$$ oF WORK TODAY? ny ye News’ Want Ad. Way. ¢ sateneereseinseienaiiniad “a HL. Ul, NO. 60 REM Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Monpay, Marcu 11, 1912. THE DAILY NEWS R HOLDING CONFERENCE WITH STRIKERS Princess Scere . Tonight South ‘ Chelohsin, . WEinesday, 9 p.m. PRICE Five CENTS INNIPEG VISITED BY AN Radford, Wright Company's sho ry vas reported at 10:30 : as nope } and those of the Stuart Manufae- three passersby x People Lost Their Lives dad the Damage Done to Building and. Manufacturing Plant Amounts to Three- Quarters of Million Special to Daily News. ] A fireman named Archie Me- ipeg, March 11. The| Pherson was also kifled, and four| » fighting force of the} @itizens whose names are un-| is hurriedly called out) known were buried in the mass of ght to a threatening} | brick and tangled wire. Three the International Har-| bodies have been recovered from rks, It resulted in the| the ruins so far. six lives and property| The flames spread to adjoin- ver three quarters Of} ing buildings and destroyed the IMMENSE. FIRE | charge DINKY AMBULANCE Almost Worth Breaking Leg to Have a Drive in It! M. Rootjes has of the new aini now WM MANSON,HAS SPLIT UP SKEENA TORIES ““n’ Clayton, the Independent Supporter of McBride, Calls Him a Dis- | which is safely house in the P, d D d D | h | Express wagon sheds. Mr Root. organizer and a evil an ep ores t e Disruption tie —————— | jes has had his team for this Ouite a number of yeople| Manson, ¢ . | “ i ‘i ) ) Manson, and W. H. Montg r © * ere “ong ‘e Was It a Political Upheaval? | wagon clipped and equipped with SP bie Bociatinaheaiamidaes sMgomery,/ine citizens were strong to have Washington, March 11. Spe news hasnbeetaeithat th missed the burning oratorical|'he Socialist candidate, present|the sale of the government lots . ’ ‘ ;. e arness § a e ambu- : atic , aicahied Dice a 2s a ; cial, A severe earthquake was] lance is a smart looking turn-out fare provided for them on ‘Sat tee ae aa ° _ Beat oe in Section 1 effected without one tn] aiso ar é » aE ) “e 9m, recorded here this morning about ee urday night in the Westholme | meiner faeciie ai "he 5 ale ae t inte Tom Dunn, | > or Skeena. Mr. J¢ 8 “Mr say y two thousand miles away. It was The Princess May is due to ar-|opera house by Alderman Clay-]|¢; , : Cre & Manson says the govern- i : ; “vay-1Calt, from up river, condemned|ment is in for the real estate | the strongest recorded for several] piye at 5 o’elock. George Black,| ton, but a fair crowd attended and| Mr. Manson’ eats a as f co ; — | ; E 7 s Mr. Manson’s representation of] business good and hard You months, the new commissioner of the Yu-|applauded vigorously, showing he settlers’ oR i waite ‘oe f . — | f the pas ‘3 for|that a g the settlers’ needs, and George] talk about your real estate sharks | kon, is one of the passengers for|thai a good deal the candidate! Hie, a worker from the railway|—the government is the biggest A special meeting of the Bap-| the north. had to say in eritieism of Mr, | construction added some vehe-|shark in the business.’—T ‘ : f s kel tist Brotherhood will be held in _ — set Manson was appreciated. As| ment opinions from his experi-] Dunn es are oa | McIntyre Hall tonight ai 8 o’elock. For sale—Soda fountain and| chairman, Mr. Tom Dunn said] ence of conditions ; 4 ] | under the Mc- i All members please attend. 1t |all appurtenances, C. H. Orme. tf! some cutting things about Mr. | Bride regime, Alderman Clayton McBride Government Rotten. NO SETTLEMENT YET IN SIGHT More and More of British Industries Closing Down for Want o Fuel---Suburban Trains Stop and All Trams Crowded--- All French Miners Strike in Sympathy With British Strike---Westphalian Miners Strike xv first broke out in the} warehouse at the cor-| !uring Company, the Canadian Sutherland avenue and | Plow Company and Parlin & Orn-| et. The huge building] dorff. The flames were not en-| an immense Diaze and tirely subdued until an early hour short time there was an which blew out the en- Sunday morning ist end of the build A coroner's inquest is being the air with a shower! held today to determine the cause f machinery, building} of the explosion and fire late cks, many persons] Saturday night, when six were being injured | killed and six seriously injured. Vicker who was It is believed to be the work of f from an adjou a lirebue as sever different hurled by the con-| alarms were rung in. Of the igh a skylight and|dead_ thre wer firemen and jtook his stand as a supporter of | McBride, but a decided opponent lof Mr. Manson. Points From the Speeches. “TL am glad to hear the chair- “Mr. Manson has not repre- sented the needs of Prince Rupert and the district as they should have been represented.” Tom Dunn. Mr. Manson went to Victoria| knowing the urgent needs of the city and distriet He came back like a good boy, saying: “You owe} | th government so many thou- | i sand dollars,’ while all the time} jman man affirm so clearly that the McBride government is rotten to the core.” Alderman W. H. Montgomery. “Nobody the people elect in support of the McBride govern- ment can do anything to repair the evils of it because whoever they elect must do exactly what Dick McBride tells him.’—Alder- Montgomery. Starve Prince Rupert. “McBride is taking the re- Continued on Page 4.) Special to Daily News.) ing, everything remains quiet and; Last week only thirty thousand | OTHER WHOLESA E HOUSE London, March 11.—There are| much confidence is expressed in|tons of coal were shipped from THE CAMPAIGN | LACE SMELLED a4 |} no signs of an immediate settle-|the result of the conference be-| North Wales into England, while} } ment of the coal strike, aitiiough| tween the operators and miners,| shipments generally are* half a} ADDED TO RAI EROAD AVENUE Premier Asquith is still opti-; which is just going into session,| million tons. IN KOOTENAY IKE J j}mistic that an agreement will| at which Premier Asquith is to - | i | shortly be come to. Saturday,| be present, Berlin, Mareh 14.—The veel INCE RUPERT THE GREAT DISTRIBUTING CENTRE FOR HUN.) ‘PC ninth day of the sirike, saw) | She large paper mills in the] phalian miners, numbering (Wo | two-man Government Addresses| Temperance Candidate's Beer DREDS OF MILES NORTH AND SOUTH BND HUN § ee enen ne nner ee iene ha fuel Shagtate ie heel hee UNpusanes puuck lS) Supporters at Nelson and En| Swilling Smoker Stigmatized in OF MILES OF HINTERLAND. anon ce eee een wocting velt-in tho Mottere disteiolet hance coni¥o laet intes waéka Thal ores vere on Saturday night. hese avenues and ad- 5 a | | ‘ : er. W. Hunter, late member for|The pastor said that where his ; i | Despite the fact that the coal! are running and many thousands|and as a measure of sympathy ee has hoe sans aan aa oan are cs ve 3 s in the business Beatrice Had Good Load. ' ; 2 : locan, ha n renominated. 1earers were sitting there had . istruegle shows no signs of end-! have to travel by the surface cars h the British miners. | ; : 4 : ce : dirty holes filled rhe ©. P. R. steamer Beatrice | | At this city there was large|been puddles of beer and empty each side of the} left here on Saturday night for] : |} gathering of electors to meet the | bottles and barrels strewn the Van with the following] FUNERAL TODAY | New Power in China. ROCOVICH ON BAIL j two members of the cabinet It; night before. It was a shame and sure to impress] passengers from this port: W. J.| t : Nankin, March 11. Special | is stated that Harry Wright, late|}a disgrace to Canadian and Brit- st place are the) MeMillan, B. 8. Cottingham, Mrs.| Late Ed. Sherer, Who Fell Dead, According |¢ he constitution | Committed Pa Porcers Charge, | member for Nelson, who had de-|ish rights, he said, that electors ki i warehouses on; P. A, Bignall, Mrs. Merrill, Cap Euried at Garden Island. drawn up, the tional assembly | Release on $3,000 Sureties. j clared his intention of running should be enticed to a meeting } ‘ merely a begin-| tain McCoskrie S. A. Fietcher,] LAN iss | will have full power in the new] pe eer jas an independent, will recon-|where public issues were dis- + impressive for a} R. Higman, G, Larson, M. Karkin, | Today the funeral of Er. Sher- | republic to veto even the Presi-| Nick Roeovich, accused of hay-| sider his decision, cussed and expected to sell their l ¥ The number of] A. Ness, J. Doyle, F. A. Living-|er, who fell dead after ordering] dent’s commands North Chinajing forged the name of Nick ~ ae votes for a bottle of beer. Any ! gs must rapidly in-| ston, A. W. Tharp, J. W. Coovert,|a meal on Friday night, was held| situation is causing much anxi-| Martinovieh to a deed of sale, has} Vancouver, March 11, he} party which could descend to 1 he natural order of] H. Reynolds, O. H. Mantell, W L.| to Garden Island. E, L. Fisher] ety to republicans, | been released on $3,000 bail. Un-| following ex-members were nom-|/such methods should be de- gs his is bound to be-| Barker, A. R. Fraser and J. G.| took charge of the arrangements. | less he eleets for speedy trial, | inated by the ¢ onservatives al the nounced, he asserted, by the citi- illy great wholesaling | McNab | Services were held in the funeral | Pekin, March 11. Special. | which it is open to him to do, he | convention here on Saturday: W.|zens of Prince Rupert. i buting centre. Phe} — — |chapel on Third avenue and at} Yuan Shi Ka as inaugurated | wil be tried at the forthcoming | Hunter, Slocan; James Hayward, William Manson, late temper- f goods shipped up New spring styles in ladies’|}{he graveside by Rev. Charles| yesterday, | ibers of the le-| assizes in Vancouver. oe ans; Speaker Ebert, Saanich.|ance mayor of Rupert and now D illey during the short} wi ish waists At Wallace's. 3t Sing. Deceased was 52 years of| gation being present, though} : —______— ——— temperance candidate for the dis- y hundred miles of railway —_— age, and death resulted from nat-| many foreigners were. | rhe musical and Gramatio en-| tricL in support of MeBride was operation was aston-| l ural causes. He had no imme- | —- |} terlainment in celebration of “J prominently present at the meet- the railway company it COUNTY COURT | diate relatives in the district. |} The Trades i Labor Council} Patrick’s Day will be held ne| ing at which the flowing bowl What it will be this fall, | will meet tonight at 8 o’clock in} Westholme opera house on Co ti | L | figured so disgracefully. h \ils extending to Hazel-| | “Best meal in: town at "Savoy. Carpe nters’ Ha | day evening, March 48th, At | alu weannmananes nd, the development | SAT TODAY - ; | os Fiery Chariot. g industry and the! | Seer Fire Chief MeDonald notes with N settlers coming in, | T > | Announcement Made Today Will) interest the fact that all except be approximated, Order of Cases aneaiane for by) . MONTGOMERY HITS Ee Read with Regret by All}one of the City Fire and Water \ lis rapidly developing} Judge Young—Docket Is Who Know Ensign Hamill and committee are prominent in the inber of wholesale| Short One—First Case to Be | His Family in 8. A. Work Here. | political fray. There won't be evow to Cope with il,| Heard Tomorrow at 10:30 A, M. | cree iy any free rides to the polls on the s into the business al Land Policy of the Two- Man Goverainsht Comes in for Scathing Fusign Hamell of the Salvation red devil all the same, he thinks mpetition, Another| Judge Young sat in the county Tale itl ahha dahaltant ie folate: aprbeaion odliabeel [hacker's ae cupepecer mar var to canle howeé. sis-//an-| court this morning and made ar- Condemnation by the Socialist Candidate [reeret that he and bie femily willl Trouble in the kitchen of the oday, «hat ‘of Fred G.jrangements for the disposition of Bk. gee Bs | be farewelling from here on} Royal threatened its high repu- Not a word need be said| cases to be heard at this month's Alderman Clayton fired the fipstj peal made to fh wish the ine= some ae limbex or coal claim) Thursday night. tation, The trouble is all ended to Mr. Dawson personally, Hel]session of the court, The first} Campaign gun on Saturday night.| wort phrase I will see into pla: coming poe ‘bin ” keep the Unfortunately rons the} now, 3t s ‘ ind favorably known case up will be Third Avenue On Sunday afternoon Alderman} He could nol sive a straight ang a shayss aaa ee for} spirit has been willing on meres vlc need it, He is one of the}Cash Meat Market vs. Director,|W. H. Montgomery, who had lent{reply, He is essentially a poli-| years when it might Pe oe ee ee oe Se } ind has been in the}to be heard Tuesday, the 42th, at his presence at the Clayton meet-] tician at a ti hen polities had} ulous and Oy att wipe. me -| his family te pry ine ee of} RUN OVER BY ind manufacturers’| 10:30 a, In Denda vs. Rocovich| ing, held a meeting of his own] sunk so low It! rather than be} cause some ce and pee the wide see nape yy oh | ess for four years.|comes up on Wednesday at 10)1n the Empress Theatre. Walter] called a politic 1 Mi Montgom ber bas za one 7 trom the} the flesh rea ean oe asl i ilso one of the mans ot}o’clock and Reda vs. Boron at 2 Shaw and W. Dinny, both of}ery would prefer to be called McBride nen ™ ee than Sede for the. arduous A R D V business men of the{o'clock of the same day, Latrace whom had been aspirants for the] rogue and vagabond, Mr, Men- for a Oe { $ ee o at ies | Work er SS Gea a eo have “made good” and|vs. City is set for Thursday at 10] nomination of the Socialist con-|son’s “see in bt" paliey neves valus ‘ ae Sal ait In roa Ser ne. < aed kta , inching out on a larger|a. m. and Norman ys Martinson | vention, were present, lending resulted the doing of a thing a ah ee a2 a 2 ¢ ppeop" a os ly +m i Sad Fate of a Small Dog This le has leased two whole|stands to be spoken to, Stephens their support to the candidate.| for the work« wv the COHAN W an Ht apo , ee * a 1@ | sign eae V Nae ‘ee me Morning When the City Fire F 0 by 50 feet each, of the} ys. Rootjes is put to the foot of} That this was in striking con-| enes He mm sat dumb pu encou agen n if a mo o9r4 he of ne ne gl Auto Was Out on Its Consti- Morris warehouse an malt’ | the lst, trast to the attitude toward each} numb in the legislature, bobbing seks ie a the resources 0 ie ? ara x1 ¥ ; Ps tutional by Hart’s Corner. ; other of the rival aspirants for|up like a mar! Uai0 BAES AYO: | RPOVINA Da we pees Le & igedpidia iat hve ct ae nomination in the Conservative! when a yote was necessary on a Given the and, salt Mr. ee : % ; < ranks was pointed out by Mr.| Bowser-McBride measure, He has! Montgomery, “labor can get along | THE ASSIZE COURT ied Seah was dealt ma oan ; oe ate rs ay over daring doggie this morning Montgomery in his address, not the courage to stand up for} and make good without capital, st PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO | ‘The candiddte’s speech was|the rights of the people. He is} but capital without labor is help-| Chief Owen Receives Official Noti- by the red devil, he crimson ssives are holding a convention and a new candi |from the wogd “go” an attack on|fit only to assent to the doings| less Vote for me, he said, “if fication from Vancouver, are, aighior we SrOORIAS: arcand d 1y be expected any I ain | the McBride administration,|of the McBride government, and you would work toward the bet- et 5 a rears ae n oF assy little Delegation of Ghvlaitans waiting on Manson to ask him |} which panders, he said, to specu-| the McBride government, said|/ter administration of the re Cees. Cen OF ve nea iarer x4 es ane , it is sal ‘ vi meen 'o have MeIntyre Hall fumigated in time for next Sunday's llators and capitalistic exploiters | Mr. Montgomery, “has gone| sources of the province, and) police has nee Nee yy n 08 bed, nei annie at the or , "a0, fof labor while negleeting the| through on thing else but| against MeBride’s two-man goy-| of the assizes to be held on April] whirling wheels, Eseaping the Buddy again-all amiles Cooks bave pul on clean jmost primitive needs in the way] fraud. jernment, of which Mr. Manson is| 9th at Vancouver, a month earlier first two the poor doggie got in and. @san hank a aa rie of roadways, Wharyes, ete., off Mr, Montg ry pointed out}a supporter than was expented, Epese orp the way of the hind wheels and Wireless from plaaniat Princess May: 5,000 straw hats pioneers who are really develop-;that under the MeBride govern The Socialist eandidate had a! four jury ong rom the . pro-| was killed instantly, Driver Gib- ard for Prince Rinart eer ‘ ing the province, ment it is next lo impossible for] big audience and rousing cheers! vincial police district, son, who can run the red devil Will the Progressives be bought off? is the burning Montgomery smote Mr, Man-/a_ pre-emptor » secure a few] broke out during and at the con- wae "7 Ke ee arene meee Ag a ae now, tion of the manent . son hip and thigh with thelacres of land because though he|clusion of his speech, and the lf ooo mn ga a8: oya " ant ied he ad dodger the ven- wzelton mail akelinae sats scourge of accusation. Mr.!| locate them and stake them he is/addresses in his support of] now better than ever, surpassing turesome dog and is grieved at ail ¢ E pulpy. Manson, he said, met every ap-|time and again out-surveyed by! Messrs. Dinny, Shaw and Leblane.| everything in the city, st its untimely death, | |