f-' PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NIWS It Makes a- Nicer Cool Drink fm A v a mm AH SALADA BESk TOPICS FOR i DISCUSSION Pfince Rupert Mill Provide Quota For Associated Board At Prince George At a meetins or the council ol the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce held in the city haU last night with President J. T .. Harvey in the chair it was decided to forward to the Associated Chambers of Commerce meeting at Prince George a resolution asking for a reduction of telegraphic tolls. The trade a,nd commerce committee was responsible for the resolution. It pointed out that rates from Vancouver were much lower than from Prince Rupert and all they asked was to have the rates made the same as Vancouver. Another resolution going forward was one emanating from the radio committee which asked the Cana- dian Broadcasting Commission . either to establish a new station In Northern or Central British - Columbia or else to bonus a private station ajhd provide it with all the .-commission programs. Another resolution which will ;come before the Associated Boards ; cf Trade is one urging encourage-1 fment in the settling of the interior' 'both through the opening up of . the land and also through encouraging capital to open up and develop industries. ; Completion of the highway into : Prince Rupert as a defence measure is also likely tD be discussed at the convention as one of Prince iBupert's contributions to the program. r . It was reported by the president that an effort would be made at the meeting to have the Organization join the Associated Soards of Trade of British Columbia but the ,!ocal Board is opposed to that, preferring for the Central Boards to remain a distinct entity dealing with the problems affecting them, particularly, rather than merging with the rest of the province. -, Keep up to date. Aavtise regu- j larly. i TEA TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jobiwton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .15. 4.,i. . j.ne. 11.80. Cariboo Quartz, 2.10. Dentonia, .02 Vi. Falrview. .03. ' Gold Belt. .25. Hedley Mascot, .73. Minto. .01. Neble Five .01 V. Pend Orielle, 1.45. Po..eer. 2.41. Premier. 1.88. Reeves McDonald, .23. Reno. .46. Relief Arlington, .12Vi. Reward, .02. Salmon Gold, S&. Sheep Creek, 1.20. Cariboo Hudson, .03 Vi. Hedley Amalg.. .01. Oils A. P. Con, .14. Calmont, .30. C. & E, 1.90. Freehold, j03U. Home. 2.15. Pacalta. .04. Royal Canadian, .18. Okalta. 1.00. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac. 25. Beattie. 120. Central Pat.. 250. Cons. Smelters, 45.25. East Malartic, 2.73. Ferrland. .03. Francoeur. .65. Gods Lake. .42 V2. Hardrock. 1.10. Int. Nickel. 49-25. Kerr Addison. 2.00. Little Ling Lac, 3.00. McLeod Pockshutt. 1.95. Madsen Red Lake. .39. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.28. Moneta. 1.03 Noranda. 82,75. Pickle qrw4.70;' Preston E. Dome. 155. San Antonio, 1.92. Sherritt Gordon, 1.05. Stadacona, .56. TJchl. 1.16. Bouscadlllac. .04. Mosher, J 4. Oklend. .07. Smelters Gold, .023;. Dominion Bridge, 27.75. . Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunrh or, Toasfrr! Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvre One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kupert (,0. Ltd. British Columbia SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS aad POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Kupcrl every SATURDAY, 7 p.in.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains leave Prince Kupert for the East Monday, Wednesday,, Friday, 6 p.m. Passenger Express FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. For farts, etc., call or trrite City Ticket Office, 528 3rd M e. t- -v fwaaaBKawSaaBBSaalBaal IF LONDON SHOULD HE ATTACKED HY GAS This gas-mask sentry crawling from the sand Jard uarapet of his port is ful'y rcu:;peii to cope with any attack that might be launched on London, and were the cap. a. t th -mp;rr swept by gas in a new war his uniform would be standard equipment He x putured in action during . air raid precaution demonstrations i at stage Wellington barracks by the Coldstream and Grenadier Guards. No brilliant uniforms and glittering parade ground display here: this is the outfit In which war is waged. Acting Secretary Of Navy Is Named Charles Edison, Assistant, To Carry on Following Death of Claude A. Suanson WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 8. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison was yesterday ap Steamship Sailings For Vancouvn ' Monday Ss. Prince Rupert 3 p.m. Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Wednesday Ss. Prlnceas Charlotte 5 p.m Frlday-Ss Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn s Cardena 10:30 pjn. Saturday Ss. Prln. Louis ..5 p.m August 6 and 20 Ss. Prince Robert 6 pjn. I'rom Vam-uuvrr . Sunday ss Catala pm Monday Ss. Prin. Charlotte ajn. Wed. Ss. Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. Friday Ss. Princess Ae aji. Ss; Prince Oeorge 10 ajn. Ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 p.m. ss Cardena p.m Augua: 14-Ss. Prince bert ... 8 a.m. ,For Anyox and Mew art Sunday ss. Catala Friday Ss. Prince Georse 3 pjn From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday-ss. Catala .11:30 ajn Saturday-Ss. Prince ' ... 5 pjn. For Naa Rfrer and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River anrt Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls-Monday Ss. Prince Rupert 3 p,m. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn. Friday as. Pr. Adelaide .. 10 p.m. Saturday Ss. Pr. Geor 7 nm From Ocean Falls v Wed Ss. Pr. Rupert 10 ajn. rriday ss. Pr. Oeorge .... 10 ajn T5s. Pr. Adelaide. 4 pjn. as. Cardena pjn For Queen Charloiie Islands- August 12 and 20 Ss. Prince chl 10:30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 10 and 24-Ss. Prince Charles am For Alaska-Monday Ss. Prln. Charlotte a.m Friday Ss. Prln. Alice ajn AUgUSt 14 1 nm rom Alaska- Wednesday Ss. Princess Charlotte -4 a.rh Saturday. JSs Prln. Louise ... p m August C and 20 a nm From Skeena ttlver Friday-Cardena pjn CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C E. BLACK Whifflets From The Waterfront J Commander Donald Arriving This Afternoon Salmon Fishing Is Holding Up On Skeena Big Schoontrs Land Catches At Seattle. pointed acting Secretary cf the . . , '. Navy by President Franklin D ' ? Roosevelt following the recent. "llk rt death of Secretary Claude A. Swanson of the Navy I 10m Esquimau Lieut Commander Six western vessels from Area No. 3 marketed halibut catches at Seattle yesterday as follows: Eacl 40,000 pounds. Booth, 9Bc and 9:; Columbia. 40,000. McCallum, fl'V: and 9c; Omaney. 40)30, Whiz, 9?8c and 9c; Alten. 4D.OO0. Sebastian V4c and 9c; North, 40,000. Wash nton, -bc and 9z: Addington ;5.000. New Eruiland. 9ic and Ec Yesterday also saw the flm catohea of halibut from Area No. 2 ncidental to cod flshln landed In Seattle as follows: F. C. Herneit. 8,000 pounds ol,able fish at 4e. 1300 pounds of line cod at 2c. 803 Pounds of red, cod at 3c. innn 8 pjn ounds of halibut 9c. McCallum: Bteliarce. 5.000 aableflsh, lc. 100 pounds halibut, 8tfcc. Frozen halibut holdings on July ! this year totalled 800.010 pounds, as compared with 9,700,000 pounds at the same date last vear. according to the United Bureau of Fisheries, this being in spite of higher prices for this year's production. Work of tearing down the old Cannery 0f the 'Canadian Fishing iO. at uutedale Is Droceedlnc. A new reduction plant is to be built where the cannery now stands and a new cannery will be built. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, is expected back In port at 6:30 tomorrow mornlne from Rt-Ptrnrf A ern no Wits Thp vci wa of m f r, mw liau.l Island this morning and Is now at Anyox. She is due at Mill Bay In the Naas River at 6 o'clock this evening and at Arrandale at 6:45 p.m. She has to load 5.000 cases of salmon at Arrandale. Coastwise Steamshln & Barce Co.'s steamer Amur, which was to have called here to load the Consolidated Mlnlne It Smeltlnc Co.'s assay plant equipment, which Is! being removed to Trail, did not put in here after all but Is now south of Prince Rupert on her way from1 Stewart to Tacoma. Halibut Sales American Visitor, 2,500 lSunJs. 10.5c and Cc. 'Royal Roosevelt At Hyde Park Now United States Chief Executive to Leave Wintin Ween For His Trip to Pacific Coast WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 8-"ollowtng the adjournment of Congress. President Franklin D. left todav far hli hmw t plans a Taca Donald is in charge ol the Fish-1?1!" o . ilanUc Ocean rnwiic uiiu ana u here to vtelt the local fUhermen. many of whom took training with 1 he unit at Esquimau last winter Sockey fishing on the Skeena nd Naas Rivers continues to ho'.d uo well and the Dink flshlmr is quite up to expectations consider- ng that this is an off year. trip to the Pacific Coast. He also vacation crutae on the AU Francois Lake Boy Drowned 'arte Mnrtv, Ajcd Fifteen. Ixr His Life at Collier Lake FRANCOIS LAKE. AucuH 7: CP Earle Lindsay, seed ruun was drowned while swtmmfcwr in nearby Collier Lake at the wk. end. Former Moimtie Head Succumbs Col. Theodore Robert, Retirrd Veteran of Pervlre. Wen at Retina RFOIVA. Aue 7: CP X3ol Theodore Roberts, former lnvft.nr the Royal Canadian Mounted Po- ucc. dead here H was a veter-n of the force and had been re-lrcd for some years. MMl ACT Notice of lutrntlon In .pn to I'tii-rlm I .and In Vancouver Lmvj nxriln Dim. riot. MKl ltuat on Uw Alnarko Rlrrr States ..A"lar'u- Wer BflU TWt notiio tht IVrtram Ctorz or VU cvl, wxupaUon. cw nrrj Employe. UKcndj to ippw tor nT"'1 at '" PlaaW at ths Nort Eaait Commt cf Let 810 Utencc ohalB. aat. thence liltoama thence 22 hlni. Wa. Uifwe IB chin ITuL " tonr aor. mot hBRTHAM OEOtiaE ROBSOIt r. . . , . Name of Applicant. DtPd July 2Ut 1B3B. THE SEAL QUALITY It, '"C-fZw. GOLD SEAL P ancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL PinestPink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Kupert 'Light Rates In Seattle Are Reduced 1 SEATTLE. August 8 API The C ty Council pawed a rate reduction ordinance UxUr whkh will cut electric- light bills of city Utht riutomrii an avenge of 45 renU a month, beginning September 1 The city -owned Ucht and power i service esUmaVnl IU customers would save about $200j000 a year. Customers of the Puget Sound Power Si Light Company, a pri- i vate!y-ownd corporation, which i first announced a rate reduction. also will receive a similar power rate cut September 1 The eorpor- jatton"! rale rut will he ttate-widr. ! with an estimated saving to cut-jtomers of WJWSJWO a year, it It j The new low rat In Seattle w I be 41 cents for the first 49 kilowatt hour compared with 5 cenlt. II -nU for the ftevt 189 kilowatt hours, compared with 2 cent' frt he next JX) hundred and "ac for , each each kilowatt kilowatt hour hour exceeding exceeding 220 220 D C. Freati Extras. Grade A Large, cartoned, dot. Local new laid. do. .. . Irnlt Strawberries. H C. basket Orapefnut. CatUornte and Texaa, fc. 4-emona, Dot. Me to ... Oranges, dec .. Banana. Ib. Cherries, BC. aV. . . (MKhea. Cal.. doc. Watorsftelon. to. CsAUtotipei. each CooosmiU. each Apricot, crate RJupberries. 2 baskets Waek CumnU. basket .. Applet Yellow Transparent. 3 lbs. ttottn Pancy. cartooned, lb. No. 2 Creamery. u. No. 1 Creamery, lb. PHre. S lbs. Lai Vftetanlrt .10 California Seedaw O rapes, lb. 3& Hyde Park. After spending five or Pineaontea, ux days there he will leave on a rama. OaL. 2 14m. 4e and M to 40 .09 to 15 M .. S1.U OC. New Po'attoea 7 it u Orefon Onions. 4 lbs 3 'Oarllc. imported, dw lb w B C Carrots, buneh "raley bwnoh. -ti. buneh B C Hothnuae Trmu. t u. ,B. C Lettuce head New Qreen Cabbage. Ib H;l;lffia TORONTO, Aug 0. Collins of Toror .tarto rifrf thootinj eterday with M 4Q ble 70 on two rann yards. He was ac Sergeant O. 8 Car pui nu hOU -rrv i Btrfnt T A. )t r to 07 40 wtuon or innlifat c 30c. ta CJ lktT Bellf Vlr; i Z Shows M(htl,. :;0ie3J HON A LI) C0LMAN In "If I Were M o Wllh I RANC'ES Dlt BASIL 11ATHD0.M At 7:2C and I Zt A I) OLD L'ntunil OccBpitbB, Sporlllfhl-Ualch LcxSii Toronto Man Is T) n f 1 comnared with the former figure jjCSt ivlllCITlQn Markets Carp. G. Collins Wins OnUrisTtl uaq ueuer riaretJ SbotiTia oergeant tarr i! Chief Of Danzig S Nazis To Confer 3 .IS .07 .05 .05 tt iin uer reunren 8MntfRO Oer-: f - .11 me rnnilr Nt. .25 -o inai mrrtr w-.L, 1 n the Oerman-potu r 2 Chancellor Adf U : j4.nearbv mountain rt . 1 Br 77, tMrdffi 25 CaaM flower, head Celery, head. 10c to Spinach. 2 lbs Nrw California Turn j Radkhes. 2 bunches Orren OnWins, 3 bun Asparagus, n. C.. lb Irem Pe. B C 3 Leeks, bunch VrwMrts OntonK. M Calif ornii Onion B.C. FURNITURE CO. Real Bargains In Used & New Furniture 1 Premier Vacuum Cleaner At 10 Dressers-Large sized mirrors. Up 6 Kitchen Chairs At, each 2 Sewing Machines Up 1 Connor Washing Machine A real buy $11.50 $8.00 $1.00 $7.50 $35.00 NEW FURNITURE Just received another large shipment of unpainted furniture consisting of DROP-LEAF TAMES, CHAIRS, CHESTS, MEDICINE CHESTS, JUTE TABLES, ETC. Phone ULACK 321 THIRD AVENfl3 Next Door to . C. Clothiers 1 I 1 i It's interestin rr tn IrnriMf nt,AM n it n..tt.( NJplTj m the people of the whole district are doing the mo a I 1