PAGE FOUR TOE DAILY NEWS Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, D1NNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors BASEMENT STOKE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Story Hour Is Concluded There will be no further meetings! of the Story Hour this season Moose Gingham Dance Enjoyed Last Session for Season Took Place Upwards of One Hundred Persons I This Morning in Attendance at Affair Last Intrigued by the bright sunshine, Night many children attended the all re- Upwards of one hundred persons quest program at the Story Hour! were In attendance at an enjoy-thls morning. The Hour was in fable gingham dance by the Moose charge of Mrs. Robert Cameron who 'Lodge last night. Music was byi MANCHESTER. March 25: (CP 'I Waterfront Halibut Fleet About to Leave? Departures Spread Out Alaska Hoat Conies for Oolachans related the tale of "Puss-ln-Boots" the Serenaded Orchestra and the Routlne annual 0erhaul and In to tne aengnt 01 ail present, ine-anair was m progress irom iu pan. ; spectlon on various vessels is keep , -IJ firm.. ffU.AA T U1a1 - ill O n m TTa kf added ' age-old favorite "The Three Little Pigs" was told by Mrs. D. V. Smith lfi an amusing way. Miss Jean Cameron gave her version of "Suk-" ey's Last Ride" in an interesting manner. The book prizes for attendance were presented to Lor- raine Youngman and Chas Harmon 'by Mrs. Cameron, director of the " Story Hour. until 2 a.m. Use of confetti , It may be R-Z. Three or four days .will lapse between each group leaving making,. a total spread of ten 'days. This is under the voluntary curtailment regulation plan. If R-Z boats leave first, the Takla, 'Capt. Chris Parkvold, will probably be the first to get away. The Seattle halibut boat Pierce, Capt. Nels Nelson, arrived in port last night from the south enroute to the fishing banks for its first trip of the season. It will be here until the latter part of next week when It will proceed to Area No. 2. ing the local dry dock fairly busy to the merriment The committee . thp:(, rfavt rNR stMm.r Prinep in charge consisted of Harry Men- G stm on the ponloons ,or A. D. Vance. William zle, Gray and,hpr flnnal nv,rha, anfi ,KnN.fM, Dan Healy. MAN'S FATAL DEPRESSION to be taken back Into the water next Tuesday or Wednesday. The snagboat Esslngton, after having been up for cleaning and painting, was taken off yesterday. The light- -Harry Phillips. 49-year old cof-!house tender Albernl w,u BOlng It fin maker, became so depressed is the hope of the staff that next after the deatn of his daughter . spectlon. the cjrR. steamer "v'" -. iiim a5ain mm- .ic tuuiu nciuict cat ur Mccp. i;prlnce Charles will be receiving mences, as many children will take ter two years he gassed himself. Llmnar attention I:: Prince Rupert j3 The halibut fleet will start moving out to the banks earlv next week. The fishiner season opens a week from to day. Such vessels as may get away in a day or so will j be those destined for the more remote Area 1N0. 3 grounds. The Area No. 2 boats will start moving out spon after the middle of next week. The procedure of departures will be similar to last year. The boats will be divided Into four groups accord- Metlakatla arrived 111 port yester-ing to alphabetical letters with j d afternoon from Alask'a and pro-which their names start namely ceeded to the Naas River to get a A-E, P-L, M-R, S-Z. Last year A-E1 load of oolachans following the boats were first to leave. This year commrncement of the run there. One of the reasons why the ball-but fishery In Atlantic waters has declined in recent years, attracting fewer vessels each season, is to be found in the experience of the schooner Raymonde which brought in the first catch of 1939 to the Boston market. The Raymonde had 20,000 pounds, and had been out! three weeks, encountering much1 bad weather. When the trip had ended and the expenses paid and the divisions made to owner and captain, each man in the crew received $55. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Coast arrived in port at 11:15 this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging frozen fish for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. sailed this afternoon for Seattle. Col. J. W. Nkholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. returned to the tfty on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Eastern Canada States. and the United advantage of it as did during the, His wife told the coroner he "Just The Dally News is an A. B. C past months. smoked and drank tea." The seineboat Theodora of New oaoer The Letter Box COMEDY IN orrosr-s campaign newspaper to comment on the bus-tness of raising funds to be used to send school children down to see the King and Queen when they ar rive in Canada? out milk Editor.) IKON LUNG FOR RESCUES i DURBAN. South Africa, March 25: (CP When two people died on a beach here because artificial respiration by hand had failed, tho doctor in charge recommended provision of Iron lung equipment for such cases. DOG WAS TOO GOOD ORAHAMSTOWN. Sodth Africa. March 25: CP An African na-: tlve trained his dog to help htm in sheep-stealing, the dog obeying his whistled commands and get-, ting him much loot tll orltlcs caught him. PEN SEEN ",w ' UMl Saint in New' vour!Ml'P The Itlvcr" and I small space ,n In ypur May use a ..,.,. ,..i at York" are Double-Billed Capital Theatre The usual, sombre gray walls of .. ' ft t - kmn rm fnvMBl If these were good times wun : Ma"""""" plenty for all the idea of raUlngjto the baekiround uproar- funds for that purpose mum dc'iou, comedy in "Up the River' all right but In this time of depre- j wrjeh Is tonight's fMture picture lion I think it is very much out of ;a. the Capitol Theatre here. A the way Indeed to even think of I combination of music, broad comc-throwlng money away on such dy situations and do-or-dle football, tommy-rot. ithe film features Preston Foster. What good wtll It do the children Tony Martin. Phyllis Brook. Bltm to see the King and Queen? None'summervllle. Arthur Treacher and at all that I can see. If the funds nil! Robinson as Inmates of a screw-were useo Co help buy milk for ball penitentiary where there nre some of these poor undernourished radios In every cell and revolving children In Prince Rupert, then doors. Miss Drooks it the sweet-that would be doing a good deed, heart of Tony Martin. Doth are There are many parents In Prince serving time, the innocent victims Rupert who cannot feed, and clothe of a confidence racket. A big foot-their children properly. Some of ball game for Uie conference title these poor little tots never have u a highlight of the film which in- any milk to drink or enough clothes dudes reveral catchy new tunes to keep them warm. which Martin sings and to which I think it Is a down right shame Robinson dance, to even suggest such a thing when ! The other end of the double bill we know perfectely well the money Is a be city detective drama fca-could be put to some better use. ituring Louts Hayward as a "lone MRS. MARY IVESON wolf" who wipes out public enemies whom Uie police ate unable to (Money Is never "thrown away." , check. Other members of the east Wlien it Is kept circulating, times j ' of this picture "Saint in New York" are good. When money is hoarded, Include Kay Sutton. 8lg Rumann times are bad and children go with-, and Jonathan Hale the auth- PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Arettlene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of (las Engines Repaired and Orerhauled The Greatest Name In The Oil Industry ! Like "Sterling" On Silver Saturday March 2 r-riTjn j3i TONIGHT ONLY 2 Shows. 7:00 and 9 20 Mere's an Uproarlus Pun Pp. heaval ... Its So Laughable Its Downright Illegal1 "Up The River" With Prestnti Poster. Tonv ti.i. I - -- -- -- - ' " - nil rii) Ills u rooks, hum hummer vllle. Arthur Treacher (At 8: IS and 10 Ilk ADDED FlUTUti; LOUIS IIAYWAUD in "The Saint In New York" 1 At 7:00 and ir Comlnr MOW. TITS, Will), OAKY COOI'Elt In The Cowboy and the Ladj George Hills PAINTING nnd DKCOKATIM, Sign Work of all Descriptions Estimates PurnUt F t Phone HUE 151 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelU Prcprlf' t -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" tUlfi fl.00 up SO Rooms Hot At f Wstet Prince Rupert, D C rhnne 2X1 P.O. Boi IM Try a Dahv rek cMJfid a Is a Guarantee of Quality The Original Pennsylvania Oil Free Crankcase Flushing By Electric. Pump For AH Boat Owners JRADE MARK A VALVouKf 111 . Complete Lubrication Service For All Types Of Machinery EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. Vancouver