4. 'ft w, m PAOTWO We Are Sole Agents For HARTT SHOES For Men Onyx Archgrip Shoes Perths Plio-Pedic Shoes Jack & Jill Shoes Penman's Hosiery Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edltdr SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid tn advance Paid to advance, per week ..... Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations rRETTT WELL SO FAR The British government has done pretty well so far In keeping all of us mt f war. Every move and apparently every thoaght lias been to precent an armed conflict which would em-VroTl most of the world. The thing is so awful to contemplate that it is no wonder world leaders have been worried and even those of us who know only what we read and hear have done our ' bit of worrying at times. Very few people in Canada want to see a war and very few people in England want war. We also believe that very few people In Germany or in Italy want war. The danger has been that the European leaders would involve their people by some rash act. We do not know that the government-controlled newspapers of Germany and Italy have been saying some very nasty things about British public men and have been boastlne of what they intend t do. This does not make for peace in spite of what anyone may. say to the contrary. Both Hitler and Mussolini have been very provocative and enlv the forbearance of the British and French has prevented a collision. Mr. Chamberlain is said to be .lakine a holidav In Scotland and yet we hardly think he has shut USED FURNITURE For the Living Room 3-Piece Cliesterrield Suite At Seamed Axminster Ckrpet Sire 9x10 1 Seamed Axminster Carpet-Size C'9x9, of better quality 98 86 336.00 815.00 $11.50 For the Dining. Room K-Piece Oak Dining Room Suite Consisting of Buffet, round table- with three leaves and 6 upholstered 35 00 For the Kitchen 2 Monarch Kitchen lUnfes 25 00 $32 50 Vl Kitchen Table-Like new $3.75 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert 15J00 5fl United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3J00 sa Tuesday. August 1939. EDITORIALS himself wholly away from a restless world, ne is never far away from the receiver of a telephone or from a telegraph office which can reach him in a few minutes at the most. It is a terrible life to lead with the whole weight of an empire on his shoulders. BRITISH NOT JITTERY We are told that Germany today has two million men under arms and that those recently called for manoeuvres have been retained under arms in case they should be needed. Yet in spite of this the British people enjoyed their August holiday as usual yesterday and many people went for brief trips to France, Belgium and other countries. They evidently feel confident that everything possible is being done to prevent war and that, if it comes, they are prepared. HARVESTING CROP Canada has Just commenced to harvest her wheat crop. Manitoba, as usual, leads in this work and all the indications are that the crop will not be as large as was expected. Heat and drought has been too much for the crops in some parts of the prairies. Possibly, the huee cron which had been expected would not have been good for, the country. 'V THE DAILY NEWS &ARE PICTURE OF GANDHI IN '.A PLAYFUL MOOD Mahatma OandhI, seldom pictured In a happy mood, Is In a playful frame of mind as hf walks along the seashore at "Bombay. Jabbing his walking stick into the back of an urchin, wlio insisted upon leading the Mahatma's procession. Both the Mahatma and the boy seem to be enjoying the Joke On the right of the 69-year-old leader of India is the woman who U oon to mam- his grandson. i 1 NIGHT GAMES ARE PLAYED BROOKLYN, August 8: (CP) Major League activities w yesterda session or fifth tolace ahead of iNew York 3lants with whom they Had toeen tied. Cleveland Indians won over St. Louis Browns and assumed Irturth place to them-selves after being tied with Detroit Yesterday's scores: National League Boston, ; Brooklyn, 7 Uen Ir-nln?s. American League St Louis, 5; Cleveland 6. The standings to date: National League Cincinnati 82 34 .646 St. Louis 55 42 55' Chicago . 53 46 .535 Pittsburgh 49 46 .516 Brooklyn 49 48 505 New York 48 48 500 Boston 43 54 .443 Philadelphia 26 67 American League New York 69 30 Boston .60 37 Chicago 55 46 Cleveland 52 47 Detroit 52 48 Washington .45 57 Philadelphia .36 63 St. Louis .29 70 FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:45 VELVET vs. NAVV 520 .441 .361 503 n a ssiFi E 0 (CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and ex porters seek connection with Canadian producers or manufac turers. Samples, offers for mer chandlseof all descriptions, prin clpally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Wln-neba, Oold Coast, British West Africa. tf. TOR SALE FOR SALE Bargain, modern four room house, two lots, har-bor view. Phone Oreen 505. 1188) CLAPP BOCK FOR SALE Building cost S16.DO0 owner will sell equity $500 cash. Terms can possibly be had on back tax. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. (188) FOR SALE English buggy. Gooa condition. Phone Black 922. (186) KITCHEN Stove, Oil Burner, and pump. Bedstead, Restmore, Set. Drawers, Vibrator. Phone Red 388. (190) tlon On The Gyro Playgrounds With the continuation UHbV V of fine 8.D0 consisted wT one night game in weather, swimming classes ach circuit. Brooklyn Dodgers Morse Creek were resumed yester--on In ten Innings over Boston day and a fair number of yoong -i,u k u.m, xciusive pos- people were in attendance. Instruc- was given Informally begrn- nlng with diving for a few of the older boys and concluding with In-1 dividual attention to the younger children who could not swim. The' progress of three or four of this! younger group who previous to the! Moose hoolrminlr nf 1 . fundamentals of the frame by Nell Ross who, with his past experience makes a venf competent Instructor. .277 1 Mr. Ross stated that a larger attendance is desired but that too .697 great a number would prevent his .613 tfvmt the Individual attention .545) which he belreves to be necessary. 525 Bowling Resumes In Fine Weather Ten Day Suspension Owing Rainy Weather K Now Ended Girls' Stage Softball Game to After ten days of Inactivity owing to rain, lawn bowling play was resumed during the fine weather over the week-end on the Canadian Lawn Bowling Club greens. A league game Saturday night resulted in a win of 22 to 11 for Angus MacDonald's rink over R. M. Winslow's. The standings of rinks' in the league to date Is as follows: W L Macdonald 7 1 Hill ...5 .2 Wlnslow ,-rr 5 3 Frew nr,. i,nl. j ,2 Borland t.'...: ....4 ,2 McMeektn 3 4 Preece ,3 5 Tinker A2 5 MacPhee ...2 5 ArroJl wi.;.... .2 7 Pts 7 5 5 4 3 V3 2 2 Pal on Inhibition Last Friday Af ternoon When Boys Failed to Put in Appearance Last Friday afternoon's fixture In the Oyro Playground's Junior Softball League did not materialize, Woodland Trophy Bowling Now On .... w Micac waascg were llUl able to swim, merits the time spent f by the instructor. Moose (score of For the first time in the history f Prince Rupert, tennis coaching for younger enthusiasts commenced yesterday as another activity In the Has Reached Second Round With Jack Preeoo r.llminatinr Dave Mad'hec Play in the Woodland Trophy competition on the Canadian National Recreation Lawn BowMnx Club greens eenimue and has reached the second round in which Jack Preece eliminated Dave Mac-Phee 18 to 12. First round games have resulted as follows MCMeelclfl. 15; O. p. Tinker. 13. MacPhee. 16; Frew. 13, Wlnslow. 18: MacdonaM, 12 SOFTBALL EXCITING rtnd Three Two Tal tiers Utt Night J t t t ... Win ucicaieu upseira by a 11 to 10 in an exeitlna Senior Softball League game last night. In the second gome of the evening Three Two Taxi won over Acropolis II to 3. the eame b!nl .MW..,Am r V . . k . 1 , .a uu . . uiuK.aiu u. mc jyru suoerviseat " by uy a u heme name run run in in H H-.ei ei nlaygroimds. A promising number fiUn Inning by Ray OTfelM frtrlvHv f wouW-be players were given the' Acropolis with one on board. A large crowd of fans, under Ideal weather condfUcns. turned out to see the games. Llpsett's took an early lead with three runs in the first innlruz and five In the second to one and two lespcctlvely by Moose who added another pair in the third. Then there was no scoring until the fifth when both made two runs, In the seventh the Moose went to work and, by the time the smoke of battle had lifted, they had pcored four runs to give them the victory by the odd run. Three Two proved too consistently strong for the Acropolis Hill boys who, rn vertheless, put up a characteristically variant fight and were never discouraged until the end. Line-ups: Llpsetfs Johnson ss.. Smith lb. National Recreation Association' y.i,bv,, iu New Ventilation System Going In Capitol Theatre A new ventilation system it to be installed In the Capitol Theatre here at once, the work to be carried out by Oeorge 8henton. Arrangements for the work were made during a reeent visit of D. O. Borland, local manager, to head offk of Famous Players-Canadan Corporation In Toronto. Mr Borland Is at present In Vancouver and will be home on the Prince Rupert Fri day morning Quietly Married At End Of Week Two Small Mills iAt McDames Creek Getting Results Gold Operation In Uard Mining District Giving Good Ketarnt So Far J i Word received from the LUrd mining district U tu the effect that a ten -ton mill taken In by the Mc Dames Creek Mining Co. on the eroperty formerly under bond by the Consolidated Xtlnlng Co. and thrown uo by them Is doing well and pod result ore being obtain xl from surface ore. Another mill of similar sl is In H,lwl on QuarU Creek, across the Wlndle t Navlor tf uajaerone c, Llndqulst rf.. Hew-slek 2b.t Oowan cf. MooseDomlnato rf., Cameron it.. Vance c. Pierce ss.. Franks Sb Stalker lb, Neil Cameron It, Schroeder p., Bussey cf. Score br mnlngs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T Llpsetfs 3 5 0 0 2 0 010 Moose 1 2 2 0 2 0 411 Acropolis O-Neill si., Santerbane 3b., Slmonsen 2b., Magnet p., Bird c, Amadio n.. Mentenlco rf p Clarke cf., R. Schaeffer If. 'Three Two Mah ss Letoumeau 3b., Smith 2b Bussey cL, Domln-ato lb., Murray c, Reays rf. Par- 2ilett p., J. Davis If." 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T JAcioplls 0 1 0 0 2 0 03 Tnree Two 0 1 1 J 1 5 011 Umpires were A. Letodrneau, J. AntonellL J. Roma and 3. Ratch-ford. D Montesano was scorer. Softball Scheduh August 11 Moose polls vs. Grotto. August 14 LIpsetts 32 vs. Acropolis. vs. 32; Acro- vs.. August 18 Grotto vs. Moose; T reml at, oetween McClymont Park No. 1 and Mooe vs. Acropolis. McClymont Park No. 2, one of the Ausust 2132 vs. Orotto; Aero- teams falling to put In an appear-1 PoUs vs. Llpsetts. ante. Instead a girls' exhibition4, August 25 Orotto vs. Moose; game was played. iLlpsetU vs. 32, from the other. It too Is vwune ood returns. The mills were taken In by airplane from Careresa. The Barrlnittons are operating a drag line onUlt on nlaeer claims Sunday For Yanrover Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday A i T ".-'I .jg Mm una SEME C.N.R. Tennh fullta! Of flinin v,... From Vanrouvrr 8unday Monday Wednoaday Friday For Anyat and Strosrt Sunday Friday From Anyox and Stewart m uuu inampiomnip Tvrj itesuiu w piay ur evcj the Canadian Na't.ma. Rtrs, a a toasts , J toumamem were as JZyr: jurmam ana irL'je Mls Norma .MrcubDin wcoroe undseth and Lowan t t Bride of Horatio C tlalllday. Houston and Sin T.tt fctu . iake and Fulton M, 4-1 (. A quiet wedding took place In the Schedule for ton fr: Manse of First Presbyterian Church :30 Houston and Vlirto test Friday morning wnen Mm rtntn ana -ocelli . m n. Ill-- a , . 1 M m - - . norma mcvtudoui, aangnirr oi hit o.ju ir. uwin ana Cirtj late Thomas XfcCubbin of Ierilic vs. Mrs MIKer and Fb and Mm McCubbln. berame Uic bride of Horatio C. HallldaT. bridge foreman for the Canadian Nstional RsHway AUendsnU of the counV were the brtdea sister. Ml EHia- beih MeCabblH. and L. UHtner. AJ- !w nrent was the mother of the bHde. Monday. Wednesday, and turning via California to take residence In Prince Rupert up Mail Schedule Later m the morning the couple Frlda7 . . S tx left by train for a honeymoon trip from the Eat tc the New York World Pair, n- Tuesday Thursday ac4 i. fit I! 1231k i 1 Tuesday .11 XU Saturday )t For'.Naat River and fart Si? 8unday 1 U From Naa River an4 P.rt fir Tuesday I SU f Oaeen Charlotte lio4- August 12 and 28 I MM From qeen Charl.ltr Aucujt 10 and 24 H Foe AUkVa Mondav and Fi 1.1 j .' From Alitka Wednesday and Surdij ) on Boulder Creek In the Uard tils. -rlct bn( Uk work is dlfflcnlt f)w r"r Xit rsl Inp to the roueh trourrd on which Mondays. Wednesdar W they are operating Five oeo pie thousana Toad the days Fridays C. N. IL H UNS fni.c Ruprt From the Fatt I! tl oays to let them know what ymj Sunday M "Tr 10 Saturdays UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. ateamer, Leav I-rince Rupert for Vancouver T.8.8, CATALA EVER! TUE8- TJJL GARDEN A FBIOAL AT, 1:30 p-m. IlJOpjn. Due Vancouver, Tbort, a.m. Doa Takeover, MndT If Convenient. Tleate hirchase Tickets at Office lnlm RtWlni Reservations and TkkeU me i-.K-tJ FRANK J. 8KINNER. Print Rapert AgenL Third Ave. rhont W I lAAWar 1 I COMMtNJanOff I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Allantic Trans-l'acif To Vancouver Via Ocean Palls and Way Ports SS, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p To Vancouver Direct SB. ot, PRINCESS LOUISE SS PRINCESS AUCE Aug. 5th, lth, 2Clh, Sept. 6th Aug. 9th, 18th 8S PRINCESS CHARLOTTE Aug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd, Sept & uirect Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific BerrlcM, ... . Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATKS. General Agtnt. rrnce Rupert, J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Kawrm Pasteurized MHk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 6 - - , . ,i. , in MWilMI'nilMgTMHM'TBg'fMMTrwriMWrrwilWjrr-i aJBB