TC1 Z rare Diat-sTtr ADVANCE PRINCE RUPERT Commercial and Industrial Spring Number o I V a 0 o o o a o o o 0 0 0 0 mm You've heard about the entirely nor car the Ford Ion U IntrrxIuHn- t hi jear In the UrwfT m-di'iim-pr-r jVM. It here now on dUplav In our htrTtxrtn. Ctme In and the mv MERCURY 2 the ear the vbole automobile world tailing about. And eoroe prepared to chanre your whole Idea of the value jour mooer ran buj- In the lower mediumpriVe Md thi year! S. E. PARKER LTD. Dealer Trine t Rpert We Promise: mmmmtmmm avamaiaiaiaiaw .... . To Ciie 4 Our Postal Busness to the New Post Office If and When it Opens As a Sign of Good Faith William F. Stone Clttbe of fitttinrtkm R. E. Mortimer Mining and Industrial Stocks IM'OfiMATIO.V 0.V KEQUKST 321 SLCO.VD AVKNUK Phone BLUE 7I WM. GAIR FLORIST NURSERYMAN Phone it Box 276 Eddie's Rose Bushes, Exhibition Gladiolus, Begonias, Gloxinias, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, Flowers for all Occasions Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention U0000C0OO0000000000000C00000000000000000900000000000O Box 928 Estimates Given Phone 5 STEEN'S LIMITED Sheet Meta! Works Marshall Wells Furnaces Kooflnr of All Kinds Done PKINCE KUTEKT, B.C. f EATU1ES OF THE NEW MERCURY S Ht'ineb wbella: than 1 iVrt omtJ Ira (lb EtrrplMraal iJlb aad two far pi T Nrw bmr. prr y-trj-, t rjjimAtr braLr Mtodrro. Smiot Kf- Lauuriuui ( mhIikiiU and npbuU Mry V-w tt-at oo Hmrtq Tbmwrb A frat "riir baiannd wrifbt ditrf-L-utiun and OntCT-faixr Iwa Large larafe CMapartmeaU. l!FIRST POST OFFICE WAS ONLY TENT Contrail With Fine Sew liaildin; Into YVblfh federal Department Are About T Mete The fine new baikhnc Into which Prince Rapert Pott Oftke to aboei to more U a eaatimH Indeed U the tent qb Centre Street In vhfch B- L ItelMtMh. aUB a rMpected mMent 0f thi cMf. oow Bvhn ia retirement, started tne nm postal serriee on November 73. VA. harinr come from Port F- sincton to do so. After a short Ume in the tent. i temporary post office bviklini was opnted on Rapert Road In this the Post Of flee remahu-d i,.t two or three years unUl the Federal Block on Third Avenue was erected in 1811 by a private syndi cate especially to boose the Post Office and other federal department. From the Federal Block, the Post Office and federal offices were remoted on May 28. 1922. to the building on Second Avenue from which they are now about to move into their first permanent and really creditable home. The present postmaster In Prince Rupert U J. R. Morison ho suc ceeded Mr. MclnUwh in 1921. Mr. Morison ha been a member of the Post Office staff here since March 1910, having been Mr. Mcintosh's1 chief assistant for many years ba-j Staffs In Charge The present Post Office staff at Prince Rupert consists, besides Mr. Morison, of Miss Annie Mc-' Leod, J. W. Gibson. Robert Adami.t A. M K. Davles, A. M. Davles, E. W. Meadows, W. R. Overend. D R Lahlff, J. Prlngle and Rue!l Cameron with E. Cavenalle in charge of Sub Office No. 1 at Sea! Cove. In charge of various other federaf offices to be stationed In the new building will be: Customs House J. H. McLeod. collector Indian Department W- E. Colli ton, agent. Dominion Fisheries James Boyd, district supervisor. Harbor Master Capt. J. R. El-fert. I 3 3 : Industrial Record For 1938 RttOrfir -j FrrmiU. $H4.0ft2L FUb pdb to fmktrmm : Halibut Lfcwr-7i;S0i V ! r fish 122 (iru. ,mt u CanKfin IMMraca from fids Aner-an cantfit fbk batted mi sold at i'riww S Ls -akd in Prince Rupert titfriet, TSOtGGO ? Whak- taken at Queen CfcarlaUe Islanda, 310i Shipe clearing and entering part, 508. Prospects For 1939 Extraordinary Expenditures pcvfcfed for: Prince Rupert air bae, $127,000. Erection of forts at harbor entrance. S $75,000. sir hmsj at AKiWd Haw ictYM I improTemenU to waterworks SMflfti f O C " . - . o Jn ? conipietea xor power extension. g g New buildings planned. , Pfan under consideration for pntp wffl in or S near citv THOSE WHO BaiMtat r pitl i ir Albert & Uc- I I II IK PA Wl RinIorwl Steel Evans. Cole- man and Bvasst Ltd. . , , Heavy Hardware. PhOsaU Eslu Tne newfri v bu.x!;r., here& Co Lta HvT werec theBennea& Whsie, Iteh Hwrsre: Kafte KN- roctraetors of Vancouver BC The KBprt nsb-eontracton were camimisstai Pncoat Steoe P:amfeman4 Heauc W. Urn?- Charie Mra, VanoMvr. Prtnee Rter- ! vurMe: Hmar Co. Ltd; Vto-PainUnt: Pred Seadden. rifn . , Rupert Hardware nf,.r , . Jjnor & Howard Iran LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE ESTABLISHED 1)11 For General Cartage and Piano and Furniture Moving Phone G8 RUPERT MOTORS Phone 56Ti Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth & DeSoto Cars . Dodge and Fargo Trucks narac Gasoline Station SERVICE AND REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS Georgetown Lumber &BoxCo. Ltd. Pioneer Manufacturers of FRESH and FROZEN FISH R0XES SALMON TRAYS SALMON R0X COVERS Mill and Box Factory at Georgetown, B.C. Phone 18 & 81 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" QUALITY GROCERIES Prompt Delivery Service 317.19 Tlllftf) AVENUE WEST Prince Rupert, B.C. I Ideal CLEANERS Finest Work By Experienced Operators Prompt Service Ithjl Fr Vr Car. PHONE 858 MADE .IN n. a V Yr ttU Home Oil Distributors Ltd. The Home of .-Home Eastern Lubricating Oils It Pure Peistksfivaraa Parairta B DieKl rul rurnire Oil SUve OM f'r clean and effkirnt Burner Operat t "YOU CAN RUY NO RETTEir F. E. Hunt, Limited Ship Chandlers Hardware, Ropes, Fishermen's Supplies Waterfront Iocation, Next to Fish Dock Phone 91 Prince Rupert, H.C Four Important Points . . SPRING IS HEREl PRINCE RUPERT IS GOING AHEAD! FISHING SEASON STARTS! COPELAND'S NEW STORE OPENS! For Quality in Everything That is Cood to Eat TRY COPELANDS Phone 872 FRUIT MARKET FREE DELIVERY j