PASS 70CK DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in .Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Hare a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT RINGS. WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, we will make to order, any design that you prefer, In rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from $12J0 to $1200.00. We Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice mm w. Diamond Specialist J. ALDER. Commissioner. (tf.) THE SEAL QUALITY is GOLD SEAL Fancy- Red Sockeye PINK SEAL finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon tanning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Headquarters toria to take a position In the for estry department of the British 'Columbia government with head-' quarters at Port Neville on Vancou ver Island. While away Mr. and Mrs. Minns attended the fair at San Francisco which 1 not yet quite complete a building Is still going on there. The attendance at the fair Is registered each day by a huge cash register about fifty feet high, jind on the day they visited the place the at tendance was 73,000. They took particular note of the British Columbia exhibit llustrating the timber, fishing, mining and lumber Industries. ; One striking exhibit was 25 acre-' of .wonderful flowers in .full bloom : and 1500 yew trees which had beer : borrowed for : the occasion from ar estate and which had to be return-j ed after the event was over. ! They made the trip In a new car I they purchased while In the south land which they brought home with them. cep up to date. Advertise TV Royal Visit Pictures Are Interesting On Tuesday afternoon at the auditorium of Booth Memorial High School the pupils of the school in two groups. w vrv interesting moving pictures of the visits of the Kins and Queen last week to Vancouver. Victoria and New Westminsters. The pictures were shown by Father Anthony Meulcnberg of Stewart who took them himself. Principal Arthur Sutton was In the chair and suitably expressed appreciation to Father Anthony. Miss Inez Derj? on behalf of the Junior students, pronosed a vote, of thanks. The showing of the pictures was particularly timely, following Immediately after four students of the . school Frnfv Christopher Attend Graduation. , ?ra VtJT Davl" ipdward Lambe had reported to The Provincial Government has (if .SfiTV VKlfpH U1 UUil ' Iaucu approTed and wilj guarantee the, repayment to the Dominion Oov- , . j . ernmen't of Ji loan which it hasiHoiv Af hficfn 011 r11 1 agreed -to advance to the city of!1 forty thousand ($40,000) dollars at) two- per cent interest for a period 1 o thirty years for the purpose of J The chief object of the visit of' replacing certain wooden water) Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Minns south I pipe1 mains with cast iron and It Is I recently was to attend the gradu-' my Intention to take advantage of'atlon of their son. George William this. loan. . I Minns, who this year took his de- 1 Any property owner objecting1 gree in applied science, the parti-please 'advise In writing The Hon- cuiar branch being forestry erigin- orawe Minister or Municipal Af- eerlng. On May 11 he became an !airs": at the City Hall, Prince Ru- accredited forestry engineer and. pert on pr bejre the twelfth day immediately following the ceremony Of June next. nt thp tJnlvrrsttv he- left for Vie. the classes on thet trip they made to Vancouver for 'the King's visit j as guests of, the Vancouver school Donra. , - Whifflets From The Waterfront DEATH BY ELEPHANT J A decided improvement in the halibut storage situation this yem compared with last Is reported In United States Bureau of Fisheries time last year. The price average this season has, it Is computed been 8-10Oc higher than a yeat ago. Eight halibut vessels marketed catches totalling 213,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows. Pacific, 40.000 pounds, San Juan T4C and 7c; Radio, 40,000 pounds Sebastian, 7ic and 7c; Ivanhoe 32.500, Washington. 7c and 7? Trinity. 40.000, Whiz, 7i,c and! -mc; Lebanon, 15,500, Whiz. 7c "nd 6c: Angekus, 14.000. Sa-. Tuan. V.'nc and 6tc; Evolution '3.000. MrCallum. an(J 6,sc' Thelma fl. 18.000, Booth, Vt "qd 6 Vc One small lot of. mixed od sold for 2c per pound. CHANGARA. Portuguese EaM Africa, June 8: tCP) William Josthulzen, 26-ycar old European was trampled to death by an ele hant near hire when he tried tc rotect a native gun-bearer from the attacking beast. itjmLLKQLLLLjm. Jm If yours lot II 7 f &xjaszGf'Z,r,, v,asui mm : I 1 11 I kmM 1 1 M u 1 rv s HlsilllMi 1 iTrr 1 1 X mm YOU WILL BE ROYALLY WELCOMED AT THE NEW HOTEL VANCOUVER This is YOUR holel built for the people of Canada. Il offers the best In service at the most moderate prlcee. Rales begin at $3.00 a day for rooms with tub baths and showersl Use Its delightful modern facilities and enjoy the homlness and hospitality it offers. CAFETERIA Whert you an obtain a himI delicious mil t t vry moKite Vuick (crvict, brttktm, lunchton, dinntr. W. J. Mrlett, Htnttrr, . 1 I'll -I "IT" - (c'SrTiM.qubi.f!ifi TIER DAILT NEWS Ttaurdty Jug,! This actvertiscmr ., l not pub-.. hed or cspu'::J by the Liquor Cintrol Boar I or by the Government of Briton Columbia High School Display Held Home Economics and Manual Training Departments Tut On Show The auditorium of Booth Memorial High School was a centre of Interest for parents and friends Saturday with' the holding of the annual display of work .of the home economics department for girls and the manual training classes of the boys. Therfi was a tood attendance, the guests being received by Miss Irene Mitchell Miss Irene Hodgson and Miss May Jones. The girls' sewing display took the form of a fashion parade fcr which the stage had been especially prepared with a tastefully decorated floral arch, a stairway leading to the auditorium. A wide statistics. In storage on May 151 variety of costumes was shown were 2.900,000 pounds as compared; and proficiency of the girls, under witlh 300,000 pounds at the same their Instructors. Miss Irene Hod? son and Miss Frances Watt, was amply indicated. Miss Mary Sievert was announcer. The manual training display was also arranged in the auditorium under direction of the Instructor. J. H. Nordan. Following .the displays tea waft served. Miss E. A. Mercer. Miss S Pictures Of Royal Visit Were Shown .Large And Inleretfd Audience At I Catholic School 1111 Scm I Display By Father Anthony ' ,Mculcnberg I Annunciation Schoo' Hall wai filled Tuesday night by an audl- mce which greatly enjoyed a dls- Iplay by Father Anthony Meulen berg of moving pictures which hr 'took himself last week of the vlsr of the King and Queen to Vancouver and Victoria. The various activities In connection with the royal visit were graphically de pleted and there were wme fine close-ups of Their Majesties. A couple of educational reels- -one showing volcanoes In action and another on Umbering In Ca-nadyin forests as well as a comedy, rounded out the program which lasted about an hour and - hlf. Father Anthony gave .the narrations and was assisted, i'n connection with the entertainment by Father W. F Lsntagne.'.', Eagles' Dance, '; Happy Affair ; One Hundred and Fifty, Tenons In Attendance, at Enjoyable Event Last Night :' A very enjoyable dapce.was held last night by the Eagles' Lodge In the Aerie Hall 00 Fifth Avenue East. About 150 pernor J were pres ent and the affair was. in gay swing from 10 Dm.-until 2 ajri. Music was by Mrs. J. 8. Black's Orchestra, Robert McKay acting in his mual gen ial manner as master q ceremonies. At midnight delicious refresh ments were wrved. Henry Smith presided at the door. T. L. Davles and Mrs. J. 11 Nordan poured. Miss Gladys Mcintosh and Miss Frances Watts assisted generally. There were vocal solos' during A. Mills. Mrs. Arthur Sutton, Mrs the tea by Miss' Marie! Lock, ac-W. W C. O'Neill, Mrs. Charles Hay-icorapanlcd by Miss Tat McCly- wara, Mrs. j. a. McKlnley. Mrs. mont. MacKenzie's Furniture Baggage For Going Away flrr "u colit to travel? If you are we have the nicgafe for you. .TRUNKS, AEKOFACK5, TWIN SCTS, SUIT CSKS, VANITY Plione "75 CASES Mcltrine FJattaRf Travel Tested 327 TIIUI) AVF.NUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 8UMm!rn Leav; lnce Rupert for Vancouver IS.S. CAT A LA KVKHY TUBS' T.8.S. CAIUJF.NA PKIIlAy, HAY, 1:30 p.m. 0:30 p.m. Hur Vantouvcr, Thuri. a.m. Due Vancoovrr, Monday am. If Convenient, i'lease Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J, SKINNER. Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 568 AT LAST YOU KNOW WHAT COtOR AND MU$IC CAN ftf Ally BRING TO THI SCRIINl . . J1 mviHii tmtttnttf tfiMiiikMk. tr4 .f ntmim. ip4 tmth t, CUM,' Hit tl4 M,(r Ft i ffil i il rrTM 1 mm EXTRA (8ho Thur. and I'rL Only) KINO and Ql U:N AKRIVi: IN CANADA First and C'omplfie I'lcturrs of Their .Majttties at ()uetxrc Flash! - At 7 tl and J :i ADDED t Cartoon Rrfnlc Xttfhj TONH5IIT. IHI 11.4 SU 2 Show Nlchllv 7 0n4I U MEN Your Opportunity to Preview The Fabrics and Styles MH. W. L. GRAHAM fipfcUl Tip Top Iteprnf nttlte Will ne In Our Rtert en FKIDAY and SATUKDAV, June Dtli and 10th He Mill lute on riUplay the actual fabrics for the new eaon that are alresdy makltif hlitory- new colors, weaves, pattern. You will a Wo tee a com' plete shotting of the new tt)le-ldea for Sprint ind Summer In btnliieii suits, t portiwrar and coatt. Don't in It this opportunity to find out what hit in men's clothtt thlt aeaion and to have our per tonal mrxmrments taken for jour new Tip Top clothes. Remember the date. Youll want to bi lucre! TIP TCP TAILORS LTD. P. CKAVirrTO rrinct Rupert, BC Protect Your Home! Good Paint It the only insurance that you ran put on yMir home that will protect il from the weather clement. If your home Is not proterled against dampness and heat, dry rot Is the result, which takes a heavy toll In property each year. Drop In and let tn tell you about ll-M "Fntllsh Pafnl". It carries the manufacturer's written guarantee. 1 For thoc who wNh to mix their own paint and still na,f ' . high iiuallty of It. II HKnIMi" yon .rnnnot buy apythlnf finer o longer lasllujr than 70-30 Paste White. Ui us help ,0" your painting problcmi. GORDON'S HARDWARE MclUtlDi: STRUCT phone 311