- -AO , MX PAdE THREB BALDWIN ATTENDS GAHTEK SERVICE Stonewall Jackson LOCAL NEWS NOTES Is Found Guilty K tfBvSHH wktm vHl HBBaaaaH f ViBa F'iaaaaaaaaaaaallBBBBBBBBBa A" red to his robes of Knighthood cf the Oartcr Earl BaW- Bcwdley former Prime Mlniater of England is shown in ? -: xevs! m that marked a enrtte at Windsor Eng for K ' t'f the Oartcr The ancient ceremony, first heW m 23 was attended by King OeoTge nd Queen EHiabeth. Earl T js followed by the Earl of Clarendon MacKenzie's Furniture AURUST Ft'RNITURK SALE RinnooM ItniLSSKUS -Round and oval mirror t. waterfall de-oriental walnut facing With beautiful matched wood. 'its will probably match your suite and they 29.75 . re ;:o ji a oarnitui. oic Phone S Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Ride a CXI. Bike C.C M. U the rreoirnWeU bicycle to ride, lor health, plea-orre and protlt. Kide a C.C.M. and you ride the heCandlsn blcjrl. live you belter and longer wrvlce at a Teawnsble price. Mcjcles are made In tana da by and; for Canadians. C.C M, Standard Triplex hanger .. C.C.M. Ilaloon Tire Mwlel C.C .M. Crecent One piece hanger C.C .XL Rambler Mens - C.C 31. Hambler Ladies'! C.C.M. Hambler Motorbike COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer MUNCE RUPERT FEEP CO. rtiones SB and 558 It Mill CCM. S44.50 814.50 S40.00 $36.50 $37.00 $39.50 Tire, Tubes. Generator Ural", Hells. Pumn. Etc. Football meeting i 8 'clock tomorrow inlghl 'at Creo4an iieglon; Chio Rooms. OB5V Cap J. fc. fclten will U on he( Catata. Vsmorrov -aherrKxm Yor brief traslnf trip to Vacouver..J i Mrs. fcott Morgan end daughter. MLvj Oonnle Morgan win sail o-j morrow tnornlng on the CaUla tor ja trtp V) Vancouver. ' Jack Johns left by iairt. Highly train tor Prince Oeortre and 'other JxVnls and from there to Vancouver. He 4s "combining lausl Capt M. Yamada, of 'Vancouver who is ngared In Salvation Army work, arrived m the trfty on the Catata yesterday morning from the south arrt 1'ft spend a rew flay here and on the Skenna JUver vMiakWMiaMaaw.i; I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FKOM UOME" Bates $1.00 up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. TPhone ttl P.O. boi W Mr and Mrs. Oeorge C. Sawyer and child and Miss Mary Krarap arrived in the city from Ketchikan on the Prince Rupert yesterday and proceeded East by the evenln train. Mr and Mrs. Sawyer and daughter are going to Chicago and Miss Kramp to St. Paul. lland. and Mrs. E. Tucker of Kent- shire, alter a three week's visit In - - Prince Rupert, sailed Saturday ( Sma; local manager of T A. Men alert, wcai mana-sct nMi on the Prince Oeorge for r snaduui Co. will return to of W H. XUIkin Co.. left on feut Vancouver After vlslUng in Van ! the OaUU tomorrow etenlng t tram for a trtp to Hat- COUYer. Victoria, Seattle. Edmonton, from a trip to Btewatt elton and other interior ixrtnu on Winnipeg and Ottawa, they will re " i MTinirr ami aiuunA business. .turn to the Old Country, while "I flrAJ iJ I II KyiD I UMI Ul vo. aw here they were the guests of Mrs. Spencer's sister. Miss E Watson. Dan McKenzle. who was located In Prince Rupert years ago and now resides in Vancouver arrived In the city yesterday morning from the south and proceeded by the evening train to Usk to look over the Usk-Harelton section oi the Skeena River Highway, tenders on which are being called. Mr. McKenzle. who Is in the contracting business, has his engineer. Mr. Durant, with him. i Dally advertising m the Eall) Vews Is sure to bring dally re nits Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn wlD be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar. October 7. Catholic Bazaar October tt. 12. Crescent Canadian Shows" and Better MUSSALLKM'S. CONFECTIONERY The Pioneer Store In town carrying a large and up-to-date stock of Box Chocolates Chocolate Bars Candle Ice Cream Soft Drinks and Mixers Pmh Milk and Cream-Cakes and Cookies all kinds Fresh Fruits In season Serving Coffee Tea Toast Sandwiches and Fancy Ice Cream Dishes Sodas and Milk Shakes Open 8:00 a.m. to llfOO p.m. MISS VK Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 FRASER ST. LEE HUNG CHUNG Chop Suey House Open Day and Nhht Second Arenue 11 TFor torompt and courteous fcer-'llne Of 175 Is Imposed For Vice Vhone IS'TeXi. tt.; ttWtructin Vhheries Officer In i ttoone "Of Duties 'Torritfhfs tratii, aut from tit 3a,Vt W. 11 tttfkx. mk Teptted; Aubrey Marks 'Stonewall) Jack this Ytemoon to t ifn thne. inon Vas found guilty by Stipend! liquor In an Inn. ' " 'rT Magistrate Andrew Thompson Mrs. Thomas Elliott ll sail to- n n-oVlncial poller court yester- imoTrow morning on the Otala Tor .day Tternoon on a charge of ob- a trtp to Vancouver. 4 strutting a fisheries officers In tf.e A trty of fcistm 'of St from the 4ocal -Academy Vetumed o the "city on Sunday tiighfB tram from Terrace where they have been spending Vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bert nasaey of At lln have been sending to their friends in the city splendid samples of the tomatoes they are growing In the northern district Chin Wah, King George Hote!. -as lined $50, with option of one month's imprisonment, by Magls- Mr and Mrs. Ebata arrived In trate McClymont in city police the city on the Princess Charlotte court this morning for keeping yesterday from Vancouver. Mr Ebata Is here In connection with a tragedy which befel his brother, I. Ebata, who was drowned In U Skeena River near Claxton at thl end of the I Mrs. A. Spencer of London, Eng- Silting as a city council yester day morning: City Commissioner W. J. Alder gave Introductory read ings to an amendment to the Water Bylaw in connection with the In creasing of rates. Miss E. Allison Jones of London England, wlli arrive in the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning from Vancouver and will spend a few days here in connec tlon with the affairs of her bro ther, the late City Solicitor E. F. Jones. W. A. Kirkpatrlck. superintendent of car service, western reglor., Canadian National Railways, Win nipeg, and W. H. Homer travelling car service agent. Winnipeg, after spending the week-end here in the course oi a western lour, saiwni yesterday afternoon on the Princ Rupert for Vancouver. Must Move Museum From Over Library It is quite possible that the mus urn collection may move from Its oresent site in the near Tature When several tourist vessels are In oort at one time the upstairs room. where the museum Is now locatec" Is apt to be crowded. While there course 'of his duties and was fined Pot dnmkwmss, Octl Ryan, In-J t75, with option of two months' I an, wax lined !o tn city poller j tntpitsomnenl Another charge court this imorntng. 1 against Jackson of fishing during faarry Oeddes vas fined 2b ZTkZ ft Official Coming crttV nrftlrtn of seven davs' mtto-?reaecutlntr nd Jackson is con ness and pleasure nd -expects to3ntftent, by MagWtrate !A?CIyhiontJductlng his own defence. be away about a month, tm wy police court whs morning Tor trrunkenness. i Joseph Japanese Child Dies On Monday Yojl TsuJI, Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Tsaji, Passes Away In Prince Rupert General Hospital Vujl Tsujl, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Tsujl, passed away yesterday afternoon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The child had been ill for some time and was brought in from Carlisle Cannery to .the hospital last Wed nesday. The remains are In charge xA the B. C. Undertakers and funeral arrangements will be announced following the arrival of an aunt. Mrs. .Sol Kanonaga. from Tanoo, Queen Charlotte Islands. IWitrrnmrnt Of The Pmilnrr Of British folnmbla nr.r.RTMr.XT or n w.ir work ItHopnmit of Torlt 1lltiBy NOTHT TO f'OXTRrrnR Spra.te BraM Teockr. marked -Tfoder tot Prates, No." wW be re-rrtTra tj the M akCrr cf Public Work. Partutneaft BvlkHM. VteiTte. up o 13 o'clock nocxL Vtawday. Aagnt Hth. 1839. nd iptor in public at that time and date, for the rolJowtiy worka: ITnJrt No. a. Isx-atlon and Description Of Work Tnoa-Oaiaa Htalr'f . aM mile a. -vvst of RereUwke Ssttthcrn TTaoa - PfPltaelal lUviton between EddTj BrMff. aod Bridge about odc aoile mc of Michel Hlffcvar Trana Prorlnclal Dk aotf OetterMle. SECTION A otntfuotkm tnxn Mhe SSI o He 6.7J. east oi Nacttxrn Trans - ProTlnclal Htghm-ar between Usk knd Odarvale. SECTION B construction from mfie 6.7S to mile. 10.73. ea cf W. Lougbeed Hlghv-ay. Oonatruotaoo of Central Arterial Hkfhvajr 17R In Buraati; Elestoral Dlalet. from Boundary Road o Underbill Arenue. 4.58 milea. 13. TraU-Pend dOrlUe-Slm3 Road. Reoonstruattao. about three miles south of Fruttvale 15 no tmmeuiaic uaugrs. mint, Plana. SpecincaUona. Form of Ter-nlaced On the number Of Visitors Or and Tender Envelope may be olt- who are allowed in the room at one on., "f ' 1T'a time. I fk of the undersigned or from E. H. The nrewnt nroDOSfll is to have Vemer. ttatxlot Engineer. Court Houae, it , i - 1 vanrourer. abbo rrora o a. .uiuui me museum nrovru iu a v.wim aui n rW Emrinier stmtthert store ooooslte the Prince Rupert tor Project No. 4 -. and from o. a Mel .InnettHd lhf tiM Wlhfl)me OdWw. Assistant Dtrkx Engineer. 4 rvaiW Ur.ua TJInn 1m Vml4Vtm Virni n n -1 . a k I " ' - im-aur. ti is nuunsiwu "'Iber. 3 and IS onlT. httre buiMlne is t be taken down This fJeooMt wUl Jte refunded on the the corner would hen be morerolJr5jrv """- Or less Isolated. I Eaob tender must be accompanied The Museum Board would like to I by an accepted cfcecpie made payaWe be before the board at meeting. the Monday Its next Labor Day Trip To Ketchikan . MUSIC Miss N. Iawrcnce Teacher ot Violin Theory Classes Commencing Sept. 1 PHONE 580 - - . th.Klfe. TT",V . mm uave a new Duiiuin tyut just "0 l foUo-: does not seem to be an auSOleioUSl For Prolect No. 1. Three Thousand .av., M k. ui r.mi xv. s Flour Thousand mousana dollars. Tne matter wuirpiT. Hundred Doiiara (Mooi. For Prolect No. 4 SECTION A. Ten VrmtMivt DoKara. IIIOOOO). For Protect. No. 4. SECTION B. six Thousand Dollar (M.OOOt. Pot Prolect No" 9. Five Tbouaanc bollara iJ.OO0. For Project No. 13. Two Tnousanc bollara (12.000). In addition, the auecesarui tenderer will be reonlred to furnish an aoeep ed rtveque, or colkvteral accepULble to the Minister of Public Works, for auca Canadian National SteamshlrjS mwnl hea'?a? J? ll announced today that Ihe 3temer!trurw euai to .i innce oeoree win atrnin nm m ttie amount or toie coniraci. speciiU Labor Day excursion trom,?! ttl Prince Rupert to Ketchikan thhimt of Minister, the uocefui o'clock on the SaturdAy nlghl Pte-fc100 rTu vfuuiK mu mum at mianigni on 1 guarantee conxpany ana uv m. wnu jjir nnrtwM hv the Dwoartment. nnntrarta TrtU De rei otut to iwinrun Of Canada, lnciudlng Canadian flrma and torporationB esUbllahed and operating In Ctanad prior to April lit. 1939. but excluding all Canadian firms and Corporation established aubeequeni m ttu aJd date, and to no others. Tenderers must submit with their tenders a list atMlng the type tvi .M A aarLii-lrwnaftflt in vHf If poHMmion vhtcJi (th?y propose to lis. rqutpment l tacwtM ao Uwit it may be lnapectd If tiwwry. . . -mmtJkmtm I11 Vint The loaew or tuj wuut ' nceiarlly be aocepted. A DIXON Chief Bnelneer. tXipartment of Public Worka, Partlament BuUdlngs. Victoria. B.O. Auguat lat, 1939. The Morning After Taking Carters b'ttle h'ver Pills Radio Commission Station Relations Officer of C.B.C. To Visit Prince Rupert To look Into the local radio s!t- Hotel Arrivah Royal "Mr. and Mrs. George C. Siwyer and family, Houlton, Maine; J. Lltches and C. "KJelsrud, C.N.R.; K. Karson, city. Prince Rupert C. G. Ballentlne. R. McDougsil r rt n tt n n TrAHU..M. uatlon H. N.Stovin of Toronto, sta- 0rlInUu md , tlon relations officer of the Canad-I lan Broadcasting Commission, Is expected In Prince Rupert within the next few days. He has been; They were maklne the round trio in Vancouver attending a radio north aboard the steamer 'Catala convention. Und will be in the citv ataln thmnr- Yesterday H. O. Love, owner of row southbound. They are- accora? station CFCK 'tX Calgary, and A. A. panled by their wives and famlj- Murphy, owner of station CFQC at tes. the party numbering nine pert Saskatoon, WTre in Prince Rupert sons in all. . Stainless Steel Saucepans See our new complete line of these ideal cooking utensils. Their beautiful silvery lustre will harmonize with any color scheme and it will not rust or tarnish. It cannot affect the taste or color of food as it is Impervious to fruit and food adds. It saves time because it is so much easier to clean. It saves fuel because it absorbs and holds heat loneer. Start A- Set Today and assure yourself of 'years of cooking pleasure, convenience and economy GORDON'S HARDWARE Mc BRIDE STREET Phone 311 000O0OO0O00KOO000O0OOOUiUMCKV3O0000000000000000000a FREE ' 4 15c Ponds Cold Cream When you buy 35c boltle Drene Shampoo Both For , 35c Ormes Ltd. rr? Pioneer Druqgists Tha ReiaU Stort Phones: 81 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 7 p.m. till 9 pan. poooooooooooowooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo Ic 82 5 2 pjn. ? If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, .