t i f AOB TWO Stock Ends Sale Final Clearance 64 Pairs Women's broken lines, all high grade shoes. Mostly small sizes. This Is a real give away. Final cleanse price - 85c 36 Pairs Women's Pumps, Straps and Oxfords While they last. Final clearance 1,95 Rubbers of All Kinds at Reduced Prices OOOOOOOOOOOOOOtiO Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - ilRITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid in advance, per week 12 Paid In advance, per month .50. By. pial) to ai parts of British Columbia, the British, Empire and Unte0 Staleis, yearly period, paid in advance 3.0Q By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 ' News Department Telephone 80 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION CO-ORDINATED PUBLICITY specific direction as to how to. get to the places or what Bef ""J118 ke- I oid Boys 1. c. Astberg; tite daily news flaurd3 F WEATHER BURNS LAKE TOO COLD SKI EVENTS SMITH ERS. Feb. 18. -The Smith -ers, Ski Club was not very fprtunte, wJUi the weather for their annual tournament last Thursday and Friday. The temperature dropped Annual Tournament of Qmlneei "sy'q U&W Many vuito A,td 'as Complete Success BURNS LAKE, Feb. 18: (CP) run off. On Friday, the date set for interior, the annual tournament the Jumping contests, the weather of the Omlneca Ski Club at the was a Utile, milder but It had start- first of this week was successful sented. CIass A cjosg country run, ine winnera oi uie various TOn-lkUometrcsj j ju. 2, tests were: Nysven; 3, K. Engstad. Boys Cross Country Race. Class class B Count ru C, 4 mlles-1. Jorgen Dahlie. Smith- juiomeUe--!. F Trousdell; 2, i: I e snowing and Uie falling snow in- in every way financially and lerfercd'wlth the Jumpers consider- otherwise. People ca,me In all dlr-ably as l was not ppsslble to. make cations, by car and train, for the long jumps, at a, terrific speeil with event. There WAS a full program Know shutting off the vision. As a of kftnly contested soling ccns 1 consenience the big was no the Jumps bcJnjj the big drawinj used at all, the intermediate hill card. Nor was the social side pfi ers- IColllson; 3, Melvln Berg. Men's Cross Country Race, Class CIas5 A combined and B, 9 mlles-1. Graham Colllson,jumplng., Chrls Dahlie. Smlthers; 2. Tom Collison, Smith-, class B. Combined Racing and ers;. 3. Len Radley. Burns Lake. jumplng-l, 6. Collison; 2, M. Men's Cross Country Race, Class .Berg A. '9 mlles-i. K. Engstad. Burns class A. Jumping-1. Chris Dah-Lake; 2. p. Llndqulst, Smlthers. 'ne; 2. Walter Smith. Ladies' Cross Country Race, 4, B jurnping-l. a. Ocrow, mires j. reggy saunaers,. uurns .2 n M. Haddock. Novice 1, C. othei- attractions r v may be found there. This is left to the . tS; "h ' A-n- 3',J- Rush- r; ' J. 1-Chris Dahlie, Smlthers. I : ,L m i.t Mens S alom Class A Thru provincial govei-nments, the railways or the various munir , Ladies' slalom and Down mil Dahlie; 2,J!oerw cipai anu oiner- tourist organ?zavons. Races 1. Martha phiie. Smlthers.: Men's Slalom 1, O. colllon; Prince Rupert is about to entracre in an extended pub- Boys siaiom and Down hhi. ciasstE. ostberg. licity campaign to look after tOUnstS When they arrive C--PhP Jpnes. Smlthers; 2. Jim Boys' Sallom-l, O. Rush; 2, J. and alsp to. try to secure for the city more stop-over visi- 3hebrJ tors yho may like to take advantage of the hunting or Boys' siaiom and usning ana, ir possiDie, 10 oreK into me sainipn iisning a a a,ttr3ctip,n to sportsmen. Many people, if they knew that in a few hours they could go but with their rod and line and pull in a few salmon, cohoes or snrinirs. and take them home as tronhies al ad mceiy pa,ciiea in ice, wouia travel niany mnes to lane cpuntry Race and Jumping-c. i. ' J it -..2. i Cl il i. i i ? t V n.uii. r isil. vaniam ui nv pppuriuniw. pome ox vne urpui iisninjj omie J a. i iv . 11 t Men'? VfpnV r'l'ico Class P w ana siveamsj oi tne aisinct wouia aiso prove a great attraction it people knew where they were and how to get thre. Usually visitors are quite ready to pay for guides ard transportation if only they can get what they want. As fish peco.me less plentiful it is probable that many fishermen might be glad to charter heir boats to take put tourists instead of continuing their commercial fishing. More nd more there will be a demand for sport listing as this part of the country becomes known. KflW that the two governments are doincr their nart B 1. J. Dahlie. Smithers: 2. H. Dah lie. Smithers; 3. H. Wlndt, Smithers. Mens Slalom and Down Hill. Class A 1. Chris Dahlie, Smlthers; 2. K. Engstadi Burns Lake. Men's Class A Cpmbined Cross B Combined Cross Country Race and Jumping Graham Collison, Smlthers. Arrangements For Hockey Finals Being Advanced in publicizing the whole of Canada in one case and British' Edmonton, Feb. 18: (CP) Columbia in the other, it is up to Prince Rupert to see tnat The President of the Canadian this district gets its share Of the visitors. Amateur Hockey Association, Prof- ' W. O. Hardy, announces that, if eastern semi-finals for the MCii'mi itne t vt titxti'' iM.sMtt-UAr aiAJClISO 'Allan Cup, emblematic of pomln- France has just decided to increase her mercantile lon amateur senior hockey cham- maVinG to the extent nf 100.000 tons. This is n vpi-v na. pionshlp, are won In Ontario or fill rrpcttlVP Vint flnnVitloco tVio mordant oVimc iim'H V. V.i,;H Qbfp' th? final will take place .i. "" ' VuTVi! 1 -"r "M " In the East. Otherwise the final in such a manner that they may easily bp converted tor win be m the west, should the war service should occasion require. At any rate it indi-( Mian cup final be played in the cates tht Fr?ncG has plenty of life left in her. ' ,East. the Memorial cup final, ror '. ; I Junior championship, will be In ANOTHER WAR POSSIBILITY Some despatches from Europe hirit at the probability ftf yar between' Japan a,nd Russia which might also, nean thqt (Sermany would at the same time atack Russia on t le west. Italy might also be drawn into, this fight and then vhat tyould be the attitude of Great Britain and frr'ance? They might or might not become" parties to the fight. Should China then decide to make a big push against Japan, and Britain and France tell Japqn tp get out pf Hainan, it mifrht be a free fp.r all scrap in which wk thf YPr-l(l would he involved. it's interesting to know when readfng the Daily New that the people of the whole district are doingthe uamel ,the West or vlte versa. The finals will take place In April. A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edson, nulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Welllngtori coal. PRINCE RUPERT PEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 Colllsnn Saturday, February 18, '1939. Lake. ! class A Cross country- .. -.- T-r. Boys-Jumping Contest. Class D-.i, Margaret Saunders; 2. Martha 1. Jim uicKenDomam, amuners; Dahlie. .2. Christian Kasa, Smithers; 3.1 nin ii tnrti.- fm.. .. t . T,he issuing Of a, tourist publication by the federal L1.'d Ha?n' Smlthers. i, A. Bourgon; 2. Margaret Van, government recently indicates the care needed to prevent . nSpInSst' Iass i- , MnnlfmKnn nf Ui.n,Ur inlc TWa ,hl.Winn '-'nnQrla h. ?' P?ne. SmUhers Ladies' Novice-1, Mrs. O. Hod- .MVfivrMMV". j'H"" itwhw j. ,,UUi.vuv.um Mens jumping contest, Class u don- 2 Calls You'1 consists Chiefly of pictures taen in various 1. Frank Smith, Burns Lake; 2. Men's pariS Ol ine cpuniry in every prQVmce P.Ul Vlin Illie OP no uranam wouison, simmers; 3. m.io. Clark; 3, C. L. Gibson Hlckey; 2. 2, O 2, Small Boys' Slalom 133etter- Down Hill Class 'strora; 2, J. Warner. Racing Boys, under 141, D. Horning; 2, C. Paulson; 3, P. Paulson. Boys, under 10J, K. 'smith; 2, J. Zeilkie. Boys, under 121, A. Roumieu, 2, Q. Ger'pw; 3, W. Mclntyre'. Boys, under 171,' J. Dahlie; 2 A. Dahlie; 3, O. Rush. Girls, under 141, Jpan Carroll: 2, B. Roumieu. Girls, under 161, A. Setter- strom; 2, M. Roumieu; 3, M. Car roll I Tots 1, KIrky Gowans; 2, Betty lladden; 3, . Ann Lpper. "i i.i,. b i r I unuer iu i, jen wive; j2, M. Gowans; 3, L. Kerr. , I Jumping Boys, 14 to 171, Gordon Rush; 2, J. Dahlqulst. Boys, 12 to 141, 8. Setter-! strom; 2, A. Dahlie. ! Boys, 10 to 12 J. Warner; 2, T., Smith. Grand Ball At a grand ball in the School IJall on Monday night Andy Ruddy was crowned King of the Carnival' by Miss Margaret Van Tyne, the Queen pf 1938. Music for dancing was by the Sprenader's Orchestra consisting of Miss Hemstreet, M. , Berg, W. Ashcroft, I, Pennlngtoi(! and Mrs. W. Jeffrey. The affair! ,was one of great enjoyment. On Saturday night preceding thej tournament there was a snow; frolic wh.lph aUq proved a highly i enjoyable affair. Twelve prizes! were presented, the winners of th-prlnplpal, ones being Mrs. E. 8. Lee1 pf Vanderhoof, David Roumieu (and S. Marsh. The success of the tournament was due to the untiring efforts of J WMfb UtUVV II) yiCOJUCllb Ul lilC Will" lneca Ski Club, and his committee consisting of Miss &. Manspnj secretary; Edwin Ostberg, treasurer; J. Berg, Miss A. Bourgon, Miss ft. Campbell, W. McKenna and F. .Trousdell. tttttt ttt Metlakatla Hoop Team A urlm rnlvri vRstprrin v nf considerably Just before Thursday with weather for the most of the tcrnoon b Bl gne announc- and was well below zero when the time auspicious and many visitors -jj ed tnat lne basketball cross country ana siaiom, races were m town irom vanou paris, v uie . . . N Mctlakatla A I- aska, would arrive In. Prince t PVJf far 0 "fl" of Barnes next Thursday and Friday. t "The gamen to it played In the t Armory will be the first of a number of Intcrtown hoop en- gageruents coming up here. The to?al team leaves late this afternoon for Port Simpson ucms . Miv v-i .. v. ................. . . " i j. tonlcht B Jumpers. neglected. The crowning of Andy k i cprts uanne. tne amuners jump- miaajr us runs pi me wirnivai Ing ape, had planned to make sev- was one of the outstanding Inclfl- eral exhibition Jumps in an effort ents. (to break his own record on the big with sunny, pleasant conditions' nAlTHniPI K( iN SP I M hill Of 200 feet but this Was alSO ,1ri.wnllino th Wfnlhpr Mnn m M VllLll ISuU called pff pt pepount of the siiow. veryf; fnyorably disposed for the, I The big dance was held in the frst- tw0 days of the tournament 'tpwn hall on Friday night and wai .although ift snow which feU al IS ENDED well attended and thoroughly en-.mo continually or Monday had! SM ITU ERS, Feb. 18 The curling joyed. During the evening Miss tendered it difficult to carry out bonsplel which has been In pro-Martha Dahlie was crowned as jpme of. the events and preventer W ncfc since Sunday morning Carnival Queen and the prizes won tieople who would otherwlv almost without intermission was during the two-day tournament by nave been there from attending, finished Tuesday evening when the 'the various contestants were pre-, Ttl nri7i..winnP re Frank Johnson rink noted out Dr ,5 Bam ford's men In the last end to K. 15 O 1 statl by making the first end count foj five point and added another pojn,t in the next end but the Jfthaton rink then got down to bus-uwss and pulled up steadily to. over come the handicap and win out at Uie finish. The name wai hotly contested) throughout and both rinks did some excellent shooting on the fairly fast ice. A large crowd of enthusiasts filled th rink to, see the, iinals and enjoyed watching the game. On, he opposite rink of Ice Art Slmftn 'went to town" and clean- tf'm ft au on the "v rink skipped by .Mi . -M. 3 Vu!"tt!b i conttE. the game being played, con- current I v with the hleld contest Aftr the two contests were fin ished the curlers adjourned to the Canadian Legiqn, Hall where the prises w D,Knte$. Eafh rink cf the seventeen rinks participating n the bpiVl Printed with a orlse and the balance pf the ev-j enliiK was spent with song and story I until a late hjuf. President Percy Davidson and J Q Stephen were responsible fct the excellent numncr In which the tournament wa conducted and for the very generous distribution of prles. Hiyy Ljttlc ws tri to.wn on hl annual pUgrtroage In quest of the shield and he Is already planning his triit for nexL vear honlne that! I he will have better luck. I Thp was mote ejthuiian inj the nmc thii, year than has been I , shown for gome years and, the rcgu-1 lir tnurnament whlrh .it lnlr I rupted tor the bmuplel wll be con-UOVed vuth yior. W1NNIPEO. Feb. 18 :CP-Wln win the coveted shield and four nlpg whjt turof were steady tropnies that go with it aaq uncJiaucftd, yesterday. May Tne uamiord rink got a good closing at 03e. !JtCmne6 in a Fine, ripe tobacco, mellowed lo imoling petfection, cut cilia fine o snuggle neolly down on the paper, lo roll smoolbtf. letter cigarettes every lime that's Old Virginiol And tne handy rubber-lined, seal-light pouch is a great convenience, a "podet humidor" that keeps, your Old Virginia Fine Cut flavourful and just right for economical rolling. OLD VIRGINIA Fine Cut IUUTISH PflLUAUUA DEPARTMENT of .JNES The estimated value of mine production for the year 1938 is $64550,000X50. Development during the past year has been gooa. tfrtd a greater Interest has been shown by outside capital than ror some years. The immediate future of the mlnlne Industry Is bright, and the revival of Interest In prospecting aijguw well lor cpntlnued progress for the Industry;. For copies of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines and other publications dealing with the Mining Industry of the Province, apply to: DEPARTMENT OF MINES, Victoria, by c. H3 A d.lltU.I d tppsUtlKj U. CoUuik 85 26 OUNCE B0TUE Of u.m ' ' Bord u' by l' 4 Bntoh L- 1 hi , mm FOK SAU FOR SALE G-h: cavaUo 3td Ave or Phone Red 78? FOR SALE Bltm V. Umiow Chair A, aap'a. Wallace K, c FOR 8AI.B- OiiJ SAFE For Bale C ! Newt. FOR SALE- 10 ml , rirdi. SM 21 : i ()rcn 319 WORK VNTEJ) WORK WANTED lenced hou'fc r 3 years. WInt Afly Bx 5. t . ! H1 V:vrK0 WANTED Young v keeper to bu. March 1 at Pi I . all parUctiUr : O. Box 3M. Of i PIRL Wgnted to: Ply Mta II O ' Ave. E iBE READY FOR E:vA?!n:A1 We have helped ! ; tain positions a.s V PmUl Clerks. C a i ers. clerks and i etc. Free booklet f I M C. C. 8chool t OJdcst In Canada YOU can run a Hr-r ! ten with our IV x ' Kindergarten Ins peg. Manitoba LOST LOST-Palr of fur 1 I- nU.... .J a ... I please Phone Bur c llnpnlnr tt u NumDCi I Service ami nrnendiomu Phone 13 Taxi ! TAT MA7.ZIK I Odd. Post Office. Kb St CENTRAL HOTEL rrnmm and CAYt fbone 51 For Uest Houm Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Bqwling Alley For Health and a Slim Line Bowl For Reservations I'lne Try a Dally news ca V, (it