?JU3Z Armour Salvage & Towing Co. Tow Boats, Scows ; Sand and Gravel Mjht rhse 71 .MUCH .MATERIAL , mm IN POST OFFICE. sMMtae. lUfe!rtal wed hi the Oiflce hwlflhn hmhiii J. UKfi tew concrete I Modern Hardware .4 . For Modern Buildings Pbne Ml rrhitofrtng steti. UW yas o ftsvTed the ezeavattM aad C99 jrdc 'reek. The Finishing Hardware For the New Federal Building At Prince Rupert Was Supplied By GORDON & BELYEA Ltd. 101-107 Powell Street Vancouver, B.C, Wholesale Hardware Ship Chandlery Tool Cutlery Sporting Goods M TKZ DJJLT yrwi o o a 9 o Prince Ruperts Federal Building o o o O o BUILDING O o o o o o Fred Scadden o o o o o o a o o o a SUPPLIES e o a o o o r o a a o o o at a v w i rifts o o Painting and Decorating The Painting and Decorating in the New , Federal Building Was Done By Us a a a o a a o a o a o o o o o a a a a Bl ahead. Then caaae the tfee afasas in real estate raises and Prtnee Rapert was tor several yean a doBd When a eospie of years aao it was already prepared was not very suit fabie for the purpose yetottationa ! acre entered into with the prorta-cial fovenuaent and Premier Pst-'taOo let it be known at once that.l if the provincial block was needed for the new building, it could be ;secored on nominal terms. The old site was desearded and the nlana 'were drawn for the new one by Max Downing aftd the work was carried oct under the supervision of the Federal rorernment architect, C. P. Dawson. The ptans called for a modern type of building 117 feet long by SI mmm m Fine strof :ar Pt and ail the wiring was done to ae postmaster. decided to erect the new federaJ ""fL that departaient oeparwieni bt o ibaUdfciz It was decided that the site ? of the year tt was decided U imahramate the two telegraph systems so fsr as the city was concerned with the result that the office is now allotted to the The pohue space is floored with terraao tile and is sarroaaded by a dado of Canadian Mack marble. The working space Is floored with heavy doty asphalt tile. The entrance lobby has Canadian Mack marMe walls with a sea green plate glass mirrored eetling. Doors and trim are of Canadian Red Oak. Unatairs are the offices of the Dominion Fisheries Department. ucep wo storeys and 'the Canadian dsu tt b&temrnt. The deafen te almole bat HartuM- iuir tk .i . C:u.-.dier FjiVi. ar.d cu-.f .-departa&er.i. Located on Fine Site in Centre of City Detailed I)cn;J! non oi airuciure inoe no ranicipaiea in Construction Pnnce Rupert has one of the finest federal buiMinira.v,,"w beta, reus of Indian toteasc. OcBUrtjr iMwopriatt for a c&y thai pride itself on havta the nnost' 111 hmm r4 ItuMaii v. I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OOOCOOOOOOOOOSeOOOCGOOeOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOedOOeG0OaOO Creditable Federal Centre PRINCE RUPERT'S NEW POST OFFICE ONE OF FINEST IN COUNTRY THOSE WHO TOOK FART From Pse Six Watks Oa. Ltd. Yancouvcr Stmt Meal: Saatth SiMct Metal WwU, Viaanmr Co. Van- FaDortag: H. D Layftesc, Yaacou ver. Oevatar: TlraM Omltr Oc tad tiiiimiii Terraao TS'Jt TMe: Dar&agtaa, Hak-1 IW(. I Plastering: E. C. UtDooaall & Cu ! Lai. Vancouver Electrical WNk: J. II UtCtxe.. in the country and probably the most artistic of any in its' nwH Araar Sal- ' miv v viji vn.j atiu in urc ifiruiiic Ui Clock the best block in the business section. When the lawns r-bm I . m m a - John Bafctr LU, Prince are sown it sftouw be quite in Keeping with the provincial 1 Em?ittoo: John ourrieh, Prtaeel building where the grounds are the pnde of the city. ioi sut jaxi rnncr nasm port of Ike set tacre was aoote di- iaiTtmeat u to the die This U layreeaaent save the federal fevern-isieat as excuse for detejlBK the The work m eanted eat ander! the direetfcn of A. J. Cok for the contractors wtth W. Cornell In ebsrte of earoeaters. Ml Bontip m Isbor foreaMB The desifBlnc archtteet m Uu Donhx 1th C. P Ditoq. gov-1 h&d tea seewed fast at a tee. ernaeat archtteet aad Peter Lor-hen real estate was at It highest, j Most of the maio floor to taken J ' eases as eJerk of -rocks. The baseawnt had been esatTated ; P P" Ottkx Inelodtog the . jiU of for"" tth n'! hardware aad w pientr rkloc apace the easptoyeea. The Daaalnloo 7 " ' Oowiwat Ttkcnih nlfW m e oeTO is uie onw m w i a w.a.. - J a a. - ta.. quarters of the caretaker with two bedrooms and a thing room and kitchen and bathroom as well as the boUer room aad space for fael storage The baildtac Is eaatpped with a freight elevator, is heated by hot water aad has efficient ap-to-date lighting fix tare The eiectrie clock was supplied and installed by John Bolter It has five faces aad is eontreeed byi a master dock which insures cor-; rect time without any stops if the current should fsIL I The baUdlnc u constructed of reinforced concrete with tiled par- 1 tttions. The outside U protectedj with two coats of armor proof paint' and the roof of Ur and gravel with copper flashings. The building Is. aired for radio. BENNETT & WHITE Construction Co. Ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Vancouver i&i&j 1? f jr. British Columbia Fir. Ssrace. Cedar i Hemlock LC3IBCR rtr Fiahh MeuUiar CatUaod k Fto raaeiaac Shiacies Rflnx riper BaBding Psper Tar Paper CEMENT Urn Plaster CTPBOC IVrc prcf WamVsard COAL Ns naa- WrWattsn Alberta-SMtles BaftJey VaBey For Everything Thai Goes Into the Construction of Your Building See ALBERT & McCAFFERY Wb carry the tartest stack af Lumber. Ci! and p, . Snppttes in the North at rofnpctiUvr yr ft Pbene Ml Walter Longwill SANITARY and HEATING ENGINEER CHEMICAL PLUMBING OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT Prince Rupert, B.C. Yc Supplied .Many Items In the Construction of the Federal Building lct t's Supply Your HARDWARE NEEDS Kaien Hardware Co. PHONE 3 Millwork in This Building Supplied Hy ALBION LUMBER Co. VANCOUVER, ll.C, Mall u jour lists of Lumber. Sash and Dn t r sulalkm Board, Etc. for our quotation, or blu;r our listing Also Mtllwerk. Catalogue and Special L. 2133 12th Avenue W. Vanrouter. B-C Dybhavn & Hanson Fire Insurance Real Estate Steamship Tickets