PAGE P0U5 Orange Pekoe Blend SALADA" Engagement "Jewellers iTrtt STORE WITH THE CLOOV TEA .The engagement Is announced of 'Ida Amelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Slatta, to Walter John, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ballinger. The wedding will take place December 23. 1 jio ;,' i, Mr Give Him a . WRIST WATCH , We can supply any kind Our stock this year has over 200 watches. Bulovas are well Tcnawn and cost from $24.75 to $49.00.- also carry the Westfield which 4s Advertised in. the magazines from S9.95 to 250 Rolex also from S22.50 up. This make has received more high awards at Kew Observatory than any other wrist watch. vyalthams and Elgins also netp out our assortment. Glad to Show You I i At the instigation of J. E. Bod- die, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night discussed the question of access to the dry dock and the fishermen's floats in view of the closing of the Hays Creek Bridge. The matter was re- m lit a a To Hepair Head Th city engineer stateH tM morning that an arrangement had wren maae with the Canadian Na- iion Kailwavs mnn;i!m,nt -' ilia i he comoanv would nrovide rnid "laienai and the city would spread f in repairing the road Dast the dry dock and then the ban-lead ot the dry dock gate would be laicen aown Hotel Arrivals Royal J. Tomlenovich, E. Larscn j Aitkin and S. Heavysldes, city; W. Carpenter and C. Graham, Barrett Point; R. W. Nunns, Charles Point. Prince Rupert J. Milne. Edmonton: E. J. Palmer. Queen Charlotte Islands: N. & Amett, Vancouver: Mrs. J. H. McLean, Port Edward. Five thnuKane i people read the i pays to let them know ave to selL n L ... TT Af be Send In Your 4 Due to phanffed condition arl.?lne (mm thA hanritlno Kf i late war news, the Dally News ' unas it necessary to set a 10 a.m. deadline for local news, contributions. To Injure pub-- licatlon It will be necessary f or OOntHhlltnr. tr hnva .1. - " wMv WJJJ ' I In by that time or earlier If ! possible, preferably the night before. Otherwise it mav not inamDer nears ui published Road Difficulty Near Drydock News Earlier' 4 Wire War Supply Board Regarding Shipbuilding Here Church Young Peoole Meet Impromptu Plays Feature of Gain, eiing Last" Night The regular weekly meetin of the Interdenominational Young People's Society wa. held on Man- day evening in First Presbyterian Church Hall. The president. Miss Winnie Cameron, was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. The worship service was In charco oi miss Kav Watfon and fal lowed by the business session. Sev TOYLAND GORDON & ANDERSON - The Prince Rupert Chamber of In the course of the discussion, Commerce, at its regular monthly city Commissioner Alder told of amner meeting last night in the ths unavoidable delays In connec- Commodore Cafe, passed a reso-with fhe rebuilding of the Iutton Instructing the president Hays and Morse Creek bridges. He and secretary to send a telegram, lf-Hht the Ways Creek bridge to tne War Supply Board calling would be the first to be built and attentlor to the facilities offered .ie wont would commence very in "mce Hupert for the building ' nP prt nurixic n K.... nl xnins nnri iimrnctlnr lkn l it - cijr wuajr ( sr. " Mim, ii i l man Just now. He had more work ,s decided to undertake any work on hand than h Jth v,i of that kind hr tViA rkm.(,.. - - . t 1 .1 I XKJt, A.4t4IVi many years. of Commerce and the people gen- T?Apnfltr n tin.!..- 1 l i lAftllt, mill . il. i. ....j uuittci iau Deen er-:v""J " tu-upcraic vo me tune-si ected near the dry dock gate. thusjP0351016 extent, preventine the trenpmi The mAtfpr vy uiC wuu.iy yjr -rjr uock private road by the pub- Paui Armour and discussed at some lie f lMtv 1 . length by several members. THE DAILY NEWO LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dance Moose Hall, Friday, tf. For prompt and courteous str - vice Phone IS Tail. tt Bridie Dance seri&s. Monse Halll ' "' " ' tonight, 8 pjn. (2831 BowUnjr'afiernoona and etenini'k Attention members. Carpenters': meeting tomorrow p.m. Please attend. night. WecL. 8 (283) OWNER leaving town the best coupe and best buy of the year a real bargain. Phone 564. (283) A nice pair of socks will nlease your boy friend. See the display at tne Dollar store. tf. Wlllfam Miller, who was formerly in business on Sixth Street and who recently returned from the south, has taken the store in the Sllversides Block at the corner of Third Avenue and Second Street. Steve Murphy's new Idora Roller bKaung Arena had a good opening in the Empress Theatre Block Sat urday night. All skates were in use and it is evident that this popular old pastime is still in favor in Prince Rupert. The fire department was called at 5:15 Sunday eveninc to the Waldroh Apartments where an el ectrical short circuit caused by the blowing down of a radio aerial in the wind had set moulding In a corridor on fire. The fire was in cipient and damage was verv slight. With the president. J. T. Harvev. and vice-president, P. M. Ray, engaged in miytary and naval duties. the Prince Rupert Chamber of' Commerce last nitht was nresided over by Past President P. A. Mae-! Callum. Others present were Cityi commissioner W. J. Alder. S. E QUALITY I Max's AEeya. tf. Idora Roller Skating Arena. Cor ner 2nd. Ave and 6th. St. Afternoons and evenings. Open Satur day, tf. Itoll Out the ISarrel . . . You'll Have a Barrel o Fun ... SUNDAY iMTK AT 9 IM. O.V THE STACK CAPITOL THEATRE lrlnfe Itupert Oarriutn Presents ''Colonel Johnston Scandals" Soldier Cait of ",S Lntire Proceed Soldiers Xma Cheer General Admisfion lty Tkket Iiten 73c c ,S AC a' Only) 50c ic Tickets Now SfUInc at Thfaire No lk Office Ticket Sale Sunday Parker. W H. Tobey, Theo Collart.l Come and enjoy yourself at Var-Trevor Williams. C. Kellett. J. Eden's Entertainment. Wednesday 8 Buddie. C. C. Minns. W. O. Fulton, pjn . Metropole Hall. Admtsurton 50c. Paul Armour. Oeorge Brvant. Paul ismi Ron. Frank Sklnnr. Per Tan i 'J W Nlcholls. John Dvbhavn and Aaaln ther art- im HUnutpH nr. H. F. Pullen. tkns for the attention of Judie W. E. Fisher In County Court this The soldiers Quartered at the old morntn court un in mmiii. nospiiai ate in great need of a pi-.monthly session for December yw ano. There are amonz the twn'terdav morriln" lhi nnW kninM hundred warrant officers rnmln? twfnri tn. Un,yn missioned officers and men auart- four naturalization amillrattnn ered there a number of good plan-i sts and singers but they have no. The Prince Rupert Club had a Instrument. It is possible that aom house warm In fnr lt now hrm. .local person has a piano that U In the Wettenhaver Rlock at the oral Important items were broneht,not n uw lnat he be willing corner o( Second Avshue and up and discussed. .10 aonate or loan to the soldiers. Third, Street. The club is comfort- The main event of the evenlnei ... TWia "0l a vefy 8reat 8ac- tuated In the premises to was the presentation of impromp-l I tne men are Mercing which the necessary alterations tu plays by the members with Ken a"l" lu,n dCl" na?e n mad' "bout . . .. : J 1"orneI A-inf - .i ii . . Nfd nM TPn nf nn ntnm.l .h... ..-c rwpurousiu me wn,n to a close. '"a'J no" " ' " " ' V mil. u... aiiu arrangements will ujuimyn prrsiaea in uany News. Iti iiunmH. i M.ku.i . . .u. . . . ". uic insinimcni. aonce oi me president. O. what Kn . Ton n t h,. lajfy tUC "H " W NJckerson. nts in Coal For Furnace Or Heater Radiator Or Circulator Buy Bulkley Valley COAL All MAV (TtAMSMlM CCMMUNIOriONS CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver vtu Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" December 7th, 18th, January 3rd, 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale Nov. 1st. 1039 to Feb. 28th 1940 Q ft ft Final Return Limit-March 31st 1940 POQUU Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paolfic Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, D.C. FOR SAL 2 Winton Marine Deisel Em 1W) h.,t hVl,Airlcs, IittHoi' -ovii ljr Ht ATLAS BOILE WORKS Hfllable Itrand Canadian D.IU U'altum. U,ett Set-Cmplet Pr. Charlie McCarthy-Eaci. Oathable Itubber Doll Gund llaiwr Dull "ui me I'IjmH Amlmalw. Do be l.'ntll.h bl prams fedro U'aUlne Iw WHEKE TOYS are M llnj years toys are better huilt for ktfrrii Make your choice from our e! AM. Mickey M. Vp,jr, onaU Dutk Tr , tJl JW Sw Purile, lie ! a SfcG Klni.bury Steel Wind-up To,, M j.nU.n ,Mfi rail Tor, 'tcittu ArtherySeU . ui ft JiM-caa Kt .... r. irJJ .Meccan SeU ITJ I . .f . Toyland At Kff n TOUT fuel foil ifnt.n il.l. tlinlrr fc" Dntl - - ...... - w niiHiiiiuill " ,ua gives jou more heal and Icm " "LI lalhtu In picking coal that give, the mot heal for ttt bI 'i riiiit firm van niir iii isnrn rin.n I VOnr lnrmn. Lli.L . . . tiMh f r ... y.rvv""ii5" ra.irt, pr'iteaier. give jou ; save jou nMinTyT.r.T.t.I. ha ! Albert and McCaffery LtJI MacKenzie's Furniture CHRISTMAS SUCCKSTIONtf For the Younjr Sturdy Wajons for the HoysDoll Carrlane for II r,irl' Tricycle fa, the active Youlh-Kl.ldyCars for Ihe "T ,ou 1 'unilture for Molher to be iiliared by Da.Uly ami no do I'addy win hep ,0 paJr V,,It 0u' More .and Let Us Su).i!et-I-irie Slock . -ITif" A" ItMsoiiableWalrli Our Vv'liulow Phone 775 The Daily News is a member oi thi- Canadian SKPW" Association, of the Canadian Press and w p ;vv "au oi urcumuons. u is tne omy i'-p-jji uu wt'Sl UI IUIIlUIilUIl IMUUHifc w.cse organizations. SEE The mo Fine Ci been Ic thil it lucked Why youw you'll ratii SI l or si at i Com