.2W BARRETT PT. I 13 Tomorrow sT ides XXVIH No. 41. c. 1:34 a.m. 19.0 ft 13:29 p.m. 20 3 ft. 7:37 ajn. 6.2 ft. 19:55 pm. 3.6 It. DO MUCH TALK OUT OF HOUSE Iinln Defend Free And u DLocimlon In Parliament (-Condemn! New U. S. I'att. rrTAWA, Feb. 18: (CD- ir J Manion. Leader of c '.'At tnornlna vtsltrd the 'lie Barrett Point fortlfl-' w tk at the entrance of Hupn t Harbor and consum-- '.rmpovary frame structures ft" ' ompressor house and the a tool shed adjoining. Four r ors sustained more or less ' the exact extent of which ' been determined up to : ti.'lrrnoon. 8ome small tools to burned. Ift was at work at the time engineer viiKincer was was In in the me tool ww Export Quotas Of Wheat Best Price Binder LONDON. Feb, 18; CP- world wheat committee. The ant wheat growing countries, yes the . .... .J TJ ln me nature oi a general panic ,,C uppuaiuoii, uicw bji- rjce m all sides of the House when he voted protest jtside criticism of the which the business of ' was conducted. He wns : d Or Manlon said, of tions that the Housi . lv. much and art ' - Most of the paUents marched out JEWELS ARE TAKEN OVER and proper. Referring lCP Worries of French author-m,n mnirut maitr HIM as to how they were eolne a.uada ' The sugje- millions T)r Manton. Hon. W ' i.tter of trade and 4 that Canada's United States last b"fn the greatest for inre 1M0. If the Unl- SHOULD BE DISCONTENT Wen Think Britain Too Com plarenl About Unemployment LONDON. Feb. 18: Hon. Anthony Eden. CP Rt former For -r'anndlan treaty should elgn Secretary, spooking of un- he Imnertal orefer- employment, advocated the open Armament Workers FIRE IN ASYLUM SUff and Patients In Quebec In-!tltution Were Prepared repre- nttrnrn rii i- trxti itatt entlng ten of the world's Import- on ,,' J' K tlsed for lust such an emergency iieraay expressed lavor lor a syi- v. .,,- , . . w- , Hon.,10' "Pr.,UOl?, rar here Thursday. There wa, little safely with the exception of one 'elderly man who was dead when Ilimix.18 He denied that French Court Confiscate .Millions officers to handle them wr trvinir to Of Dollar! of Gems Smurtled Nght against removal. I. ,:Miie of Parliament In by SpanlUi Ilefutccs d that fair and full - - ; public buslnew was' PERPIONAN. France. Feb. 18: In Alberta Civil Servants Will Take Tokens Pay EDMONTON. Feb. 13: CP At nuu ij. r b, 10. Norlh Pole m 1937. a radio op- acUon of agricultural interests of (nr ,n h,Mlr Vnrihom I the three prairie provinces ap- haj placed under arrest If to be not enUrely in accord pears he to n,. may De subJect a with the OtUwa proposal, as an- dfatn inounced by the minister of agrt- Not onlv , th. 00.ratnr .hareed culture. Hon. James O. Oardlner. hoIdln messages In con- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1939. berta civil servants have agreed to Railway traffic, Interrupted yes-take one-quarter of their pay hence terday afternoon by snowslldes forth ln treasury certificates lnet ministers will do likewise. HAVEN FOR iVl11 REFUGEES n -i r ' ti -m TRAFFIC CD Railway Line Expected to be Clears ed of Slides by This Afternoon Cab- about five miles east of Kwtnitta. Is expected to be resumed late this afternoon. The train for the east which was to have left at 6 o'clock last evening. Is now set to depart at 6 o'clock this evening. As tar a5 Is known, the train ;ror: the ... ... .1 . j . . . i. The Institution Is operated by T. D. Pattullo yesterday with tte afUrnoon whUe digging Into a slide , ricuco franco auhih th uus dt is is the Order of Orey Nuns who did iMUet that the ecvernment Der- of snow and debris. Soon after aunougn tvnhTis .nrlr In th rmnvi1 nf ths .c ik. .i..tnM ' Mttwi M rkar i o nnt Vi or tnnu- ftiftt drive Madrid, prlncally . urgent on patlenU. fUaers to British Columbia. The west of the derailment whl hid One hundred fireman fought the Premier declined to make a state- to be dug out before the wrecking discustton of thU to finance the keeping of many or many hours which Is be- ment on n in Parliament wrs thousands of 8panlsh refugee who ,levwJ to have been started by a meeting. - h9 rwkMi intn iho rnntrv hp- wromanlac. ' ...... ik. fnrm ih vnniiHnir inmirprnt nr. Dominion minion Immigration immigration sheds sheds . hiiiMi ih itni. mif were at least temDorarily dls- may n , r j . be used for temporary how- OOVlCt KtldlO i...d Canada, whkh PHed yesterday when a French ln or some or me patients wno - '..mussed, as a "bad court ordered the confiscation o: -- t . ITiail Uliarjiea of dolUrs of JeweU Portions of the hosplUl. Minister King that brought Into the country by the i tnbutkm to world Spaniards In their flight The basis ribed as so much of the confiscations were charges f .der the agreement 'hat the refugees had violated the f trade would be customs regulations in bringing in .ida declared the the JeweU. 1 On posit ton. who pre-rvheti the TUnubUcan :;to ppwrf In the the whole treaty npd with the re-1 da would have lost1 rtial preferences andi REACTION Operator in Northern (ituuia Al leged To Have Delayed LcTan-effky Flight Messaces OF WEST " Charged with having delayed or Levaneffsky. Russia ace. from Mos cow to California across the to discontinue the policy 01 a "x-;nectUm w1th the Levaneffsky flight prime Minister, ea price lor wucai. Premier John Bracken, in com .mentlng yesterday on the pro tain was concerned. Eden fcit.f0r the farmer with a crop. 14 A Q Rl A 7 k Young men should not be satis-j ilrVO DLtLlJ fled with the attitude that . , , was good enough for their fathers UscamAnfc hlnnHpH inrf .nr -ryl -.1 . .nntinh fnr thpm. ilUOVlHVHW ; lotnriratlon Work Burned ' Rt. Hon. Arthur urcenwoou cu KarlT ThU Mornlnr Itrnded Itcnded tha that the question of unem-.m KjIIj I CblClUdY 'i.,,r,i ploymcnt tra was nnlte quite as as important important! I f tinrrrtaln nrioln at lour OS that 01 Qeience. I itself but also in connection with the long search which was conducted by Sir George Hubert Wil- b restored, Mr. Euler Ing up 01 voiumary wwr cm. posai. expreasea me opinion wiak k,nJ and Qann niers after similar to thofe which had been' the wetern farmer would need LeVanefsky became mlsslnb. established in me unuca oiic.-as mucn assistance mis year as 11c "A divine discontent" should re-1 had received, last. There should iplace the "present complacency' be aslsstance. he agreed, for the las far as unemployment ln Brl-I farmer without a crop as well as Ski Races Sunday On Mount Oldfield w tn 1 Iwnmn thprp rwlnir m.inv new nar In I tufnrl KinrTiinm Drainage facilities ln Prince Ru-L,. ,.,,. ,,r, -n,mnrrn four sUndard II 1 lllll.ll lVlllf. VA WAS' .... M.jJltO at 0iyvra- v . " .Pert were uname to Keep up yes- afternoon tne Sons of 1 a I ... H. Ik t VlA VlAAtrir rainfall ffl I M f n 1 1 Go Ma Out On Strike fl m 9 9 LONDON. Feb. 18: CP) -Twenty-three hundred armament workers ln various parts of the tinlipH unuca Kingdom rungum" went out on terdav with the heavy which lasted for almost two days steady. There were veritable rivers flowing down the streets and the basements of some buildings became flooded, Interfering with heating plants In some cases. uasemenw nasements so o flooded uuuucu Included n.iuui I -1 . , l th t " th kl crounds with I'Und was not able to state just! strike yesterday. Included among w Edward School, the Masonic l fcJ Se?ed that 'hr fir m the pomnressorlthrm are men cngased In air-tmnp AnA the uovernment liquor "? uaL. n? pZa 'artcd. plane building, rlvettlng and el- i1" of the work may be delayed 'ectrlcal work. John Brown's shlp- 1 cay or so while the compress-1 yard on the Clyde is one oi me r being renalrcd and a new nlants where strikes nave occur- Annual Meeting Prince Rupert Liberal Assoc. Will He Held in the MKTK0P0LK HALL at 8 p.m., Feb. 21st All Liberals Cordially Invited action and, by evening, when the . rainiau suusiu, wic suruauun iw In hand again. Classes at King 'r run un. red. Edward School were " l early in the afternoon, dismissed Winnipeg Nurse Is Joining Trans-Canada Air Lines Mount Oldfield ski clubs will sponsor a cross country ski race which will commence at the Sons of Norway cabin lmmdlately after noon and terminate at the Mount Old-field cabin. Last week members of the Mount Oldfield club marked the Tempie , uuu hikers will follow these paths so as store, runiin c the occurrence of accl- Weather Forecast General Svnonsis Pressure ap I A IJf 1 1 fU I L come head" of the church and that JUrVI Vlll I Ll he will be 0ne of the outstanding candidates for the high office in His Cabinet And tuccession to the late Pope Pius One Hundred Members Move XI. He is believed to be favored On Quebec For Banquet by the large majority of foreign Tonight cardinals. Voting for the next Pope is expected to start next QUEBEC, Feb. 18: (CP This Tuesday or Wednesday. ancient city is the figurative capi tal of Canada today. This morning Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, his cabinet and one hundred liberal Members of Parliament arrived by special train from Ottawa to attend a Two Clubs Sponsoring Event To- banquet tonight at which tribute . . ... in l I J 4 T3 Ifnn' PrnAe I morrow Afternoon Plu h Lapolnte, minister of Juftlce. on i the occasion of rounding out i ... i It Is expected 1500 persons will attend the banquet In honor of. Mr. Lapolnte. I LIBERTIES AFFECTED Drastic Legislation in South Africa Would Affect Press, Secret Societies and School Teachers pears high off the Queen Char-1 CAPETOWN. South Africa, Feb. lotte Islands and over the British 18: (CP) Legislation Is to be in- 1 Columbia Interior Rain has oe- trodueed In South Africa to regu- curred on the coast but the late the press, secret societies and. 'weather has been mostly fair and school teachers' activities. mild elsewhere. The proposed legislation would Prince Rupert and Queen. Char- make It an offence to insult or lotte Islands Moderate northwest slanderlze the authorized heads of WINNIPEO, Feb. 18: (CP) Miss to west winds, fair and somewhat any state or to create dlsorderlincss T.pnfi Finaiuy iv..t ""ei tuiucr uv mgiu. iin meeiiuKs. Teachers iccuw vui Ontario Rubber Workers' Strike Ing higher cognition. Minister of Labor Kitchener To Iron Out Differences Due to very favorable weather thirty-nve years as w KITCHENER. Ont.. Feb. 18: (CP) . t i. Parliament. The train bringing the . . . ... iw wages and union re- TODAY'S WEATHER 141 Capitol TAXI Macey's Coffee House PRICE: 5 CENTS Negotiations Continuing anish Civil War Is Goinq On With Madrid Attack Object Question of Franco Recognition Not Yet Decided Upon By Britain and France Italy to Stay Until Insurgents Win Finally ? """" " ' : "ir.rie. . LONDON, February 18: (CD-Conferences are con- In some cases straight Jackets Permission to Admit Them To was no definite advice owing to uiming uwwu aim riciii.ii icpicsciii.a uvea ami had to be used ln shlftln the British Columbia I Sought wires still being down tH&; after- Spanish government and insurgent authorities With a patients and some of the more - . nxm and it may be late. view to ending the Spanish civil war but there has been violent required as as seven Feb. 18: CP.-Rep- The . principal dlf fUEng was on many VICTORIA, a" 4 nn no dpf;njtG aennite result resua as as yet. vet. nor Nor has uus there mere been ueen any anv definite ueiiiutu UaI 4.H - m a 1 a i . t HAAMint nn svnerinst 4ftrl m n " Vfticii rmpmaLives di me xiiiLiunai rein wvi- v . tmmS toS&'&X reoult in regard to .recognition by Great Britain and the subject after thi train could get through. By nora today the derailed locomotive had the wrecking outfit was working on the plow. Then the elide wss to be tackled. It was fifteen feet deep and about forty feet long. There war uncertainty as to snow conditions beyond that point. The way freight which left for the East yeterdav momln? failed to get through and returned to 11 Prince Rupert at 9:30 tbli msmlng. xt had also been caught twenty-four hours. HONORING In the In the form of air raids, continues, In Rome Italian authorities re- Iterated that there would be no withdrawal from until a the' Spain been lifted back on track and Franco victory was complete. PACELLl FAVORED , Broken NO ATTEMPT UPON DUCE Shooting Near Mussolini's House In Rome On Tuesday Was Not Assassination Attempt, It Is Asserted i ROME, Feb. 13: (CP) Fascist .officialdom and press emphatically ; deny reports of another attempt I to assassinate Premier Benito Mus- He Is Chosen As New PoP 1 sollni. Tradition Will Have Been rhP lrrMmonsihle art nf a. mad. I man" Is the way in which an In- 'cldent wWchcurtejiTiicday or. Agricultural Interests Relieve Fixed . Patented the. deUvenyiiipt . mcs- mnfgmif'lb ftcltes1 uj VATICAN CITY, Te Ui lCPr tne ; where pflfi. Should n Maintained se ,n connection wim me hi- wow rencrted to hate faHen be- Some lorecastcs 01 me cnoice llvM u described. An Premier Rracken's Views fated """oJetted flight of SigUmund twMn Kwlnltsa and Salvus in of the CoiJege of Cardinals ln el- mechanic Miissouni lnsan It Is explained, tried to ecting a new Pope oeueve mai kUj a mlittiaman while he was b--the tradition of a Pontifical Sec- Jng ped under arrest not far retary of State never becoming from M rjuce's house. Pope may be broken. It is admit- Ittls Teczued that there have ted that Cardinal Eugenlo Pacelli already seven attempts on possesses every qualirication to De- the ure of Mussolini. ALL NAZI CARS NOW Chancellor Hitler Condemns Speeding In Opening Big Motor Show At Berlin , BERLIN, Feb. 18: (CP) By 1911 all-German made cars will be available for good Nazi motorists. Announcement to this effect was ,made yesterday by none other than Chancellor Adolf Hitler himself at the opening yesterday of, a great Berlin Motor Show. They will be four-passenger six-cylinder machines and will be priced at ma nage raciimes vtere iiani conaiuons oer me past ic wee- ------ - n((- . ine pruvuicmi uiuium o Alrpadv two thousand orders Pressed T Handle Kun-oft 'ends skUng enthusiasm has Increas- ?T&TZ L1 TSSSSS. From Heavy luinian i ea consiaeraDiy among mcniDtr ui ... , " . . ior me purpose ut umuuuS . the clubs on Mount Oldfield this Pnie Minister three private cars medlatlng of tne strike of 1300 ior memoers oi me wuuKk u Phhpp wnrfcprs who are demand- Norway and rank and nle. 1 tUA . " " Sleepers xur Der Feuhrer spoke out against reckless driving which he described as a "crime against the nation. He would "exterminate with out mercy" speedsters whom he described as "road gangsters, bandits and murderers." Fifty miles I rriuce nupac dwlared ln stating wind, four mues. fair; northerly accidents last year per noun; oarome er. u-u r had caused more deaths deaths Ing); temperature, 33; sea smoom. L,aneara isiana otaucuu clouds, calm; barometer. 30.18; temperature, 31; sea smooth. Hazelton Cloudy, calm; temperature, 28. Vancouver Clear, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer. 30.08. i Victoria Clear, westerly wind, 1 20 miles per hour: barometer, 30.10. Public Holidays On King's Visit had the entire Franco- Prussian war. PROGRAM OF WORK Vancouver Would Spend Million Dollars if Government Aid Is Forthcoming compulsory! of the King and Queen to cltle of ments and $150,000 on sewer con- e for the TransCanada Air Lines -Fresh northwest winds, fair, not and there would be ' n he Vancouver-Seattle run. much change In temperature. rcclstratlon of secret societies. the province. VANCOUVER. Feb. 18: (CP) Contingent upon federal and provincial grants-in-aid being obtained, Vancouver city may embark up- CALOARY. Feb. 18: '(CP) Theon a million dollar public works cahrarv Board of Trade has re- program which would give Jobs to nwested the nrovlncial covernment. about 1500 unemployed men. The would be! to declare public holidays on the! plan Is to spend some $850,000 on J occasion of the forthcom nsr v sit partes ana recreauoniu ucvciup- structlon. 1 f