. - 4inf rpii a . nurrrii inn Con trim to snoot Himsei. f .( body of Jumes Lalng. old age i r iku ji. 5? i: found late yesterday af- .1 . 1 1 aa V 1 T a.. t l t.4 . . & nr. ii. Ua iv.M . - . .. .. . UM... t.A jf wjui about 5 o'clock that the wr; found, It was lying face . ..... wfutrtlf mim la nuti.arf1a r. in Kill- lllVKri U Jft aSiiillK ' ad been fastened to a small i f wood, Deceased had r 'ood up to the end of the . k a 1 J A 1 H tf !! the tritser. r ? l- - 7 I ,r entered the forehead Ooney. Summary American 28.000 oounds, 7.5c Canadian 37.000 rwunds. 6.2c "wl 5r to 6,7c and 5c. . i .. 5c mnei nun Majestic. 28.000, Royal, 7.5c and Canadian 14,000, Atlln, 0.4c and Blue Boy, 9,000', Pacific 6.2c and Hoscsplt, 14,000, fl"c and 5c. Fine Day and Ileturn Hospitality Aboard Ship Speeches Heard ll-MtirVii tt'Vir httrf rail. IIItitrtilf1 llnlv In Tlfnrl ISm f TT mm iiiCic wmm u uuuct dui oiwiin fiiigr niiuwu at I : t.raa ana me riacriy man; rrtnce itupert ciub W . VI . . 1 W m a i i it rim. tiiLi w lui m in ' AiiiAvvviii OWN LIFE ENJOYABLE 0n Mars F,,ght 0,d ' Ar Member. of Board of Trade HavelTwen,Jr;T"0 Y." Members of the Vancouver Board of Trade had ft fine time yesterday renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Something over twenty of them were taken to Seal Cove In one of Paul Armour's boats. The party was met by Colonel J. W. Nicholls, the general manager, and shown around the plant, Incidentally seeing some of the newer methods of processing. The visitors were also keenly Interested in seeing the site of the proposed airport at Beal Cove. v niiiL pip i in r p-if. bftH . mmiiikI . I aiu Kt .a ... i-.. Kir mtmm ... a n H -i ' A Vl 4 III. ' .a a. . ; i l t warn !. iuillicu. ua ifrii r tusinia av In .i. m V - luiifta tJ Ljiuta ui uthctcsfr. rflntr I . .edr was Investlsated brl Jarklln and Constable Mc-An inquiry Is being con-s afternoon by the cor- r;;;: Vdvana Ht.on deerskin coats and ; w th itrraee 'fitnds. . masKS, one wun a lomanawK ana- . . T. JT.? uaHarM d 'J'lthe other with a medicine man's. .1 -Tl ..m2 "".rattle. Before the party broke up. iiS Sot1-, AU arran8fd around the . . . prnt nature. ( wjttid snoot ntmseu u ne r " ' iroe 'I He was not known brnn sick. V"JZl rXilcoum as lar,"'"" Board, who entertained lav v , learned, had no rclatlvrs " .' ... cabins. . untry -.4 He had a nephew lerrace bin rasspq Awav Town This Morning After Lengthy Illness y BeUv Dover, who hid been some tlmi in the Trlncej R'nt."' Oeneral Hospital and re-:entty for her home In Tfr :t pasted wy there this " " r aircordlng to word received lv She was eighteen years f tr and the daughter of MX. and M'- Oe rae Dover of Terrace where funeral will take place. Bf '.des her parents, deceaied mt o mourn her loss three sis- !r" Mrs, James Maxsted and Miss 'sp Dover of Toronto and Miss fTr. :ej Dover of Prince Rupert i nne brother, George Dover at fr. The local sister leaves to- tn"T w evening for Terrace, Tie family Is a pioneer one In CockUll partlc on the boat fol- lowed, the central figure being O. . IrtU Vrawr nCMlft-nt of the Van- -- - Ishly In one of the largest Dinner was served at seven with the ofllcers and members of the ?f their citizens they had seen ai he club where they had been wel-hv Riti'ash braves. Prince (Jit! 1 14 VJ ..4 Kaaii tnlft thftt rested on Larceny Charge .1 BOSTON, June 8: (CP) Still insisting he was headed for Mars, Cheston Esheleman. 22-ycar-old student filer, now returned to dry land after being fished out of the Atlantic Ocean 175 miles from shore Tuesday, has been arrested for larceny. Fasheleman's rented plane sank after he came down on the ocean. CHURCHMEN PROTESTING May Chtllenice Vancouver City Council Order Allowing Cabarets To Be Open Sundays VANCOUVER. June 8: (CP The Vancouver city council has decided m a"iK-.it- rt tfiA rltv fi n ra. Large numbers of the party were . ma,n w 2 0.cJock Sund At five o'clock at the Prince Ru pert Club the local Chamber of Com merce was at home to the visitors. What was their surprise on visiting that place to see an almost life size (..tltCatkt -Vi-M4 1 I f fit t f T1" f tlst TL U 1 v.. about 71 year, of W ZZin, Ide tits a native of Brechin. Scot-. . tt. u u I mornings Instead of closing at midnight Saturday, Churchmen, saying that the new council order violates the Lord's Day Act. may take the matter over the heads of the city council to the Attorney Oeneral for a flat to prosecute the cabarets for staying open after midnight '3 " , . ? i . Part of the Indians w5 taken by.IQ IT II I VT Id MLLtU Ldi Small and Max AsemU-en with IN CRASH R.C.A.F. Plane Comes Down In Eraser Valley With Pilot Using His Life MISSION, June 8: (CP) A new Royal Canadian Air Force Hurricane fighter crashed fourteen miles southeast of here today, Prince Rupert Council of the Cham-1 iiimnj pilot T. G. Fraser of Cal ber of Commerce and many oineri rarrt local buslnesmen as guests. ' Thei Tne piane was one four be-gucU were well distributed around jn. d-nrf red to the Calgary the dining saloon and a sumptuous' ,quaHron after assembly In Van-dinner was served. Everything was C0UVf.r following delivery from delightfully Informal ana, ai me Knjand. close. President James Harvey was presented with a pair of gloves by the visitors. In welcoming the visitors aboard Two other planes landed at Lethbrldge .afely, a third having returned to Vancouver because of unfavorable weather. the ship, Mr. Fraser explained that. mmmm - the trip was purely a good win irip . and he thankrd the Prince Rupert In Prince Rupert they did not lack Chamber of Commerce for Its hos- material advantages. There was ultallty Prince Rupert was the, the natural advantage of a fine blcRCst oort north of Vancouver harbor Just as there was at Vancou-... .,. an nlices were being ver. This was the terminus of a drawn gradually closer together by transcontinental railway Just as tie of goodwill and business rc- was vancuuvci. imw ', " latlons and also by rapid transpor- surrounded by rich Wlcultural tatlon He reminded tnem oi mc janas. mines rwent trio of the minister of de- adequate terminal facilities Just fence who I breakfasted In Victoria, like Vancouver. However, when) flew to Prince Rupert ana Aiuora ciriu nuimi.ru ""f Bay and home In time for dinner were seen entering Vancouver Har- imii in a iiai oi4i ... mc .,, w-.-i 01 me Mum u.. . ..... ocrt was prospering as a rcsuu mearch that was to be seen par- Idle, it was easy to feel a 1 ttle Jeal- ana yuaaiuij .i.-ii.it.u., their dinner hospitality. It was only two years since they had been 'in Prince Rupert before. He wond- thp 'ered whether It was the climate Kupcrv nuu ...... ,,. -itmrteil them or the homelv Vancouver peop werc l"sv '"u,""i' "7 7. , heit behalf of personality of the people. u However, on , itleKEkcd Prince Ru- Th. dinner gathering then dls- carrying the enter- n,ir hnitnlltv persed, some on nted these vlslU. On bchaii oi ww.w h ."T .-- J Prince Rupert Chamber of com merce he welcomed them all as Inft to think i At Stewart the visitors had to be up early to get away to Premier or. Big Missouri In cars which were Bulletins RELATIONS NEAR "BROKEN" TOKYO Relations with Great Britain have been aggravated "almost to breaking point" by increasing number of incidents in China, a Japanese government spokesman asserted today. Newspapers charge Britain - with adopting a stronger attitude against Japan in trje belief that the United Slates will hrk her anil because she fear resistance of General Chiang ' Kai-Shek Is weakening. j SCOTTISH TOURISTS WIN VICTORIA Scottish tourists blanked Victoria All Stars C to nil here last evening. QUEEN MARY ATPEAItS LONDON Queen Mary, making her first public appearance since her rerent injury, today watched the Duke of Gloucester take the salute at a color trooping In official celebration of tiie King. Birthday. SECURITY NOW FACT LONDON Viscoun,t Halifax, Foreign Secretary, told the House of Lords today that the time is past when independence of European nations can be detrnved by'lhe" actions of orientate. Permanent treaties. repUc'ng tern-porary one, with Twt nd.ro land are expected shortly. TODAY'S STOCKS (CXnirtny 8. D. Jotmrton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .16. Bralorne. 11.75. Cariboo Quartz, 220. Denffnla. .03. Falrvlcw, .03 1. Oold Belt. 26. Hcdlcy Macot. .84 dlv. Mlnto. .02 V. Noble Five. .01i. Pacific Nickel. .16. Pend Oreille. 1.40. Pioneer. 2.48. Premier, 1.90. Privateer. 1.30. Reeves McDonald, .24 ask. Reno, .49. . Relief Arlington. .10. Reward. .02. Salmon Oold. .09. Sheeri Creek, 1.16. Hedley Amalgamated, .04 .ask. Oils J A. P. Con, .14. K , Calmont. .35. C. & E.. 2.06. I , Freehold. .03i. Home. 2.40. : Pacalta. .05. "f -Royal Canadian. .21. Okalta. 1.13. J Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac, .33. Beattlc. 1.25. Central Patricia, 2.53. In the evening. ""Z'C .! 1 """U visitor said that Prince u- iiupcn .. umuu.. . t. ... luh, omeucrs, The bereaved win nnvc," . ... ,. u.m .unr ihn mi t uncern nmnathv of manyucum,,jr.. . . . . fnrmerlv 1 , . - nai n il 1 vim.v vsiiiiLaii j ----- Halibut Sales n-Vilrh cr, tnese visus icnuea w aispci now maae inio such - hrown away, were . miii-i He also men- Chamber of Commerce, he greeted rZd the striking picture of one, the visitors and thanked them for ., a 1 i. ai 1 1 m t nnctinann' it n'av East Malartlc,.2.63. Fcrnland, .04H- -Francoeur. Oi. Oods Lake. .34. Hardrock, 1.11. Int. Nickel, .4878. Kerr Addison, 1.84.'. Little Long Lac 3.00., MacLeod Cockshutt, 2.11. .Madsen Red Lake, .41. : McKcnzle Red Lake,1.34. Moneta, 1.17. Noranda, 79.25. v '. . . Pickle Crow. 4.85. Preston E. Dome. 1.59. San Antonio, 1.65. Sherrltt Oordon, 1,03.. Stadacona, ,54. 1 ' Uchl Gold. 1.33. , nouscadillac, .06. Moshcr, .16. . Oklend, .08. Smelters Oold. .04'i. Dominion Bridge, 29.25. - : y ; ; - Their Majesties At White House Air inn trinm in m.n w . . Wife Of Baseball Official Killed Remains of Mrs. Grover Burroughs' Brought From Missoula To Yakima i YAKIMA, Washington, June 8 The body of Mrs. Grover Bur- ' roughs, wife of the president of' thm ViHmj hfjphaI1 "lnh whn' I Weather Forecast j Oeneral Synopsis Pressure 1? KING NOW MINING MAN INSTATESjIS KNIGHTED j Important International Phase of , Royal Tour Begins With Cross ing of Niagara Costly To See sustained fatal injuries in an auto- . , , No DTin r1 Fr Procession in mobile crash near Missoula, Mon- tana, was brought here yesterday Pennsylvania Avenue in for burial. Burroughs and other' Washington , members of the party who wer; in the car at the time are re- WASHINGTON. DC. June 8: covering from their injuries. AGREE UPON : FISH PRICE PORT SIMPSON. June 8. Tom Oosncll. Tire-president of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, announce, that the Brotherhood has acceoted an agreement . 'Uri King George and Queen (Elizabeth answered the beckoning jof the Un!ted Stts last night as I Their Majesties finished an amazing excellence In Western Ontario. The royal train crossed the Niagara Diva. Intn V. a ffnlfl C '- a visit to Niagara Falls provided a . , breather for Their Majesties at the . 44t for Far Qoestior Settled Season a, end Qf twQ Qf gTu Af fi t re.Conctrned' 'days of their tour during which Brotherhood Announces ,. , . . ,. ( i.cjr "cic luccicu ujr iuu( Ullliiuil persons. This afternoon they ar nnoftf TJ -a( fl-ini If.. TAM.b cheers that greeted Their Majes ties in their own Canada. The Am erican enthusiasm for the visiting sovereigns was. indeed, as great as if the United States had stlil been British. The President shook hands with the King warmly, saying: "How are you? I'm glad to see you. The King's tanned face brokt j into a broad smile. He replied: I . "It's indeed a pleasure for Her , Majtsty and myself to be here." j A minute later the Queen and jMts. Roosevelt exchanged similar greetings. There was a glitterin'j military .display as the royal procession moved away from the station followed by these Informal greetings. The sun beat down, causing thf; I Queen to open her parasol. PERRYVILtE, Alaska. June 8: After a small luncheon. Thelt - Mhou?h this village is still Majesties took an hour's sight-menaced by the danger of being recing drive around the city, great overwhelmed by the eruption of crowds continuing to shout theii the nearby volcano on Mount Venl i cheers. amlnoff'. A. D. Johnson, the school, Late in the afternoon there was teacher, and his wife and one; a garden party at the British Em native family remain In their bassy. homes. The coastguard cutter Tonight Tonight there there will will be be a a state Halda is standing by in readiness to take them on board if neces sary. A change in the direction oil the wind would. It Is believed result In the destruction of the dinner at the White House, No Penny Teeps k Anybody wanting to see King George and Queen Elizabeth fron the luxurious divan of a Pennsylvania Avenue cocktail lounge or the dusty window of a dollar flophouse paid $3 to $10 for the privilege and there were plenty of takers. One hotel demanded a three-day I relatively high over Washington booking for $30 because it is on Harry Oakes of Ontario Included In King's Birthday Honors-Duke of Kent Gets Service Ranks LONDON, June 8: (CP) Harry bakes, multimillionaire mining man, who staked the Lakeshore gold mine in Northern Ontario, was created a baronet in the King's Birthday honor list yester-day. Oake3, wh0 since 1334. has been a resident of the Bahamas on account of bronchial ailment, was honored for his public and philanthropic services. He is a member of the legislature of the Bahamas and his benefactions there are frequent and generous. He was one of five new baronets and five barons who were created. ' The list also Included two privy councillors and thirty-four Knights Bachelor. The Duke of Kent was gazetted as a rear admiral, malor eeneral rived in sf Washington and are now . d J?Sn Uri D. Roosevelt at the White House. )Ji ambassador . to Washington, who made ar- " 1 , . rangements for the royal visit to Ith II,. n-.rc nn.tnn hp 1. viii aiiu vuccii ucvu xuue IUUC ill- 111'tv.p h TTn tlnltpH HpH Stat PS morU r t rf ivm rr f mm rriA fin' tw ef tiAt s men prices in District No. 2 for the " l.. aM"""Knlght Grand Cross of the Order 1839 season, the fish price question, ar far as the natives are concerned, being thereby settled. The prices agreed upon are as fol lows: . nuT.Vet Cfushf Skeena and Naas sockeye, 48,c: pinks. 4c: chums. 5'i. Smith's Inlet sockeye. 48 c; pinks. 4c: hi"ns, 5t-c- River's Inlet sockeye.- 434c; pinks, 4c; chums. 5Ve. Seine Caught Skeena and Liwe inlet sockeye, 48c: pinks 5c: chums, 5tC. Southern nart cf district sockeye. 38c; ninks. 5c; chums. 5c. The fishing season for so:keye ppens on June 25. Alaska Village Is Still Menaced Two Families Remain At Perry ville Despite Threat of Erupting Volcano to the White House. Thtre was a characteristic American free and easy, enthusiastic welcome, mar kins- the first arrival of a British King and Queen in nlted -States capital. Crowds which had assembled before dawn roared a welcome, rivalling the of the Bath. Resignation Of ! State with a shower depression (the corner where the Darade $3 and up. miraffv Chief j Is Being Sought LONDON. June 8: (CP) Lord Beaverbrook's newspaper, the Daily Express, yesterday called for the resignation of Earl Stanhope, First Lord, of the Admiralty. In connection with the disaster of the submarine Thetis. the street is grand and gorgeous with the. marble and granite buildups of the famed Federal Triangle but the other is a hodgepodge of rusty, white-washed ruins. Too Short Notice Across the street at a second story billiard and table tennis haven one of three windows was nrirnri "If it's your family, said the proprietor kindly, "I'll make it $3 a head If youH take a whole window. You can easy get seven some of 'em kids around that window." That levels us. We haven't seven and can't get them by June 8. His prices for the King ar higher than for inaugurals, f If you don't see one President you can see another," he says, "but a King If you don't see this ons you may never see anqther." At an aged hotel on Pennsyl vania Avenue the price was $10 a window in a two-window room that usually rents for $1 a night. A vacant building next door was rented to a concessionaire who sold seats on a wooden bench at off the British Columbia coast.5WUng o(. the avenue toward thel Nearest to broken hearted was The weather continues slightly un-.wwte House SQ the customers got a liquor Store dealer on Sixth and rcttled In the province ana ugni a aoubie-Jolnted view. Pennslyvania. Forlornly he pointed scattered showers are reported. KinffS cnme hl7h and seiao3. to the banks of trees which West Coast of Vancouver Island. ,n United States capital, and screened his windows like a Brl- TL.nh Fresh southeast cMitttAfict v'i winds, rs H c rOmirir! cloudy! . .... ..it s . with mist and some light rain. Street Car Jumps Track; Four Have Narrow Escape VANCOUVER, June 8: (CP) Two passengers and the two-man crew !of a street car were uninjured when a car Jumped the rails at a turn early today ploughing into the grounds of an all-night lunch stand. A light " standard, power pole and hydrant were wrecked. In places tne price oi a Derm aiiusn -os- ';9. a window was higher than at an . "Fifty dollars I could make In lnaustural. Room prices were mostly two hours TT the two or three times the normal Tate, but 2,000 percent up In others. Two weeks before the arrival of the King and Queen the high hat hotels had sold every window opening below the sixth floor. From the sixth to the 13th floor It is like looking at anybody In the street down a well. . Thirteen floors Is tops by law In ; Once district Kins comes In February, March, April, May, when It's no leaves, tiut no. The King dont come 'til June and I can't see nothing but leaves, leaves, Jeepers." Elaborate precautions have been taken with the use' both of militia and police to guard the British monarchs during their visit to the United States. Thirteen thousand police officers, the greatest mobi lization of police for any occasion one leaves truy big hotel in the history of the country, will be Pennsylvania Avenue Is gathered together In ItVw York dur- fotind to be full of history, hock lng the visit thsre of Their Majes shops and beer dens. One side of ties. H 4 Tomorrow's Tides Weather'Forecast Hih . m. 16.1ft Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate easterly winds, partly cloudy at night, warm, possibly a shower. .NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i! XXVIII No 183. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939. PBICE: CENTS I. I i I 11 I fc7