 1 significance. Five thousand Prtnc Rup-rt people read the Dally News It pays to let them know wliat you have to sell MISS YI R1 Dressmaker Ladle' and Chlldrrn'f Alterations Modrrsle frift phone nnr.rs im 7?7 nusnt RT MacKenzie's Furniture G-Piecc Kilclteu Set Buffet. Drop-leaf Table 4 4fl chairs. Windn(r or bow bark, white wood fJtNIV Kitchen Oil Cloth- l; different patterns to rhoue Latest design IVr yard Phone 775 $ NEW AND lUrrTER COLD CURED ICI 50c 327 Tlllltl) AVEM'I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. steamer Leavw nlnce Ruicrt for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA KVEKY TUKS T.8.8. CAUDKNA FKIHAt. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Hue Vancouver, Thurs, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets al Office Further Information Hegardlng Reservations and n". ' I KANK J, SKINNLIt, Prince Kupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone W For the Halibut and Haunon Fleetl Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Cii'n, the Company has just completed extensive changes and impro"1 f mcnts ln ice storage and Ice delivery methods. ? Ice for the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cured or t aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold as jj storage room. C Fishermen are Invited to inspect the new system, 5; Better Ice than cver before, at no Increase in cost, means economy 5 to the boat and improved quality ln fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage j Prince Rupert Pn I A iirltUh ColumbU jj