Tomorrows Tides OTTAWA, June 10. Among the important -pc: ate any railroad employee who loses nilr Mattrra ubout railway matters. been a severe blow to i td to the Conservative ' ' when Senator Meighen. leader in the Senate. 1 jgh a resolution favor-' in Dr Manion on . '..on has taken the at- j whif favorlog co-oper-t-n thf iwjwilroatVi, fjvir unlfWaUon Just . 1 the Conservative party x that S-nstor Meighen, ;rvatlve senators have ut in favor of unlfl-, 'fruit to imaaine. At - the liberal party Is v v which, as a party. - attitude on thU vital ir.i which U abotately ' at ion of the two rall-TheCC F group may r. u on this Important a?e ownership as ad-f arm can only mean one under sut ownership, an Pacific Railway would , be either bought outright, -"T entirely by the state ! ' ondltlons today It U 'T'ful. t. , a t . a JaIiIi .- o re-aaiusi moriKaKc uiu if with conditions 1 to pay. This bill, introduced 1 Mr Dunning. Is designed to re- :t interest rates on mortgages to ft pfT cent and to wine out the rrr of interest un to two years Mrk. The rhlef criticism the "ider of the Opposition offered in 'louse when the bill was lntro- tua was to the effect that rr- financial Institutions were very il and werp nunospd to IL Brtf'y the principle of this bill Tonight's train, due from the v ILL II n'rirvlr ua rarwirten ls afternoon t0 be on time. Chancellor Adolf Hitler was pre- SALVAGING THETIS v; LONDON- .Lord Stanhope. First Ixrd of the Admiralty, says that salvaging of the sunken submarine Thetis, with ninety-nine men's bodies aboard, will MORF. I. R. A. BOMBINGS LONDON" There was another scries of bombings yesterday laid at the door of the outlawed Irish Krpubllcan Army. .Mails principally suffereJ. Aboard the Birmingham Express train mails ere damaged and mall boxes in Ivnndon. Birmingham and .Manchester were also damaged. FS. WHEAT CROP WASHINGTON, D.C. The Un '"' WVIItM iwSj "v - . " ..... K w a Dolnt as oossible and , Umber Industry and was inter- 'rj c ut that the government ,..1 at one time in pulp and y - m A.HMoufa ih t ann ..r.inrinv in 1 vri 1 vn - .. nutMUIH tV " Mas llal LTV rw -4 frr-agn interest rate, he sutefl Columbia. , .... a - u ji 1 1 ltii in uk iihvp in rii ao iv . . - 1 1 1 - per cent. Central Mortgage Bank B" Introduction of the Cen- El rfitaitA DtMif nm f ha i. rwrai tRC Uaiifw utu Vs- w- fctlaVCIl dliUkltsTl stf T a..- rA cimsi r- 1 lias DTCIl CVIUCIIU 1U4 w'v ' a fiomethlnK would have to ISLAND PIONEER DIES NANAI.MO Kobert Adam, 81, resident of Vancouver Island for fifty years is dead. He was the father of the late James Adam, prominent Victorian, who died three months ago. McBKIDE RESOLUTIONS McBRIDE Interior service Interests, mectlnr here, urge the 3 on these are too high and out 1 transfer of Mount Robson Nation- Hltlnm and nnrl ttVC inc( . -I t...1. r.n. M, . I'rnrlnrlll in ihr jt 1 1 1 rv 1 1 11 1 1 . , v . ......... . . federal government. A road from Albreda to Blue River Is also sought. GUILTY CONSCIENCE inslnntlv. The constable was in Vestlgatlng a drowning, not looking for Pilgrim. h..K., iK-r ",, , .V .:: able ordained men at some of ths paring specific proposition. ,0 8" 'or im rt U h present to I ranee, Great Britain .pJL rMinM. . in order to conserve the re Canadian 69,100 pounds, 6c and 5c to 6.8c and 5c. American Ilki. 11,500, Royal. 73c and 5.5c Canadian I Dovre B 21,000, Cold Storage, 6.8c and 5c. 5c. Bayview, 7,000, Pacific, 6.3c and Cape Race II, 10,700, Pacific, 6.5c and 5c. R. K 2,400, Atlln, 6c and 5c. Qulyic, 14,000, Atlln, 6.9c and 5c. Balsac I, 14,000, Cold Storage, 6.3c and 5c. Weather Forecast (FurirUhed through the courty ot the Daniliuon MeMoniaeiu aurrau m VtoeorlA and Prlnc Rupert. Thla forc-cut (s oomplled from observation ts. ken at 5 a.m. tortsy Band covers the 35 hour period ending 5 pm. tomorrow.' General Synopsis Pressure re mains high on the North coast nrnnnrmwM rtrltlsh Guiana, and the weather nas been fair V UVtVVI WaSW(1'f - - I . . . . June 10: (CP) The tw0 weens a ana wamici m wu i ui uw- magistrate had given John m- usn wu. grim, 28, to make restitution when hi. was found guilty of stealing ! ... uka eifinwH when Pllerln 111111.C ivupb uiiu (utvil V11U1 ' lotte Islands Moderate fresh west to, northwest winds, partly V ... - - . . ilUUllVJ .lir-. nfflrer ftDDroachlns . cloudy, moderately warm with ,i. a " '"' " pa;Tc:strrcken, he ran Intoj few light scathed showers a f,ih nf a train and was Kiuca " - llic West Coast of Vancouver Island Moderate fresh northwest to west winds, fair and warmer iUnuaUon of the dan under which "Ihe Department of National De-men in the graduation classes of continue as soon as weather .fence has abandoned the plan of 1 the church's colleges are available 1 1 ' nuttiniv n-fottrf f tl. . . . . permit. ... v i" ior appoimmrni as oraainea mis- on Dlgby Island as a landing forjslonaries for one year. In this way the Frederick Point gun sit but. it has been possible to place mln- Instead. will run a road through Asters at lmoortant noints In Nor-i to the marine station, a distance of about a mile and three quarters The distance from Frederick Point to Phelps Bay would have been about three-quarters of a mile. The road will have to be built before excavation and concrete work for the gun emplacement can be commenced. A crew of about thirty men Is now employed' VMr Ranirt prnwth of th v! even if the C.CJ rd States wheat crop fcr the Ion tne roan wnicn, 11 is expecieu, d0r mining area in- Quebec of- r'rol of affairs, if It would ,Mr is estimated at 69J.WW.000 . 1 win tase aoouv six wcc vo com- rers opportunities for service. Work a as a I .ll wo mnjconvmrnwi i bushels, the smallest since the P'eie- l railroads, according to I drought year of 1936 when there , ! a if government, would a a 66S.009.000 harvest last wned ' year this ountry's crop was 930,- "t f rouentlv advocated that, ooo.OOO buslvrls. . ;c t rate on the CUM.' 1; -uld be considerably re- WINNIPEG SURGEON DIES Ti M:- ttn Minister Of Trans- WINNIPEG Dr Robert J f '-rd out to the House that Crawford, prominent Winnipeg " J tty desirable Interest rates! physician and surgeon, is dead. . 1 hANMt tnnuii nm rwi iirr-11 11. mmm aico uii ihiihii 1 11 asir: Halibut Sales Summary American 11,500 pounds, 7.5c In Newfoundland also comes In for favorable comment by th? board and a new congregation h reported at St. John's. The board recommended that the church's colleges should ef 1 thern Ontario. Manitoba. Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. In Mining Districts Encouraging progress is reported in other sections of the home field, particularly In Klrkland Lake, Ontario, where a vigorous congrega-1 tlon has been built up In two I 1 feet an arrangement with an Am-1 erlcan theological college, equipped to offer specialized training for 1 foreign mission workers, and that' students looking forward to work in the foreign field be permitted to spend one or two semesters In'' such a college. The period spent would count toward their diploma' with expenses borne by the board, j Another recommendation urged ! that every effort be made to ob-1 tain men as candidates for foreign mission work while they are In their first year in theology or arts courses. The general board expressed Its deep sense of the loss suffered, through the loss of Rev. Dr. Donald MacOdrum, who died "June 20, only a short time after his electloa as moderator of the General As sembly last year. "Because of his long and wide experience and his Intimate know ledge of the work of the church, both at home and abroad.'he wjj eminently fitted to render valuable service to the church during his moderatorlal year," the report states. Rev. Dr. J. W. MacNamara, Clerk! of the Assembly, again acted as secretary of the board during tho past year He has been In charse of the work since the death of the veteran leader. Rev. Dr. A. S. Todays Weather 8:26 am. Hi ft Prince Rupert Broken cloud, 20:56 pm. 17.9 ft. northwest wind, three miles per 2:10 ajn. . 85 (L hnr; barometer. 30.31 (rising): 13:57 pjn. 8 0 ft. temperature, 47; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIII No 135. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1939. PRICE: ft CENTS Doings Af ;md Ottawa House By TOM KLII) M. r. WHY ACT CHURCH IS BRITISH IS VALID IN SESSION POLICY Eiplanation of British Colnmbia rresbyterian Situation In Western Chamberlain Speaks to Gathering Court of Appeal In Connection Provinces Is Reported On In Birmingham No Agression With Yesterday's Decision i And No Appeasement MIDLAND, uuuiu(um.,iic OnL. June i. 10: (CP) w ViMrnitupn t t. ItlRMIN'nilAM. June 10: ICP1 ' iriouS Matters Af tally Railways-Central ortKaKeChw Archer Martin in SSrS ZiJ'TSSZSZ Hank Wheal Io-isl.itWin 'handing down the decision of the . L ner last night. Prime Minister Vancouver Big Missouri, .15. Bralorne. 1185. Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Falrview. .03 Vfc. Gold Belt, .36. 1 Dentonia. .03 Hedley Mascot, .80. Mlnto, .02V4. Noble Five. MV. Pacific Nickel, .16. .. Pend Orielle. 1.40. pioneer. 2.48. Premier. 1.93. Privateer. 1.35. Reeves McDonald, .24 (ask) Reno, .50. Relief Arlington, .10. Reward, .02' . Salmon Gold, .09. Sheep Creek, 1.16. Cariboo Hudson, .15. Oils A. P. Con., .14. Calmont, .35. C. & E.. 2.12, Freehold, .03 V. Home, 2.40. Y' '. Pacalta, .05 Royal Canadian, .21. Okalta, 1.18. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac, .35. Beattle. 1.29. Central Patricia, 2.63. Con. Smelters, 43.00. East Malartic, 2.60, Fernland. .04?8. Francoeur, .22. Gods Lake. .33. Hardrock, 1.08. Inter! Nickel. 50.00. Kerr Addison, 1.90. Little Long Lac, 2.99. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.10. Madsen Red Lake, .41. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.34. Moneta, 1.17. Noranda, 80.00. Pickle Crow, 450. Preston E. Dome, 1.64. San Antonla, 1.70. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.03. . Stadacona, .54. Uchl, 1.33. BouscadlUac, .04 Vi. Mosher, .16. Oklend. .08. Smelters Gold, .04 . Dom. Bridge,. 29.50. GREAT WELCOME GIVEN KING AND QUEEN WITH ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK Visit World's Fair, City Hall and Columbia University-Multitudes Give Roarinjf Acclaim Back in Canada On Monday NEW YORK, June 10: (CP) A stirring and tumul- .British Columbia court of Appeal eT ' LhamDem,n M, ur"' New York to 7; j but "areas is nrxed ' .tuous welcome was tfven by today King ,rom 1 e or,ca oul reas u urgca de- . , . veaterrfav finHin h. nrt.m ei4 Rrit.i wonM never use her n , r , ,? n t -i- . m -1? Til RrltUh Do'iCT. the Premier rireat mnHlturfac iiil9lTnM thm regular buslneas within the prof- ;UB lu. econoinic ranoiuons re- faWt wa, two.f0ldto avertain evcrj-where they appeared. lnce and. therefore, was Intra vires. EulUnR "?,m rePal LtroP al1" thr causes of war and r-r-edr The King and Queen landed by His Lordshio said that the court ur" co"Ui""s a ulc w"ic.n tnen, ,nd bujld up a stronx Br. rshlp in the North River and pro-did not gie effect to amending Ie- f0 nUnuC,ifr '"01 Uh defence force so that the c,eded by motor cavalcade to the islation of 19J3 which was passed ne , ra anai"ie snl"" nation would not haTe to accent World's Fair. Later they visited the .alter the Court of Appeal had s. wu"' dishonorable peace terrm or per- granted the oil companies an in- , l? , ! rnit her own Interests to .suffer. terim InJuncUon halting gas price reduction from going into effect. tlon. Work in the Peace Rivei district in Alberta has suffered There would he no return to a Counsel for the oil companies are failure fnUn o j "Port- of through hzmh,rUln. conferring this week-end to decide' to obtain services suit- poller of anpeasement, declared Alf Landon and the Inlted States for settle- .. At y,ctorU Gordon Wismer. "urcc oi chu:n d to con- n 1 nl menl of (roblems causing world Alurnf. 0encral uld th. t solidat the work in.' the honu: i5reaKS KlDS sr fears. In Berlin Murces close M nrfrt.r tv,m . . Held the reoort slates. "Dresbv- I a 1 1 it lsr rlMHh1 thaw rawtwatH . . 1 " , ' J ing a new price-fixing order l"JM wwe requesiea py me exe- s a urprie 10 us. 1 BKITISII OFFICER RELEASED SHANGHAI Peiping dispatches report the release of IJrut John Cooper. British officer, who had been arrested In northwest China. DOCK PLAN ABANDONED cuttve at the meeting n Septem- ROCKLAND. Main-. J-ne 10- miestles Kt foot on a 300.lPouce Coupe fanner unvcriior uuru i. I, .v.. the Z tZ, :Z.': ::i Con " of !u Iowa holidaying 'r here, sus- City Hall and Columbia University. An afternoon of sightseeing Is being followed by reUrement to Hyde Park where Their Majesties will spend Sunday quietly with President and Mrs. Roosevelt Rode In Triumph Their Majesties rode in triumph past Manhattan's towering skyscrapers to the thunderous acclaim of millions. The city forgot to be blase. From thi mnmml foot long red carpet at the Battery augmented charges and . o their dramatic entrance Into mission fields within the bounds f"nwVwV T, the World's the clty'5 PP land to report to the rLard. As a day wh!nt h! '"0pecLf .1 ndnf?, m J.6 ?ton gave vent to unbounded en- .v,;. v,. 1 a rowboat. Landon was Republl- ,h,.. w.Wr. effected In grants and In some f f?r t?t ta th? th- King and Queen received for- cases stronger charges set up by . . , . . . 1 amalgamations. Your board is of Frederick Point Gun Site To B;tthe oplnton that m pVbyteries SUtlon On IsUnd Dlgby consideration to this proposal." The board recommended con- ia5l unnra c.uu.i. mai greetings from Governor Her . ,r htrt Lehman and Mayor Fiorella IUUATO LaOuardla. The great acclaim ol ACBuiHtiiJK-Jv)gm ca-Ymtr - tlnga as added to along a 51 mile route of procession through the city. Ticker tape fluttered down as the King and Queen be (gan their drive through the bus!-iness districts. I In all Their Majesties spent five hours In the city's sweltering heat Hhe Royal Standard, he salutei Hedley Amalgamated. .03 (asifu ne sutue r Liberty. Tomorrow night the King and Queen conclude their visit to the United States by leaving for Sher-brooke. Quebec, to spend an hour Monday morning. Other points In the Eastern Townships will be visited and then will come the Mari time Provinces before sailing for home next Thursday evening at 6 o'clock aboard the Empress of Last night before leaving Washington, the King and Queen were hosts at a quiet dinner in the British embassy to President and Mrs. Roosevelt. This concluded a busy two days at the National Capital. Highlights at Washington Undoubted highlight of the vis-It of the. King and Queen to Washington was the meeting with members of Congress in the hug? rotunda of the Capitol With the Queen at his side, smiling and wtiit luui iiunuicu scuaiuis turn jPr jg j 'members of the House of Repres- jtatlves. The brilliant recpetlon i demonstrated anew the International pledge of friendship of the night previous at the state dinner tendered the King and Queen by President Roosevelt. Even the veteran Isolationist, Senator William E. Borah, was warm in his greet ing as he led those to be present-! ed, following only the reception committee In meeting Their Majesties. Huge crowds lined the streets and cheered loudly at every oc .caslon on which the monarchs Grant In 1935. The assembly U sent in nominations for the post drove by during the day's ap-expected to consider the appoint- to a committee under the chair-Jpearances. menl nf ft ppneral secretary at the mnnshln nf Rev. fr W A Mae.: Another feature nf tho Wach. at d mam. ine visit metropolis overshad- and enthusiasm of - - nnv Art nf rrwrnnrntinn Wfu-nn i,n rMi,WH be given later. He added iu..fu. 5 agression, declaring that welcome they received was in full keeping With the spirit ., . .w "I'vi avsfa iv w vt tVJI ViftV VUllUIIIUll t .1.. . . ... ..... AilUA UUUiUl UCiC XVCT. 11 ... m a i L. . "... '1 r- 1? - . inn mt nam ni in tvuirt c nnn. noininr was lurwier iiuiii tuc in irmn rn jtnprpiffn nav nppn aim v 1nauu.11 1 akuk 11 me 'un"n Dl "p" namvays. railway.-. rr.'nce .a. u.ui..i. 1-ui embraced throughout ,., t,.. their tour.l , 1 . 1 fji . -r- " i.AMtswuu aai aus . . ill., -a " -- nas been in me semco i.' vpnrs nr mnri hr u- in, ...k.. Binons ",usc "nuiu. . . - i... iu UU9U1UC a an act 10 1 tn 60 per cent of his . mi for a period of fle r length of aenrice has 1 an fifteen and oer ten - w. : rereive this amount ars and o on down de-; the pertod of em ploy -' e railway company v. , discussed at great . Senate when repre-" he railway employees tr 'ore that body and en-pnnciplea of the bill u based on the Co-, H . of 1932 and has no c fication as proposed ;r Meighen in the Senate. Bulletins IIITUIK PKIII'AIUNn TERMS? PARIS Reports reached Trench diplomatic circles from Berlin today to the effect that SEARCH FOR BLACK GOLD America's No. I Wild-Catters Are Coming From Pittsburg to Peace River PITTSBURG. June 11: (CP) "America's No. 1 wildcatters," Michael Benedum end Joe Trees, have inaugurated a quest for black gold in Northern British Columbia. Prospectors report they have 250 square miles of land under lease near Angry Woman Puts Her Hand Through Window Of Lock-Up Annie Norris fell Into the hands 3f the police last night and this morning she was still In durance vile, having been unable to raise 15.90 which was the price of her release after having cut up in various ways. Annie was picked before motoring to President UP f the uon a cJh,argc of Roosevelt's Hyde Park Estate. This (Included the inspection of thf 'Fair, the ride through the city and the visit to Columbia University. Ship's sirens, whistles, bells shouts. roarlnT of planes and band music combined to make a hoarse symphony of welcome. As the King approached the city from Red Bank, New Jersey aboard the United States Nayt destroyer Warrington, which flew V , 44A5 M V. at. at Ma rival at the station, she started remorfxtratlng violently and thrust her hand through a large pane f glass In protest. This morning the magistrate fined her $5, wltn option of three days' Imprisonment for creating a disturbance; $5, with three days' option for wilful lamage. and $5.90, with another three days' option, for the cos: of the window. It looks like she will do time to cool off. TODAY'S WEATHER Triple Island Clear, west northwest wind, eighteen miles per hour; sea choppy. Langara Island Broken clouds, west northwest wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 30.36; tempera ture. 47; light chop. Dead Tree Point Scattered clouds, southwest wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 30.24; temperature, 51; light ripple. Estevan Clear, northerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer, 30.10. Bull Harbor Overcast, northwest wind, five miles per hour; barometer. 30.24; temperature, 50; light swell Alert Bay Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.37; temperature, 47; sea smooth. Vancouver Clear, calm; barome- .genial His Majesty shook hands! vktorla- Clear, calm; barome- Prince George Clear, southerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer, 30.10. bassy garden when Their Majesties spent a full hour lwth a thousand cheering "members of the United States capital's British colonjr. After the Congress reception, Their Majesties drove with this Roosevelts to Washington Navy Yard where they boarded U. S. 3. 'Potomac for a sail up the Poto mac River to Mount Vernon. The National Capital Is still ringing with the words of peacs voiced by the leaders of the ------ - " . - j ...... f - - - - ' . ... ... . ......--- - v. a.V .... .V..VM . . 1. IVAULt J U . fcilQ Unl- UUI present meeting. jLcod, appointed by the moderator ' ington visit was the reception yes-1 ted States, and the British Em- During the year presbyteries 1 last Jut e. tcrday morning at the British em- plre while there. I '