Bride of Walter Ballir.rer A wedding of much interest tookj place in Et Peter's Cbvrcn. Seal Cove, at 2 ojcloclc Saturday evening when Rev. W. F. Rushbrook united in marriage Ida Amelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knut Slatta, and Walter John Ballanger, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rallinger. Given in marriage by Her father the bride wore a jacquette gown of white satin with matching shoulder length veil and orange flossoms. Miss Mabel Slatta, who attended qooise blue satin. Both the bride and her attendant carried boquets of pink carnations and white chry santhemums. Stanley . BaEhlgerj was gron$man. for- his brotKbri A reclfAXon held at the home of Mr. anct M(s. . Thomas- Balhnger.' Ninth Avenqr !East. fallowed the ceremoney. K ;Iarge -number of! friends assembled to wish couple every happiness. the 2. her sister as bridesmain. wore tur-12. , . KTIIEKa BRITISH 'U3IBIA POWER . G03IPANV Limited Local Wedding Old Country Soccer Was Interesting Mis; Ida Amelia SiatU Becomes CHRISTMAS DAY South A Arsenal 3, Clapton Orient 0. MlUwall 5. Tottenham 1. Southend 0. Charlton Athletic Watford 5. Crystal Palace Wcstham 4, Norwich 1. South B 1. Brentford 4, Portsmouth .0. Brighton 1. Bournemouth 3. Fulham 3. Queens Park 8. Reading 7. Aldershot 2. Southampton 5, Chelsea 3 Southwest Bristol Rovers 3. Swindon 4. Newport 1. Bristol City 1. Northeast Halifax 2. Bradford 3. -Hartlepool United 1. York City ' ' Exhibition Aecrington 2, Preston Northend Bath 1. Cardiff 3. Blackburn 5. Don caster 0. Blackpool 3. Preston 2. Bolton 3,. .Stoke 0. -Bradford . Huddersfleld 4. . Burnley ,2. Barnsley 3. Bury, 4. Leeds United I. Carlisle 1. "Queen of South' 5." " Haig Haig The Oldest Nai in Scotch ' NO FINER SCOTCH WHISKY GOES INTO ANY BOTTLE Union steamer Catala, Capt. Ernest .Sheppard. arrived in port at 9.45 Sunday night from the south and sailed at midnight for Ste wart and other northern potato i whence she returned here at 8 0'ckck. yesterday morning and 'sailed at 1:34 pm. mo th bound. ( Norman Pattiaon, well known purser of -the steamer Cardona, te mow ona vacation trrp to Toronto. Res Stover, former well known as an assistant purser on northern runs, is relieving on the Oardtaa In his absence. DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND BY, M1AIG & HAIG LIMITED, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND Chester 1. Birmingham 1. Crewe Alexandra 3, Rochdale 2. Darlington 1. Mlddleabrongn 5. Evextin 3, Liverpool 2. Ortmsby 1. Hull 5. Luton 4. Chelsea 2. I! Manchester City 1, Manchester United 2. Mansfield 1 Lincoln 2. Newcastle 1. Gateshead 1. Notts Count v 1. CovMitrv 1 . Pfirtvale 1. Northampton 1. v Shefflfd United ? Sheffield Wednesday 1. ' Southpprt 2, New Brighton Stockport- 5,. Oldham 1. Chesterfield 1. Rotherham 1. jThratre Bookings For Coming I Month Are Announced Bookings for the month of January at the Capitol Theatre are announced as follows: December 30 Fast and Furkw" rah Franchot Tone and Ann Sothern and "Btondie" with Tcany Singleton. December 31 Sunday. 12:01 midnight New Year's Eve Frolic, special stage and screen show. January 1. 2 3 -"Four Feathers-tin technkeeter .with Ralph Richardson, June Duprex, C. Avery Smith. January 4, 5 "In Name Only" with Cary Grant. Kay Francis. Carole Lombard. 1 January 6 "Malate' with Robert Young, Abo Sothern. Ian Hunter January 8. 9. 10 "Andy Hardy Get Spring "Fever" with Mickey Rooney. Lewis Stone. January 11. 12 "Eternally j Yours" with David Nlven, Lorctta January 13-"Let Us Live" with! Maureen 0SUlvan. Henry Fonda.' and "Day The Bookies Wept" with Joe Fanner. January 16. 16. 17 "Goodbye Mr. Chips" Robert Don at, Greer Carson. Janaarjr IB. 19 "Lady of the Tropica" with Robert Tayter. Hedyl Lasnarr. January 29 "Mutiny on 'the Black Hawk with Rkhard Arlen.' and "Famiy Next Door- with Hnch Herbert. January 22. 23. 24 "Stanley and Livtnaatone' with Spencer Tracy. RJehard Greene. Nancy Kelly. January 24. 2 "The Star-maker- wttfa Bing Crosby. Ned Sparks. Janaarr 27 "Way Down South'! with Bobby Breen HaH Johnson! Choir, and "Saint In London" with; George Sanders. January 29. 30. 31 -Bachelor Matner" wttfa Ginger Rogers. David Nlvea. Feemarv 1. 2 -Man In the Iron Mask" wtth Louts Hiyward, 3w uouch. Five thousand Ruprt People read, the Dairy Newt It jpnya to lei them know what rm. iHnTe In tTT ui tamo n S, HA1C&HAJ0 , , HIUOMKDIUIO BTTUD n no M K IMTIO CHOSC woanoMMMviKM This advertUement Is not published or displayed by the Ltqnor Control Board or by Use GoTerniaeBt . oi British Columbia WHITE HOT THRILLS From Europe's Blazing War Zone I (At 7:19 and 9:51) EXTRA iANTn Woman for houaevork and eeoking. Suite 4. Levine Apu U) St LOST fXST Lady'a patent leather pone containing gasea at Moose Kali. Finder please return to N'arse Home. (lot i Mi lOUMi Worka of lady wriit watch. Owner may have aane by idenUlytng and paying for this advertisement. tf. PERSONAL HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier. Foetal Herk. CtMtoms Examiner. Clerk. Etc. Free Booklet. The U. C. C. Schools Lid . Winnipeg OUeat in Canada. Tio Agenta Arrow Messenger Len Oriffithx & Co. PHONE 159 Reasonable Kates rareel and lUcrare Service Stand Venecia Orocery Fulton Street Best WUhes Tor A Happy New-Year From PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Keep Warm With Rest Quality Coat CON I AO Leon Errol in -.MOVING VANITIES" Pete Smith's "SET 'EM UP" Cartoon, T0RKYS TIRE TROrnhE WORM) NEWS EVENTS Hound Oak Dining Table Drop head style Lveo Pian At loHn At VAUI'.l S7.00 Kilthen nuffrU S5, S6 and S9 rrirvrt-M Sewing Machine- ,12.50 S85 S5 Wednesday vjt--., v ggn m aBnnnnnv7 nnTgnrflgBanEn an! tpi kbl k The most timely picture In screen history! Showing hew U-Boott war THE OTHER HALF fare Is RtALLY OF THE STORY flea ... how THAT RADIOSS lm romance Not' ON? F I CI NT LY C CANNOT AJ YELL HIU SENSATIONAL rovT) nnnnnnsaa nvtinnnnEStf'"""" titAtnjtf VEIDT-H0BS0NSHAW TONIGHT, TW Rs. am H i 2 Shows Nijjht! .7:'K iiQz ronr THE DAILT KIXS 'JANUARY PICTURES 1939'S SCOOP SENSATION I TO REVEAL THE TERROR 6F UNDERSEA WARFARE I 0 ind I ' .gssssssnw.. u t. . .una. iii.iiiiM.1 mm NEW YEAR'S EVE. (Sunday) MHiNITE FROLIC Starting Vv M.tM Special Stage and Screen ShowTickets now Selling. Rush f-rats "' 11' "x CHIMED FOR SALE rOR BALE Cary Sate In toad ' condition. Apply Daily Newt tf WANTED Bargains In USED FURNITURE t'wlHnatMn r.rae and Ievk 3 dnwr;.. helves with (iajt dnora - . - 811 Stadt Lotfnsc whtch ran be made Into onf doub: Q JXUiUW 1 8 50 or two inglr beoa China Cabinet of Q-l O PA Mhin Oak OXO.UV Iluffrt At S12.50 KlUhtn lUnftv S18, S22 S25 ' S35 Varuam Cleaner Cf ) At . Hall Stand nh Mirror IMubeWrfrUMs j9.50 hoe Itadio Heater And up 55 Standard Lamp Cf) 5 At ELIO'S FURNITURE THIKU AVKM E Trin. e ll-jw't K9nSSgn3BgsCSSgnVBgln9SnnXnnBgnn9nfln THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT I! ram! Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium rhosphate. Ammonium Sulphate. Suprph-phates, Monocalrium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Rrand Metals Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Wsniuth Antimony and Zinc I)ut Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphor Ceneral OHIce and Works IX you lose anything, advertise lor it. Trail' R-C-