j Tomorrows I ides Vr XXVIII Wo 181. 8:01 a.m. 1(9 ft. 29:03 pm. 18.0 ft. kit -Am. 7.1 ft. 13:18 pm 80 ft. BHANOHAI, August 8: (CP) - nboat Oannett reports that, dur on Sunday when two British nt Asiatic rctroleum Co., om . . . m . a . . . . IH alra U I (Via vtxln't the gunboat. The bombs landed r i v - rges jews 10 M m jJ tf ta IJ Vrlllrllllrlll. riatni ol Jewish congress i Canada Hands Out Some Advice To Ills Compatriots - j iuvoiuviiv SIV 1 mm uns and a barrage of 500 capUve balloon. Particular attention win be paid lo the direction of Oer- manr and Italy and British planes will fly over France. Bcht thousand men will ume . . . . a. i a ill nart in the exercises wnicn win ast until Friday Bank Employees In Jurisdiction Are Taken Under Wing Of National labor Relations Hoard WASHINGTON, August 8: The NaUonal Labor Relations uoara ercd virtually certain to be fought! through the Supreme Court The Board ruled that the Bank oi America National Trust and Savins AssociaUon of California, one of the largest banks In the United States and one of the world's ten larccst. was an employer engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Wagner Act and had violat ed Uiat law. Montreal, Aug. 8: (CP)--cam-, Pinal Ff fnrr consider themselves first as Can-'. . . wuiiauiuuo. ivi&. uiuuou. riers to the trrpnt nrlvlWr tie- Corded bv HrltUh rltbrnshln. " - - w w - - - - r Overhaul Seattle Street Car Lines "tee Man Commission Is Appoint-! by Mayor Arthur II. LangHe oe-ATTLE. Ami? R' frn)Mnvnr uiiur b. Langlle has appointed a tnrc(man i - i.i. l"e Question of l-Minhllllntlni? thft cavue street car system. ajiiaia a. i n iniiiipnrp iifif n t r,..j- " vvna in uaiiuuii o"vi.."i a w A movement emanating from Stewart to have a concerted move made to interest the Alaska ingn- iv Commission In the western route by the publication of photo-graps taken along the route and circulated Uiroughout the west and at Ottawa was discussca Dy uie council of the Prince uupcrv Chamber of Commerce ycsicraay mmm VANCOUVER. August 8: CP' Police Magiatrate Mackenzie Mathwon yesterday committed for trial Hugh Hamilton and Bldoi. Plnkerton of the city police on hargea of receiving bribes. The charges were laid by Mayor Ly.e Telford. KETCHIKAN COLLISION Steamship Taku Strikes Kenmore, Salmon Packer, And Smashes Her Stern On Sunday night the Alaska Transportation Co.'s steamship Taku, which was here at midnight last night with fish for transshipment Bast over Canadian National Railways, struck the Kenmore, n nlmon nacker. while berthing ati has extended Its Jurisdiction oyer loathed. The packer went on the the employees In approximaieiyjways today Ior survey 0( the dam- 16,000 banks m a Decision cuikmu- Taku aftcr discharging her fish here, sailed In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Broke Neck In DiveIs Living Alberta Farm Hand Even Reported To Be Resting Comfortably in Red Deer Hospital RED DEER, Alberta, Aug. 8: (CPi George Denton, an Innlsfall farm hand, is resUng comfortably in hos pltal here after having broken his neck while diving in a laice. Governor Asks For Conference Washington Chief Executive Seeking To (Jet Settlement of Ferry Boat Strike . ii . Aisifw-i in nsic 1 1 in 1 wm---.- - c- Fatal Results Of Electrical Storm Deaths of Three Tenons in Otta-j a District Yesterday Attribut- j ed to This Cause I OTTAWA, Aug. 8: CP Deaths f of three persons, Including two-telegraph messenger boysi were at-' tributed yesterday to sudden elec trical storms which blew down tne Ottawa River valley Jnto the city. The electrical storm was accomp anied by torrential rain. Montreal and Ottawa district ciUes and towns alonq a 120-ml First Frosts Of Some Damage Done to Crops Yes terday in Southern Alberta Sections CALGARY. Aug. 8: ICP) The first touch of prairie fall weather was felt here and In other districts of southern Alberta yesterday. The thermometer dropped here In a few hours from 90 to 65 above. In some areas damage was done by frost. There was rain and snow. Some damage was done to crops. London-Vancouver Fifty Hours nna " 7,, Pr!,,' Clarence D.Martin has called upon posted only fifty hours earlier In Stewart iwaiu " - - . . frv sprvip- n.,.vrt later Its success in gciuns . . . ' other centres "u" to Join with It, lors and workers to confer at his of- rritiMred mllrilv flee In regard to resumption of ser- '."L- " 1,7:1, have much cf-'.vlce. which has been strike tied for US Ullllfc iw ' feet on the situation. six days. London. The mall had ben brought across the Atlantic by Imperial Airways flying boat Cariboo and transferred to TransCanada Air Lines In Quebec NORTHERN AND CENTRAL KRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1939. 111111 J&ftfitvl JB kLaa3 VBy - jfir j4siiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiHislsiiW3-B CrHT 'cJRP' A-aaTaiCtaatMisl lSS iaaiaiiii BjB )T jdVHH IsaisiiiaiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi S Leaps To Death TR0LLER route today were clearing away the ri 7 debris of what was the summer's rfOm Y nnn-,yrnv anCOUVCl fiercest storm. It left a trail of, n 1 flooded basements and streets H , ndrUUI nrnrtr Ul nnflCTP strewn with broken glass and tree lUgC branches. Ketchikan. The Kenmor's strrn COQcnU ArA EU wns damaecd and her afterguard I UCaMJli rll C 1 CIL On the petition of 100 per :e:ii ol r.he residents of the tiny settlement on the shores of Great Bear Lake. 30 miles from the Arctic Circle. Cameron Bay. P.O., N.W.T.. lias been renamed Radium City. Seven miles from the silver-radium camp at Eldorado, It serves the mine as post office, radio station and has the R.C. M.P. post for the area. The Radium City P.O. is pictured with Vic Ingram, famed figure of the far north who serves as postmaster (centre), with an outgoing mall All mall comes In by air from Edmonton, 1.140 air miles south. Collectors, particularly In the United States and Great Britain, continually send letters to Ingram with requests that the stamps be cancelled with the mark of the sub-Arctic post and remailed to them. VANCOUVER. Aug. 8: (CPI An unidentified man climbed up the superstructure of First Narrows bridge late yesterday and Jumped more than three hundred feet into. Sun IJfe Assurance Co. Would Have Nelson Official Committed on Contempt Charges" NELSON, Aug. 8: (CP) Decision has been reserved In Supreme Court on the application of the Sun Life Assurance Co. to have Sheriff Monte E. Harper committed on a con tempt of court charge for failure to evict Brilliant Doukhobors on a foreclosure order. Speedy Delivery .Made By Imperii! Wnir PrnvinPial And TransCanada Air Lines c 1 1UYUIUOI Excellent Connection VANCOUVER, August 8: (CP) A TransCanada Air Lines plane, landing here yesterday from ti e 8, Governor East, brought mall which had been Park Declared In Saskatchewan REGINA, Aug. 8: (CP) Lac la Rouge is being made a provincial KCTrHIKA! An? 8! (CP) The th swirling waters below. His body 5; cuUer Haida set out has not been recovered. Decision Reserved In Sheriff's Case ; for Cape Edgecumbe in the vicinity tof the entrance of Sitka Harbor last night after a report had received from Juneau saying Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate westerly winds, fair and warm" today, unsettled Wednesday. PRICE: 5 CENTS ippo. Is Having Political Strife IG TOLL OF DEATH DIIIJ - n..i.. Mlilmmmrr Week-End In Canada - - mnnNTO. Aue. 8: (CP) A ..m in; nt !hlrtvone. nosaiblv ,tr7 two was counted In Canada 1 . marrnH tSnUHVitf mil. - - uvm t In every province but Alberta V ----- r I UNLIKELY tr Iilind Incident Believed to Hit t nen Patrol Plane Dipping Amng Fhhlng Vrl m was expressed by the i! police yea-terday after - . airruanc coming uowii un td :lde of Prince Rupert Har- r r: mf re Jt hare been a Usher - ... .1 1 - - . fm J . gtj nr' vessels which are fUh- t i ircai ifinuv lnimn iiunni "j were made following the :dicatlon 67T tragedy.' Trie tpf" ol Lawyer Island Ilht re- rr'.r' thai the onlv nlane he saw ':t v, Inliy was that of the flh- is( patrol swooping over the aal-ton f :hini boats. ft'erity morning. Is C. O Ballen- IMS AT GUNBOAT ..... Hi r Bold In China Reckless Of Foreign Interests An Interesting Visitor To Office On Midsummer Day; Passes Up Editorial Nuts There was an intcrestioni; visitor in the Daily News office yesterday. And he did not happen to be a tourist cither. He was a honafide resident of the hillside hack of the office a cheery, little brown squirrel. Apparently, he had scampered up the outside wall at the back and popped in through an open window on the bright sunny day. Our little friend made himself quite at home. He popped around the various rooms and ran riht into the editorial office. Not liking the kind of nuts he saw around the sanctum, he flicked his tail and head saucily, looked around some more and, in as nonchalant a manner as squirrels may have, departed by the way he had come. Maybe he went up to Ross Ingram at the Thrift Cash and Carry or Jack Mussallem at the Economy Grocery to see what kind of nuts they had. up there. He was a welcome visitor to the office, fitting nicely into the wonderful summer day when everybody was feeling that nature was indeed grand. We hope he comes up again to see us some time. MANOEUVRES OFFICERS ARE STAGED', SENT UP Great Display Of Air Strength By Two Vancouver Policemen Com- fircat Britain I Commencing I milted For Trial On Bribery JodayLT .j - Chartrw LONDON. Aucuat 8: CP-Oreat; Britain today launched th large aertal manoeuTre in her htetor. rith 1300 plane Uking part. Five hundred raiders will oper-te from the south and weat and jUiera will swoop in from the '.Worth Sea In an attempt to dodge W defenders, 1400 anU-alrcralt IS RFADY SUB-ARCTIC" OUTPOST RENAMED RADIUM CITY lpjJQJJ QJ TONIGHT Head of Polish Army Says He Will Resist Any Threat of Rights or Ditnlly WARSAW. Aug. 8; (CP -Marshal Edward 8migley-Ryd2. Inspector general of the Polish arm;, socalc lnj at Krakow, warned that Poland Is orepared to fight ' any direct or Indirect attAri t t 'imne rur interests or rtgtus or me aig-nlty of our state." j FRIENDSHIP FOR NIPPON Is Possible But United States Will Not Recognise "Xew Order WASHIKOTOX. August 8: ha u man Kef Pittman of the Sen ate foreign relations committer said that restoraUsn of Japanes United States IriencUh p is poi-ble but that, unless Jaa . rhmp ?t attitude on American rlgh' in China. Congress will empower rr" drt R- 'Telt It take s'ror ! ' reta latory measures. He declared n lonrol statement that the United States does tlot Intend niz Ja 'anese claims of a "new order' In the Far East. ALLIANCE War Minister May Withdraw From Japanese Cabinet TOKYO, August 8: War Minister Solshlro Itagako, opponent of young officert demands for immediate military alliance with Germany and Italy, is expected tt withdraw soon from the cabinet sources close to the government said yesterday. , Two of Japan's military leaders are on a visit to Germany described as 'private" but offering a real (opportunity for them to represent Japan should negotiations suddenly be opened. Two Lieutenant Generals Ron-suke Isogal and Yoshijlro Umozu who have been supporting the young officer's demands, were mentioned as possible successors to Itagako. Another cabinet crisis threatens to develop. POOL TAKES OVER HOUSE Big Two Million Bushel Elevator At Fort Arthur Is Purchased Outright I CALGARY, August 8: (CP) Announcement Is made by he Al-' jbcrta Wheat Pool ot the purchase outright 'of 7Pl;WuTlohlniirIil elevator at Port Arthur. An in-'creasing amount of grain ha been shipped via the Great Lakes by the Pool during the past few years. COURIER IS SENT Effort Being Made to Determine Whether American Missionaries At Kaiteng Are Sate SHANGHAI, August 8: (CP) A courier left the Baptist mission hos-hltal at Chanzchow today In an at- rVlQADl CIV empt to cross the Japanese lines to JlljDJuIjLJ'Kalfeng and learn the fate of ah United States Coastguard Puts Out to Search Tor Crafe Off Entrance of Sitka Harbor Anerlcan mission colony mere. Kalfeng has been under Increasing Japanese anti-foreign pressure and last word came Saturday as the missionaries were beginning to flee, Britons and Canadians having already left. Circus Elephant sMade that Her Escape a dlsabbled trailer had been sighted! signalling for aid. A strong otf-JTwo Iundred Men Search Yester shore wind was reported to be car rying the fishing vessel out to sea Big Forest Fire In Southern B.C. Conflagration Near Blueberry, on Trail-Castiegar Road is Still Raging NELSON, Aug. 8: (CPI A serl ous and extensive forest fire is still raging near Blueberry on the Trail Castlegar Highway. Three hundred men are engaged in fighting the . I V 1 V- ... 1. 1 1 Weather Forecast I General Synopsis Pressure remains high off the British coast and low over Oregon. day for Big Pachydern In Virginia Woods RICHMOND, Virginia, Aug, 8: (CP Two hundred police and country folk were engaged yesterday in a hunt for, a two-ton elephant named Elsie which escaped from a circus trailer and went I roaming In the Vlrgtnla woods. Eventually the pachyderm was decoy-Jed back by two other elephants j which were released to attract her I back. Badly In Need 1 mines wuicii uie iiiumuk '"'""i ni" "m . W.T f j headway owing to exceptional dry! Jj Kam INOW In North Alberta EDMONTdN, Aug. 8; (CP) Far northern Alberta Is badly In need of rain'. Serious forest fires are raging in the Great and Lesses park and fish and game reserve, v Fair warm weather prevails ' slave Lake areas and along the Commercial fishing will be curtail-throughout British Columbia. I Athabasca River. The village of h thi. vpar and clotad altogether Wfrt Coast of Vancouver Island Wabasca on Great Slave Lake is next year. Moderate winds, fair and warm, menaced by forest fires.'