PAQE TWO Clearance SALE Broken Lines to be Cleared Out at Greatly Reduced Prices in Every Department of the Store. Now is Your Opportunity for a Heal Bargain Ladies' broken lines in pumps and straps, in leather and suedes. on f Clearance $A1D Men's broken lines in calf Oxfordsr ' QA f iT high grades. Clearance V Misses and Childs' calf Oxfords Cj qp Real values JjX5D Family shoe store ltD. The Horn of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rnpert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLZN Managlr.g-Edltor Paid in advance, per week - , , Paid In advance, per month , , By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire- and United States, yearly period, paid to- advance-, . ... . . By mail to all other countries, per year ... Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . uoeai reatiers, per line, per insertion Advertising and CtrcoUUon Telephone S3 ws Department Telephone . sg Member of Audit Bareb t CircnlaUuns DAILY EDITION 12 JSO 3.00 9.00 02 -25 Tuesday. December 5, 1939. EDITORIALS ANOTHER JUST CAUSE A Finland is fighting in a just cause. The Russians are the oppressors, pouncing- on a Jittle country in order to maite ner a inouiary state. It is possible that Russia remembers what happened twenty years ago when Finland drove the Russians out of the;cmmtry and they had to sue for peace. Something similar may happen this time At anv rate the wjhoif world will be with the Finns in their hour of trial. It is a sad commentary on the dviUzatron of Russia, that she ha? to try to enforce her will on her small neighbor, especially when Finland has done nothing to provoke "a quarrel except to stand up for her rights. It seems a pity that the neutral states cannot get together to withstand the steadv encroachment which, if allowed, will gradually spread to their countries. A CURIOUS REASON One reason given often in the American, radio reports for the sympathetic references to the little country of Finland is that she paid her debt to the United States. It is a sordid reason and one that does not give credit to the mentality of the American people. The Finnish debt was not a war debt. The money- was "borrowed for reconstruction purposes after the war and the country benefited by every dollar that was loaned. In the case of Great Britain, much of her debt wasincurred for the purpose of making common cause with the United States against Germany. Much of it was remaned to France and other countries and that debt was never rennfrl Ttritnin- uc . 1 MJ Ull able to collect and trhile ' she continued to pay for some j "a one ii cveuwuaiiv Kive up. Today the British- and French peonle are fighting al most as mtich forte United States as for themselves. Let Germanv ovemm Euronejmd see what will then hanper to the American republic with Germany on one side Jinr Janan on tV oVr. As it was. the German Bund hp' smarted s strona aTjtation for Fascism. fn the Unitr States. Fortunatolw the leader turned outvtft) a crol-who ha? bet convicted of various crimes. AVUH a hostile Eurooe ami A,ia it is hard to say what might "hapjjen. Britain is-the bufferv bearing the brunt of the iittac1 Thar is m,i nto cleav frorri the fact that the German.-snend mo"f of thei time inrvittmeration against the BH tish. blamin- them for all their troubles. Most of the ar and nihmrine attacks so.far:havebeen aeainst the Brf. tish. The GeTnans know that once they siibdne that conn try, the world is theirs. f OER.MAN PROPAGAmi What lodks very much like German nronatranda is ar article published in a British Columbia iyeefytwith stronp anti-British sympathies telling: of a snpnosej.plot prepared in London to discredit -the present New -Zealand- tzov eminent This story has all the ear marks of the Goebbels system of publicity. ' ' No respectable Canadian paper would have fallen so low as to Publish an article of that kind under present world conditions NEW EXPRESS CU'ssifltO FOR SALE FOR SALE Seven-room house with furnace. Two lots on corner. 703 Fulton Street. (287) FOR SALE 1 1925 2-3-ton Nash with 6x9 dlimp body and powerful ' hoist, good condition; 1 1937 2-ton panel delivery Interna-' tlonal. A-l shape, price very rea-' sonable. Apply National Motors. ' 287) ; WANTED WANTED Two or three furnished rooms, central if possible. Apply Daily News. (283) WANTED Capable girl ally afternoons and care of baby. Box News. THE DAILY NTW2 1 . .... Decent, j,, Daughter of Late Admiral Jcllicoc Weds A guttering array cf royally ar.c nobil'ty attended the wed-dii of this happy couple at Holy Trinity Church. L.v don. The oitde and groom, pictured leaving the church, are Mr Francis William Hope Louden and the former Lady Prudence Jettleoe. daughter ol the late Admiral Jellkoe. one of Britain's heroes. Princess Cecihe of Prussia, daughter of the ex-Crowr. Prince of Germany, was one of the bridesmaid. occasion-evenings, 25, Daily (284 r NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated! Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) l low charges on packages over twenty-five pounds, all arranged to pro- A I r.N I I 1W KK larger and heavier packages br Ex- r? " press from coast to coast "All such shipments Include free pick-up and !jf Announcement of Interest to Thoe delivery aerdee at more than 1.000 JjT Shipping at Christmas poinU where such services are now M maintained throughout the Domin- it MONTREAL. De:. 5. With the ton." concluded Mr. Harper ti approach of the Christmas season. zs the Express comoanies of Canada 6f announce that low charges are now V , 5 in effect on Express packigfs of m twenty five pounds and under, with N'nv YORK. Dec 5 -Wheat pric- S correspondingly low rates on heav- ts 'frc c to xc higher yesterday rf. ier packages, for delivery to an on the Nea.York market with May Sjr oolnts In Canada, aecordln to I ctosilig at S97c At Winnipeg price W M. Harper, chairman, the Express f re UP 'c to th December W Trarnc AajocUtion cl Canada " 2 These rates will include orotectkm ... """" .n against, loss or damage up to fifty dollars per package. Commencing with a small minimum charge on packages of one oound or less, coupled with d r .o-door service at prinMoal no:: a slidine scale of economicnl nte- will apply on all packages welsh : .g from, two to twenty-five rr ur ; i moving between aU point in Cm -ada. "These low charges have been arranged for the advantage of those sending indivld'ual packages by Express during the ruh of the Christmas trade when soeedv and safe deHvexy i essential, stated M. Harper. "Housewives are familiar with Exnress oick-uo and delivery 'errice.- said Mr. Harper, "and realize all that is necestary to secure such service is to teteohone the Express companies when their Chris Unas packages are ready and the parcels will be picked up nrompUy by courteous Express ve-hiclemen." There are alto in. effect correspondingly economical rates per 100 pounds between ooinls acrw the Dominion which in turn provide for iEiHL' Ba. K!IL combined with phytic! powti wlm tht Konowf In Hy tvery (pottliif vtnL In U mnrctwe of LUCKY LAGER, iUII in brcwinf, plus thr in of th hljhcii quality Injrtdltnli, mlit bti dirvlns'oft)i Mat "Th Chmoft of BnM Atk. For IiUCKVLArjER Otht ftmoos milt b BURTON tvo ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED fMCovni . tit niTumirti . rCTO ThU advertliement Is not publlihed or dUpliyeJ by (be Liquor Control "ord or by the Government of UrllUh ColumbU THIS WAR DIFFERENT Modern if If ;Sf 5Ti Front Takes Form AnrJrut Siege , compartment Atkins Crosscut Saw 6 feet in length Bird Cage Three and two opal seed cups or By HENRY CASSIDY Associated Press Staff Writer WITH THE FRENCH ARMY ON THE WESTERN" FRONT, Dec. 5: APIt a a far cry from the First Great War to the new war on the western front. The mass struggles that characterized the last war thus far are conspicuous by their absence. The :rnnt line Is far different from the days of 1914. Most of the roons are ensconced snugly in the huge Maglnot Line cement and fortresses which replace the damn. cold. cootie - Infested trench and. dugouts of 1919.1918. . Good beds, good food, radio pro-eroms nearly all the comfort heme. In factare offered the rrj-mr-dav French soldier, who. " far, has fouaht largely on Oer-territory Instead of defend-his own soil, as in 1870 and 'r n"w "nr. from which man ""H-"v wmrlses were expected. "T """ "rvidl one tha with aU the modern machines ol war. the fighting has revrrtM to 'ancient principles of the siege. I came out through Verdun, the fort that held out against the Germans during the last war. and went to see Oeneral Oeorges Le-sourd. towering, gray-haired sol- ,oier who u military governor of. .-lWljlatfUI r 4 by nipping off frontier posk Then came the ft,. vance into the Saar He tatted amlabJrofHhp wawo-l!I!?,' Une snd lh Wei- ' ' I inn was done at . .. "We haven't "heard even seen any Dlanes" s. h n lain tairf "Here, the civilian nnmiinMnr. haint even been evacuated. It hat' 711 " toKwhe-a "'I nc uuTuru uiote wno ' Mwun ay nu . . . m m... i . -oujq move oui to ao $n "r waa a coaf Complete Camouflage ,M fr Going farther east, eaim through uirougn the me treat barracks ountryawe grows 'h atmorphere more serious. Traf- 'c control oasts stop you for Iden-iflcatlon. You are not conscious of lasting over the Maglnot Line Then you come to the front area warming with troops and com- tf ounouflaged. A simple TOKYO. iCP.-j..-,, 'hltchouw with red roof and vines quoted Huaste u, tZ -rowin on the wallt vwt.i. . . . Mt r',''' ort. the waUt lined with concrete frJ paei rd d L f - onai- ersity for tmor wni - unumunwiK)ii i rr ncn5 are Japanese retat uTriTa wun no of err en trsua tnd rreenare vague bulks In' the ambassador The m,n tro0,M themselves are -act etoirea tto end o iKiw rover oi nouses and bams The pact aererna Jam ... irwn inn reion that the rtehla In RtMstan te rtrnrn nwrica operations SepUm- off Siberia. mi.,. ,. uuut or'.,. . and the JUitne .'.'. jno-man'S.Jand - - , sance. between n.i. P1"- ..r:havlnK Ont Z'l 9nly been dUDersed'' to surround -fBn n Joung, heattt t. . i i . - t nvm r-m ...... .j -, mie XMAS SALE Bring Joy To Your Home. Buy Furniture for Christmas. 3-Picce Tapestry Chesterfield Suite w ith reversible C ft Q A cushions vO7DU 5 " y Chesterfield that opens into lame bed z nas -oeudinc t A ff i If m m m 9 . f;ne?sDfnf 'If. Suite Ctoiwistlnff of Buffet Table and four f if vfiuutiereti man's Studio Loungi double bed. M Bflrga'n price $18.50 k Radios M WcMtinghoune ll-tulie Radio In spienum condition. CJ-f Q ffA Bargain price yXtJtJU g Victor Battery Set 5 tubes. lp?,8 i A reaI rap1: 12.50 V lb TV ",wv offV f o i 'M Ja?an "Seeks New Fish Pact With Soviet Russia ms maae n th Minted brown In an tmi J.w . f P. A A ( A f I A A 2-piccc Pakritc Set ( nn,.-. s f roomy Pakrite with rem-u i ers and smart vanity Ci f lf Q case. 2-piece set . fllUsUU m Gladstone Bags Cowhide era: ' f that any man would be 04 O Afj proud to have t?14.UV Used Furniture At Bargain Prices for Quick Selling Pulls out to form S56.50 1 A Qiiaa Cabinet I-arge Q15fl0 rize. Bargain nrice . Hardware $5.50 perches, swing $2.00 Stoves Slightly Used Oil Bnrnintr Cabinet tt.. 550.00 Gtwtl Cheer Circulator Heater 1 r $ burning coal or wood. 699 fl Bargain price g g Monarch RangeWith water front, in fine condition. Q 9 7 X ft ?F Bargain price t$ J . J v Coleman Table Iamn Complete with shade Stanley Level Metal. 18-inch size Carpet Sweeper Bissel r r 35.00 $2.00 EUffS IWIJRE THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT 8 i 5 $2.00 g 8 0