v it Tomorrows Tides XXVIII No. 123. M ir-Pi. r the 9:40 a.m. 17.7 ft. 21:58 pjn. 20.4 ft. 3:22 ajn. 8.1 (t. 15:29 p.m. 6.5 ft LEAVE TO 1 t 1 - t. r SEE KING -Off Given Party Stliool Children of the Prince Rupert and followed by flag-arn with a large number zm of Prince Itupcrt Mir sidewalk, the Ax . rirrsentlng the city left d an Legion headquarter r jmer Prince Adelaide on the first stage of r-..'"y to Victoria to see r tie The youngster ' d a were their relative and very smart they their taahea of purple - Rupert In gold letter - u i.rf there wa an even vr : All arrangement? iiy completed, tickets atattroom located t mate tlx lined the rati - :.ging cheer and a e re given to wth them a DcUy Clark. Margaret and Mary Miller were und Oeorge Wetr Leonard and Douglas McGreish drcti will be met n Van- : accompanied to Viftor-Uf ' J 8 Black. Mr Black t . sj .t with the children on f r in Vancouver and then nil ermnrt-flf them tin- urn ,vn the final arramte-v ; Jak Preeee. chairman ' mmlttee BUnley Saville. : naurer. 11 T Lock and r V, :. The end-off will long bi red and the large turn-' generally was an In- hi! kern Interest taken t. mxtratlon of loyalty i. ' to Their Majesue.. K and Queen I Smithers Folk ill See King Are Travelling To Vancouver, Vic-Torii, Kamloops and Jasper 1MTHERS. May 27. A number ' 'her residents have ben' it: for the south by motor car t: J t train to get a glimpse of rations going on and also left virrt.iv bv way 01 n- Rupert. u expected that a number take advantage of the ex : to Jasper at thc time of vi:lt to Jaipcr of the royal Weather Forecast ,UmiLion MroUitcl Bursut .nd ITlnrv Kup. low U amptl4 rrom olrvtloni w a at S k m. UxUy nrt oovfM tlx ' "w-r period ending B Din, tomorrow General Synopsis A deep deprcs-on is approaching thc Queen Charlotte Islands from the west- ra. Showers have been general on the north coast while, over the Wenor. It has been fair and moderately warm. I'rlncn r?nnfr inH nnwn char- loltc Islands Strong cast winds, hlUlng to southeast, probably baching gale force, unsettled and C0l with rain. Went Coast of Vancouver Island southeast winds, becoming Et"npr. unsettled and cool with rain. Em behind by defeating the Washing - ' r r-nbhud thrown the courU.y o w" The clubs are meeting this weck- National League Pittsburg 14, Chicago 5. Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 5. American League Philadelphia 0, New York 1. Washington 2, Boston 4. Chicago 2, Cleveland 1-Big League standings to date. . OTTAWA, May 27: CP Postmaster Oencral McLarty said that full air mall service would be extended to Prince At those already gone , lea(lorshlp of thc National League Ru M M Iaclllties , Kid Mrs. R. C. Bamford, M" ichangcd hands yesterday as a re- there- m avallablCi Tne A r Ooodcnough, Mr and Mrs. uU of lhe Cincinnati Reds 7 to 5 statment was made aftcr Olot B A Cunllffe and Ray Cunwin. over st. Louis Cardinals." .!'" 1 IIOIWH, m.i . w. v.- ... I . .. I I k u. urummju u k.,The Reds now have a iun game icu he mlnlstcr.s attention to the over the Cardinals wun me act that "air mall from Prince teams scheduled to continue tnej Rupert arrives here two days cractal scries today and again to- attcr ordlnary mau gets here." morrow with a double-header. j , In the American League thc New, a' i t t run " York YanKCCS nccaca uu. unc u.. to win over the Phlladephia Ainiei-lcs at the Yankee Stadium here. Thi. sreond nlace Boston Red Sox, I kept In step four-and-a-half games Halibut Sales Summary American None. Canadian-- 63,700 pounds, 6.8c end as follows: .and 5C to j.ic ana oc. National League Pittsburg at Canadian i Chicago" New York at Philadelphia; I Qoney, 8,000, Cold Storage, 6.9c Cincinnati at St. Louis; uosum ana oa. Dk,yn, Dovre B., 16,000, Atlln, 7.4c and American League Philadelphia 5c. , . at New York; Chicago at Cleveland; Capo, Race II, 7,200, Cold Stor-iv.hinon at Boston; St. Louis at age. 6.9c and 5c. Detroit. Yesterday's scores: 1', UUIiCCll, lO.JUV, UUUbll, o.vu and 5c. ' Qulvlk, ' 12,000, Atlln, 7c and 5c. Cynic, 7.000, Pacific, 6.8c and Thomas Campbell, who has 'been spending the past winter at Stewart, left last night for his home at Hazelton. WW AM Ranking the ten who,in her opinion, const. tote the world's most handsome men. beautilol blonde Madeleine Carroll, British screen star, completely missed the masculine element of Hollywood, Top three In 'Miss Carroll" album are President Franklin D. Roosevelt of United State. .No. 1. Oeorge Bernard Shaw. Irish playwright, No. 2, and England's former foreign secretary. Anthony Eden, No. 3, Explaining her selections. Miss Carrol asserted that she considered few young men handsome. Mere good looks do not score In her ratings. Miss Carroll classing handsome men as those who "have reached their goal through effort that tries courage and develops Intellect. " Miss Carroll Is at top left; Mr. Eden also at top with Mr Shaw and Mr. Roosevelt, left to right, below. REDS TAKE OVER LEAD . : ; t::? the roya! vUltors who are Replace St. loui carnmais . iv & on the coast in the 0f National League Crucial , fr f w davs Some are going Series Continuing ' V..rouver. some to Victoria' : 1 tne to London. ST. Louis. May 27: CP ThC : -PEACE PLAN Air man r or (c VATIPAN Kupert ooon through a series of bilateral talks. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oiurmy 8. D. Jatuistoa Co.) Toronto Aldcrmac, .34. Beattle, 1.26. Central Patricia, 2.48. Con. Smelters, 40.00. East Malartlc, 2.65. ' Fernland, .04. Francoeur, .19. ' t Gods Lake, .38. ' Hardrock, 1.16. Inter'l Nlcke .49.50. Kerr Addison, 1,79. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.15. Madsen Red Lake, .43. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.29. Moncta Porcupine, 1.11. Noranda, 80.00. Pickle Crow, 4.85. Preston E. Dome, 1.54. San Antonla, 1.55. Sherrltt Gordon 1.05 v Stadacona, .56. ' -' Uchl Gold, 1.33. Bouscadlllac, .01. Mosher, .15. Oklend. .07. Smelters Gold, .04i. Dom. Bridge. 28.75. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1939. ARE WORLD'S MOST HANDSOME MEN, SAYS MISS CARROLL Pelly. The next route coming tnis way Is to go north from Topley past Bear Lake. A third route Is the one north from Hazelton throush the Groundhog country to Dease Lake. Atlln. Whltehorse and Dawson. The most westerly route would go north from Kltwangi to th Naw River. While Mr. Lowe was careful not to appear to fr.vor -anv oarilcular route, this matter of choice being nr the International commission now at work on It, he said that the snowfall on the route by Kltwan-ga was very heavy and there wa also a good deal of snow tn the Rocky Mountain trench. Between thesextrernjsthe snowfall was cctoparaHtJJJ TOnr Mr. Lowe snzgeifed thTMw!bifit of the Hatelton route being adopteo because the people of the Aiaski Panhandle were very keen and were using their Influence to have a route adopted that would eventually benefit them. This route also served the Dease Lake country. Telegraph Creek, Atlln and Whltehorse. ir.e Whltehorse people had for a long time been asking for a high them. , The four routes were shown on a map and the particular advantages of each pointed out. j t Advantages to B. C. I The speaker said the building of 'this road would prove of material advantage to British Columbia. Many people In the south did not realize what development was go-. ! ing on In the northern part or the 'province. It was pretty sure that the road would be built with United States capital An International committee was now deciding : whether the highway was feasible ViAfA woe on rTrtiinltv tn CWMTP at very little cost a road which must j be built some day. It would bring I large numbers of tourists to the, country and Mr. Lowe thought It1 would pay Its own maintenance nl-1 most from the first. By one of the routes it would tap the already famous Boulder Creek mining district which had been very little prospected. Large numbers of the relief rolls would be reduced. All I British Columbia Industries wonld benflt and the whole of Canada would feel the Impetus. Mr. Lowe then showed some pic tures of the Dease Lake country depicting the easy construction pos sibilities. In answer to a question he said that the lowest grade would be obtained In the route going, north from Finlay Forks. T. W. Brown was the only guest present with the exception of the speaker. BOWLING POSTPONED Wt grounds as a result of the showers prevented the commence ment of lawn bowling league act! Bulletins SOFTBALL LAST NIGHT With Three Two, Grotto and Llpsett's bidding strong for honors and steps being taken to strengthen Acropolis and Moose, senior league softball is pow well .under way in Prince Rupert. Last night IJpsett's had an easy 18 to 1 victory over Moose while Three Two defeated Acropolis to nothing, the came being fairly close until the last" TRhing-'Vcheri 'Three " Two made three runs. The big- hit of the evening- was a three-barter by Dcnnr Windle of Lip-sett's which went for a round trip beciuse of an error. UNIFICATION APPROVED OTTAWA The Scnale last night adopted by a vote of 33 to 21 the railway committee re port sponsored by Senator Beau- way to Dawson so this would serve bicn of Quebec urging unifica- tion of Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways. Adoption of the amendment nnlnmi t irill v drfoatril rnvern- j - ment Senate Leader Dandur- 1 .!- -I n. n - ' anus iiiaiii iiiuuuii uvuimutiiM- injf further co-operative measures between the two railways. DR. CHARLES MAYO DIES CHICAGO Dr. Mayo, famous surgeon of Rochester, Minnesota, who, with his brother, Dr. William D. Mayo, founded Mayo Clinic, died of pneumonia at Mercy Hospital VATICAN CITY. May 27: -CP- and. ,f s0. hcre U should be locat-i here last nisht. The Vatican News Service said yes-Ld The sum nroDOsed to be SDentl tcrday that papal diplomats had was twenty, million dollars and hei suggested to the principal European personally felt sure the highway! icreign oiucers uiai, peaceiui so- could be bullt for that sum. That lutlons to difficulties might be , mmw not tmnort- found either through a general! ant to the United States. So far as. mcetlnc of Interested nowers or'n.t.i.u ui, ..n.rn,fi i a xjriLixii uiumiia wao tu.witv morning for Vancouver. WORRIED OVER SPIES SAN FRANCISCO Grave concern over activities of foreign spies in San Francisco, Alaska and Honolulu is expressed by Attornr.- General Frank Murphy here. "We don't intend to again give espionage the leeway In this country that it has enjoyed in the past," he said. Murphy men wiould get employment andf Is on a trip to the racifjc coast with J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of investigation. Yesterday they interviewed Al Capone in the county alL They came here from Los WINS GOLF TITLE HOYLAKE, England Alex Kyle, Scottish Walker Cup star, won thc British amateur golf championship, defeating Tom Duncan two and one. James Schubert and J. H. Lain sailed this morning on the Prln cess Louise for Telegraph Creek enrou'te to the Casslar mining vltlcs which was scheduled for last country where they will spend the night. summer. 141 Capitol TAXI Maccy's Coffee House PRICE: CENTS lg UV9IMJ iVT VM HIGHVAY Important Provision TO ALASKA Engineer Tells Rotary Club of itsl , Possibilities and Value to Province The American people want th-Alaska highway and British Columbia needs It." according to D. McN. Lowe of the British Columbia department of public works in addressing the Prince Rupert Rotary flub at it luncheon Thursday af ternoon To Assist This Port Is Passed By Ottawa Included in Supplementary Estimates Put Through Last Night Three Ships Per Year to United Kingdom and Continent The subsidy for a steamship service from Prince tn the United Kintrdom or Continent nassed the According to Mr. Lowe there are r r,r,rir,T,e f n f owo in cimnlomonfnnr pcrimntpa f K fSTvtS- which were approved last night, according to a message tw hv nniay Forks up the Fin- received bv the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Riv Ani by tne uara ma rtrom uiot iianson M.r. suDSiuizing oi inree xnps per annum from this port Is provided for. The next step, It Is understood, is for shipping Interests to avail themselves of the subsidy by arrangement of ship bookings to this port for cargo. PACT SENT TO MOSCOW Great Britain Takes Another Step Towards Bringing Russia Into Anti-Aggression Bloc LONDON. May 27: (CP Great Britain yesterday took another step toward cementing Anglo-Russian relations In the Interests of European peace. The British formula for a mutual defence pact, linking Russia with the Anglo-French antl- jggresslon bloc, was sent to the am bassador in Moscow for transmis sion to the Kremlin. 'BATTERY IN CAMP Local .Men Will Have To Stand In Position For Two Whole Days In Acting As King's Guard The 102nd. Battery Is now un- Charles II. der canvas at Fort Macaulay, Es quimau, according to word re-celvid by the officer commanding, Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston. On Monday the battery will be rehearsing with other units for Its participation in the guard of the King and Queen "during the Royal QUIET DAY AT BANFF Visit. The unit will be required BANFF The Kinr and Queen .to march Into Victoria before 8 are spending the day quietly j o'clock on both Tuesday and here, resting from their strenu- Wednesday mornings to take up ous tour. Thev leave tomorrow position In which the men will have to remain each afternoon. Tagging For Celebration until 4 o'clock Canvass is Being Conducted on the Streets of the City for Event on Monday Tagging on the city streets Is In progress today to raise funds for the staging of a children's celebration on Monday In connection with the visit of the King and Queen to the coast. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. P. M. Rayner are in charge and ag gers are Mrs. P. F. P. Bird, Mls3 Margaret Lee. Miss Magnhild Stor- seth, Miss Mary Nonayama, Miss Mary Adcock, Miss Ocnwen Mor gan, Miss Eleanor Barber, Miss Betty Allen, Miss Iha Robertson. Miss Polema Llneham, Miss Use Kraup-ner. Miss Ruth Hlrano. Miss Lucy Evans, Miss Dorothy Evans, Miss Hilda Bond, Miss Margaret Carr, Miss Eleanor Carr, Miss Dorothy Halde. Miss Kathleen Doherty, Mlsj Betty Haudenschlld, Stephen Peachy and George Evans.