IfrinUy. June 8, 1836. Quality Gives Flavour "SAMOA TEA t stable C. F. Oland, who ar- Mrs. H. Oawthorne, andoa win v l in the city, Iron; 8jnlthera'iall lontyht on the Prlnee George , , v ha assumed duty at (tit a trip to Vancouver, cl-rlc of provincial polfa ... . , - , , .v constable I); W. .Taylor Is t te,rular, roecllnis. oMhc Prince , in engatcd in special dutle IlupeflMuilslrial Association hav irmanent hew assign- been suspended for the summer months. A BAMK WHERE SfrfALL ACCbUHTS ARE WELCOME" Modern SINGER Seven years ago we, coulJn't have bought the doorknobs . today the house it ours; it's inull but jt'i paid for-thanks to that Dank of Montreal saving! plan we followed." BANK OF MONTREAL iitAiiiiMip im I'fiiKf Kuprtt llrjiuli: F. A. MarCALLUM, Managrr Sto.au Htanflw H. V. LITTLER, Manager VOIR BANK.. AND HOW YOU MAV-JJSI IT 'W ! '" Sewing Machines Arc as New as Tmnorrmv And Sow Incomparably Hcltcr Than Old Style Machines Save Time and Money the Practical Modern Way - H'rf a Measure to Sew with a Modern Sincr (. ncrouB trade-in allowance for your old tewing ma-1 make a 0 n a 1 Let yon ne (any make). us tjuotat balance in small monthly 111-itihiients. 1 can easily pay the All Makes of Scwinjr Machines Serviced and Overhauled guaranteed Work-inanship Rcnuine Sinpcr Parts Mew Fashions for You.attil VoW Home" Ask for a copy of the newest Singer Booklet, its free. J 1 Is SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling f 06EAR FALLS md POWELL RilEI Steamer lenvesi Prince Rupert crtrj . THUHSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Ttnlns lenVe Prince Rupert for the EC Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc, call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Av. First Grade 3 lbs Swift's Cottage Rolls Lb. .. 25c 73c Sausage Meat 9r 2 lbs AOx Peanut Rutter Off n AUt, 9 lbs Swift's i.ard ffn 2 lbs. I Vying Chicken f!Or 29 c FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Cottage Cheese, Whipping Cream Remember! You Can Get It at Thei Sterling- THE DAILY NKWS rAUK THRFt j LO'CAL NEWS NOTES , I I. TS Leslie J. Martin, genera) sales Tonight's tram, due fronuthe manager for Home Oil Distributors liast at il o'clock, was , reported Ltd.. Is a business visitor to the city, this afternoon to be on time. having arrived from Vancouver on J . the Prince George yesterday morn- f)At. and Mrs. -V F. BUme jsalled ing. yftterday afumoon on the Prince tf$BCge for a trip 10 Stewart. B. W. Riley, Terrace druggist, who -.M jA' ;, i : m ' has been on a trtp to Vancouver. Mbfffottfi Ult an pt6H&A aup t. and elsewhere In the south, arrived vfajr ttf&p. Ifc wmb option f two In the city on the Prince George daw ttoiifmmu by Msfftetrate yesterday morning and proceeded mQtKf&k Jp effcr police court! 1 to th&Intrrtor by the evening train. flL' tt-- 1 Earl Norrte and David Houston Wizner Bryant returned home on were among member? of the 102nd the Prlnee George yesterday from battery who return ri homi- on the the south. He recently made a mo- IrJnce George yr 'U-rday morning tor, trfp through the western states after having been at Esquimau for. with his; parents. Mr and Mrs. a course of training. i George Bryarlt. II. 8 Pirlcpr will n.1 tonight en! Stanley Townsend. wha is In hi the Prince aeone for a trip to Vic-third year in applied science at ton m wn!eJ, ctt, )lP wm,pay a; the University of brltlsh Columbia. ?wt wltn Ms lh,.r wfto ha, has arrived In the city to be Idea- reined the ripe a? of eighty; ted here for the summer as assist vears. ant to Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, rest- dent mining engineer. , l Bev. Dr. and Mr. William D. Lip- Peter Jack and Mary Stewart of Pharud ,r4 New York were . visitors Stewart were passengers aboard the Uie city ysttrday. They arrlv- Prince George yesterday returning w..B. UWI luu. lng the vlslfof King George and ke tne rou"d tr,P 10 AnJw and Queen Elizabeth. . Funeral NpUofts-sL. t The funeral of tne late MrT L Astori J, Sr', will take. place;Satur- day morning at 9 o'clock from w Church -of Ue Annunciation. N"o flowers by request. i Five thousand Prlnc.- Bupert people read the Dally News. . It pays $o let them know what you J have Uvjell Phone Cl r,,one GJ . m Hrookfjeld. HOri :i dozen';. .... iOU 'A' (?rnde targe in "-Cartons , ; Rolled j'otl list. Rolled If st Veal Ofic' Shoulder Veai Jg Pork Stewart and then on to Vancouver. Dr. Llpphard Is editor of. the. Mls- . .Mm. vl t Kennev and dmii?htr an Magazine, InternaUonal pubU- Lorralne. arrived In the city on the fatln of the Baptist Church, Dur-PHnri. nr.. xtrdv mnrnim? lng hU stay here. Dr. Upphard caU- ,from Victoria and proceeded by the on Rev Brandt, pastor of . Jevenlng train to their home at Ter- BapUst Church of this cUy. irace. "Mr. Kenney returned to Ter- v 'race- by way of the Pacific Great! , .Eastern Railway. They were In Vic-: 1 itorla and were -presented' to Their 1 1 r 1 ... 1 . 1. tsi ..MM Chief Petty Officer Instructor A. ' C. Dlrd of the local Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve was the speaker at the regular weekly lluncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro-Jtary Club today. His subject was ' "The Personality of the Lower ' Deck.". President W. L. Coates was jln the chair and. there was a good (attendance of members with a few guests. ; PALE EXPORT Other Famoui Malt Berfragttt nilKTON type ALE SILVER SPUING STOUT WrtniJnUr Ilrewrry Ltd. This adTertlement is not published or dliplsyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of BrltUh Columbia. Phones. 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You receive dishes, silverware and valuable premiums suitable for gifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian Legion AND ft' "top" for mothers, too, because It H sitisfin nourishment, delicious, economical and convenient too! It's a tempting dish, containing all the vital elements of nature' choicest cereal, wnoe wheot. Bur one of the familiar packi(M at your food store today. Serve Shredded Wheat to all the family. 12 bit bitcuits in erery bo Niagara fall Cardena Jor a. trip to Vancouver "1& "v w't During his stay here, Mr. Cooper riP to Vancouver. Rev. W. S. Cooper of Oreenvllle, Rev O. H. Goodreld. Anglican who arrived in the city earlier In Church missionary at Kltkatla he east and sailed afthe- week from the Naas home after,havlng gone to.Vancou- yesterday River, and Mrs Goodrpid are sailing i'm ver to reorcMnt their school dur- wi wj -c vcuikc mjiwiu sau wmorruw ingut uu uiv Is the guest of Rev. Canon w. F.; - . ; Rushbrook at Ahm Cottage, Overlook Street, . 1 Funeral Notice The funeral of the late- Stanley Owen White will take, place tomorrow, Friday, at 1 pjn. from B. C. Undertaker's Chapel. Announcements AU adverttsecients In this col-asm win be charged for a full month at 2& a word. Anglican Tea Mrs. C. V. Evltt's, tJune 8. Alberto Guerrero Piano Recital, June 14, First United Church. Presbyterian Tea Mrs. J. B. Mitchell's June 15. Parent Teachers Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 18. United Tea Mrs. Armour's June f22. , Sons of Norway Mld-Summcr Dance June 23 Oddfellows' Hall. ON.R.A. Excursion July 1. to Terrace Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows'" and Better. Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery 1 mm ing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones SS and 558 Advertising is ar nrt-cstmejjt Do You Know? SUNDAY FULL COURSE CHICKEN DINNER At The Knox Hotel j 50c AI( White Help Phone V.V.V.V.V.VAVAWVW. DAY and NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi PAT 3IAZZIE Opp. Post Office, 4th St, CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladies and Children's . Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST. FURNITURE CO. Low Prices iii New a(ndl Used Furnitifre. Consisting of Beflroom Stiff es Diiieffes, Kitchen Ranges, Chester- m fields?; tarpets, Etc. USEti FURNITURE h 1 Only (odd) Chcsferfield Brown II 1 Solid Leather Couch i Q ft ft velour, in excellent Cf-Cft i At Vja-vw eonditiQib jrr tn 3 Only.Sincle Beds an r .As V. V.V 11 1 Hnlv Ttnhv Tlncro-v (crem wiokpr , -m i r I J I d GzMn tfJ.VU 1 BEDROOM tY4h four.new $10.00 SUITE 1 Solid Walnut Bedroom SuiteCcnsisting of Bed, Spring, QftQ ft ft ChifMjer, Mi wit'h 3 mirroecial. . V"VV .1 1 Bee-Va Vacuum Cleaner In excellent S125n e6ndition hni Buy Your Furniture at the B.C. Furniture On Easy Terms THIRD AVENUE Phone BLACK 321 Voxt Door to B. C. Hi