oooooooooooooooo Just Arrived Penman's latest colors for spring and summer in crepe and chiffon hosiery oooooooooooooooo Family shoe store ltD. the city. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL ADVANCE PRINCE RUPERT Today we are publishing a paper which gives sonu idea why Prince Rupert should advance, based on wha we are doing and have done in the past. We are passin; through a period during which we may be able to make uj for some of the disappointments of the number of year: in which the struggle has been keen without any adequat . return. Now we are hoping for such a change that thos already well established in the city may reap the benefit In order to do so. however, we must meet the situation ant1 give our best efforts to meeting it successfully. Many people came to Prince Rupert about thirty years ago hoping to make a fortune and get away. Most of them were disappointed. Yet, during the days when population did not increase, there was improvement oi streets and buildings and today we are all set for advancement. That is why we are publishing this "Advance Prince Rupert" number. The streets are busy with traf f ic. Most of the labor slack has been taken up and tht . remainder will be taken up soon. Everything points to : - very busy season. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 223 6th Avenue West Evangelist and Mrs. J.E. BARNES Will Continue Their Special Prophetic Revival Campaign Every Night at 7:45 p.m. Except Saturday The Evcngelist Will Speak at the Three Services on Sunday 11:00 a.m. DEVOTIONAL 2:00 p.m. REVELATION CHAPTER 2 7:20 p.m. "MY ADVENTURE WITH A WILD BUFFALO" Deferred Message We Welcome You Minister, Rev. II. G. Funston B.A. Orjaniit and Choir Director, Mrs. E. J. Smith 11:00 a.m, Morning Service 12:15 Sunday School 7:30 Evening Service The augmented senior choir will render the Sacred Cantata t mane and Calvary" at the evening service FIRST UNITED CHURCH Soloist, Mr. G. Simpson Sermon "THE CASE OF CAIAPHAS" I CHURCH NOTICES is FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JSffi ' Organist Miss Swana Olafson A.T.C.M. jT ' Leader Junior Choir Mr. II. T. Lock . " Leader Senior Choir Mr. J. S. Wilson , Minister Rev. J. C. Jackson Sunday, April 2, 1939 11 a.m-Anthem by Junior Choir "Spirit of God" James R. Gillette Sermon "Behold, the Man!" THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER 7:30 p.m. FASTER MUSIC BY THE SENIOR CHOIR Solo "I Gave My Life" W. H. Jude) Mrs. H. T. Lock Anthems "Love of the Father" H. Hugh Bancroft Soloist, Mrs. R. G. Laree "O W0rshlp the Lord" G. J. Elvey "O Worship the Lord" G. J. Elvey If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in Old Country Soccer 0. n. English League First Division Arsenal 1, Middlesbrough 2. Aston Villa 3, Preston North End Blackpool 1, Liverpool 1-Brentford 2, Leicester w" City 0. Derby County Evcrton 1. Stoke City 1-Grimsby Town 1. Bolton Wan- deders 1. Huddersfleld Town 1, Manchfti ter United 1. Portsmouth 2, Birmingham 0. Sunderland 1. Charlton Athletlo 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Chelsea 0. English League Second Division Blackburn Rovers 3, West Brom-wich Albion 0. Bradford 0, Coventry City 2. ' Bury 3, Plymouth Argyle 0. Chesterfield 3, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 Fulham 2, Norwich City 0. Manchester City 3,. NotUnghnn Forest 0. Mill wall 1, Newcastle United 1 Sheffield Wednesday 4," Luton Town 1. Swansea Town 1. Southampton 3. Tranmere Rovers 0. Burnley 3. 1 West Ham United 0. Sheffield United 0. Bristol City I. Cardiff City 1. Clapton Orient 1, Walsall 1. Crystal Palace 3, Ipswich Towr Newport County 0, Mansflela Town 0. Third Division Northern Section Carlisle United 1, New Brlghtnr ! ;;- Crewe Alexandra 1. Barrow 1. Darlington 1, Halifax Town 0. Doncaster Rovers-Bradford C4t unplayed). Oateshead 1, Barnsley 1. Hartlepool United 0, Oldhan Athletic 0. Rochdale 4, Lincoln City 0. Rutherham United 0. Hull Clt 2 Southport 2, Chester 0. Wrexham 2, Accrington Stanley 0. York City 1. Stockport County 2 Scottish Uatuft First Division Aberdeen 4, Queen of South 3. Albion Rovers 6, Kilmarnock 1. Ayr United 3, Falkirk 0. Celtic 2. Arbroath 0. Hamilton Academicals 1, Clyd- 2. Hearts 2, Ralth Rovers 1. ft. Hungers i, queen s rarK u. St. Johnstone 7, Partlck Thistle 0. St. Mlrren 0, Hibernian 0. Third Lanark 3, Motherwell 1. Scottish League Second Divisior Dumbarton 1. St. Bernards 2. Dundee 7, Dunfermline Athletic East Fife 3, AJrdrieonlans 1. East Btirling 3, Morton 1. King's Park 3, Dundee United 2. Lelth Athletic 3. Brerjiln City 1 Stenhousemulr 5, Edinburgh City Furfar Athletic 1, Cowdenbeath Cedarvale Softball Team Holds Dance Happy Affair Held In Community Hall Saturday Night CEDARVALE, April 1 Cedarvale Community Hall wasj the scene last Saturday night of a happy novelty dance In aid of the Softball team, the satisfactory! sum of $21.50 being realized as a result of the affair. 8o great was the enjoyment that the event was, kept in full swing until 4 o'clock in the morning. Snappy music j was furnished by Johnson's Orch estra. At midnight delicious refreshments were served. Winners of prizes in connection with an admission drawing were Miss Tak-la Fulton anl Roy Paillls. The Dally Piew u an A. B. C paper.. 1 iritll.l.INCi AMK TO C-A1.L SCORE CONCLUDES HASKITBAI.L (Continued From VixW One) its three-quarters' but the locals were sinking them the Metlakatlu Panthers and the regularly as the Premlerltds seem Armory team was an everfly mateh- en to ioso tneir pawn wmrw fa amir inm wiruo imw. 5 prophetic uiterance was and made wild throws at the bas- jng the last quarter, the MeUakatla ' . . . . A . ,, llh lne kcL With the score 41 to 40 In boys put on a final spurt to merge , , ... ... nImn., .m,,,....,,,!. their favor, the visitors called victor with a score of 27 to 3t. T1iemreg away Into decay, lime out and. after Ihe breathing Armory had It over the Panthers In rfuscjtation of terrltorltlei spell, seemed Ui have pulled them- height but Metlakatla was superior I wouId ,nclude aij the lands held ihe end 45 square Outstanding Stars Ernie Santerbane and Angus MacPhee . each with nineteen points and two personals called against them, were the outstanding stars for either side Premier and Prince Rupert respectively. For Lindsay it was a case of on (Third Division Southern Sectioned otf althouRh he had a good Aldershot 2. Exeter City 0. ( -coring fcard of IS. Bobby Stewart and Dorj Arney gave yeoman ser vice for the visitors. Sev Dominate Runert and Sannv Revnnn was end. liable ar usual. Bobby Houston was a stout defender and the Northampton Town 1. Queen's 'locals got some good work out of Park Rangers 0 'Jack Campbell. Morgan, possibly Notts County 4, Southend United due to 'heavy checking by Stewart 1 I was not un to usual effectiveness. Port Vale 2, Bristol Rovers 1. . Play In general was featured by Swindon Town 3, Brighton and high nndfast passing and long Hove Albion 2. I shooting, the speeatcular and Torquay United 2, Bornemouth crowd-pleasing type of action rap ana uoscomDe u. Watford 3, Reading 1. dly shlftlrT from one end to the other with basket fusillades. Ten1 jersonals were called against Ither side, Bobby Houston with ihYee. ' bm the bad boy of the ?veninff. Thre was enouh rough-r- to heln the general Intrest. The Individual scoring, personals in mi ren thesis, wns as follows: Premier Strwar 7 2. Banter- OlfsfWll FOR KENT KINGSTON ROOMS VTTENTION Fishermen - Bright clean rooms over McCutcheon's. Reasonable rent. Phone Black 905. . (801 CLEAN. Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. ARTICLES FOR SALE 4UBBER GOODS. SUNDRIES, t ETC.. mailed postpaid In plal.; seaiea wrapper, eus jess man retail. Write for mall-order cata logue. NOV-RUBBER CO., Dept L. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. tf FOK SALF SNAP FOR CASH-Muskrat coat 2 evening dresses, sizes 16-18. New' condition. Inquire Box 5, Daily News. it. PERSONAL BE READY FOR EXAMINATIONS We have helped hundreds to obtain positions as Letter Carriers. Postal Clerks, Customs Examln ers, Clerks and Stenographers, etc. Free booklet of information M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. if. The YOU can run a Home Kindergar ten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba. tf. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor " HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 tn floor piay. Leignion openec ineiby lne (onnfr tnrfe empire, prior scoring for Metlakatla after which iQ the ,nTMton by the Romano.! Moxley scored for Armory and a namelVi the Babylonians. Medei period or roughhouse play was in- and perstan5 and lhe Grecian em-dulgcd In during which time Metla- ...... i . i. .. . v. . .t the final whistle impended. Bey--lowed by penalty scoring by the non and McPhee scored In quick (Armory to bring the count up to 10 succession to leave the eeunt at to 8 in favor of the Armory at the end of the first half. The second half opened with Clausen and Husoy piling up the score to 16-8 for the Armory. Pan- Ik IIiam t Im ma r Ama n i rsllv with Auektand and D.Wth.' w0'rd and htad hu ton coring alternatelr At thk h wh h oolnt Houston came on U floor j lhf sur(ac( It val to score four conseeuUire potaU far h Uie Armory after which the P- ( . neh h hand whu thers speeded uo and gave the' put up a great game for Prince, taking the lead which they held to Mr. Barnes reminded the cc.t-greatlftn that while he was on his way to Prince Rupert last Bun-day morning, he heard the voice of Mussolini who was speaklrg away back on Roman territorri with awe-lniplrlng precision and deliberation and like one who had he thus held forth ofvee anain a formidable nation twos without dUnute and the Scoring !onelUt bt-lleved. inirlhtr with Metlakatla Auckland. 8: D-'manv ttMiiaands of othen. that L4ghUn.8 1. Prctro Hi: Nel-'MuaoHni etther a very g,l son. 2 1; H. Leighton 1 6i: W.rnjnn(.r.u or Drove ia Lelghton. 4 Q. ToUl 27. Ihe anM.chrlst himself Armory Husoy. 4 1 1. D Hous ton 4: Clauen. 8 '3: Bloke. 4 4i. Moxley 8 1; Olllis 1. Miller Total 24 Trv a f)llv N'wt enned sd NEW Battery Radio Ideal (or Boats Only $29.95 Complete With All lUtlrrlM Think of it A Revolutionary New and Different Hattery Radio Built and Racked by the .Most Famous Name in Radio R.C.A. Victor New Circuit New Tubes Only 1.1 Vol. Costs Much Lr to operate than any battery set yet offered. Save you money while you operate it Time Payment If Desired Sold Only By RADIO HEADQUARTERS MacKenzies Furniture Pull-Up Chairs Solid walnut frame, upholstered In brown tapestry. Q4 O A spring seats. Makes an Ideal gift for Easter. Priced at JA5OU Phone 775 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Frcah Local Raw And, Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY NIONB M7 1 flafurd:, a VC,T. TWO THE DAILY NEWS OLD EMPIRE We Carry a Very BACK J Complete Line of Men's COMES Working Boots Valentine, Greb, Storey High Arch and other leading makers. Priced from $2.95 up more fast crowd was on and yelling, lime came. Prince Kunert forcing the paee ... . .. .u. 1, Leeds United i"rieu 10 gei Darn mm ling picture immediately after the commencement or the final quarter. Play veered buck and forth selves together but Houston im mediately evening up the count on a free throw. Arney put Premier ahead again and Undsar made another of hit long ones to make the count 45 U, 41. Then a. bane 10 i2; Arney. 4 2l; Tip nrtt. 2 i2: Lindsay, 13 H; tot!. f - ( 45. Prince Rupert--Campbtl, t Hi; 1 , . Morgan. 2; Beynon. 7 2l: Mac- and turious and the "'"P"' ... . , , ..rv,. UK'S, WIIItTMII . , .. ,, . .,. J, ' Johnny comadina was referee; Joe AntnMl. timekeeper. Andre Letourneau. storekeeper Intermediate (lame The preliminary game between KvaiigrlUt Point Out Thai KrMiM-ilatlon of Home Was Prophcklrd Before on Interested congregation last hltM at the Pentecostal Tabernacle, EvongelUt J E. Barne( allowed from prophecy that the' Old Rinnan Empire, which by UV; year 300 AD. had completed lit world conquest but which Became dismembered and fallen, would again arise out of the debrU and become an cnormoui power One by one did the mighty em pires fall a was shown to thf first king of Babylon In a dream and history confirmed that this mlnn minutely re mm Office Supplie, . J r 1 a fly Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company George HI PAINTING and DKrOHMING Sltn Work of sll fWrlM !llmtf F r lhne nU!U r- t . t r- m t t nut m m m ii i m. a i wu In Ihe In DRY DOCK AND SHIPYMU Shipbuilder and If Iron and llra.i f FWtrif and Att Urldinr Spcrlsllst n and Mlnlnr .Mifk" All Tjpe ' Repaired and Otfrt" J. H. BULGER Optometrist Hoi. W Kjl titX M THE SEAL QUALITY Lil 1.1 14 oYlt GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyi PINK SEAL Finest Tink Salmon ... nnU wnnlog eornpwj p tho tr ronna P!"" In rn" .rl" ----- . .... tn Worolx-e. !" id my - ' . . . ... A. O JPUl Our oi A rw. - . . .null 0 ,.,.i.ifJ piter. NOTICE " -ji m qulml o ly lJW,Z tjwttH . 1939.'' ' or .