Saturday, June 10, 1839.. The Perect Thirst Quencher SALAM Missionary Show At Seal Cove Is Very Interesting A .-: 'iiarv exhibition wa i during the week at 8t. -- Church. Seal Cow. and v. ry interesting. There was variety of article on dls- !i: G A Rlx. aaaUCed by Mrs and Miss Elsa Heaps, act- i udr ators for the varlotn i-hown including the best di in for which prizes warded. There were also rvnvs on the life of f usrstmu? and for the bent CITY 01' PRINCE Rl'Pr.RT Notice provincial Oofemment has 1 and will guarantee the to the Dominion Dot-. ' a loan which It has udvance to the city of tnd $40j000 dollars at nt interest for a period TEA arranged scrap books. The display of model African villages, one in UvlngWine' time and one of the present day, was much admired. The special llght-ng effects were a feature. Work done by boys and sir Is of St. Peter's missionary classes ere also on exhibition and were creditably remarked upon. Mrs. J. B. Gibson gave a brief talk on missionary work In the diocese as she declared the exhlbl-Ion open. Requiem Mass For Mrs. Astori Draws A, i Tin n i the late Mrs. Louis AsUr) sr.. vtA known and highly esteemed pioneer woman. Rev. Father W. P. Lantagne celebrated the mass. Rt Rev. E. M. Buhoi. Bishop of Nor thern British Columbia and Yukon, gave the address, eulogizing venrt fnr th nnrrvnur tit the salntlv and exemDlarv Hfe of BIRTHDAYS Relatives and Friends WKDDINCiS Congratulations and Gifts AN N I VKKSAR1 ES Everyday Gifts HON VOYAGE Thank You Cards SYMPATHY CARDS Convalcsence and Rercavemcnt Cards For Special Occasions Sec Our Newest Line of "Cards of the Stars" from Hollywood The .Most Rcautiful Cards in the World Our Extensive Card Display Will Interest You Choose a Card for Dad Father's Day June 18th oMcuMm.JM SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS tad POWELL RIVER Steamer lenye Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prlnc Rupert for the Eiurt Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write Cltf ' Ticket Office, 610 3rd Ave. V-17-I9 Miss Jean Wilson returned home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a hoH-day trip to Vancouver. Dr. Hugh M. Morrison, Inspector of schools, and Mrs. Morrison win sail tomorrow night on the Qatar' for a trip to Stewart. Sea Cadet "At Home- R. C. N. V. R. Headquarters, Tuesday. Jun? 13, 7:30 pjn. Parents and friends cordially invited, of Cadet Work. Exemplification (135) Inspector C. O. Barber, provincial police, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesteir day afternoon from a brief tri'p to the Rivers Inlet district on official duties. uui many rnenas: J n Canadian M National Many friends and sympathizers m0T,n ton,ght J011" In the Bes-Annunclatlon gathered at the Church of the mWry quarters nCT D'ock whlch they have been this morning when r . occupying for the past several sed for U7 re'poTTfeuT nen.t P in wic iirw ujtuiiuvii ot uaiiauii Block. deceased and iM,,waukf and Winnipeg on bus! ; certain wooden water expressing sympathy with cast Iron and it la to the bereaved. Rev. Father A ntes .oh to take advantage of Oodfrey of Smlthers also took part In the rites. Following the church perty owner objecting, service. Interment was made In at ui writing "The Hon- fthe Roman Catholic section of ! ater of Municipal Af- Falrvlew Cemetery with Father 'd's City Hall. Prince Ru- Lantagne officiating at the com- .. I M .... Ik. f ( V. Jam mHlal r - - "V Carers were THeo Fortune . V JLvALDER,, ; JLouU Aroadlo. 3. Blain. Thomas Commissioner. Trotler. P J. McCormlck and E tf Pettenuzo BEAUTIFUL CARDS for EVERY Occasion Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena following the prorogation of Parliament at Ottawa, has left thr capital and, before returning here will visit lh Chicago. Minneapolis Hotel Arrivals Royal Johnson. Ostand; O. Prince Rupert P. Jor- Mr. and Mrs. Clou ah, Victoria: W. J. Palmer. Vancouver; Dr. C A. Armstrong and Dr. A. G. MacKinnon. Port Simpson; R. H. Curd Casslar Cannery: Mr. and Mrs. O M. Currle. Bella Coola; H. E Ooulbourn and J. Burrldge, Victoria Central J. Anderson and F. V. England city; Robert A. Lee. Vancouver. Announcements All advertisements in this col-amn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Alberto Ouerrero Piano Recital, June 14, First United Church. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. J. R, Mitchell's June 15. Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 10. 22. United Tea Mrs. Armour's June Sons of Norway Mld-Summcr1 nnrA Jnni M OH.IfMlnirs ITnll ' Presbyterian Picnic, 1 :30 June 24. C.N.R.A. Excursion to Terrace July 1. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" Big-, ger and Better. DAY and NIGHT Phone i Tav; I PAT MAZZIE Opp. Post Office, 4th St. Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COUUSE CHICKEN DINNLIl At The Knox Hotel 50c All While Help Phone 71 THE. DATLY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash fur Old Oold. Bulgers. U Baieball practice tonight at 7. Mrs. James Hampton sailed last Technocracy meeting In the night on -the Princess Adelaide for I. O. O. F. Hall Monday, June 12, a trip to Vancouver. at 8 p.m. U34i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell re-J Canadian Legion B execu- turned to the city on the Car- tive meeting, Monday. S pjn. dena last night from a trip to Monthly meeting Wednesday. Vancouver and Victoria. . . St. Peter's Tea and home cook- lng Tuesday, June 13. Home of Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse. 1216 8th. Avenue E, (135) Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rorle returned to the city on the Car-dena last night from a visit to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and children sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Port Hard) whence they will proceed to Cumberland Mrs. J. A. Teng and son, Maurice, and daughter. Barbara, ar? back Jwm a visit to Jasper Park whore they- saw the King and Queen last week. Edith Anderson, for creatine i disturbance, was fined $5, wita Telegrapbi cptlon of three days' imprison ment, in city police court this morning. Lieut.' T. J. Johnston returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a trip to Victoria, having lone south In charge of the party of the 102nd. Battery which recently went to Esquimau for training. Mrs. J. W. McAuley of Prlncs George, who has been spending the week in the city as the guest of Mrs. R. M. Wlnslow. is Dlannlna to return home Monday. While in the city she has been the ?uest of" honor at a number of social events. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Cook sailed last night on the Princess Ade laide for Vancouver They have been In the city for over a year Mr. Cook having been superin tendent of construction of the new- post office and hospital buildings for the Bennett Si White Con struction Co. THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye I'INK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon eannlnc company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE riione 51 For Best Household Coal MUS. a E. BLACK Funeral Of James Laing Held Today Burial Of Elderly Man Who Came To Death Under Trail Cir cumstances Early This Week Realistic Dream- Rude Awakening Young Man Thought To He Was Jumping With Parachute I Numerous friends of deceased turned out this afternoon at the chapel of B. C. Undertakers for the funeral of the late James Laing, who died earlier in the week under tragic circumstances., Robert Kydd was In charge of the . funeral and gave an address. ; Honorary pallbearers were Martin Davis, Kenneth Campbell, Alex Mclntyre Joseph' Burns, Hendley Rowntree and Archie' McPherson. Active pallbearers were Robert Kydd, Magnus Nordberg. Thomas Carr, Nell Lang, William MeLeod and George Thaln. CARD OF THANKS L. Astori Sr. and family wish to thank all who extended sympathy or aid in any way daring the time of their recent bereavement i HARTLAND. N. B., June 10: CP A young man Is confined to his home here with a broken wrLt. severe bruises and shock he dreamed too realistically. An aviator friend had described the' method of parachute jumping I That night the young man, still asleep, arose from bed, hung the bedspread over a bannister railing, climbed upon the bannister and dived. His parachute failed to open and he nose-dived to the bottom step 20 feet below. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Pearl White and famUy wish to convey sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friend? who sent flowers, donated cars and assisted at the time of thel: recent sad bereavement: Those sending flowers to th funeral of the late Owen White; were: The family, Bernlce. Alvera and Mona, Ole and Pearl, Air. and Mrs. H. Eriksen and family ;Mr. and Mrs. George Thaln and fam-( ,ily, the officers and crew of the jS. S. Princess Alice. Mr. and Mrs A. Gomez and family, Wm. Miner. Mrs. Louise Brown and family. Brother and Sister Ronson, The Communist Party, Nels and Margaret, Ole, Adeline and baby. Har vey and Maurice. Mr and Mrs. A. ;Pongracz, Ivan Mahood, Mr. and j Mrs. Micholuk and family, Louis 'l. Starr. Port Essington, Malcolm Cecil and family. Miss Rosaiic Mulvaln, Margaret and family. Dorcas and Titus. YOU'VE GOT SOMETHING HERE! Old Virginia Fine Cul the mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever locked into a cigarette poped - Just look at its bright, clean colour. Get q load of that extra fine aroma. Feel the difference in those long, silky . threads of selected Virginia tobaccos, scientifically prepared for cigarettes by an exclusive process, cut extra fine so you can roll a trim, tidy cigarette without waste. Man, oh man! This is cigarette tobacco! Treat yourself to Old Virginia. It won't disappoint you! UTHASt ) Package IDe lb.T(n75e" Pocket Humidor Pouch ISf tit tifiatsrt YOUNG AT 90 CAPE ST MAR N. S.. June 10: tCP At 90 years of age. Mrs. Emily Thibodeau of this Digby County village does her own housework and since last fall has spun 27 pounds of wool and knitted 39 pairs of socks. ELDERLY HERO SHELBURNE, N. S.. June 10: CP Captain WUllam Wolfe. 87. retired mariner, saved his grandson from drowning near here. He rowed to a rock to which the grandson was clinging after his boat sank while he was fishing. JpflitcfihMtr) SCHOONER'S FATE YARMOUTH. N S.. June 10: CP Thi four-masted schooner Alevena. tied up here for some 'years, has been towed to Point I n PIimm M W rViw h will be converted Into a "dlne-and-dance" ship. PLATINUM FOXES CIIIPMAN, N. 8.. June 10: (CP) Local fox breeders believe that ! two pups In a litter born here are platinum foxes, a rare type lot great value. The litter com-1 prised three foxes, one being the 1 ordinary silver type. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist .Miss Swanna Olafson A.T.CM. Leader Senior Choir J. S. Wilson Leader Junicr Choir II. T. Lock Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson SUNDAY, June 11th Sunday School 10 Church Service 11 a.m. Speaker Ted Mc Bride, Premier-Elect of the Older Boys' Parliament of B. C. Subject "The Place of Youth in the Church." Anthems by the Junior Choir The Tuxls Official Hymn "March On, March On, Ye Soldiers True." Church Service 7:30 p.m. The Minister will speak "The Church Universal A Survey of the Madras Conference" Duet by Mrs. Lock and Miss Murray- 'Saved by Grace" Solo- Miss Murray 'He Wipes the Tear from Every Eye" B.C. FURNITURE CO Bargains In Used Furniture Consisting of Kitchen Ranges, Bedroom Suites, Washing Machines, Pinettcs, Carpets, Etc. 1 Only Dresser At $9.00 1 Only Connor Copper Washing Machine In excellent CO A QQ condition, snap .... Vvvv 1 Dclco-Remy Generator QQ 1 Sewing Machine In 7 C A nerfect condition .... 1 Simmons Red and Spring S10.00 5 Kitchen Chairs At, each 1 Single Steel $1.00 $5.00 1 Bridge Lamp Heavy CO CA bronze base tJJO.tfV NEW FURNITURE 3-Picce Chesterfield Suite-Regular $79.50. 64.00 Now THIRD AVENUE 2 Vclour Chesterfields-Streamlined, 8ftQ nn pleated backs t?Oi7.UV Vext Door to B. C. Clothiers Phone BLACK 321