0 PAfll TWO THE DAILY news Hotel Arrivals 1 Now is (he Time lo Huy Your White Footwear Our Variety in Sfyles and Values Are Unbeatable New Shipment of RUNNERS Just Arrived Family shoe store ltD 1 The Home of Good1 Shoes f UE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue limine - . H. F. PULLEN J .. u . Managing-Editor - . - ... ..) . .. , ADVERTISING RATES Classified. adyertlslng.per word, per insertion Local readers per Jlne, per .insertion; - News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION xri WE 1)0 NOT AtiKEft NEW ROYAL HOTEL . arelll Proprietor "A II0MK.AWAY FROM K,II0MEH ,r dilates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot It Cold Water . Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone S8Lw - Jt.O. Box lDO LOCKWOOD'S FUR STORE Spring Jackefs and Coats Prices Reasonable. Call Look Them Over .02 23 . . Many of our readers do not agree with our views on many subjects. We do not expect them to do so. We agree fo.differ. . Only trie very prejudiced people are willing to read or Vie-ir onlv one side of anv Question. They are so fuw in RAILWAY QUESTION and Highest Prices Paid for Beaver (jurat a t.relU'WUti Mvr S r 0 RT Stuart Shield Play WINS BY Nears Conclusion LEADERS last Scheduled Fixture Tunlght Willi One Postponed FUiure Outstanding Owing to rain, the Stuart Benefit Shield Football game scheduled for Tuesday evening between Pio neer laundry and Navy was post poiied. Tonight Velvet and' Plonee Veltch and D. Gomez; Baker. Dickens, Ferguson and II. Holkestad: spare. J. Oreer. J? 1 L'JJ ll UWUli PRACTICE First Work-Out Lat Nicht in tlclpation of Series With Ketchikan An- .First baseball practlre of the season was held last night and. even thoueh the weather was dull and I cool, the turn-out of prospective ' 1.1 m 11 m . 1 I rr.k Thurday. June 8. .1933.. jchlkan-Prince Rupert home and - homei series was gratifying. Some 01 we expenencea regulars, sucn Cincinnati J teds. In League, andNew York In AiticricanBack in Again number. that they do not count much in the circulation of farming up to batung practice Philadelphia a newsnaner. We do not try fo convert the people , Who ' were Jack. Lindsay. Fros Letourn- American aiffer.ifbm.iis but we .know a great many of them like tor"" XfB& read our yieweven if .they do not agree with us. They sometimes tell us what they think and we like to hear from them. as Benny Wlndle, Scoop Bury and Alex Mitchell, were unable to be Cincinnati present but they will not be long. st tswiv., It is expected, In starting to tune pitthur up. A number of the younger play- rhirh ers were out and some of these look Prooklvn very promising. Among those seen New York losing ine oia pin arouna ana Boton jacK uampoeu, Minor Slmundsen. Poston Sonny Stiles, Dido Gurvich and chicae0 Johnny Comadlna. Cleveland The local team will feel the ab- Detroit sence of Walter Johnson who had to Philartelnh'a quit, basketball during the winter Washinston owing to a disability. st. Louis The tentative first string line-u 1 Throughout the country today there seems to be more for. the Ketchikan series is as foi-discussi'on of the railway question than has been heard j10 for.some years. That is the result -of the outspoken atti- L1y fied"; tude of Senator Meighen, leader of the Conservative party Frog Letourneau, pitcher; sonny " . ... ... f n i it. 1 1.1 ! ...v..;ii.. ,.,tfU 4-V.n c.i.- .j in me oenaie; ne nas mruwil ill Ilia iut wuunjr wiui cut- ouies, iirsi. case or ouiueiaer; jonn- unification idea, He explains that what he wants is not w comadlna, first base oroutneid: physfcal unification but unified management. If the man- JJ ,h'"' f wnbaa;, Benny SgLent was inclined to favor the C.N.R., it would get the Zl?cZ?!S best of the game and, if the C.P.R. had the bulk of the slmundsen, outfield, iierbie Morgan management, the.C.N.R. would quite possibly be neglected, and Jack Campbell win be kept in Those, who say this might look back and see how Prince as key relief men and the hope L,"tolocate 60016 more acnt Tinner! hm nas-Deen been treated ireateu. uuperi for the series without D'V delay. If the Canadian National were to be sold, lock, stock 3 and barrel, it would be nothing like as bad as unification.! howling postponed The most likely outcome of the transportation problem, if; .owing to wet greeny league play ICis to be changed' from the present system, is for the gov-; In the Canadian National Recrea- ' i.aii ' n ; r r.,-,,1 tlon Association's Lawn Bowlln? KrnmenL.iuuiheuvui auiucujisui uanniiu,t.tL.u..a..u i.7 Leagu- t mm settle the truck controversy. , We are told that, so long as trucks are to use the high-Ways, practically free of, charge with unrestricted hours of work, the railways cannot hope to compete with them. better solution than uniiication. 1 CREDIT STILL GOOD 11. ... ' , .. . Evidently the credit of British Columbia is still gpod, The .Premier went east recently and, after interviewing the Ottawa government, went on to the financial centres Ehcji,,wjthin a very short time, it was announced that" the m mister, .of finance had arranged a loan in New York, one million of which will be expended on roads. Prince Rii- , nignt. pe,f( could use that million very well but, unfortunately, . there are a hundred other places that need roads just asl HiVfiOuSS 0.q.ye1 tt: ; HITTING AT ITALY Ko governmentseems likely to try to stop this competition' Casablanca, Algeria, June c: so thevalternP,tive is to buy them out and allow no more t thus. state monopoly. We have men-l operate, creating ,a mSLCaroni <achti to their tioned this, as a riossible solution of the problem and as ai'ciothing. calling . Italy "i&iam's Public Enemy No. 1. National Yankee Stride .... PllILADELPAIA. .Vne 8: CPi Cincinnati Keds niained a three-and-a-half ganie margin of-lea''- Laundry will meet. It Velvet wins crsn,P ine wauouai i.eogu yc-ihprp win h ii. with nw tn? terday by defeating th Phillies 111 uic mnerirau uraxut.- i- New York Yankees defeated ,th? White Sox at Chicago and thlr margin 6f leadership Is now nlrT, full games over he Baston Reo Sox whose game with the St Lotib Browns was postrtoned on account nf rain nt St. Louis. VesterdaY's Big League scores: National Leaeue Cincinnati. 5; Philadelphia. 4. Pittsburg, 2: Boston. 0. Chicago. 7: New York. 1. . St. Louis.- 7: Brooklyn 3. Ameriran Leatue' New York. 5 Chicago. 2. PhllPdelr-hla, 5: Detroit. 4. Washington, 10-13; Cleveland. 4-9. BostonrStf Louis, postponed on arcounfeof rain. Tlir 4?aeu standinxs date: : National I-earue 4 W 30 22 . .. 23 21 20 17 Lea cue 34 23' 23 22 19 18 18 14 L. 15 17 21 9 18 20 21 25 25. 2(3 29 Pet. .CC7 5K 23 lr 523. JOO 2.5 .411, 25 .405. 28-JJ33 , Howard Eureka. .791 500 53 511 43i .413 .409 .323 Dally advertising in trw Dall; News Is sure to bring dally FOOTBALL TONIC.IIT, 0:13 Velvet vs. Pioneer laundry HOLIDAYS Try SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP This Year Situated on the Finest Sea- Beach In Canada Apply to MRS. DUNN, Maviett, Queen Charlotte Islands, for Full Particulars- .-! i i i flCW AM) IJbl I KK U GOLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Saimon Fleets Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the .Company ta Just completed extensive changes and Improvements in Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice, or." the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly, cored or. ated" at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the.hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold as the itdrar room: Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better icetth&n ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and improved quality In fish delivery. -r L . 4 Canadian a - 1 Hsh&lold storage M at a 1,. . . at it ' ,ia ik.14 n a . ar 1 m . ,m - PrU Prince Rupert lYl l.in. British Columbia 5 i V' "el Man people arts.. Do jqu? Koyn E. Hollln, Prince Rupert 23 fool lrOllerFord reduction sear, in KOI i Nil iner J: E. Oraham VaiTfcwVet; (Tewg: F. Tough, Invernea. Kiiui Rev. and Mrs .0. II. Qoodreld Kitkatla; A. Williams. Vancouver KOIChALF first place Ih the standing for the h"e " th runner-up St.- LhuH 12 h.p. VIVIAN trophy. If Laundry wins or ties, jamais were downing xur urm however. Navy will take the shield J Dodiers at Ebbetts Flrta. Pftt-fnr the sea-son without necessltat- plrnt "d ChtaiW OubV InavUie playing of the postponl won' w" Bm1 5N5W YoIk 0,anls restively and, game, , . . fr- The followlns line-up for Velvet malned. tied In third plate a JJie is announced: C. Vlnk; Parsons Bronklyn Dodgers droptil bark and F Onmea: L. filllls. Stan ntn irih lsltlon. a tin- clarified engine, Atwater Kent '.gnUlorr, and propellor Apply Imperial MaehMe Works. ( Cow Day. 'l engine-with good hary!,t $150 cash. Phone Red 444. I FOR SALE-- Surplus beddlrtjg planrt' 15c dozen. Cook's Boarding Hpusc. 0341 TRI-LrTE, Piano. Radio. DeskJ Dining. Bedroom. Chesterfield . Suites. Linoleum. Curtains, What not. Kltchenware and Tables, Plants. Oarden Tools Pugsleyv 320 2nd. Ave . Blue 53. 1137K WANTED WANTED Olrl for noda fountain and lunch. Dave'i Confectionery. 133 WANTED Baby" buggy Phone Ridley Home. '1331 FPU KENT 1 FOR RENT Furnished bungalow July and August. $35 per month. Apply Box 13 Dally New.-- 13S FOUND Pair of Horn rimmed glasses In brown leather cas. Owner may obtain same by ca".-. Ing at Dally News and paying for this advertisement NEW VISIBLE COOKING An. Exceptionally Durabfe 3-Coat Enameiware White wi(h tied frim-Evcry Piece Han a Pyrcx Glass Cover Come in and See Them on Display NYLON Fishing LfeadeVs Stronger Than Cjut Uniform Elastic No Sheen Will straighten When Dry Will Not Split or Fray Wilf Not Recomc Sleazy We Have A'll Sfzes KAIEN HARDWARE CO. c Deliver row jtntiiv ... m MUWtoKl LprZSfilz;- ! i jl i ft. -J aiSESLJEsS ; v - q t . ; r rrt v" 1 rl 1 GIVE STOMACHS THIS 3-WAY HELP In thee modern diti, we lite t ft irmpo. U don't hive time to "work up an spriiie" More e ttt dc: 0 to breakfitt. In the ruth from tied 10 brrakfan to wmk, e need a "waklng-up" meal ipccially dctijtncd m gtt ut quickly into our uride. firry morniii we iImmiM bate a brcaVfitt which docs thcte tlirre thing: O C titty WAKES tlttfr tfmsthtrthn mooib-wntrinj dcliciuutottt of Krltttgit'i Cjkii Hitet Imitxdljitlf wim. Q ulttrt the Bow ol nuric juicti. riMiw the appet.it. t uirdtJ Krll"(tit tfcrtt. STARTS t ffUi: Culdtn. rrltp Xtlluid t f r I Itltt are rtth in erKri.iiiogVrbihrdri.' X htn talkie a txiWulof lbrt tpprlilir iih-toi! 13J crrim, jour irticra if tupplied with iotiint "fuL litft KEEP y prt: The time lo avoid that mid-morninc lomp It ti hrcakfatt. A brlmitiinjr hIKii tf L3 Ktlloaa't Corn flaket, with crrtm i tuaar. fclf iwi tnttgj hourt aficf cairn htlpt keep you toiaa until Ua.fc. Hundred of thouunda of Canadian families sate lira and trouble by serving Kcllojtft's fUrn llaktt ikt "30.econd breakfatL" Order a package today MaJe bj Kcllogg'i in London, Canada. GET A HEAD START feVERY DAY WITH (dUlvyfi CORN FLAKES BOTH CIRLJ1 TWm alttKhtetJWM4(tHntl lU.t. H AiVt M tm. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC'WOOOOOOOOOCCOi'eilWOOOCCl Sun Goggks Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50 Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqgists The Resall Store Phones: II & ' Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from It noon till 2 pjn 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. OCKOOOOOOOC)OOOOOOeOOCKOOCOPOeK0000000000000009 VELVET ICE CREAM HAS MANA' VARIETIES Cones l-eniun, Raspberry, VanDIa, Chocolate and Strabr Dixie Cups Tuttl Frultll and, Vanilla Cream Lunch and Candy Freeie) Bars Vanilla, Cherry Cuuw-Tuttl Frulttl and Maple Walnut Dominidn Dairy rhone; 10 IFirtli a-HHaJFafanilMlrWW J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Illdf, Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MIk VALENTIN DAIRY PHO.M5 Ji