s a o, o o o o o 8 8 o 8 !5 S 9 Sa,tiUjd4J, fttrfcftgr 18, 1939. DEFENDER Hot Water Bottles let. Prlr $1.25. KprtUI 75c MAJOR Hot Water Bottles Itrt. l-ilre 11.50, Special $1.00 Ormes Ltd. The Itexatl Store Phone: II & Z Open Daily from It a.m. till IS p.m. .Sunday and Holiday from 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 000 vs.JM ELIO'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE si.'-rn:ci: in.irrrn sum; Eastern Canadian Hardwood is used In this charming set. they feature natural or Ivory enamel finish, trimmed with black- Set consists of table with disappearing leaf and set, of Q'JQ QQ 1 v,v four chairs with upholstered slip seats 4 only Special? Trade-In Allowance For Your Old Furniture HVNC.AI.OlV UKI) DoiVt miss this attractive spfdal, tyo In contlnuoiu posts complete with a strong cable spring and mattress. QQ P! u mi svlmm j stisu j a i: i bi nxu 1 i t 'Btb.: a tmt a REDUCED WINTER FARES to VANCOUVER CulliiiK at t)ceai Falls nd Powell Itlvc 536.00 "ct"r" Meals and Berth Included Leaving I'riurc Rupert THURSDAYS Southbound Rate Effective Nov. 1st Until Feb. 28. Return Limit, March 31. V-2-33 Canadian National Steamships Mm. 0. V. IlanJey and son. who, have been In Vancouver where fl Hanley, another son o( Mrs. Kap-lW's dld recently, came' north' on, the Prince Adflalde yesterday afternoon, being landed at Holland Rock !lht. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson and child, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, having taken their car with them, returned to the city on the. Princess Adelaide yesterday Magnus Stolpe, wfto arrived on lh Rflnfie George Thursday night from Stewart, leaves on this evening's train for New York whejre he will embark March 3 on trip tyurmandle for a visit to bis home in Ilclsiknl. Finland. Hotel Arrival g,lr and F. Royal O. A. Harma; Prince Oeorte: 2D L, O. Rice and Dr. F. T. Rlch- ojardon. Vancouver. Oj Prince Rupert A. C. Nlsbet, T. paye, A. L. Tay- L. Rolston, Vancouver. Central 1 4. C. Hwbarg. W. C. Jensen. TA Schroeder. H Opsahl. Soren Jen sen. P. Davis and U Larsen, city; ooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooopoooooooooooooa Charlie Anderson. Djgby. BARGAINS in USED RADIOS Every et fully re-concIlUonrd In our modern lladio Service Department. Guar anteed good working order. i.mv pricls - f.i:N inf. values Mantel Models ICC. A. Victor 520.00 General Electric S22-50 Knight Short' and long wave JW5.O0 Knight Shoit and long wave with automatic tuning $S-0 It.C.A. Virtor-lWg gtftd SAL. $55.0 Console Models U.CV Victor 'Model R12' General Electric 9-tube It.CA. Virlor-1938 model S As L S30.00 S We Have Many Other lh Set at Various Prices from $13.50 u,p Alva We Can Supply fed lUttery Set In lint Claw Condition U U Know Your Requirements. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED At Minimum Cot See Vs for Highest quality Radio Repairs All Makes Serviced and Iteronditloned. Genuine It.C.A. Tart Complete Stock Tube and Batteries Knp? L D. Hamlin. Vlrtoria. First Aid To Cold Sufferers These Pictures Tell You What to Do for Amazingly Fast Relief 1. Ti w pala vA flt-tsnlart ini trtuci terer E 2. If tarsal It nw Irtn cold, crnUi end Ciaotu I -Aspiris" Tablets laYi tun of wittr . . . (srtte. ;4 2S till Uki 2 2 -Aspiris" "Aspiris" -z. TibltB - drink J))- " ) Repeat Is 7 Iwirt. r MA Just Be Sure You Get "Aspirin" Tablets. You Will Feel Better in a Hurry The simple way pictured above often brings amaiingly fast relief from discomfort and sore throat accompanying colds. Try it Then $r your doctor. He probably will tell you to continue with "Aspirin" because it acts so fast to relieve discomforts of a cold. And to reduce fever. This simple way, backed by scientific authority, has largely supplanted the use of strong medicines m easing cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiest, most effective way yet discovered. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" lUDCMUK lit. ill NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AYVA.Y FltOM llat.es Jl.OO up 5ft Rpcms. Hot ti ppjd Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone. 281 P.p Box 196 f DRESSMAKING Tailoring ami Kf modelling 5, K1MI UYEDE I" Phone Blue 91l 203 3r .ve. 35 Taxi Offers You a 1939 Heated 7-Passenger Car a Your Servce Phone 35 TAXI THB DAILY NEWS. PAGE TIIREt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash (or Old gold. Bulgers, tl Dr L Q. Itice and Dr P T House Completed At Dodge Cove Owners Move In jFrance To Build Many New Ships f If rrl a . Tolmle,, Vancouver dentists, a,r- ",,c ""fl '"". rived in tne city on the Cardenai "" rif pw last evenlns from the south and! . of will sail tpmojrpw night pji tbi paris. FVh i Th Prh' vakau iui (government annnuiuA that it ( . . ... , jabout to enter upon a, campaign for The fire department had a call the construction of inn nnA. i .-i..i. i . . t ' -r'.rs , . ruui u a.mereantUf shipping, tfork on this jn'T -v-7T- ... "iif u commence at once. uie rtHicnvv iu ii. u. noagson in he Qlbspn pjopk on Sfcond enue. no damage was done. Av- II A It GO I.I) Jack RuUer. local rallwav en-. LONDON, Feb. 18: CP The Slneer, tfftlta, 0 an alleged mur-SM!,n'1 PrJ of bar igeld on the dermis attack in a local roomlns London market was up 2c at $34.95 house Wednesday, is still a patient IP OUBtt yesterday. !n Prince Rupert General Hospital and will have to remain there for, E. . . T Keev fop wecK or so. ills eyes are bound Skeena.. x - hu pptlirn a i. -Lrj;- U Trrace yeaterdav by way of whether or not his vision is im paired. freight ffllptfpz a. Q Stevr-arti was eaught by the snpwslidej cast Df Kwinltsa and returned with, (the "ay freight this morning. Hf l will go out on the regular train j tonight, proceeding through tg Smlthers. Mari in the Moon The new home for the Ennrk- Wars and rumors of wars seem to son family at Dodge Cove is com- P'lde tfce l amusement of the pleted and the family is moving aa-in todav. This mornintF a la oile of narceU that had accum,i. There's ptenty of humor In the ited at the News office was takpn world if you only are fitted to see over and Norman Watt shipped u and tt plenty pf sorrow tod, across the stove and heavier fur- " 'ou loo,t im w aiture. The donation of $C8 announced J W he can enjoy anything yesterday was from the employees exceP lhe the' "PatcUmes serve. i A the Tuck"6 Inlet Packing Co. s n,m r?uruv plant. In addition there was a donation of, 52 from a friend. A parcel from E. Baker was sent in this morning. Should there be 1 further donations 1thln the next, Cfw days they will be acknowledge ; jbut it is the desire to close this campaign u as soon as possible. Chairs have been contributed by Wri J. B, Gibson and a table by H S Meadows Donations have also been made by John Sarvig. John Stitrseth and Mrs. II. John- sen. Office Supplies Typewriters and. Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 Announcements All advertisements In this col-omn win be charged for a full month at 25c a word! Cambrai Valentine Tea Mrs. S C Thomson's. February 18. Eagles' Bridge February 22. Nprdkap Bridge aryl Dance, Feb ruary 24. March gans. 1st Tea, Mrs. Bert Mor- Leglon Women'? Auxiliary Bride ' f March 2. . Scout Concert March 3. Rod and Gun March 13. r Presbyterian March, 17. St. Patrick's 'Hall March 17. Annual Meeting Shamrock Tea Supper, CathoVe Prince Rupert Operatic Society presents "The Mikado" April 12, 13 20. Capitol Theatre. Anglican Spring Sale Anrll 13. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April St. Peter's Sale May 4. CHURCH NOTICES ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Chqlr Leader, A. J. Lancaster Organist, Peter Lien 8 a.m. Holy Communion 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.nt- Morning Prayer and Sermon 7:3Q p.m. Service of Praise Musical Program 'To. Thee, Q Lord, Do 1 Lift Up My Soul" Rachrnanlnof f "To Thee, We Call" .. Tchaikovsky "Hear, Lord Our God Have Mercy Tchaikovsky "Bls the Lord, Q My Soul" Ippolitoff-Ivanoff "IJoly, Blessed Trinity" Tchaikovsky FREE BIBLE LECTURE At Mctropolc Hall, Tomorrow, Sunday, Fcp. 11), 7:30 pan. Electrical Transcription Lecture by Judge Rutherford Sbtet '-'FACE THE FACTS" This lecture was broadcast from Royal, Albert Hall, Londpn, England, to vast audiences In ali the large cities of America and Australia on Sept. U, 1938. i. i 1938 adds another chapter ol eLTemenV'to the story ol the Sun Life o Canada . . . a long' and outstanding record of progress in the-sxrvice of Iii Assurance. . " Vith pye Pne Klilu'on, policy. biWw ccprqting as partners, the. Sun Life of Cmada a grf q mtemaUongl mstitution ensures economic welfare lor ben.wbtn?n pnd children in mayfpvintqei; -SJ ?,.rj Mil . S IJ.400.004 SUc Ori.tii.tU t 10S.707J4V Ai.ti Dld.btr Hi HIS S7S.tl4.I72 UfcUJtU m.Wit c.pll.l tl,000,POOl S47.77i.044 S.rpl.t m4 C.lt.ft.cy I'itr.'.'. "2l.1tS.2M Htw Auari.c.t rfiri.q If 3S ltl.114.flt TW -teXS2if 2.105.3801 Ti. orgoaiiation ol lk. Sun Lif. of Canada .neircl.t ti. 5sV.. IU rpef otatiT.i ar. train. d and z.rifc.d odTisor rtaJj to ait ' t6ui I oad'gvidonc.. without eLation, 6a alTtraadatd plan, of Li. AMuranc. ' ' Branch Office at Vancouver, B.C. A. L. Wright, C..L-U- Story Hour Is Much Enjoyed Mana;er Tfcj AwraI ttjott 31 V; mtSti to til polkiBotifrrt, tt u iMiut a ftipr upon rruutl! ' '- piRgrp poLiCY ISSUED 187 I SUN Mrs. Bernard Luodhl In Ctaarg: O Esc lien t Program LIFE' ASSHRANGB fQMPANV OF CANADA HtLAn CEFiCE MONTREAL the children with her Tale of the Runaway Elevator" and, "Sally and the Princess, while Mrs. J. A. Barry, always a popular story teller, entertained most pleasingly with an Instalment of the serial "A Box Car Adventure." Mis. Robert Cameron Is conven or for next weeks' program which Is fcr children from the aees of The "Chpdren-s Story Hour.- four years. She will be was neia uns morning m tne tAH tm xft isaM LirCrim. Boston HaU, about forty children fon and Miss K. Cameron. Deing present. Tne program was In the hands of Mrs. Bernard uunaani. wno mho vwo siones ... anH rs N c nrP1rPr and The King with the Terrible Ten- , "' " . ... per and Bertram and the Kan-v ' garo," both of which proved most trip to Vancouver and Victoria, re- amusing. ' turned to. the city on the Princess Mrs.. Hugh Morrison delighted Adelaide yesterday afternoon. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER TO! FEWC? 36,00 KETl!ItN- FROM PORT SIMPSON QQQ HCZ RETURN. Berths OQV.lO included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also 4pply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 and February 28th, J0.39 jnciusive-GuHl to Return up to .March 31, 1939. Children Half Fare Steamers; Leave 'Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., rhone 5G8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office Keep the Furnace Roaring and Keep the Pot Boiling with Bulkley Valley Coal